“What Are We Doing For The Love Of God?”
December 24th, 2020
Questions Bruce Arians.
This entire conversation came across to Joe like the theater of the absurd.
Is seems like BSPN is still hung up on whose offense the Bucs are running, Bucco Bruce Arians’ offense or the one belonging to park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking Bucs quarterback Tom Brady .
Former NFL safety Ryan Clark took to “Stay in Bed” and claimed that in the first half of games the Bucs are running Arians’ offense and in the second half they are running Brady’s offense.
That seems patently asinine.
Is Clark trying to say the Bucs hatch two different gameplans each week? Does he not realize how many man hours it would take to do that?
“Bruce Arians has to relinquish that control,” Clark said.
Then Clark implied Devin White blew up in the second half against the Dixie Chicks because he sought advice from Brady on how he should play defense. Really!
Then, former Jets and Bills coach Capt. Lou Albano chimed in to even further muddy the waters.
“You have Tom Brady. Act like it,” Albano said. “Just realize that you have Tom Brady. Why do we have to wait 30 minutes and then next week, ‘I am going to show you how smart I am. Here’s the gameplan… ‘
“And [Brady] has to be going, ‘What are we doing for the love of God?'”
Do these guys even listen or read the words that are coming out of the mouth of Arians? He’s said multiple times the coaches bring a gameplan to Brady and Brady picks out what he wants to use and what he doesn’t gets tossed.
How is that Bruce Arians’ offense?
This whole clownish conversation has the stench of some nitwit producer’s script — it’s not like BSPN never rehearses takes like a high school play.
Joe is sure it is virtually impossible to have two separate gameplans each week. If that really was the case, then Brady’s agent Don Yee would be barking to his friends at NFL Network and NBC Sports about this in order to either force a regime change or grease the wheels on a Brady trade out of here.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:10 am
Schitt for brains!!!!!
December 24th, 2020 at 8:32 am
That’s because they know Arians lies so why should any one believe anything he says about play calling. Biggest lie of them all was when he told the Glazer family he was going to be running things and then pulled the o switch o roe and let Leftwitch run the show.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:42 am
Generally speaking it’s wise to stay away from the national sports media with maybe just a few exceptions. But as you said Joe theater of the absurd launched from some nitwit producers script. That pretty much nails it.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:44 am
What is far likelier occurring is that Arians is delegating the game plan to his coordinators, coordinators he openly admits he is trying to groom and promote in their careers. That game plan is being outcoached and out scouted by the opposition at kickoff. During the game Arians is bringing adjustments and insights to his staff who then compensate for weaknesses, hence the change in performance as the game progresses. E.g. the protection changes from the first half to the second half of the last game.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:47 am
Eyeballs Spin Postulation Nonsense
December 24th, 2020 at 8:58 am
BSPN should bring back that race baiting whitch they fired as they were losing half their audience…
What a joke Walt Disney is.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:59 am
This is getting to be humorous Joe. I’m convinced that no one has a clue what’s REALLY happening at One Buc Palace.
Arians “said multiple times the coaches bring a gameplan to Brady and Brady picks out what he wants to use and what he doesn’t gets tossed. How is that Bruce Arians’ offense?”
Bigger question is … ‘How is that ANYBODY’S offense?’ That’s not a game-plan; it’s more like going to Berns Steak House and ordering a 7-course meal by picking a la carte off the Cracker Barrel menu.
It’s almost like the Bucs’ offense uses the entire first half fishing for what works & what doesn’t work against the opposing defense, then comes out in the 2nd half and implements what they’ve figured out works from the 1st half. Totally reactive as opposed to being proactive.
Meanwhile our defense does the same thing it looks like. Instead of attacking from the git-go, we spend too much time being reactive … and get our lunch handed to us far too often. When in doubt … ATTACK.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:10 am
Dumbest thing I ever read. EVERYONE knows Giselle is picking the plays. That is why AB gets all the targets when he is in. 😂
December 24th, 2020 at 9:21 am
Fix the slow starts by completing some wide open passes……catching the ball….blocking for the run….and play action on 1st down with shorter passes…
And, have players use the bathroom before the game instead of or in addition to using it at halftime.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:21 am
Joe … Thanks BTW for all the great articles that you two write during the course of the year. I’m sure that it’s very challenging to keep a broad fan base like we have here constantly interested in what’s happening with the Bucs but I gotta say y’all do a superb job. JBF.com has certainly evolved into a quite unique site over the years, and that ‘uniqueness’ helps keep the interest up IMO. Kudos for a ‘job well done’. And Merry Christmas to all the JBFers.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:33 am
Those shows are geared for a Middle School child’s intelligence level. They have a later start time for school so they are the demo who can watch TV then. Complete nonsense, don’t waste your time.
December 24th, 2020 at 10:56 am
If you have two game plans you have none.
December 24th, 2020 at 11:09 am
There is no god.
December 24th, 2020 at 11:36 am
Well I don’t think any of these talking heads have any clue what’s really happening… But, I also don’t believe a single word that comes from Bullchit Bruce.
So, no one really knows except the players and coaches, and they’re certainly not telling us!
December 24th, 2020 at 12:02 pm
If u want to know where the adjustments on offense come from watch Brady in between possessions with the laptop . And yes BL is usually there with him.
December 24th, 2020 at 12:12 pm
Yea that’s all a bunch of rubish from those guys. I mean come on Clark you can’t be that dump
December 24th, 2020 at 12:14 pm
Change the channel.
December 24th, 2020 at 12:44 pm
Create controversy where there is none to get viewership, since there is no one to hold these speculating talking heads accountable. With 24 – 7 sports TV, they create a story to try to create interest, but its 95% BS.
December 24th, 2020 at 2:23 pm
Just trying to make sense of something that makes no sense.
December 24th, 2020 at 4:19 pm
Every team since Bill Walsh scripts the first 15-25 plays–that’s BL with input from TB and BA (who promptly disavows responsibility).
It makes sense that Brady is liberated to freelance more in the second half, and it appears he gets in a rhythm at that point.
Anybody notice a resemblance between the Falcons game and Super Bowl LI?
December 24th, 2020 at 4:33 pm
Who is that fat guy in the picture? A former NFL dude? He needs to get on a diet pronto. His brain, too.
December 24th, 2020 at 7:34 pm
I tried to watch this show once. LOL, gosh damn it was awful.