Tom Brady Magic?
November 3rd, 2020
Do officials fear Tom Brady?
Joe thought no one had a Midas touch like Eddie Van Halen.
Every time the dude picked up a guitar, he made magic and along with that, made millions and millions of dollars. And then he went out and married a way-cute Hollywood starlet and became a legend in Joe’s eyes.
Since, Joe has only noticed one guy who seemingly can do no wrong (except constantly stub his toe publicly). That’s park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting Bucs quarterback Tom Brady.
The guy goes from a nothing, forgettable quarterback to Mr. Six Rings and marries a supermodel who has more cash than the GNP of South Sudan.
(This is why Broncos quarterback Drew Lock is a damn fool. He dumped Gracie Hunt, the billionairess daughter of Chiefs owner Clark Hunt. Igit.)
Brady’s good fortune leads both to the field of play and has ancillary effects. Notice how Boston teams had some of their greatest success when Brady was starting for the Belicheats?
Brady comes to Tampa and all of a sudden the Lightning win the Stanley Cup and the Rays were damn close to winning the World Series (until their manager went full-blown, head-buried-in-the-spreadsheets, don’t-watch-games, damn-the-torpedos, context-means-nothing stat geek).
And how many times have you seen critical flags from the zebras go against Brady? Joe cannot recall too many, if any.
Last night after the game, former Packers wide receiver James Jones — a receiver! — argued on NFL Network that the picked-up flag on Antoine Winfield’s play was not interference.
Yes, a former receiver sided with a defensive call.
“I do not believe it was pass interference,” Jones said of the play that saved the Bucs’ bacon. “They [haven’t] picked up a pass interference flag all year long. Why do you choose to pick it up now?”
Well, Joe cannot confirm a pass interference flag hasn’t been picked up all year. Joe seems to recall such an instance watching the Steelers-Crows game Sunday, but Joe digresses.
As Joe has read on a few websites today, if the tables were reversed, and that was Brady throwing to tie the game instead of Danny Dimes, would the zebras have picked up the flag?
And did the zebras pick up the flag because it helped Brady’s team? You know, Brady Magic?
You can see Jones discuss the play in the NFL Network video below.
“They haven’t picked up a Pass Interference flag all year long… why do you choose to pick it up now??” – @89JonesNTAF on the #TBvsNYG ending
— NFL Total Access (@NFLTotalAccess) November 3, 2020
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:22 pm
That ball hit Antoine in the arm before he made contact with the receiver……that negated the interference…..
I think what influenced the call more than anything was the fact that there were no fans in the stands to boo the decision.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:26 pm
it was no flag…simple as that…
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:29 pm
but as Joe always says about penalty calls/non-calls, shame on the Bucs for allowing it to come down to that. Shameful 4th down conversions on that drive.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:30 pm
“The man behind the curtain
Roger Goodell
Going to have Tom Brady and the Tampa bay Bucs in the super bowl at Tampa bay no matter what
The script is written and it shall be”
Kobe Faker
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:30 pm
joe- thanks for mentioning EVH! i met him in hollywood in 1986, truly a sweetheart. yeah tb is alot like evh!
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:31 pm
That’s true. Bucs painted themselves into the corner.
Don’t put yourself in that position.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:32 pm
You met Eddie Van Halen???
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:32 pm
If it was called who is to say that they make the re-try? And we had 2 time outs left to try to get into FG range.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:38 pm
It looked pretty clear on replay that it was not pass interference. Isn’t getting the call right on such a crucial play the main thing?
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:38 pm
The ball hit AWJ’s arm before he made contact. Officials got it right. Giants had like 3 plays exactly like that earlier in the game.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:38 pm
Those zebras made some questionable calls last night, but kudos to the other refs, who saw Winfield’s play, overturning the idiot’s flag who was standing in the back of the endzone and couldn’t see the play. Great play by Winfield, I’m glad he wasn’t punished for it. Also glad it didn’t go into OT. We would have lost the toss and let the Giants score a winning touchdown. It’s what the Bucs do.
But it didn’t come to that, fortunately.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:47 pm
If it was a throw to the outside of the receiver and not slightly behind most likely it would have ended up being DPI. because AWjr was turned the wrong way. If AWjr was turned the other way most likely he undercuts it and intercepts it.
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:58 pm
Winfield made a great play on that ball.
If you look at it, he actually gets his head around to look for the ball and then it hits his arm before it gets to the receiver.
That is not interference, that’s just a great play.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:05 pm
Flag or no flag that was a hell of a play. It was a great job for him to read that play and know who to cover…….It was a whole nother animal to fly down the line and actually get into position to make that play. It was unreal closing speed…….And I dont think it matter where the pass was thrown. Had it been closer to the pylon Winfield had enough momentum to get thete and make the play. The fact that the ball was thrown behind the RB was the biggest factor in contact made which drew the flag……….But the realtime speed for Winfield to even get there was amazing.
Also the contact was made after the deflection. Correct no call.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:08 pm
Roster you are so wrong it hurts. Winfield had killer instinct on that play. It didnt matter where that ball was going. Antoine was not going to be denyed.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:10 pm
There were alot of if’s in that game, if the refs didn’t give us such a bad spot on 3rd down we would of scored again, if the refs called one of the 4 holds I saw on NG final drive they wouldn’t of even got close to the NZ, if, shoulda coulda. NyG played thier azz off, I give them credit, thier defense was solid as they have been most of the year. They remind me is the bucs couple of years ago where we lost 7 games by 7 or less.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:10 pm
The way I saw it (and maybe how the refs who didn’t throw the flag saw it) is that the ball hit Winfield in the arm before making contact with Lewis. At that point, it’s a tipped pass and wouldn’t be interference if he bumps him after that.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:31 pm
Joe.. an important point to me in the call was that the guy that threw the flag was behind the play, back closer to the end line, and couldn’t really see what happened as well as another ref. There was a ref. right near the sideline that had a clear view of everything, and didn’t call it. So in conference, the guy on the sideline explained that he had a clear view and didn’t see the elements of Pass Interference. Not saying in the middle of the game that wouldn’t have stood. But it was imperative to get the call right at that point.
November 3rd, 2020 at 1:43 pm
That was a make up for the absolute blatant missed block in the back earlier plain and simple. They were like ” we gotta give to Tom man because he chewed me out for missing that call and he man mugged me something awful!”
November 3rd, 2020 at 2:04 pm
I have more cash than the GNP of South Sudan. Probably all of us do. What’s your point? Just busting balls.
November 3rd, 2020 at 3:10 pm
Never forget that the NFL is a profit sharing league, and that TV ratings drive profits. When we were a small market team that nobody wanted to watch, we regularly got screwed on the calls. Now that we have the GOAT, everyone wants to tune in to see if he can add another ring to his collection. The owners know that, which is why we have so many prime time games this year. And who do you think signs the referee’s checks?
November 3rd, 2020 at 3:47 pm
Drew Locke is not an “igit”—he’s a f’ing MORON!! Man, she’s hot, what the hell was he thinking???