Strong Words For Chris Godwin
December 8th, 2020
WR makes Bruce Arians smile.
Yeah, you probably heard Bucs coach Bucco Bruce Arians once coached for Bear Bryant.
The famed Alabama coach was the ultimate throwback to a far different age of football, where coaches (and NFL players) smoked on the sidelines.
Hamstring pulls? Concussions? Broken fingers? Bulls(p)it! If you could stand you could play, so get your arse out on the field, son.
As a player for Alabama some 85 years ago, Bryant famously played in a game against Tennessee with a broken leg. And as a coach, Bryant expected if not demanded his players to be equally tough.
So when Arians calls a guy tough, given Arians’ background, that’s a whole different level.
Today in his first presser back from the bye week, Arians heaped praise on Bucs receiver Chris Godwin for being one of those players.
Godwin recently had pins taken out of a finger that was broken earlier this year. He missed just one game due to that injury, and Arians was more than impressed with how Godwin barely missed time.
“There is no chart for the toughness of Chris Godwin,” Arians said. “If it goes to 10 [waves his arm], throw it away and start over again.
“He had that mitt on his hand to protect his fingers and he’s catching balls in practice with that on. He’s amazing. He is one of the toughest guys I have coached.”
That’s very high praise for Godwin. Very.
Godwin is an interesting puzzle to the offseason. An expected free agent, Godwin likely will command a lot of Team Glazer loot if the Bucs keep him (and if he wants to return to the Bucs). Do the Bucs tag him or try to sign him?
Godwin’s contract will have domino effects on the roster, one with tentacles likely impacting Shaq Barrett and Lavonte David.
December 8th, 2020 at 1:29 pm
Pay the man.
December 8th, 2020 at 1:42 pm
Time to rebuild the Defense.
December 8th, 2020 at 1:45 pm
I’m not saying let Godwin walk but I am really interested to see how Tyler Johnson pans out. He’s impressed with the minimal time he’s had on the field.
December 8th, 2020 at 1:57 pm
I think we need to keep Godwin regardless if the cap is 175 million or 198 million. Doesn’t matter, he has a Larry Fitz kind of character to him and I think he can be great.
December 8th, 2020 at 2:01 pm
What Mitch just said.
December 8th, 2020 at 2:14 pm
godwin is the biggest priority we have
December 8th, 2020 at 2:39 pm
Godwin is the engine that makes our offense go. To summarize: he’s the best route runner, arguably the toughest, best blocking WR, etc. The better question is what can’t he do? You KEEP players like Godwin at any cost.
December 8th, 2020 at 2:41 pm
what wisco said….. Godwin is money……but he has to be on the field 1st
December 8th, 2020 at 2:42 pm
I look forward to Chris Godwin being a Buccaneer for many more years.
December 8th, 2020 at 2:59 pm
We must keep Godwin.
Trim the fat on the OL.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:00 pm
No doubt he comes back. You don’t let a player with his abilities, production, and toughness walk.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:04 pm
I’ll catch some heat for those who don’t really read what I say…
If it comes down to Godwin or Evans….(if we can’t keep both) I would sign Godwin and trade Evans….because we would get something for Evans….we get nothing (perhaps a comp pick) for Godwin.
They are totally different receivers so their on-field value is difficult to compare….
Keep in mind I said “IF”
December 8th, 2020 at 3:05 pm
I’d trade Evans before I let Godwin go.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:05 pm
Lotta drops. He gets open. And he can take a shot. But lotta drops.
Godwin on the other hand rarely drops a ball. In theory think the Bucs may have been looking at Tyler Johnson as a possible replacement for Godwin if he didn’t return to the team.
But those drops. Ouch.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:05 pm
I’ve been preaching that for awhile now.
You’ll get flamed I’m certain, but I agree with you.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:09 pm
The Bucs can keep both Evans and Godwin. They can keep Suh and JPP. Fournette has been a surprising disappointment. So has McCoy. Brown needs to settle his case. If it results in a verdict, he’s done.
Go get Richard Sherman.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:10 pm
You can’t replace a Chris Godwin. He is a monster.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:19 pm
If we still had JayMiss I’d say that we need to keep Evans.
He made JayMiss look better than he is.
But that’s not a thing… if we’re keeping Brady than Godwin has to stay.
Better route runner and tough across the middle.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:21 pm
And in that first scenario I’d only want to let Godwin go to keep him from getting killed by the Soiled Messiah’s bad passes.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:31 pm
I think we can keep both Godwin & Evans…..but we will certainly suffer elsewhere……probably on defense…
We have a huge investment in the Oline & QB…..I can count up to 100 million with about 7 players…..
December 8th, 2020 at 3:34 pm
Gotta pay Godwin, clearly great character, tough as nails, wins contested balls and almost never drops a ball that hits his hands. He should be a foundational Buccaneer.
December 8th, 2020 at 3:40 pm
I say keep Godwin and Evans and trim the fat in Defense
December 8th, 2020 at 3:44 pm
I worked lathes and mills in my 20’s. Im 66 now. I drilled my finger with a 7/16ths inch bit. Right into the bone. They put a butterfly bandage on it and sent me right back to work. For 10 dollars an hour. I didnt make millions of dollars playing a game.I was working for the survival of my family with oil all over my wound. Nobody spoke about how tough I was and Im not impressed with a broken finger. Im of the get your ass on the field and earn “some” of what youre being paid. Like a certain pundit said when AB came to town” mike evans and Chris Godwin are going to heal a lot quicker now”, and so they have. The man working three jobs to support his family and him doing it with little sleep and a ruined back is tough. Save the damn platitudes and win one for the fans. Always saying they play for each other or the coach or the money and fame. Win one for those, that if they didnt exist neither would todays nfl, the fans. How noel would that be?
December 8th, 2020 at 5:47 pm
I agree with all the above who say sign Godwin and trade Evans.
December 8th, 2020 at 5:51 pm
Gotta keep them both.
Besides, the Bucs reworked the Evans deal. Could have a significant cap impact.
I doubt a guy like Evans is going anywhere, period. Dude balls and wins. He’s one of the best Bucs in franchise history with a lot of tread left on his tires.
Please, stop the “either/or” talk…
December 8th, 2020 at 7:08 pm
Sign him he has caught most every ball Brady sends his way
December 8th, 2020 at 7:11 pm
I say we keep Godwin and Evans and we definitely need to keep a Linebacking Corp we have the best set of linebackers in the NFL we can’t separate them
December 8th, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Kudos Dan Williamson. People like you are the backbone of this country that So many don’t recognize.
December 8th, 2020 at 7:41 pm of choosing between Godwin and ME… I get it but I’m a cockeyed optimist.
I’m still thinking of how many contracts could be reworked to have the best trio of wide receivers in NFL history. That’s not hyperbole. Lot’s of great tandems but trios?
How much would history be worth? I need to see the rest of the season. AB clearly has enormous talent but is he meshing with CG and ME? Is one football enough? Can Brady spread the ball around?
Why not. 5-15 yard passes right down the the field with enough ROJO to keep the other D’s off balance. We could mount a real blitzkrieg offense!
How do D’s match up against ME..CG..AB and Gronk/Brate plus an RB out of the backfield. Brady’s quick decision ability should be able to slice and dice with minimal protection required. Non stop two minute offense.
December 8th, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Buck-up Bucs!
December 8th, 2020 at 10:27 pm
I tip my hat to Dan Williamson.
Props, sir…
December 8th, 2020 at 11:31 pm
Keep Godwin. Unload AB. Brate, Gronk and Donovan Smith but keep Godwin He is the Bucs most reliable player on either side of the ball and is only getting better.
December 9th, 2020 at 12:34 am
To Me……..’.Keep Godwin’ matters more than the scenarios that would guide that acquisition. Godwin is top priority IMO
December 9th, 2020 at 10:07 am
@Dan Williamson
I am 66 years old too, and I very much agree with you!
December 9th, 2020 at 12:32 pm
You went back to work cause you were a scab getting paid at the low end with no protections, you weren’t making millions of dollars cause you didn’t have the skill set. Stop wanting accolades because you did what you were forced to do that your mediocrity led you to, till you had no other choice. If you would of done the tougher things needed to before it was necessary,or maybe not have kids until you don’t have to work 3 jobs , you wouldn’t have to be in that position in the first place.