Jason Licht Talks Antonio Brown
November 8th, 2020
Bucs GM Jason Licht
Bucco Bruce Arians’ famous “No Risk It. No Biscuit” mantra has taken on a new meaning at One Buc Palace.
General manager Jason Licht sort of applied it to mercurial, felonious, seven-time Pro Bowl receiver Antonio Brown, who will make his Buccaneers debut tonight.
Licht talked to league insider Ian Rapoport of NFL Network about the Brown signing after watching Brown take practice reps with his new teammates.
“He’s just so explosive and sudden and so much stronger than he looks …,” Licht said. “If you saw him in a grocery store, you wouldn’t think he’s a seven-time Pro Bowler. But man. He’s very strong, great hands, super explosive.”
There’s more to the story via the NFL.com link. But Licht noted that Brown’s deal comes without risk. “It’s an opportunity that we’re giving him, another opportunity, but it’s a one-year deal and if it doesn’t work, there’s no risk,” Licht said. “No risk.”
And that’s where Joe disagrees.
The risk is in bringing in Brown. The money has little relevance at this point in the season. It’s a nice concept to think if Brown acts selfishly, then the Bucs can cut him and not feel any money hit. That’s accurate. But what about the potential football reality if Brown melts down?
Suppose Brown acts up in late December like he did with the Steelers and the Bucs are relying on him for a big game? What if Brown helps the Bucs get to the playoffs and freaks out after he gets, say, one target in a Wild Card win? Those represent huge potential distractions that Joe considers to be risks.
Regardless, Joe respects the all-in attack mode of this Buccaneers season, even with it including a guy a lot of fans hope is relegated to riding the bench behind beloved Bucs receivers who haven’t run afoul of societal measures of decency.
November 8th, 2020 at 9:28 am
Well , you could put your money in the bank and earn 0.5% if you’re lucky or you can take risks and invest in market and possibly lose or , more likely, earn a rewarding return.
No risk-it, No biscuit.
November 8th, 2020 at 9:47 am
AB is what he is… expect both
Good player on the field
head scratching behavior
Off the field
Like Popeye say. .
I yam
I yam
November 8th, 2020 at 9:52 am
If Brown freaks out, and the Bucs drop him, they are no worse off than if they hadn’t picked him up in the first place. The players are familiar with Browns history. If he freaks, and gets booted, I doubt that any players will be affected.
Having said all that, I wish they hadn’t picked him up, but in Buccaneer player moves, I trust their judgement more than mine.
November 8th, 2020 at 9:55 am
I met Warren Sapp several times. He is a narcissistic, uncouth brute – but he was our narcissistic, uncouth brute.
Antonio Brown – light them up.
November 8th, 2020 at 9:57 am
What if we win the superbowl Joe?
November 8th, 2020 at 10:00 am
This is likely the greatest signing in NFL history (money-for-talent)…..
There are always risks to every move but this risk is very limited….no draft pick traded, no real money spent……because of Brown’s history, Buc teammates wouldn’t be surprised if he melted down.
It doesn’t make sense to say….”we didn’t need him” and then say ” but what if he melts down just when we need him”
There is risk……but the risk is almost all on AB…..his future depends on his behavior…..
November 8th, 2020 at 10:06 am
It looks to ME like his plan the entire time was to get kicked off the Steelers so he could play with Brady. He ends up with Chucky? He quickly sabotaged THAT, finally ends up w Brady, only to have his past catch up with him. There STILL have been no charges filed a year + later, and he once again is getting a chance to play with Brady. I’m doubting he will blow up again
November 8th, 2020 at 10:08 am
Love the joes articles..but hate they always put a dark cloud on everything.
November 8th, 2020 at 10:10 am
Well hopefully BA hopes that AB hopes that hopefully TB hopes to help AB resurrect his career by winning the Super Bowl……..gee I hope so. How bout you, Joe? GO BUCS!!
November 8th, 2020 at 10:14 am
“societal measures of decency” – Nice phraseology Joe!
November 8th, 2020 at 10:16 am
I think if he explodes, and coaches and management can’t control him, there’s players on the roster who can solve the problem.
November 8th, 2020 at 10:27 am
What if, what if, what if……blah blah blah.
November 8th, 2020 at 10:30 am
I agree with beej: I think Brown wanted to play with Brady, and his *team* actions were orchestrated to accomplish just that.
he NEVER wanted to be in Oakland.
November 8th, 2020 at 10:48 am
I totally agree, the signing of AB is likely the greatest signing in NFL history.
He can only help us, not hurt us.
November 8th, 2020 at 11:01 am
As a former journalist, I can say journalists think their job is to make you feel anxious. Watch/Read the news and it’s all about pushing anxiety. Similarly this site feel it has to push anxiety or else people will stop reading. LOL. Why is it fun to make things up? It’s Antonio Brown coming to the best Bucs team in years. Joe writes about what interests Joe in the exact same manner as when Joe started 12+ years ago. Joe doesn’t push anxiety; being anxious is part of being a sports fan for a big percentage of people across all sports.–Joe
November 8th, 2020 at 11:15 am
So Joe…you don’t think grown arse men (players) can handle Brown melting down?
Yo don’t think they can just say : hey he’s done this before so I understand.
Basically that’s what you’re saying and I don’t agree at all. Then again you are a member of the media so you have to blow it up bigger than it really is. Joe’s not blowing anything up. He’s here. It’s risky — positive and negative. He was just suspended for 8 games and has behaved like a nut for 3 Super Bowl coaches. It’s not about players handling a meltdown, it’s about losing an edge in a key game, or a guy who lost out on reps being pressed into action. –Joe
November 8th, 2020 at 11:24 am
He probably has a dipolar disorder and currently takes medication. That is why he seems to be a better person now. Give the guy a second chance!
Joe’s all for second and third chances. Doesn’t detract from the risk, though. –Joe
November 8th, 2020 at 11:42 am
Plenty of quality human beings on Bucs roster. Plus, they are big, strong guys cos they have to be to play the game. Brown get out of line, he’ll be straightened out real quick. He and Methuselah know it.
November 8th, 2020 at 11:59 am
So they’re gonna rough him up? Seriously?
He acts up..cut him.
November 8th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
Michael Irvin addressed the AB controversy most eloquently. Michael’s career hit rock bottom in Dallas when a few of the Cowboys purchased a “White house” which was a party house in Dallas. It was a place where players, friends, groupies, druggies and many people of ill repute would go to party all night long.
The drugs took over Michael’s life and he ran a foul of the law. When he hit rock bottom, he had to go to trial. Troy Aikman said he wanted to attend to show support . Mike told him in no uncertain terms, “Do NOT come to the trial!” Troy showed up any way and it touched Michael’s heart.
After that, Mike cleaned up his life mainly because he absolutely would not disappoint or further embarrass Troy Aikman.
Tom Brady is Antonio Brown’s Aikman.
November 8th, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Lets hope you’re right Darrell. AB comes from a different generation, however.
Nothing is ever their fault.
November 8th, 2020 at 12:20 pm
Why do you think there is risk when Brady is here, he came in and played one came with a Brady led team and was cut and they went on to he 12-4 with a team depleted of weapons
November 8th, 2020 at 12:41 pm
As soon as Brown goes full-beatdown of an opponent on the field, his entire past will be forgotten in the Bucs blogosphere.
That’s how the marriage between fan and player works…
November 8th, 2020 at 1:14 pm
Maybe for most.. but for me, I’d prefer we do it without guys with the character issues he has.
Didn’t Appreciate it from JW don’t appreciate it from AB
November 8th, 2020 at 2:10 pm
@jmarkbuc: my problem with Winston was turnovers and dumbass decisions. The rest was just noise.
All I want for AB as a Buc is to win. The rest is noise.
This is not intramural football between choirboys.
And neither is Ray Carruth.
November 8th, 2020 at 2:40 pm
There was no way the Bucs were going to win the PR war with this move.
I think they played it as smartly as possible and were VERY lucky BA has a fantastic rep with the ladies in anti rape organizations that have organized victims from around the nation. One of the leaders has complained loudly about the move but BA seems to have handled it deftly with his words and ACTIONS.
Remember when BA was giving women their first breaks in coaching and the training room. He has been VERY opened minded and inclusive and he did it FAR before the TB12 era started. His rep has helped mute the converation.
So now it’s up to AB. WR’s are the least bad arse on the entire field behind kickers. It is the least violent, most athletic skilled position on the field.
It’s not a defensive lineman required to play like a animal trying to rip guy’s heads off…nor an offensive lineman responding to that violence. Even their counterparts at DB have to worry about being tough enough to tackle Derrick Henry rumbling towards them.
So I understand the concern. MANY great players were dirty mean aholes who would just as soon kick you when you were down but many were not.
Even at the most violent of positions though that is NOT required. See perhaps our all time greatest player…Selmon…Merlin Olson..Reggie White..
And I do remember Hines Ward as a very NASTY WR…I say that with respect…he not only WOULD..he enjoyed decleating defenders looking the wrong way. He was tough, physical and mean. Jerry Rice? Not so much TO and Randy Moss…not so much.
AB might not dish it out on blocks like CG14…but he has speed, strength, and great HANDS. I view anybody with the cods to step on an NFL field with live action as being brave and just give them credit for their courage. AB will not play scared.
November 8th, 2020 at 3:07 pm
I guess that’s how your marriage between fan and player works….
I appreciate players like Brooks, Lynch etc. Great players on and off the field. To each his own.
November 8th, 2020 at 3:53 pm
@Jmarkbucs: if those player sucked, would you still marry them?
Did you marry Sapp? Keyshawn? Hos about safety Smith?
I will give the guy an opportunity to show he’s trying to change. If he doesn’t, I have no problem issuing the apple and roadmap.
I want players to be excellent players first. If they’re good guys, all the better.
Good guys who are football losers don’t make my cut. Maybe we’re different that way.
I will defer to GOAT knowing what’s what with AB. Maybe you are a better judge of current character than Brady.
November 8th, 2020 at 5:08 pm
You seem a little triggered there cobra boy.
Relax, all Buc fans here. I just prefer my players not to be charged with sexual assault or hurl furniture out of a high-rise building potentially killing someone. But that’s just me.
I believe if you’re fortunate enough to play a sport for a living and make millions of dollars you should be a decent person. You can’t always get what you want. Winning at all costs regardless of the means is a slippery slope. Take a look around.
Go Bucs!
November 8th, 2020 at 5:39 pm
That’s not right Joe…..