Shannon Sharpe: AB Will Skate
November 17th, 2020
Antonio Brown discussion
In the mind of a Pro Football Hall of Fame member, furniture-tossing, bicycle-throwing, security camera-trashing Bucs receiver Antonio Brown won’t have to face the law of NFL strongman Roger Goodell for his latest stunt.
Instead, Shannon Sharpe of FS1 believes the NFL may be biding its time waiting to see what happens with pending litigation against Brown with court dates upcoming.
Word emerged yesterday that Brown, in his latest freak out, went mental at his gated Hollywood (Fla.) condo complex, winging a bike at the security shack and destroying a security camera (he paid for the repairs).
The NFL announced Tuesday afternoon it will review the matter.
This happened 12 days before the Bucs signed him. Therefore, Sharpe, talking to his co-host Skip Bayless of “Undisputed,” thinks Brown will skate. The NFL, Sharpe believes, will come out guns blazing if Brown gets into hot(ter) water next month.
Skip Bayless: We don’t have time to go through everything [Brown has] been involved in. But it is unbelievable that he’s even back in the league right now.
Shannon Sharpe: This is probably why I don’t think the league will intervene. Because they don’t want to look up and be like, ‘Man, you’ve already suspended him. And now you are going to suspend him again?'”
Now this recent incident made both Bayless and Sharpe wonder about the anger management classes Brown was ordered to take by previous legal proceedings, as well as the mentoring he reportedly underwent with celebrity attitude adjuster Tony Robbins.
Joe has often wondered who the hell is footing the bill to bring Robbins to Brown’s abode? Robbins doesn’t come cheap and Joe is suspicious that Robbins works pro bono.
Whoever is cutting the checks for Brown to be brainwashed counseled by Robbins, it sure seems like he or she is getting taken to the cleaners. It reminds Joe of the famous “Press… press… pull!” scene from “The Three Stooges.”
Country club clerk: Are you members of the press?
Curly: I used to be. But I didn’t do any pressing. I went through the pockets. Sort of a dry cleaning.
The NFL is reviewing the incident last month in which police say #Bucs WR Antonio Brown destroyed a security camera and threw a bike at a security shack, I’m told. This is standard. The league wasn’t aware of the incident prior to reinstating Brown, who wasn’t charged.
— Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) November 17, 2020
November 17th, 2020 at 3:01 pm
So Brown will get cut in week 12 instead?
November 17th, 2020 at 3:23 pm
HOA is the key word. they suck. can’t say I would throw a bike, but I could definitely see myself losing it on a security guard for not letting someone in.
not a big issue in my mind. I don’t care for all the racist babble I hear, but if I moved into a predominantly neighborhood of color and experienced similar issues I could not say I would not be throwing the word around as he does.
I think he’s made some bat sh*t crazy moves, but out of anger….not like JW who is just flat out ignorant. AB needs a good mentor, and if TB and Robbins can be that and get him on the right track all the best to him.
November 17th, 2020 at 3:35 pm
Will he skate? or will he stab someone with an ice skate?
November 17th, 2020 at 3:43 pm
The guy can ball…no charges. nothing to see here. as you were.
November 17th, 2020 at 3:53 pm
If he got brain damage from the hit to the head it seems no one cares. I’ve been told that he wasn’t nutty till after the hit. I think football is in it’s twilight. They tore up all the fields in our area and put in soccer fields. Moms won’t let their kids play.
November 17th, 2020 at 3:54 pm
bicycle-throwing, camera-breaking and woman-berating, as described in the Miami Herald yesterday.
Looks like alleged gets you moniker additions….
And to think…..the Glazers gave AB a “fat paycheck” as Joe describes…..
Fat to me & many but chump change for AB….& the Glazers.
November 17th, 2020 at 4:43 pm
Yeah, that’s the fastest I’ve seen Joe slap on the adjectives……and so many.
I have the feeling his string is gonna be longer than Peter King’s in very short order.
Maybe to include: Gisele banging, dirty dishes in the sink leaving…….
November 17th, 2020 at 6:08 pm
AB should massively sue the NFL for its previous failure to protect against the type of head injury that he received, a result of which has brought difficulty to his mental and emotional well being, and livelyhood. Sick of this NFL acting like an untouchable dictatorship outside the law.
A little reverse pressure ought to keep them off his back.
Tired of women suing athletes in civil court where there is no criminal charge.
It’s legalized extortion. If he really sexually assaulted someone, Than let the system press charges. And even then a player shouldn’t be suspended until a court loss.
November 17th, 2020 at 6:32 pm
Joe you better watch out with the AB monikers he might come after you in the locker room.
November 17th, 2020 at 6:55 pm
The moment I heard they had signed him I said her wouldn’t last through the remainder of the season without getting suspended.
Not only is he facing this, but he has also been accused of sexual assault and charges are being organized.
The guy is total scum.
As to him ‘not informing the NFL…he informed the Buccaneers before they signed him…isn’t that informing the NFL?
November 17th, 2020 at 7:32 pm
And this is where our nation is today. I majored in Journalism and worked in Broadcast Journalism therefore everything I EVER did has been totally devalued.
Fake News is old news…it’s freaking cliche…don’t like the message shoot the messenger.
And now I invite our attorneys to get fact ANYBODY who believes in America’s judicial system.
I am a skeptic…means I take nothing without some proof…I assume nothing.\
Our Cynics ASSUME the worst in everything.
And so I read here…”It’s legalized extortion.”
The American Judicial system is legalized extortion! Really?
And so how about some truth…er fake news.
SOME men are horrible monsters or at minimum sick individuals who abuse women at various levels..
SOME women are opportunists who take advantage of situations
For the most part…not always…our court systems exists to see which side is telling the truth.
Yes it’s a horrible thought for any man to be charged wrongly with rape.
Its also horrible for any woman who is raped..
If you wish to research the stats…the number of false accusations is dwarfed by the number of actual rapes…many of which don’t even get reported.
skeptic versus cynic….here’s another word our society doesn’t understand. NUANCE.
November 17th, 2020 at 7:40 pm
I’m sure the security camera was askin’ for it.
November 17th, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Maybe the camera was racist…..
November 17th, 2020 at 8:16 pm
Brown makes all the hard core gangsters real in shock. Dude does NOT deserve a 100th chance. Cut his ass now! NEVER should have been signed to begin with.
November 17th, 2020 at 9:36 pm
He’s been catered to since junior high….he doesn’t know normal like the majority of society. He simply knows his normal which has been talent trumps everything. If you can squeeze 1/2 a season of production from him and a playoff push, that’s a win.
November 17th, 2020 at 9:40 pm
Once again here we go the joe’s are at it again. You guys most be bored or have it out for this guy. I’m no fan of him personally but it’s not my money on the table is it your money joe’s nope so why do you care so much? Once again how about some articles about Freeman, Pittman, ASJ or desean jackson since your all about trashing players whether they deserve it or not. What did a famous player say years ago? I’m not a roll model. So joe’s you guys must be getting pretty dizzy looking down from the moral high ground you stand on lol! If your going to do this to one player than do it for all, let’s hear about all the dirty laundry out there regardless of how off putting it may be now that is objective reporting.
November 17th, 2020 at 9:49 pm
AB isn’t going anywhere unless forced too he will be back with the bucs next year simple as that. If you guys could lobby for players going to the pro bowl or the hall of fame as effective as you are lobbying to have people believe your perspective on this guy then all the staters on both sides of the ball will be on that pro bowl squad lol! Let’s move on joe’s enough with these trashy click bait articles how about some real X’s and O’s material? Just saying
November 18th, 2020 at 6:43 am
Cut the Cancer NOW !!!! JP Peterson is 100% correct.
November 18th, 2020 at 9:13 am
You can’t trust a deranged mind to some Tony Robbins – there is only one who can heal the heart and the mind. He should’ve reached out to Father Dungy – a man who has mentored Vick and even though Warren gets out of hand, he respects Dungy. Wether he stays or goes, I pray he gets the help he needs and makes amends to all those he is hurting along the path.