Brady’s Inner Clock
October 26th, 2020
Some NFL teams have a guy up in the coaches’ booth who monitors the clock for the head coach and decides when timeouts should be used or when to spike a ball to kill the clock.
Dirk Koetter, for example, had one when he coached the Bucs.
The Bucs don’t need such a person now. Why? Because park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting Tom Brady is as good as any clock management coach the Bucs could find.
Chase Goodbread of believes the way Tom Brady moved the ball on the Bucs’ final drive of the first half was a clinic on clock management for football coaches of all levels to study for generations.
No matter how old Tom Brady gets, his clock management skills just get better and better. The latest example came before halftime Sunday, when the veteran’s veteran began 88 yards from pay dirt with 2:19 left, and calmly burned most of that time just getting across midfield. With one timeout left at the Las Vegas 41, Brady spiked a second-down snap to save clock, threw incomplete on third down, then found Chris Godwin on fourth down to move the chains. After another spike with 25 seconds left, he picked a perfect time for a deep shot, which Scott Miller hauled in for a touchdown. Had that been incomplete, Brady still had a third down throw, 25 seconds to work with, and a timeout still in his pocket. Worst case: FG try. Brady case: seven points. With four TD passes on the day, he now has 559 for his career, one more than the Saints’ Drew Brees for the most all-time.
Joe will be spoiled watching Brady if he continues to play quarterback like he did yesterday. On Sunday, Brady’s level of play — forget how old he is — was so far superior than most if not the rest of the league’s quarterbacks it wasn’t funny.
Joe now fully understands why people refer to him as a farm animal.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:04 am
Joe do you mean to say the six Super Bowl rings didn’t convince you? It was a game on a late October Sunday! LMAO
October 26th, 2020 at 8:15 am
Before the Chargers game, the narrative nationally (AND here, for the most part) was that Brady was DONE, Bellicheat was happy to get rid of him..and check-downs were all he was capable of anymore, and WHY did we get ride of JW?
Somewhat LESS so now
October 26th, 2020 at 8:16 am
Honestly, Brady was simply spectacular in almost all facets last night. Like watching Jordan in his prime.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:24 am
You WILL be spoiled. You are watching WHY the Patriots were dominant for 20 years. His name IS Tom Brady. Brady pulled Belichick’s kiester out of the fire 100s of time in New England. He MADE the Patriots franchise feared for 20 years. Put some respect next to his name and ENJOY THE RIDE
October 26th, 2020 at 8:28 am
How odd…when just a short time ago in CHI, according to some out there, it was Brady who was allegedly over the hill and ready for Prevagen since he didn’t know what down it was at game’s end.
I watch games now and do not sit on the edge of my seat every time our QB goes back to pass because of KNOWING an INT may be imminent. It is so very nice to watch games this year that aren’t a circus with a clown slinging the ball wrecklessly all over trying to dig the team out of hole he’d often put them in. It is nice to see this team put their opponents away in the 4th quarter.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:28 am
2 things that are nice to see this year and you don’t have anxiety waiting for…. stupid interceptions and missed field goals. It’s really nice not talking about the kicker
October 26th, 2020 at 8:29 am
It’s incredible how good he is playing. I would think he is at least going to play two more seasons after this year.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:30 am
A pleasure to the souls of Buc fans!
One time
In stride
To a spot the receiver can YAC it up !
Pinch me!!!
October 26th, 2020 at 8:32 am
Where O where has NDONGY run off too?
Anyone seen her?
October 26th, 2020 at 8:32 am
I actually didn’t like the spike on 2nd down…..we had to survive a 4th down play or things would have been very different. It worked out and that is a credit to Brady.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:38 am
Ocala, Like my daddy used to say why go for one crawfish dinner when you can go for three??? Well not really. I was born in Sarasota not Lousana just wanted to “partially” quote a line from my favorite Adam Sandler movie.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:47 am
If only he didnt forget what down it was in Chicago lol
October 26th, 2020 at 8:50 am
Brady is not only the GOAT, he is the smartest player ever. His instantaneous decision-making (as you point out) is great fun to watch. What a leader!
October 26th, 2020 at 8:52 am
How many times have we seen the Bucs take a lead only to lose in the end? Perfect example was the Giant game last year when our offense disappeared in the second half, and a rookie getting his first start with a crappy team came back for a win in our house. You all got that feeling when the Raiders made it close in the 3rd Qt. Then Tommy calmly takes over the game, and puts it away. It’s a new day Buc fans, get used to it. This is what we’ve all been waiting for, enjoy.
October 26th, 2020 at 8:52 am
If they keep Brady’s jersey clean, playing in the Super Bowl just a matter of time, if they let Tom get hit than 50-50. Pretty simple really. This is vintage Brady showing up a lot sooner than multiple talking heads thought. Wow what a game the KC game is shaping up to be, possible Super Bowl preview maybe. SUPER BOWL OR BUST!!! GO BUCS!!!!!
October 26th, 2020 at 8:55 am
Brady is Methuselah. Hopefully, the best offense in Bucs history will continue to improve, and keep him upright. Even Gabbert couldn’t blow it, the way these o players are maturing.
October 26th, 2020 at 9:03 am
Tell me again why we need AB?
Seriously, I’m glad Arians came out and said that if AB ain’t with it, he’s gone. The minute that imbecile breaks rank, he needs to be tossed back to civilian life so he can have his meltdown away from the Bucs.
October 26th, 2020 at 9:04 am
Hold your horses on Gabbert. LOL. Getting a little carried away.
October 26th, 2020 at 9:06 am
October 26th, 2020 at 9:07 am
brady is such an upgrade over our previous QB…..
GO BUCS!!!!!
October 26th, 2020 at 9:08 am
Wow, winning sure makes the nuts come out of the woodwork! And some disappear! I love it! GO BUCS!!!!!!!
October 26th, 2020 at 9:12 am
Brady must have met bezelbub at the cross roads to sell his soul… A sixth round pick who great career, amazing wife, …
October 26th, 2020 at 10:00 am
I bet the fans in Boston are going crazy on the radio stations this morning because of Bradys post Patriots success
October 26th, 2020 at 10:06 am
Belichek must be banging his head on the wall right now, thinking “why did I release Brady and Gronk and now I have to deal with Diva….. haha LOL!!!
October 26th, 2020 at 10:14 am
Where are Ndog and Clean House when you want them around?
October 26th, 2020 at 10:16 am
Just need a guy checking the downs for Brady said the majority of buccers. He is toast they said. He couldnt beat the Bears! Oh wait the sky didn’t fall? Mmmmm hmmmm same first place team today as it was that dreary Tuesday. Boston boy said it best. Enjoy the ride. Don’t bitch about the bumps you’re still gona get there first!
October 26th, 2020 at 10:56 am
Brady can hit a moving target in stride, what an odd luxury for Bucs fans
October 26th, 2020 at 8:05 pm
And what are the Patriots right now??? … Belichick was ALWAYS a losing coach!! He had losing seasons everywhere he went as a head coach until he was forced to play Brady!! Brady just has something that makes people around him better!! There’s no quantifying it!! It’s the spiiiice!!!!