Chris Godwin Notes “Hoping” Vs. “Expecting”
February 16th, 2021Jalen Rose knows all about the Fab Five, and in the Bucs’ case, their Fab Five of pass catchers are more impressive that whatever that old school Michigan hoops team delivered.
Pro Bowl stud receiver Chris Godwin talked to Rose about greatness recently on BSPN TV.
Of course, whenever a Buccaneer does a national interview, Tom Brady is a popular subject.
That was the case for Godwin, who explained the biggest change Brady brought the Bucs was confidence lacking in 2019. That’s when America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was in command of the offense.
Godwin said the Bucs went from “hoping” they would win each game to “expecting” to win. “And that started to trickle down [the roster] as the season progressed,” he added.
As for shots of confidence, Godwin talked about the now legendary Brady texts that pumped up his guys daily leading up to the Super Bowl. Per Godwin, those texts continued until about 9:30 a.m. on Super Bowl morning, when Brady sent a tip, a film link and another daily message that the Bucs would win.
Reflecting upon all this and Godwin’s acknowledgement of a 2019 shortcoming, Joe wonders whether The Jameisburg Address shouldn’t have been a one-and-done thing in 2016.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:09 am
It was plain as day that nobody believed they would win with Winston…..everyone in the league understands you cant win consistently in the NFL with turnovers, particularly at the QB position.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:13 am
I would love to have him back. He has been an excellent receiver and a fantastic teammate. His contribution to the run game and making the big plays when we needed them the most. He really hit his peak with the Bucs last year. He had moments where he took over games but his play dropped off this year especially in the playoffs. A lot contributed to the lack of production this year. I wish we could keep all of our guys but that is what makes the NFL great. Every year is a new team and I am excited to see what Johnson can do going forward and Miller can get more playing time in the slot or outside. Personally I think getting David back is the priority for the team over Godwin.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:17 am
Hoping Godwin doesn’t take the money and go back to “hoping for a win” team and factors that in when the decision time comes.
Of course his agent has been in his head banging the drum for the biggest number!
February 16th, 2021 at 8:20 am
You can’t help but to love Jamie’s passion on field……..
But that don’t equate to wins…..and with bad decisionmaking and constant turnovers……no way would this franchise ever win
Now lemme say this…..if Jameis somehow and someway can sure his turnover bugs…….then MAN!……he’ll be a force in this league cause he can make every throw.
But I don’t see that as his NFL career……we maybe a Journeyman QB thr rest of his career with a few splashes of Vinny Testaverde.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:32 am
I’m “hoping” he is coming back instead of “expecting” he will
February 16th, 2021 at 8:36 am
I love me some Godwin but if it means we lose L.David, Barrett, Suh, and AB, I would cut him loose. We have enough at the WR position. 18-22mil is a lot. Sorry if unpopular sentiment.
Jamies arm was good, head wasn’t. At the QB position, its all about choices, reads and management.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:37 am
Bucsanthem man oh man you have changed your tune good for you. Oneilbucs has still not shown his face to eat his crow.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:38 am
I can’t stand jw’s passion on the field. I’ll take an unemotional decision maker every day of the week. Same with fighting……you get emotional, you get your a** kicked.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:40 am
I will be pleasantly surprised if we are able to keep Chris Godwin.
Several teams have their greedy eyes on him, and he has a greedy agent.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:54 am
I am so thankful the Winston Saga is finally over in Tampa Bay, and there is no more Clown Bin of QB “motivation, no more “Jameisburg Address,” eating W’s, and deception and lack of accountability in an Uber car.
Dude couldn’t figure out you can’t LEAD teammates if you lie to teammates.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:55 am
Hope was all we had with JW as QB. Disappointment and fantasy stats soon followed.
We get the greatest QB and win it all.
I just watched the halftime show on YouTube. It was much better live.
2 beers costing $35 while understood was still egregious.
In BA I Trust!
February 16th, 2021 at 8:55 am
I’d rather have a cold-hearted surgeon at QB than an emotional cheerleader.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:02 am
@Chris: Don’t be surprised if the Bucs keep both Barrett and Godwin, one on a franchise tag and one a long-term deal.
I would do a deal for Barrett and franchise Godwin. Long term, spiffy receivers are easier to replace than edge monsters.
I also read—this is kinda surprising, but what the heck—Brady and Odell Beckham are good pals. Do not be surprised if OBJ comes to Tampa on a one-year prove-it deal if the Bengals release him…
February 16th, 2021 at 9:10 am
On TB12’s site, and all over the sports stations: “Back to work” #EyeOn8
FYI: Brady would often get back to work right after winning in New England; not new- just consistent. One of my first posts here was that practises just got more intense.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:13 am
So am I still a racist because I wanted JayMiss gone?
February 16th, 2021 at 9:15 am
The biggest difference I see between Brady and Winston is that Brady doesn’t “try to be a hero”. He stresses the importance of playing well as a team. If the team plays well, then the team is tough to beat.
Jameis was a gunslinger with a gifted arm, and he tried too often to be a hero. To win it on his arm alone. That’s tough to do in the NFL. Just ask Mahomes about his recent Super Bowl experience.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:16 am
What’s next Bill Belicheat as OC?

February 16th, 2021 at 9:26 am
Jamies doing his eating W’s when the Saints crushed the Bucs in Tampa turned me against Jamies. I think the Bucs always had his back and that was in poor taste.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:34 am
Man I hope they resign Godwin. He’s only going to be 25. They can do a six year deal and spread out the wealth. ESPN is busy talking about ODB coming to Tampa… Give me a break. They do not need him and Antonio Brown (if he stays). Keep some youth.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:42 am
CG deserves to get paid, problem is TB makes mediocre receivers look great and he is expendable. —–CG was great before TB, so I aint saying that. Wish him well-next man up.
February 16th, 2021 at 9:44 am
No one throws a lot of interceptions in college and in the NFL..but will suddenly not anymore. Defense carried and bailed him out through college..pls stop mentioning the guys name.. leave it in the past.. he sucks
February 16th, 2021 at 9:56 am
YES, we have great receivers. YES, we have a good defense. YES, we have a good offensive line But let me put the icing on the cake. Only God knows how many DC’s Brady has played against in 20 yrs. But to show just how great he is, imagine you’re a defensive coordinator playing against him. Now every person in the stadium knows Bradys not going to run, yet he’s been in 10 SBs winning 7 rings by not running. Can you imagine that????? The NEW quarterbacks have to be a nightmare for a DC. Watson, Jackson, Mahomes blah blah blah. Mahomes, (and his mother), wish he was watching from the couch hahahaha
February 16th, 2021 at 9:58 am
and he’ll be eligible for Medicare 21 1/2 yrs hahaha
February 16th, 2021 at 9:59 am
“America’s Quarterback”
You were wrong then Joe and you just can’t admit it or let go of it.
Pretty Juvenile IMO
February 16th, 2021 at 10:45 am
Ndog is crying somewhere wearing his Saints Winston jersey
February 16th, 2021 at 10:59 am
More than likely the Buccaneers will use the franchise tag on Chris and offer David and Shaq and Suh multi-year deals to secure the team’s strengths. May be able to handle Lenny too.
February 16th, 2021 at 12:00 pm
Youngbucs every thing I said Jamies needed they didn’t give it to him . And every thing I said Jamies needed was the same thing Brady needed and they gave it to him and we won . Every quarterback needs a running game and good defense and that’s why we won . Not to mention I said the playbook will change and has to change if we are going to win . And the bucs did that we ran the ball more and our defense in it’s second year in the 34 defense is what made them better . How many yards did Rojo have this year versus last year ??? How many carries did he have last year vs this year ?? Brady threw a lot of interceptions with the no risk it no biscuit offense then they change to more of the Patriots offense and the turnovers went down those are facts . And they gave him more weapons and drafted a offensive lineman in the first round wich they never gave Jamies . To compare Jamies to Brady on who’s better is stupid . Brady played 20 years in one system versus a quarterback who only played 5 years in 3 different system . And 2 of them were throwing the ball up the field with no running game . And let me tell yall this when the next young quarterback comes in if you don’t give him a running game he is going to struggle as well and that’s just the truth .
February 16th, 2021 at 12:08 pm
Oneilbucs, you sir are a moron!
February 16th, 2021 at 1:05 pm
Alvin Scissor harper What have I said that wasn’t true ? Lol lol you are a Brady fan just like a lot of yall on this site . Yall trying to make this all about 1 guy and it’s not . I look at the hold team while some of yall look at one person . I know a lot of yall are fantasy football people or yall believe and trust the national media narrative about the team . So I know I will always be hated on this site because I don’t follow the national media narrative like yall . That’s why I like bucos locker and other bucs podcast that looks at the hold team . All yall care about is Brady and Brad is ok with me . But I will never believe that we won because of Brady . Brady threw for 201 yards in the superbowl and even his 3 tds combin wasn’t even 20 yards . Our defense should have been superbowl mvp as a group.
February 16th, 2021 at 1:06 pm
One Ill – keep carrying that water. JW will never have enough weapons to over ride his short comings. But you do you…
In BA I Trust!
February 16th, 2021 at 1:32 pm
JayMiss still sucks.
Don’t believe the hype.
As true now as it was 6 years ago…..

February 16th, 2021 at 1:37 pm
Sports yall are the ones crying just because I spoke the truth . If BA go back to that trash no risk it no biscuit we are going to lose just like the games we lost last year . Look how many interceptions Brady had running that offense ? Brady never threw that many picks that early in the season . And I still believe that when we bring in the next young quarterback if we don’t give him a running game and defense doesn’t play well are at least average and he has to throw 45 times a game up the field . He will be another quarterback that the bucs faild . You have to learn from the past failer with developing quarterbacks . And you can’t keep blaming them for not being successful on a team that never developed a quarterback and yall just can’t understand that part of my statements I post . I want my own players that the team develope. I have nothing against Brady he’s a all time great not the goat because ain’t no goat in team sports to me . But Brady ain’t long term or will he ever be consider a buc he will always be a Patriot and that’s cool with me . But I will never settle for a short term success I’m glad we won the superbowl . I party hard doing the game and after the game . But I look at long term success more than I do short term . But still happy about the superbowl win . Go bucs !!
February 16th, 2021 at 1:50 pm
JW is who most thought he was…A BUST!!!!
but the winston believers will hopefully get their wish with the saints….
he starts and the saints go 7-9, what will be the excuse then?…saints are old? payton is washed up?…lol…
JW is trash…
February 16th, 2021 at 2:14 pm
i’m hearing godwin is good as gone…. that sucks
February 16th, 2021 at 2:29 pm
Long time ago Bill Belichik realized Brady can win with average receivers and decided to spend all on the defensive side. Case in point – Chris Hogan. The guy played lacrosse in all but his last year in college. Lacrosse, not football, but lacrosse. He was not drafted, got bounced from form one practice squad to another. Eventually Buffalo signed him, and then the Patriots signed him to be Brady’s “deep threat”. In his three year with the Patriots he went to the super bowl three times (won two), scored many TD in the regular season and the postseason. Got cut a couple of years ago and his career fizzled without Brady. Chris Hogan was in the news recently – football was not his sport of choice, after all – he decided to join the National Lacrosse League this year. Yes, apparently there is a National Lacrosse league. You cannot make this stuff up.
Anyway, Brady has a lot more sway with the Bucs than he did with Bill. (He had zero sway with Bill.) If Brady says he wants to have all his weapons back and if they try to appease him at the expense of the defense, that will be a big mistake. Brady does not need all the weapons, and the team needs all the players on defense and more in order to stay competitive and repeat.
It will be interesting how this will play out. Particularly with respect to Godwin who will want to get paid.
February 16th, 2021 at 2:48 pm
The bad thing about losing Godwin is that he does all the dirty work in Arians Offense and doesn’t complain about doing it. He’s really taken that role and done a great job with it and trying to find someone willing will be hard to replace. Plus he always the guy you wanted to throw to when you had a 3rd and gotta have it. He could always make the catch. Hope he stays, but can’t just give him top dollar. Should have signed him after year 2 or 3 when he was showing he was a stud for cheap.
February 16th, 2021 at 3:30 pm
If they let Godwin go they can forget repeating as SB champs. You don’t replace a guy like that. Go back and watch tape of him throughout the season and see how often he converted critical downs. His blocking is stellar too. When Brady says he has the best hands he’s ever worked with my guess is he’s going to want Godwin back.
February 16th, 2021 at 5:19 pm
Brady won with essentially the same running game and defense that JW had. Yes, they added Fournette but he wasn’t much of a factor until the playoffs.
JW kept putting the defense into precarious situations because of turnovers. How do you not see that?
In comes Brady, who cut down on turnovers and rarely put the defense in compromising positions and the defense became better. Note: the defense, with the exception of Winfield, was the same.
JW caused his own issues. Defenses didn’t respect him and loaded the box causing him to pass, which lead to him throwing interception..
Quit making excuses.
February 16th, 2021 at 8:13 pm
So eating W’s didn’t mean W’s. Whoddathunkit?!?!?
February 16th, 2021 at 8:51 pm
I still don’t understand why Jameis did the eating W’s thing this year when the Aints beat us. He realizes that was a Jameis thing not a Bucs thing right? What are you going Jameis? Meh, nevermind.
February 17th, 2021 at 4:11 am
BuccoDav I have proof of every thing I post all this Jamies put the defense in bad position is another national media narrative to push Brady . And to say that this is the same team from last year is a lie . They didn’t have AB , Gronk, are did they draft a offensive lineman in the first round . Bruce Arians didn’t tell Brady to gain 20 pounds because he was going to get hit a lot . I can name you games where we could have ran the ball to close out games and we kept passing wich gave other teams a chance to stay in games because of the clock . And I can tell you must have been watching the same games because no teams stacked the box on us they dropped every body back in played the pass because they knew we couldn’t run the ball or call run plays . Remember the rams game , Gaints, Seahawks, first Panthers game , Falcons, Lions, are what about how many kicks that was miss last year vs this year . I know you are a Brady fan but still if the bucs do the same with the next young quarterback it will be another quarterback that want developed. I can garoteain you that Brady had a running game this year and Jamies didn’t and that’s the truth look at the numbers. And I see why the national media talks down on the bucs and the hold city of Tampa yall have a losing mindset . To sit here and say it’s all because of Brady Skip Baylis was right when he called this team and fan base the suckerneers. Yall have no pride in your own team . I believe more in this team then you fans who born and raised in Tampa . Again I’m from Houston and maybe we look at Football different then the people in Florida .