“It Seems Like That Offense Is Sleeping Right Now”
December 1st, 2020
“Wake up, Bucs!”
If there is one team that needs to wake their @ss up for the stretch run, Nate Burleson doesn’t have to think long to name it.
It’s the Bucs.
Burleson, a former NFL wide receiver and co-host of “Good Morning Football,” seen and heard weekday mornings on NFL Network, seems to think no team has seen its playoff hopes circle the drain quicker in the month of November than the Bucs, who have lost three of their last four games.
Burleson discussed this with his breakfast table gang.
“I’m not looking at the defense being the problem,” Burleson began. “I’m looking at the offensive side of the ball.”
Bucs cornerback Carlton Davis got Burleson’s love, saying he was put in an impossible situation Sunday against the Chiefs. The Bucs offense, on the other hand, Burleson worries about.
“Every time [Tom Brady] steps up to the podium it seems like he is irritated,” Burleson said. “Well, so are the Tampa Bay Bucccaneers fans, who saw this all-star roster and thought one of two things: This is either going to be like a Pro Bowl game, or this is going to be like Karl Malone and Gary Payton with the Lakers, superstars who put on a new jersey and it just isn’t going to pan out.”
(Joe isn’t fully clear what the Lakers reference means, sorry. Good? Bad? “This Joe” couldn’t pick Gary Payton out of a lineup.)
Burleson added a very, very interesting point. If Bucs players are really all in, dedicated to making a run in the playoffs, they won’t be hanging at home playing fetch with the dog or going Christmas shopping with their WAGs.
Instead, Burleson said, they will all be at One Buc Palace, wearing NFL-mandated Antifa-like masks, social distancing, trying to figure out how to improve.
Think about it: If the Bucs don’t improve, in a month, they will have all the free time they desire to loaf, hang with their bros, chase tail and chill on warm beach down in the DR.
Time to get back to the lab and figure things out. Joe bets Brady will be there. Who will join him?
You can see Burleson’s full take in the NFL Network video below.
“Alex Smith changed the whole division.”
Which NFC team needs to wake up heading into the final playoff stretch? @nateburleson ➡️ Buccaneers @PSchrags ➡️ Cowboys @KyleBrandt ➡️ Washington Football team pic.twitter.com/vGjJ9Q0YfY
— GMFB (@gmfb) December 1, 2020
December 1st, 2020 at 3:14 pm
At this point it looks like they will get the #6 or #7 seed, go on the road and be 1 and done.
December 1st, 2020 at 3:39 pm
It is time to try a few more complex routes and formations for the receivers. A little misdirection and natural pick action will do big things for their game.
If they start faster, they can develop the run game better and things will start to click, it is not that far to go, if Leftwich can design a route other than the go route.
December 1st, 2020 at 3:55 pm
Basketball nut here. He is referencing the 2003-2004 Lakers that were highly dysfunctional to say the least – got absolutely destroyed by the pistons, a pistons team with actual cohesiveness and chemistry, and was thus the end of that Lakers team and got blown up in the off season. This bucs team getting blown up this off season is not out of the question if things continue to go south. It’s an apt comparison.
December 1st, 2020 at 4:01 pm
Both sides of the ball are inconsistent, is not one or the other….and guess what? Makes all the sense of the world…….Pretending everything was going to be extraordinary with no OTA´S and no pre games, was just simply naive…NFL needs time, and When so different football schemes as Brady and Arians have is going to get just longer, …I just fine stupid the all in crap for 2020, so I expected exactly what´s happening……the all in situation should be in 2021…….BUT, I do want badly to get into playoffs…..If we can make it, and I think we will, and maybe win a game or two, I am more than satisfied…….But on 2021 Is when I will be demanding
December 1st, 2020 at 4:01 pm
the playoff revenge tour – beating the Aints and the Lambs on the way to the SB to beat the Chiefs. We will see the resurgence of D. Smith, Shaq, SMB, AB and Shady along with consistent play of JPP, LVD, D. White, rookie Winfield gets a second wind – Coaches give Rojo his 18+ touches – I am just tossing optimistic stuff against the wall
December 1st, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Joe- The Lakers (towards the end of the Shaq / Kobe era) brought in an aging Karl Malone and Gary Payton to try to get them over the hump after losing to the Spurs in the second round the year before. It felt like a super team and they were very good in the regular season but after making it to the finals were ultimately dismantled by a Pistons team with much less star power but who played like a team on both ends of the court.
December 1st, 2020 at 5:06 pm
@ joebucsfan Basically with the Payton Malone reference was meant as those 2 superstars went to get a ring with the lakers …..especially Karl Malone so good to never win one and they never did
December 1st, 2020 at 5:11 pm
Think about it: If the Bucs don’t improve, in a month, they will have all the free time they desire to loaf, hang with their bros, chase tail and chill on warm beach down in the DR.
You know Joe you make it seem too nice HaHa
December 1st, 2020 at 5:51 pm
As long as our Offensive line is just fair or occasionally good? Brady is gonna have Mega problems guys. teams now know this. Send a few bull rushes and get him upset. He starts throwing balls everywhere then. The younger version of Brady would strike terror in opponents’ hearts. But now, they know the deal with him. An aging methusda who can hardly run to the sideline after the play. Grab some wood guys, we got him for another season after this one. We’d better fortify our O line for him. He cannot take many more big hits. And then its the real nightmare, Arians Pet…The wonder boy Gabbert.
December 1st, 2020 at 6:22 pm
Every NFL team had the same bad deal we did in trying to get ready for the season. Yet some have steadily improved as the season wore on. The Bucs? Still inconsistent.
I’m not a big Brian Leftwich fan admittedly, but he’s kinda been put into a no-win situation. Obviously he’s not running his own offense; BA hired him to run an offense that mirrors what BA has always run … Bombs Away. Jameis actually did fairly good with it, except for one ‘minor’ problem: roughly 2 completions each game went to the other team. So they bring in The GOAT and undoubtedly had to modify BL’s marching orders: don’t just run an offense to please BA; you also need to accommodate TB. Ya, good luck with that.
Bucs have spent three fourths of this season experimenting offensively from game-to-game it looks like. No real identity. They find something that works (the Packers game) then move away from it. Find something else that works (the Raiders game) then move away from it. The fact that this highly-talented team is 7-5 … and struggling … instead of being 10-2 and running like a well-oiled machine is totally on coaching. AND on Tom Brady.
December 1st, 2020 at 7:01 pm
I only knew of Fournette from LSU and his high draft status, I am not seeing it from him .. on many levels it is a perfect time for bye week.. we’ll know after the next game if this team is going anywhere this year..
December 2nd, 2020 at 6:20 am
He’s right about the defense, though it’s been getting roasted by every team we’ve played in some shape or manner it is able to make plays, create turnovers and actually make adjustments to eventually keep the team in the game. The offense on the other hand cannot get better because of coach my scheme Bruce Arrogance! This is his system and Byron Leftovers only runs it the way he wants it. When every head coach and OC in the NFL AND college knows that pre snap motions helps the qb recognize coverages sooner than when he’s trying to find his open receiver and also tell where the rush is coming from and he sticks with his OH we’re scoring a lot of points so we don’t need them then he’s absolutely the problem!!!! Tom Brady is the BIGGEST reason this system is working period!!! He’s as immobile as they come and very skittish when it comes to pressure but yet stays in there running the system. Looking past all his turnovers last year look at what offensively Jameis did last year in it. Historic yards and tds and points. More 1st downs and bigger plays than ever before. Brady is 5x greater the qb he’ll ever be yet we’re struggling now. Imagine if he had Jameis’ mobility how much better we’d be. Now imagine if pre snap motions and play action pass were used how much better we’d be! A head coach is supposed to put his players in the best position to win and Arrogance ain’t doing it!!!
December 2nd, 2020 at 5:15 pm
They are not allowed in the building this until today. Not sure about next week, probably not until Wednesday.
December 3rd, 2020 at 2:41 pm
Bruce and Byron have a Ferrari and Lamborghini in the garage but try to do everything through the air. Give Rojo and fournette the $#@&%$# BALL!!!!!