No Slam At Bucs
December 24th, 2020
No harm, no foul.
A sect of folks in the Tampa Bay area still believe Father Dungy walks on water, even though he gets way too much credit for acquiring the talent of the Bucs’ glory years and way underachieved with that same talent.
Was he a good coach with the Bucs? Yes, of course. Did he do a good job with the Bucs? Yes, but not good enough.
And this same sect of fans is still irked Father Dungy did not get into the Ring of Honor before Chucky, the man who did win a Super Bowl.
You know, “Chucky won with Dungy’s players?” Please. (Sam Wyche’s players, maybe.)
In a little social media trolling, park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking Bucs quarterback Tom Brady got into it with Father Dungy earlier this week. Brady quickly made it clear yesterday he was not knocking the former Bucs coach.
The former Indianapolis coach? Wwweeelll… maybe.
Father Dungy had ranked the toughest quarterbacks to game plan against. He ranked Brady at No. 6, mainly because Father Dungy said Brady was immobile and defenses didn’t have to focus on that element of the quarterback’s game. Brady responded on social media with this photo.
Asked about this yesterday, Brady said he was not throwing darts at the man who is in the Bucs Ring of Honor, but a coach of another team who had his handful with Brady over the years.
“I was just having fun,” Brady said. “I was only referring to him as the Indy head coach, not as the Bucs head coach. It was nothing personal.
“Coach Dungy knows I love him. I was just giving him a little grief. He gave me a little grief and I gave him a little grief. It was all in good fun.”
Don’t worry, Tom. You see, Joe knows where you are coming from.
Joe suspects if Dungy had to revise his list to the top fortysomething quarterbacks, Brady’s ranking might be slightly higher.
December 24th, 2020 at 6:31 am
I am SO happy to hear Joe say what I have been saying for years. Everyone says Gruden won with Dungys player and my response is always…. “no they were Sam Wyches players”. Dungy had the NFLs BEST defense for years and couldn’t win the big game. Then he had the NFLs BEST offense for a years and could only cough up ONE Super Bowl? Cmon does that sound HOF worthy??
Dungy…. Great man…. mediocre coach.
December 24th, 2020 at 7:11 am
Dungy/Gruden debate isn’t as simple as winning the SB. Gru is basically a career .500 coach who’ll make the HoF because he successfully presented MNF for years and was popular among fans and the media.
December 24th, 2020 at 7:30 am
dungy the clown is a joke simple as that. He never could win in the playoffs his below .500 post season record proves he does not deserve the hall of fame nor the ring of underachievement.
dungy was a fraud. His offensive units in Tampa made Mike Smith and Lovie Smith’s defenses look better than the steel current. Dungy is barely the 3rd or 4th best coach in franchise history.
There is no bigger hypocrite on planet earth than Dungy the clown and his pathetic followers.
December 24th, 2020 at 7:31 am
hey moron,
Gruden changed out over 40% of the roster and cleaned up dungy the clowns mess for the one and only successful year in bucs history.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:22 am
Gruden is a legend in the NFL. Brady is the “Greatest of all time!”
Dungy is a buffoon.
December 24th, 2020 at 8:26 am
Stupid debate
December 24th, 2020 at 9:00 am
Actually, I don’t get the issue. Yes, Gruden brought in some of his own players. But even if one considers it true, that “Gruden won with Dungy’s players”, that clearly makes Gruden the better coach. Isn’t that the point?
December 24th, 2020 at 9:01 am
Joe love the site, always have. I though it was a little fun at first when you started the Peter King “popcorn, coffee, whatever” intro. And then again it was kinda comical with the “park violating, etc” shtick. But geezus for the love of god its gotten to be incredibly monotonous and gratuitously annoying to have to skip over an insignificant paragraph in the the middle of reading an article to get to the point of the story. I know I am but one guy, and this will have no impact on you stopping these nonsensical intros, but according to festivus, I am supposed to air my grievances…I got a lot of problems with you people
December 24th, 2020 at 9:17 am
Oh by the way Dungy won a Superbowl with the Colts against Lovie Smiths Bears. Oh by the way how many losing seasons did the Bucs have before Dungy?
December 24th, 2020 at 9:18 am
Senor Harry, great point! I listened to this debate for almost 20 years and have never heard that angle and I completely agree.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:20 am
Over half of the 2002 roster weren’t Dungy’s players.
If anything, Gruden won with Kiffin’s defense.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:25 am
I find it sad all Bucs fan have to hang their hat on is a Superbowl featuring Brad Johnson & Rich Gannon at QB. Probably the worst QB superbowl combo ever. Gruden vs Dungy, both suck. Move on stay in the present this could be your year. How about a Brady, Mahomes SB, that’s would be something to dwell on.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:38 am
Both are good coaches.
Gruden had Monte so he had the defense
He changed most the offense and he won the SB.
Dingy went to Indy where he had a great offense and was told to leave it alone and build the defense, he did and won a SB.
Sounds like the same guy. Just mirror opposites of each other.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:41 am
Hey tmax, Dungy’s offense in his last year in Tampa was better than all but one of Gruden’s TB offenses – including the SB team.
Dungy won 9 postseason games, Gru won 5. Dungy has a better overall record in the regular season. (.668 vs .509)
They’re both very decent coaches. Neither are stuff of legend.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:45 am
@Iamrhenry, thank you sir!
@David, I agree.
Both are good coaches. Dungy won the SB at Indy, he took our Bucs to the NFC Championship and I am sure he learned a lot while here and changed some things. Gruden won it with the Raiders. Its a process people. You don’t have to hate on one to prop up the other.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:48 am
In Dungy’s last three playoff games with the Bucs, the offense he oversaw (he was the head coach, remember) the Bucs had zero touchdowns.
Three games, zero touchdowns. That’s about as bad as it gets.
December 24th, 2020 at 9:58 am
tmax you are ultimately the biggest buffoon and blowhard up here! You constantly denigrate Dungy’s character up here when he was the most respectful man ever. Unlike the so called defacto leader of this nation he never acted like a clown or a blowhard. Guarantee any player he ever coached would never have anything bad to say about him. If anybody is a fraud it’s you. The man was one of the architects of one of the most famous defenses ever and helped make it one of the most copied defenses around. You and these people who harp about Wyche drafted some of the players please get real. Dungy developed them and helped them become the players they became. Dungy was a much better coach than Wyche ever could be. Why do you think that he went to Indy and coached them to a championship??? Because he helped improve a defense which was the ball and chain of that team even though they had the great Peyton Manning. Why is it you people give blame to him for the offense which he never touched but one of the greatest defense ever which he implemented here in Tampa Bay you all refuse to credit him for??? His problem was being overly conservative on offense, but his OCs were the ones who called the plays on offense! You all say Gruden won the Super Bowl as if he hand crafted the team by himself but Dungy developed the defense that brought a championship here. Plus there were players on the team he either drafted or brought in, so you people need to give it a rest. Gruden did pretty much nothing after 2003 and got fired because he lost the team and had no eye for talent not developing it . You need to get over your man love for Tom Flores just because Dungy got into the hall and he didn’t.
December 24th, 2020 at 10:00 am
tmaxxx you are ultimately the biggest buffoon and blowhard up here! You constantly denigrate Dungy’s character up here when he was the most respectful man ever. Unlike the so called defacto leader of this nation he never acted like a clown or a blowhard. Guarantee any player he ever coached would never have anything bad to say about him. If anybody is a fraud it’s you. The man was one of the architects of one of the most famous defenses ever and helped make it one of the most copied defenses around. You and these people who harp about Wyche drafted some of the players please get real. Dungy developed them and helped them become the players they became. Dungy was a much better coach than Wyche ever could be. Why do you think that he went to Indy and coached them to a championship??? Because he helped improve a defense which was the ball and chain of that team even though they had the great Peyton Manning. Why is it you people give blame to him for the offense which he never touched but one of the greatest defense ever which he implemented here in Tampa Bay you all refuse to credit him for??? His problem was being overly conservative on offense, but his OCs were the ones who called the plays on offense! You all say Gruden won the Super Bowl as if he hand crafted the team by himself but Dungy developed the defense that brought a championship here. Plus there were players on the team he either drafted or brought in, so you people need to give it a rest. Gruden did pretty much nothing after 2003 and got fired because he lost the team and had no eye for talent not developing it . You need to get over your man love for Tom Flores just because Dungy got into the hall and he didn’t.
December 24th, 2020 at 10:03 am
If you want to play the ‘his players’ game, you can say that Gruden is the only coach in the history of the NFL, that had two teams in the Super Bow *at the same time*.l
December 24th, 2020 at 10:04 am
teemaxx you are ultimately the biggest buffoon and blowhard up here! You constantly denigrate Dungy’s character up here when he was the most respectful man ever. Unlike the so called defacto leader of this nation he never acted like a clown or a blowhard. Guarantee any player he ever coached would never have anything bad to say about him. If anybody is a fraud it’s you. The man was one of the architects of one of the most famous defenses ever and helped make it one of the most copied defenses around. You and these people who harp about Wyche drafted some of the players please get real. Dungy developed them and helped them become the players they became. Dungy was a much better coach than Wyche ever could be. Why do you think that he went to Indy and coached them to a championship??? Because he helped improve a defense which was the ball and chain of that team even though they had the great Peyton Manning. Why is it you people give blame to him for the offense which he never touched but one of the greatest defense ever which he implemented here in Tampa Bay you all refuse to credit him for??? His problem was being overly conservative on offense, but his OCs were the ones who called the plays on offense! You all say Gruden won the Super Bowl as if he hand crafted the team by himself but Dungy developed the defense that brought a championship here. Plus there were players on the team he either drafted or brought in, so you people need to give it a rest. Gruden did pretty much nothing after 2003 and got fired because he lost the team and had no eye for talent not developing it . You need to get over your man love for Tom Flores just because Dungy got into the hall and he didn’t.
December 24th, 2020 at 10:06 am
It’s so funny if you mention teamaxxs name your post automatically goes into moderation then disappears into lala land! Shows how much the Joe’s despise him to be part of the moderation algorithm!😅🤣😂😅🤣😂
December 24th, 2020 at 11:01 am
It was Dungys Defense from Minnesota by way of Pittsburgh and Bud Carson. Who do you think hired Monte and taught it to him?
Some people are daft.
December 24th, 2020 at 11:04 am
Ask Sapp what he thinks of Wyche – that’ll tell you whether or not it was Wyche’s team that Dungy led.
December 24th, 2020 at 12:29 pm
Chucky had the wisdom to acquire a competent QB
December 24th, 2020 at 4:17 pm
Gruden won with Dungy’s players? Dilger, Dudley, McCardell, Jurivicious, Jeff Christy, Randall McDanial, and Pittman all think otherwise.
December 24th, 2020 at 4:18 pm
Kinda ironic that the Bucs were already championship caliber IE the defense when Dungy got canned. Who waltzes in, paid too much money for what he was worth? Jon Chucky Gruden from the Oakland Raiders. Who do the Bucs play in the SB the following year? The Raiders. What ironic luck. No, no one cheated. Bucs defense kicked the crap out of Oakland in the following SB. Add in a decent ST and a competent offense and no problem copping that victory.
December 24th, 2020 at 7:44 pm
I appreciate what Dungy did for us, but if by saying the “hardest to game plan against”, he means, “the best” then he is laughably wrong. Brady is the best player to ever play in the NFL regardless of position and only Montana is even remotely close.