“That’s Not Really A Gameplan Team”
December 8th, 2020
Heavy criticism fired at Bucco Bruce Arians
Hours before the Bucs got mauled early against the Chiefs two Sundays ago, Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports published a scathing blast at Bucco Bruce Arians and his team, citing several league sources cloaked by anonymity.
It was quite a barrage that added up to various ways of saying the Bucs are not well coached.
“That’s not really a game-plan team,” said one NFL exec. “They want to get their best players on the field as much as they can and try to throw it deep and beat you that way. There’s kind of one way of doing things and if it works, it works. And if it doesn’t, then you’re (screwed). They aren’t willing to try to reinvent themselves to win that particular game.”
Man, Joe’s believes that quote was quite an insult, perhaps the ultimate insult of a head coach. And how timely it was just hours before the Bucs looked completely lost in the first quarter before righting their ship.
There are other “sources” in the La Canfora piece, including someone allegedly close to Brady who wonders how much work Arians’ staff is putting in. That take jibes with ESPN NFL insider Jeff Darlington’s piece about Brady demanding “better midweek preparation” from coaches.
For Joe, this all adds up to the Bucs needing a “W” desperately.
The excuses are finished. The warm and fuzzy bonding chatter is old news. It’s mid-December. Start winning and start outcoaching and outmuscling every team you play. If the Bucs can’t do that, then this season will become another on a long list of embarrassments.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:59 pm
Brady needs to have more of a say in the gameplans.
December 8th, 2020 at 4:05 pm
But Bruce isn’t going to let much happen,it would just show how incompetent the coaches really are
December 8th, 2020 at 4:05 pm
It’s the same damn thing EVERY week. I think we can all see that.
December 8th, 2020 at 4:08 pm
“Not really a game plan team.”
Seems to be the fans perspective too. Man, us couch dwelling drunken slobs and bar flies are nailing our punditry it this year!!
December 8th, 2020 at 4:26 pm
I don’t know about not much of a game plan team but I do know this as a fact. most NFL teams script the first 15 plays. Clearly the Bucks game planning and scripting of place is terrible this can be evidenced by the fact that we’ve been outscored 50 something to 7 in the first quarter over the last what four or five games. The fact of the matter is once we get outside of these 15 scripted plays the offense starts humming and we start scoring so clearly whatever they’re doing to plan or to scheme or whoever is picking up plays whether it’s Brady or Aryans Something’s Gotta change. This team seems to do much better whenever they’re just going off script and just calling plays and getting into a rhythm and just doing what works. This giant coaching staff is doing nothing but getting in each others ways. Instead of too many chiefs not enough Indians the Bucs have a case of too many Indians and not enough Chiefs or incompetent ones.
The old saying goes if you fail to plan you plan to fail.
What happens if your plans always fail?
December 8th, 2020 at 4:29 pm
It is not an “insult” but rather the truth!!!!!!!!!!! The local media and sheep have kissed ole stale biscuit azzz since that golf cart rolled to Tampa like it was Bill Walsh resurrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the same azzz clown that has won only 1 playoff game!!!!!!!!!!!! And some act like these reports are a surprise?????????
Intern Zach asks: “Mr. Realist, do sheep cry”?????
The Buc Realist says: “They do in Tampa”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 8th, 2020 at 4:34 pm
We have to think about the future. This is the worse coaching job I have ever seen. On a 3rd and 1 and a 3rd and 2, we go 5 wide. On a 4 and 1, we have Brady rollout? This is NOT brain surgery, they want you to believe it is but it’s not. The Steelers last night had a 3rd and 1 and then a 4 and 1, both times 5 wide! Just RUN the ball, we have the best results running the ball and play action. Trade Evans for Weltz or a get a higher draft pick to get a QB, someone who can move. Save all that noise! Evans is not great! Being great is being consistent, he’s not! There are 2 things Evans will ALWAYS give you in a game!
1 Cry for a flag
2 Put his hands on a DB, even when he doesn’t have to. Evans numbers are better than Hines Ward. Who would you rather have? Sometimes Less is More!
You bring in Brown and now Scotty is nowhere to be found, it’s a joke!
December 8th, 2020 at 4:38 pm
The outside noise just refuses to stop I guess ?
Check out this piece I read yesterday.
December 8th, 2020 at 4:39 pm
Looking at the playoff picture, do we have a head coaching advantage in any match-up?
December 8th, 2020 at 4:52 pm
If we’re passing on 3rd and 1 or 4th and 1, it’s because they do not believe we will likely get the first down with a run, which is probably correct
December 8th, 2020 at 5:10 pm
Arians is the problem here. He’s gotta go.
December 8th, 2020 at 5:13 pm
are we really surprised? it was the same thing last year. this year all we do is throw it all over the yard and hope we catch deep balls or get PI. it is a joke. and then arians says brady calls the plays. we get on brady but if we had a real coach then that would be veto-ed. the bucs dont game plan. we try and do the same thing while other coaches are more creative and inventive. how many times does arians say well my offense has worked in the past. it isnt about the past buddy. work with what you need to do to win games. past success does not equal future success. i had a feeling this would happen when we hired him. for once we need a head coach who can think outside the box and has analytical thinking. all bruce arians has done is implement a sports science staff and how that has helped us is beyond me given how inconsistent this team is.
December 8th, 2020 at 5:28 pm
I vote for better coaches.
December 8th, 2020 at 5:39 pm
No fans are saying but we’re just fans who don’t know anything. We’ve been saying this about the offense that they have one thing in mind and if it don’t work we are screwed which is why we keep playing the Saints the same way and getting beat every time. The coach won’t change the offense won’t change.
His press conferences are hard to listen to because it’s just rambling nonsense. Get get away from the run game even if you are down 17-0 in the first quarter which happened against the Saints too they did the chiefs can’t same thing against the chiefs so didn’t learn anything at all. 3 quarters to go can’t abandon the run game
December 8th, 2020 at 5:54 pm
I’m very disappointed in the coaching this year. I think all the fans want to see the offense run the ball more with Rojo, and run many shorter pass routes that allow Brady to get the ball out of his hand fast. This Raiders circa Daryl Lamonica days is not cutting it.
December 8th, 2020 at 6:08 pm
I may be wrong here….but it looks to me that it’s very poor execution of the game plan…..Brady looks very shaky starting games…and on two occasions (Bears & Rams) Brady failed miserably with game winning drives…Success with those would put us at 9-3……
Backs need to catch the ball out of the backfield……Brady needs to connect on short passes & throw less deep.
It does look like our defensive game plans have been lacking but we do make good adjustments there….
Coaching failures…..perhaps….probably…..but even the best coaches can’t assure execution on the field.
December 8th, 2020 at 7:03 pm
I hope the coaches are utilizing a delivery service for their spirits mid-week and not frequenting the local “establishments” – I hear there is a bug going around
its not a rumor that we are not a game plan team..it is a clear fact, just watch the games – the D lets them score a couple/three times then regroups and adjusts
The O has just looked out of synch for weeks now, no rythm, no plan, just random plays, bad down and distance decisions, the RB rotation is a JOKE
Every team in the league knows how to gameplan for us – pressure up the middle means Brady becomes JW – sit on the short routes and force the OLine to protect 7 step drops – we have seen the entire month of November and its clear as day we are a cut below the best in the coaching department
December 8th, 2020 at 7:32 pm
Thanks for that perspective! If we win our final four I wonder if BA will be a horrible coach and TB12 was handcuffed by poor game planning.
AGAIN…we are where we hoped to be at the start of the season!
We’ve just finished a run of four games against teams with a combined 33-15 record. We are now set for a stretch playoff run against teams with a combined record of 19-29.
We could easily win four in a row, enter the playoffs on a roll, and maybe do some damage.
We could win 3 of 4 and get into the playoffs in decent not great shape.
We could win 2 of 4 and back into the playoffs and it would still be very disappointing.
We played to get to this point…a four game season with all the factors in our favor…except for the loss of VV. All teams lose good players. We have NO excuse.
December 8th, 2020 at 7:49 pm
You ever see that episode of the office where Michael is procrastinating on signing a bunch of papers and its stressing out Pam? On those mid week game plans Brady was talking about last week, I picture Arians as Michael Scott and Brady as Pam hounding him all day for a game plan. Arians is trying to have a party at the trunk of his car and Brady finally just does it himself.
December 8th, 2020 at 8:01 pm
Uh…I hope they actually do have a game plan, a good game plan for the rest of the games. They can’t serve up the same 1st Quarter slop we’ve seen lately. We’ll see.
December 8th, 2020 at 8:52 pm
So an OC and DC that don’t game plan?
And they’re up for HC gigs? Unbelievable.
December 8th, 2020 at 8:58 pm
Long time away, glad to be back….
Will be intriguing if we fail to make the playoffs this season if Brady threatens retirement in order to leverage the removal of the current coaching staff (HC & Offensive Staff). We secured the GOAT, can’t see the Glazers retaining Arians and this crew over TB12.
I still like Bowles, losing Vea has hurt a lot. Also the stupid zone coverages after they have coached up the CB1 & CB2 to solid man cover corners has to go. At the very least, he is making in game adjustments.
December 8th, 2020 at 9:02 pm
Head Coaches hire OC/DC but it’s not always reciprocated. I’d be curious who Bowles would hire for OC. BA and BL seem to be lacking.
Let’s hire Bieniemy as HC and keep Bowles for one more year.
December 8th, 2020 at 9:05 pm
There’s a special reason for that.
December 8th, 2020 at 9:33 pm
Arians told the management that he would not call plays if he came back. They hired him anyway.
We don’t have an out from Leftwich, no matter how bad he is. The Bucs got blown out by the Chiefs because Leftwich called the same three plays over and over until halftime. That is the definition of crazy.
On defense Bowles put Davis out on an island, all alone, that lasted almost until halftime and Tyreek Hill had 203 yards. That is not Davis’ fault, he isn’t as fast as Hill, somethings Bowles should have already known, or don’t the Bucs use the film room either?
December 8th, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Leftwich said it in a press conference from 2019 season, they dont gameplan and scheme based on the opposing defesnes.He said it doesnt matter what the defense is showing that if they execute properly the play will always be there.
December 8th, 2020 at 10:25 pm
So gameplan is the new “shutdown corner.” A trendy term to sound informed v
Well, that is a load of crap. What is a gameplan? “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
December 8th, 2020 at 10:32 pm
If they got out coached and out played by the Giants then it’s not going to happen. They throw down field even though the qb can’t hit a barn beyond 30-541819135F-001 yards, take their champion stallion rb out so that their dancing show horse rb can get some carries and continue to post this stay puff soft zone defense that defends nothing. Everybody but them sees the problem. All teams need to do is jailbreak blitz Brady every play. Yeah he’ll hit on some but because of this no riskit bogusness he’ll hold on to the ball and when someone’s shadow touches him he’ll throw an interception. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a qb almost curl up into a fetal ball just because someone ALMOST got close to him! Lost some cool points on that one. Just keep passing against this defense, no pressure ABC no coverage wide open receivers and just get it into the redzone and they will site a td. Arrogans/Leftovers/Toilet Bowels=no gamer plan just wing and a prayer
December 8th, 2020 at 11:10 pm
The way to win on offense is a balanced attack
With running game. Play action, slot receiver, backs catching out of backfield. Getting third down conversions. Then the long ball opens up.
A better coach would love this roster. Arians better learn fast or he’s gone.
December 8th, 2020 at 11:12 pm
I don’t know how much I buy that. BL and Todd Bowles Have both shown fantastic potential. Sure they have made mistakes, especially on offense, but I don’t think the work has not been put in.
The big issue is when they get away from the run and when they do not have a consistent pass rush on defense.
Both could definitely be coaching issues although the pass rush is more lack of depth
December 8th, 2020 at 11:13 pm
Oh yeah. BOWLES put Davis one on one on Hill for a half for 200 yards and 3 tds. He’s awful
December 8th, 2020 at 11:28 pm
Does Arians look like a guy who is working hard?
December 8th, 2020 at 11:57 pm
A whole lot of window dressing for the fact that they have not controlled the line of scrimmage on both sides of the Ball. It all starts there. So there can be a whole lot of dressing with the turkey, but it comes down to Brady have time, they can run the football, and on the other side it is good to stop the run, but with no pass rush they get picked apart. So again if they do not actually win the line of scrimmage it does not matter about “he said he said” Control the line and they will win, if they do not they will lose. Everything else from all these “Sources” is just more lipstick on a pig. GO BUCS!!!
December 9th, 2020 at 1:30 am
If the Bucs can’t win with the jaw-dropping talent on the roster this year, then when can they? BA is a shell of his former coaching self, and his coordinators are either mediocre (Bowles) or downright atrocious (Leftwich).
December 9th, 2020 at 2:48 am
Jameis was the fall guy
December 9th, 2020 at 6:29 am
Agree, agree. These last 4 games will tell the truth. Worse then going 1-3 in the 3rd qt, is going 0-1 to start the 4th qt. Lose our playoff spot this Sunday at home to the Vikes coming off a bye, we’ll have our answers. A well coached playoff team should win this one going away. Lose, we’ll know this team can’t get it done.
December 9th, 2020 at 8:22 am
I think the reality of our situation is we had no off season. We talk about players being in their 2nd year in our defensive system and the value it has on game planning, disguising schemes, etc…..I’m sure the same applies to offense. Brady, Brown, Gronk, Wirfs, Fournette….all new to this system. Brown has been in town for a handful of weeks…..i just dont think we have chemistry/experience in this system.
That being said, we sit in position to make the playoffs. If we do that, this year is a success IMO, especially after the off season and year we’ve had.
December 9th, 2020 at 9:00 am
The words “we just weren’t in sync” keep rattling around inside my noggin’…
December 9th, 2020 at 9:06 am
Game planning for each opponent? Crazy! I bet Bilichik does that. Ever notice that when a guy on his team runs for over 100 yrds or has a big WR day, that next week they may not even see the field? The game planning prep is obviously lacking here. Doesn’t take a genius to see it. Makes me sad.
December 9th, 2020 at 9:20 am
I said it once, and I’ll say it again.
This team and coaching staff clearly thinks that their personnel is so good, they can simply line up and be “better” than the other team.
Why else do we keep trotting out the same “go big or go home” game plan.
I mean, I get it… we have Brady/Evans/Godwin/Gronkowski/Bryant/Rojo/Marpet/Wirfs/Brate on offense. On paper/Madden, our team should be able to just club everyone with their massive wang-doodles…
But in reality, the NFL has parity with its competition. As such, even the best team in the NFL can be beat with a good game plan by the worst team.
That is what frustrates me the most about our Bucs. We likely have the best roster in the NFL, and yet we get beaten by better gameplans.
December 9th, 2020 at 10:20 am
Its about execution. We are 7-5 with a chance to make the playoffs. We are better than where we were last year record-wise (which matters). I for one am not ready to jump on the bandwagon and say how terrible our coaches are, accept the inference that they don’t work hard enough, say without proof that we do or don’t script plays, etc. etc. etc. How about an alternate approach of rooting for the team we have, recognizing we have a reasonable chance to make the playoffs if we take each game one at a time, and hope that our team executes (limited penalties, limited blown assignments, no dropped balls). That in itself will give us a chance to win. Go BUCS!
December 9th, 2020 at 12:37 pm
With BA it is the same damn thing every week. Blame everybody but yourself & your coaches. Mainly the OC Suckwich. Lately< I don't know what it is but Bowles hasn't been much better.
December 9th, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Again I told yall Brady was to old and Bruce Arians offense was trash . Now yall trying to find every excuse for Brady . Blame Brady the same way yall blamed Jamies . And Brady has a good runningback . Remember Bruce Arians was yall great coach and it was Jamies fault . So I don’t want to hear no more excuses for Brady . Superbowl or bust !!! Let’s get it done Brady !!!! Go Bucs !!!
December 9th, 2020 at 9:06 pm
Everyone sees it.
How is that okay?