Who Is DeSantis Fingering?
September 26th, 2020
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Politics and money make strange bedfellows. And as a result, there is no sure answer to whether Bucs fans may attend the third home game of the season, the Packers on Oct. 18, or any others this season.
Strangely, the Bucs are the only NFL team in Florida to forbid fans at games due to “The Sickness.”
The Bucs said earlier this month that they and local officials are “working toward” letting fans in for the Packers game, but there is no confirmation it will happen.
Of course, one can ask, “Exactly what is being worked on?”
Everyone involved is strangely tight-lipped. Specifics are not offered. Who owns the final call to allow fans or keep them away is not revealed. Who is hiding what, and why?
Well, one guy spoke up Friday, a guy indirectly involved — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. And still, it is unclear what specifically the hangup is in not allowing fans, or whose call it is to lock fans out.
Is it the City of Tampa? Is it Hillsborough County? (Joe assumes Tom Brady is not in charge.) Is it the Tampa Sports Authority, which oversees operations of the stadium? Or is it Team Glazer? No one is talking in specifics.
But DeSantis is. Sort of.
In announcing the reopening of the state for bars, restaurants and other businesses while in St. Petersburg yesterday, DeSantis was asked about the Bucs, fans at the stadium and the Super Bowl.
DeSantis wants fans at Bucs games and he seemed frustrated by the stadium being completely closed to fans, reports Eduardo Encina of the Tampa Bay Times.
“They want to go slower than anyone,” DeSantis said. “So it’s not like they want to have full capacity. But I think you can do much more than what’s been done. Outdoor transmission (of the coronavirus) has just not been a major factor.”
Joe wants to know who is “they?” That word is plural.
So it wouldn’t be one person, as in the mayor of Tampa, who was recently very irked when a crowd larger than 50 gathered at the Cuban Club for an event.
Last month, the shot-caller of the Tampa Sports Authority said his agency was working feverishly to get the Den of Depression ready for the Bucs’ first home game against the Stinking Panthers. But before the season kicked off, someone pulled the plug. Who and why remains a tightly-guarded mystery.
The Tampa Sports Authority held a job fair for workers to be assigned to Bucs games. Joe also knows suite holders were forwarded a food menu of items to be served at each home game. Then the announcement came; no fans allowed at home games for at least two games.
Why someone hasn’t stood up and accepted responsibility and explained specifically why fans are not allowed in a facility that was funded by Hillsborough County taxpayers is shady as hell to Joe, if not irresponsible.
Bucs fans, and taxpayers in general, deserve to be filled in. With specifics, not generalities and not with empty catch-phrases.
Later yesterday, DeSantis may have unintentionally let the cat out of the bag about what’s causing the hangup.
As always, follow the money.
Money is why Joe always thought Team Glazer was getting screwed here by a higher authority. Why in the world would Team Glazer not want fans at home games with all they have spent on buying and promoting so many star players?
As for full capacity at the Super Bowl scheduled for February, DeSantis said, “I think they can still do that. And I know there’s some issues about insurance and all these other things, and I respect that.”
Ah, ha! Insurance. Is that what this hangup is all about? Joe would bet a monthly health insurance payment that this is exactly key to the hangup, (though that doesn’t explain fans in Miami, Jacksonville and at high school games).
Certain parties don’t want to be held liable in case a few thousand people come down with “The Sickness” while attending the Super Bowl (or a Bucs game)? Or someone doesn’t want to get stuck with an insurance bill to cover such potential liability issues?
Meanwhile, people directly affected are kept in the dark. That is, until their real estate property tax bill and/or their season tickets invoice arrive in the mail.
Then, urgency will be demanded. Or else!
September 26th, 2020 at 8:41 am
Well said Joe.
September 26th, 2020 at 8:53 am
Some kind of weird Glazer Super Bowl precaution?
September 26th, 2020 at 8:59 am
Our governor is up Trumps butt, BIGGLEY, watch the at home, real people are losing their lives! Don’t be big stupid all your love from! Mask up!
September 26th, 2020 at 9:12 am
Insurance companies. What a concept. Take peoples money then find reasons not to pay out. No idea how these companies have been able commit fraud so long and get away with it. Oh yeah the money.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:15 am
You would think that with frequent, further questioning the answer would become clear. I’m surprised it hasn’t yet.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:18 am
Great analysis Joe. Personally I think it is the Mayor and BOCC that is holding up progress. Let the fans in the stands. We deserve it. We have been dealing with Covid since late Feb. We all know to stay six feet apart , wear a mask, Wipe your area down with wipes and drink lots of alcohol. (The last part was mine). Lastly if you are outdoors, all the better. If the Glazers are scared of lawsuits then have a disclaimer when we download a ticket that they hold the Bucs and owners free of liability. (Which I think is on the tickets anyway). I think Bucs will open up on the 18th. It’s Pack Nation. They travel well. Who doesn’t want to Personally see the Bucs beat the snot out of them.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:21 am
I have said that constantly in other comments. It’s not even about safety. It’s lawyers, lawsuits, insurance. All complete, garbage BS. I’m sure there’s still a large group on the left that are naive enough to think it’s because decisions are being made in the best interest of our safety or something.
As in aside, I was in Hyde park village last night. So packed it took me forever to find parking. I’m betting maybe half the crowd have liberal scum beliefs? No masks to be found. Large groups. Etc etc. People espouse their insufferable virtues and shi but at the end of the day, they’re hypocrites. All of them. Open the stadium completely and I guarantee it’s a sell out
September 26th, 2020 at 9:21 am
If our Governor is stupid enough to open bars and restaurants to 100% capacity might as well let the Trump-necks go to the game. At least the game is outdoors. Let’s hope the majority of people wear masks.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:23 am
Since the Glazers never paid for half the stadium like daddy promised 20 years ago the Bucs should pay the insurance.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:24 am
Not a weird precaution. A financial decision. Said that weeks ago. That is why some legislatures have tried to forward “no liability” laws, which would free businessmen from liability as a result of their behavior regarding this virus. Who cares about the health of the consumer…they die.. just have to work overtime to provide replacements. What matters is ringing the register.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:25 am
DeSantis is every bit as stupid as the fella in the White House! Authoritarianism is fine with you all, as long as you can attend a football game? WTF has happened to the citizenry of the greatest Democracy in world history?
September 26th, 2020 at 9:29 am
Given the muted response from the governor, who has no issues going against the other party, I’d suspect it’s not city/county government. Do the deep-pocketed Glazers lose money with a partially partially filled stadium?
September 26th, 2020 at 9:38 am
JB you’re a weinie, and you can’t think for yourself. You’d prefer to be told what to do. And you believe games no fans are allowed under FALSE PRETENSES. You are being played. Denver is filled with nothing but 22yr old pimple faced, capitalism hating hipster losers and even they are going to have fans. No reason why we can’t have 7k or so fans. None.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:40 am
‘Shady as hell’ Joe? Uhhh, Florida has now lost over 14,000 people to what you so eloquently describe as ‘The Sickness’. We’ve got tens of thousands of others who’ve been hospitalized & recovered, but many will feel the after-effects for quite awhile. Our state ranks #3 in the NATION with 700,000 positive cases now. Hillsborough County ranks 4th in the state at over 43,000 positive cases & over 600 deaths since March.
I personally applaud our Hillsborough County officials for the ‘cautious’ approach they’ve taken because the numbers surely would’ve been much worse if they hadn’t. Not sure that you’d still consider it ‘shady as hell’ if you were one of the first responders or hospital workers who had to deal daily with the results of ‘The Sickness’.
I admit Joe that I err on the side of caution when it comes to COVID-19, unlike our governor apparently (and no I’m not a fan of his when it comes to his actions in dealing with this pandemic). IMO we could’ve been back to ‘normal’ months ago if we’d been smarter in our actions in dealing with ‘The Sickness’ and if we’d been more ‘unified’ in our approach as both a state & a nation. But as the old saying goes … ‘You are where you are’. Bummer.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:46 am
October 18 vs the Packers…if the present is like the past, it will feel like a home game for the Packers. Dumb move by the Glazers. This fan base since 2002 has had a steady decline while visiting team’s fan outnumber the home folks. Sad
September 26th, 2020 at 9:46 am
Easy, peasy.
At the gate, have an electronic waiver that fans can sign stating that, if they catch a cough (Less than a tenth of a percent chance of dying), they won’t hold anyone else responsible for their decision to attend.
Heck, there’s a higher risk by driving in a rain storm.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:48 am
Goforthwface30- agree with everything except the hypocrite part- they don’t believe in individual freedoms- call it socialism, communism, fascism, whatever you want- they believe in Bug Brother.
jb- Democrats are the party of Wars, Racism, high taxes, and Welfare- look it up
Republicans suck, too, they are corrupt as hell.
Try thinking for yourself
September 26th, 2020 at 9:54 am
You err on the side of caution when it comes to Covid 19- that’s your right, don’t dictate to me what my rights are -they’re in the US Constitution.
September 26th, 2020 at 9:54 am
Defense rules, death per 100k is the metric to look at and FIFTEEN STATES are ahead of Florida, and considering Florida is what, 3rd or 4th in country in population I’d say that’s impressive. But sure DeSantis is evil. Lol ok guy. How many infections where there yesterday? 2800-ish. Divide that by 21 million for me please and provide me an answer. Then, I want you to look up the odds of getting AIDS. Enjoy the phase 3 reopening, I know I will. Stay home if you wish
September 26th, 2020 at 9:57 am
Put your damn mask on!!
September 26th, 2020 at 10:01 am
I wish people would leave their politics at the door before entering this website. I come here to discuss football topics and sometimes, as today, leave pissed off by someone’s comments. Go Bucs!
September 26th, 2020 at 10:01 am
Makes zero sense
September 26th, 2020 at 10:01 am
I guess if you really want to solve the mystery Joe……..
you could simply sniff Ron’s finger!
Come on, be the investigative reporter we know you’re capable of being.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:02 am
Or is there some agreement or master policy for loss of revenue that is stronger than the fans $ ……….Socialism at Ray Jay ?? Who Owns the dam stadium anyway ?? Might the fans have a law suit not covered under the Glazer / Sports Authority / Gov control plan .
September 26th, 2020 at 10:03 am
Lots of luck if you are a Packer fan trying to get tickets to that game…..as a matter of fact, lots of luck if you’re a Buc fan.
As far as the subject is concerned….no matter where you come down on the issue….someone needs to be held responsible for the decision….The media should continue to pursue this….process of elimination…we know it’s not the DeSantis.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:03 am
JB: that’s what I said but it went into the moderation trash can!!
September 26th, 2020 at 10:06 am
jb – DeSantis is a graduate of Yale and Harvard Law School and a naval officer. Trump is a graduate of Wharton, the number one business school in the world, a multi-billionaire, and president of the United States, on his first ever try at politics. Neither one of these men is stupid. Saying they are is, well, stupid.
Nevertheless, if you turn off the media, stop listening to politicians, and follow the science, e.g. websites for CDC and John’s Hopkins, these lockdowns are no longer justified in any way, shape, manner or form.
Enforcing lockdowns, arresting or fining people for not wearing masks outside, and sanctioning violence against ordinary citizens who don’t support your politics is the very definition of authoritarianism. Promoting freedom, urging people to set fear aside and proceed carefully is the opposite.
Also, America is a constitutional republic, thank G-d, not a democracy. Huge difference.
Finally, to answer your question, what’s happened to us is that we’ve gotten wealthy, stupid, fat (literally), weak and lazy. We’ve allowed an historically fatal leftist ideology to infiltrate our foundational institutions, e.g. education and government, without protest, and our media has collapsed, spreading propaganda rather than disseminating the news. There’s more, but I don’t want to take up any more space.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:07 am
jb – DeSantis is a graduate of Yale and Harvard Law School and a naval officer. Trump is a graduate of Wharton, the number one business school in the world, a multi-billionaire, and president of the United States, on his first ever try at politics. Neither one of these men is stupid. Saying they are is, well, stupid.
Nevertheless, if you turn off the media, stop listening to politicians, and follow the science, e.g. websites for CDC and John’s Hopkins, these lockdowns are no longer justified in any way, shape, manner or form.
Enforcing lockdowns, arresting or fining people for not wearing masks outside, and sanctioning violence against ordinary citizens who don’t support your politics is the very definition of authoritarianism. Promoting freedom, urging people to set fear aside and proceed carefully is the opposite.
Also, America is a constitutional republic, thank G-d, not a democracy. Huge difference.
Finally, to answer your question, what’s happened to us is that we’ve gotten wealthy, stupid, fat (literally), weak and lazy. We’ve allowed an historically fatal leftist ideology to infiltrate our foundational institutions, e.g. education and government, without protest, and our media has collapsed, spreading propaganda rather than disseminating the news. There’s more, but I don’t want to take up any more space.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:09 am
Joe the prude…sometimes I have to laugh. I talk about people perishing, and the liability of it, because of this virus and I get moderated. You talk about the governor giving the finger in the title, and it is cool. It must be a southern Illinois thing.
What are you talking about. Every commenter is moderated on various levels. Joe knows people have died. Joe has nothing against limited capacity of very limited capacity if that’s what’s evaluated to be safe. –Joe
September 26th, 2020 at 10:12 am
DR I usually agree with you, but your point about ‘being able to be back to normal months ago’ is just plain wrong. We had limited information in the beginning and all leaders from every spectrum faced a nearly impossible situation. We’ve seen different approaches across the globe. None of them are truly ‘back to normal’.
My bet is on our Mayors influence over the Hillsborough County Officials. She is formidable and I have a lot of respect for her. I do t look at party affiliation. I dig deeper, she has a tremendous amount of character and pragmatism. But the potential of re-releasing a pandemic in her city is something she takes very seriously. Can’t blame her for that. I do think allowing fans in at a limited capacity will happen soon.
Go Bucs!
In BA I Trust!
September 26th, 2020 at 10:13 am
Yes, please list the individuals that DeSantis is fingering for us.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:29 am
My opinion is that if they were not on board with the bolshevik revolution taking place in our country, the Glazers would have been vocal about their desire to have fans attend, and would have put their lawyers where their mouth is, and challenged Mayor Castor’s unconstitutional power grab.
But they didn’t.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:35 am
@Bucs Fan Since ‘76
Good rant my friend! JB obviously is unfamiliar with the definition of authoritarianism. He shouldn’t use words he doesn’t understand.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:42 am
From the link in the story:
“Individuals can leave a gathering like that and take that virus back and turn into super spreaders.”
So Tampa’s overbearing mayor is still using debunked catchphrases which were designed to drive up the fear factor and make us beg for shutdowns. Superspreaders. Pffft
“I’ll talk to my personnel and see how they can be held accountable.”
If you want to understand authoritarianism, JB, THIS is what it sounds like.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:44 am
Don’t know who Ron’s been fingering, but I know who’s a$$ he’s been kissing. America’s Verizon of Joseph Stalin & Vladimir Putin.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:54 am
AlanBucsFan … I didn’t dictate anything to you. I don’t make any policies or enforce any of the ‘rules’. You’re free to make whatever choice you want.
Goforthwface30 … Didn’t say DeSantis was ‘evil’. Did say I don’t agree with his actions regarding our COVID response, especially starting in June. And BTW, I agree 100% that DEATHS are the real metric that we need to focus on; that and HOSPITALIZATIONS.
Sport … Not to be picky, but our state DOES in fact rank #3 in the nation in terms of positive cases (behind CA & TX). And yes we are the 3rd largest state in terms of population at 21.4 mil (behind again CA & TX).
And I very much agree with you that we had ‘limited information’ in the beginning, and that yes, ‘normal’ probably wasn’t the right word. But if you look at the very beginning, China & the rest of Asia did a very good job of containing the virus early-on, and are still containing it quite well. China for instance (a nation of over 1 billion people) has had 4,746 COVID deaths to date … one-third of what we’ve had in Florida alone. Other fairly large nations like Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc have each had less than 2,000 deaths and almost all are only in double-digit numbers.
They knew even less than we did at the very beginning, but they took it a lot more seriously. And as a result, their businesses are full-speed ahead, their schools are open for the most part. Yes theirs is a ‘new normal’, but it appears to be manageable. Hopefully ours is arriving at that stage.
September 26th, 2020 at 10:57 am
They said it could never happen in America, yet here we are. A large minority of the electorate would like nothing more than live under a dictatorship. Careful whatcha wish for.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:03 am
“Defense Rules and Joes will not be voting for the same senile old man”
Kobe Faker
September 26th, 2020 at 11:05 am
Buc Fan ‘76
Well said young man. Obviously, your list of daily reading includes much more then the sports page and a few Buc blogs. Always enjoy your well written incite.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:06 am
Goforth you’re 40 miles off on the Denver description. You’re describing Boulder, home of Colorado University. We called it the Berkeley of the East when I was a kid. Now THAT town is filled with granola crunchers and Birkenstock wearin’ hipster folks. Denver nowadays is split between Hi-tech – like everywhere else – and manufacturing. Everything from Keebler Coookies to Titan missles and Plutonium triggers for nuclear weapons are made in the Metro area. Also the Bandimere Drag strip, cattle drive downtown during the National Stockmans show in January, and a whole mess of Bikers due to the high desert climate. Hipster it ain’t, although we had a few of those around the Cheeseman Park area.
This is a classic trap game, so we have to be careful. The altitude thing is real. Visitors always start to get gassed during the third and fourth quarters. Takes newcomers about 3 months to adjust to it. Today will be a good measure of how far we have come. GO BUCS!!!!!
September 26th, 2020 at 11:07 am
Jane Castor is the holdup. Everybody here in Tampa knows this.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:08 am
Who Is DeSantis Fingering?
himself… as usual… thinking about Lord Orange Face.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:17 am
It’s all about making people miserable. Miserable people vote for the challenger at the top of the ticket. The ends justifies the means.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:31 am
It’s always about money but politics rule 2020. To all the sheep wearing masks, well, your sheep. I have never nor will I ever wear a mask. Look at the death rates people. Less than one half of one percent death rate! WTF are you scared of? Live your life and enjoy it and not cower in a corner when the government tells you to. My body, my choice. Go Bucs!
September 26th, 2020 at 11:32 am
All political, Glazers are clearly liberals
September 26th, 2020 at 11:34 am
@Bucs Fan Since ’76- preach! I was hoping someone else recognized that this country is still a republic.
I am in Colorado, and the stadium still has a few tickets available.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:36 am
The survivability rate for C19 is well over 99%. If that’s too much of a gamble for you then just stay at home. But be sure and stay there otherwise you might get struck by lightning, catch the flu or even hit by a bus.
Useful idiots be scared, very scared!
You know if you caught the flu you would be…..
Oh never mind.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:38 am
Defense Rules Says:
“… fairly large nations like Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc have each had less than 2,000 deaths and almost all are only in double-digit numbers.”
Those places, as well as Taiwan, and notably Sweden, did not incentivize hospitals to over report cases and deaths. Those places also did not follow the UN WHO treatment protocols, which was killing patients, and instead used the medical knowledge gained over the last century for treating respiratory disease. These places did not panic and shut down their industry, either.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:38 am
lowercaseg Says:
September 26th, 2020 at 11:32 am
Well known Don the Con supporters actually. They’ve held fundraisers for him, etc…
I’d have more respect for them if they were liberals.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:39 am
The Fear Porn has to be kept cranked up to 11 until Nov. 3 if the Donks win, and into perpetuity of that ‘Phants win.
Covid Fear is the newest Virtue Signaling among the ReallyReallyReally Kool Kids Klub of the Loyal Comrades of the Glorious Progressive Revolution. We see this on JBF.
“Follow the science”…unless the “science” disagrees with Loyal Progressive Agenda Science. Then, It. Must. Be. Destroyed.
If you don’t want to catch CV19…and it’s fraction-of-a-fraction-of-a-percent mortality…then just stay the f@<k away from RayJay. Stay the f@<k away from me. Simple. Easy Peasy. ZERO effort or risk involved, especially since you're already in virtual fear hibernation. Leave Free Men alone.
But that's not what the purveyors of Fear Porn want. They want to control other's behavior to fit their own agenda. All in the name of "The Graeter Good", of course. THEIR “greater good”, of course, not mine. Whether it’s Climate Change or Covid, it’s all the same: we know what is best for you, and if you disagree, you must be discredited and destroyed.
Oh, and Orange Man Bad. :rolleyes:
September 26th, 2020 at 11:39 am
Just because 99.995% of people will not be effected, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ruin our lives in fear.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:41 am
Cobraboy for the win.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:44 am
LMAO Kobe. Sounds like you’re Non-Party-Affiliated’ like I am. Hope for the best, hope for the best, but nowadays unfortunately, expect the worst.
September 26th, 2020 at 11:44 am
hammerhead Says:
Prolly even more if they were Loyal Comrade Communists.
There are no more “liberals.” They are collectivist progressives.
I am a “classic liberal” (Get your Rage Google on, hammerhead) in the Jeffersonain/John Locke/Adam Smith philosophy, and I have *nothing* in common with today’s “progressives”, who are really neo-communists.
Yeah, go unhinged, hammerhead, Orange Man Bad and all that, because the Overlords in the Progosphere said so…
September 26th, 2020 at 11:51 am
Joe thank you for investigative reporting on this issue. Thank goodness someone in this town is doing it. I think the solution is very simple: if you want to enter the stadium, sign a waiver saying you do so at your own risk.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
Yes Cobraboy, Orange Man IS bad. Not because the overlords say so, but because everything out of his mouth is a lie, a distortion, a resentment, or a self-congratulatory handjob. He’s a criminal and a fascist. This is evident to anyone paying attention.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:02 pm
Dude. Wth. China did a good job?
And you are military and educated man. Cmon. Really? I normally agree with you. But man…stop watching cable news . Avoid the fear porn.
Not saying its not real but its an election year for a reason.
And those asian countries put people in jail for not wearing mask and contract trace on phones. Communist tactics. Cant do that here although certain politicians that lean a certain direction trying to be communists here.
You trust china numbers? You never saw those videos of people being barricaded in their residences to die. People taken away by police to never be seen again . And they changed their numbers to 15,000 after feedback. Yah right on 15,000. The doctors that came out in china about it and the truth early on have disappeared. Gone. People were paid thousands for family members urns to be picked up to remain silent. Do you think it came from bat too? Cmon.
And in regard to the positives. You know local news broke stories of places testing 100% positive In florida and therefore backtracked. Hundreds of facilities showing over 85 % positive.
The new york times (one of most liberal on planet ) just confirmed 90 percent Of positive tests are false positives. And thats why most people have no symptoms. Look it up. It shows how rna is magnified at 40 cycles and not 23 like it should. Therefore it doesnt even qualify as infection. False positive.
I hate talking politics here And reason less posts from myself. To much politics.
Should be football. But its all people want to talk about.
And for those desantis haters. Yah. If we could only have Cuomo or Newsome here. . I mean people were leaving Those states In droves before covid. And yet people bring their crappy politics here. Its a shame. New york city , the once greatest city on the planet is unlivable. Look it up. It aint returning What a joke. Yah. Lets turn florida into another unlivable state . 😂
Look at cdc charts. Around 7000 poison Deaths listed as covid too. Usually poison has a skull and crossbones next to it for a reason
Around 7000 died from alzeimers / dementia. Everyone has family member that has seen this first hand So which is it ?
You dont even need a positive test to be listed covid. I mean how is that even real?
And you know why its listed covid? Million dollar question? Besides to play politics 💰 on average you get 50,000 for covid positive desth in return. I heard in nevada its closer to 80,000.
And from personal experience , good friend uncle had massive heart attack and died. Wife watched him keel over in chair and die. Died on spot. They put covid on death certiificate and they are having someone look into as pretty upset.
If people are scared to go out , then dont. I travel and work inside businesses everyday. I only wear mask cause required. Staying at safe distance and wearing mask good for me. Does tampa need 100%. I dont think so. 50 percent sounds reasonable to me. Space people out
And finally ….Its tampa mayor. No brainer
September 26th, 2020 at 12:21 pm
Florida has been considered a bad political joke for decades. It’s now run by a bunch of real winners. The two US Senators are Rick Sick Rot Scott and Marco Robbing Rubio. The governor is a real classic: DeSantis or DeathSantis. CV-Pandemic? Half the elected bunch of yahoos in Tallahassee can’t spell ‘pandemic.’ Doubt things will improve before I die. And tRump aka orange maggot? He needs to replace his makeup person. Can we get back to the Bucs?
September 26th, 2020 at 12:21 pm
Did he actually graduate Wharton, or have somebody take the classes for him?
He got his money from his Daddy.
He’s a narcissist and a sociopath, and that’s from his own family.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:24 pm
Fill the stadiums with maskless Trump fans. Yeehaw! ” I don’t accept any responsibility at all.”
September 26th, 2020 at 12:25 pm
Here’s an idea-
Instead of screwing over Bucs ticket holders, motels, restaurants, tourist industry so you can please your Democratic donors, why don’t you fix the storm drains on South Dale Mabry?
A Holes
September 26th, 2020 at 12:27 pm
I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone must choose their own reality.
I personally take every reasonable precaution, having no pre-existing conditions but my age and a little pre-hypertension, but planning to live another twenty years and see a Rays championship or two, a couple Stanley cups and another Bucs SB or two. I see nothing lost really in being careful.
Those wanting to believe it is just another flu.. or a hoax? That want to live without any concern? Just keep your distance from me. If you are right, enjoy. And if you are wrong, just stops your Medicare and Social Security benefit early…and strengthens mine. Good luck with that. Hope for your sake, that you are right..but most of the medical and scientific community wouldn’t agree with you. You rather believe people profiting off your denial. So be it.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:36 pm
You obviously do not know what a fascist is.
So sad.
Another failure of the public edumacation system.
So, of course, he is a Loyal Corade of The Glorious Progressive Revolution.
No doubt The Overlords are pleased with your allegiance to The Cause. As a reward, please report to The People’s Collective Cooperative and Worker’s Union Hall to queue for a voucher for an extra rastion of Free Cheese.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:36 pm
hammerhead Says:
“… everything out of his mouth is a lie, a distortion, a resentment, or a self-congratulatory handjob. He’s a criminal and a fascist. This is evident to anyone paying attention.”
Well convince me, then. Tell us what lies he has told, what criminal activity he has engaged in, and what fascist things he is doing. Funny, it seems like after 3 years and millions of dollars, with dozens of leftist attorneys, the real fascists represented by Bob Mueller, would have found it.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:37 pm
I’m pretty sure Bird gets it.
September 26th, 2020 at 12:43 pm
Jmarkbuc Says:
“He’s a narcissist and a sociopath, and that’s from his own family.”
I like how leftists take the word of one psycho niece, and take her word over everyone else in the same family who don’t agree with her. Because leftists don’t care about the truth. They repeat as truth anything which fits their narrative no matter if there is evidence to support it or not. They will gladly destroy people and ruin their good name if it means gaining power, and at the same time, cover for the real criminals in their own party. It’s sick.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Bush’s Coke Spoon:
I think I love you. Keep up the good work.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Personally, I’m also thankful that businesses are concerned about lawsuits. If it makes them be careful regarding this virus, and those legal concerns are a driving force, it just tells me that parties in general, act responsibly for bigger reasons, even if it isn’t always in their best short term economic interest to do so….that also covers child labor, hazardous working conditions and dealing with toxic waste. Thank God for those laws, and law enforcement in general, that keep the fruits of the worst impulses we have as human beings, from being the everyday in America.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:13 pm
Bird … This is why I try my best to stay away from discussing ‘political issues’ with anyone, and especially with strangers. But hey, we can blame Joe; he started it.
Statistics lie IMO; they can be twisted to say anything you want. China’s numbers are most likely incorrect. US numbers are most likely incorrect. Florida’s numbers are most likely incorrect. And yes, China’s an authoritarian regime, but many other countries in that part of the world are democracies (like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia & New Zealand for starters). They ALL handled this coronavirus pandemic MUCH MUCH better than we did IMO, and they got hit much earlier than we did. And before you say they’re much smaller than we are, take a close look at their Deaths per 100K of population … it’s infinitesimal compared to ours. They showed us how to deal with COVID, and we pretty much ignored them.
And personally, I don’t even bother comparing DeSantis to other governors like Cuomo or Newsome. I don’t live in those states & I didn’t vote for them. And as far as ‘going out’ goes, I go out as much as anyone (I’m blessed in not having to work anymore, but still stay involved in a lot of things outside my home, go out to eat in restaurants a couple times a week, etc).
Fear has never ruled my life, and it never will. But that doesn’t mean that myself & all of us shouldn’t be smart in how we deal with this COVID-thingie and in particular listen to the experts. And yes, most of the COVID deaths have been in the over-65 crowd (ya, deaths especially because of age, pre-existing conditions, etc), BUT … most of the hospitalizations, especially since early July, have been in the 18-65 age groups. Those folks recover, but many (like a very good friend of mine) are still dealing with the after-effects months after being released from the hospital. There is no ‘Get Out Of Jail Free Card’ when it comes to ‘The Sickness’ as Joe is wont to say. Just my opinion though.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:15 pm
TampaTown…be careful…in future America, such expression of fondness for another man might get you graybar hard time; unless you have big money.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:21 pm
😂😂 Good one!
September 26th, 2020 at 1:22 pm
Correction. Not another man. I’m a girl 💖
September 26th, 2020 at 1:23 pm
Yah. The comment on desantis was for others. Not you
No hard feelings at all.
Politics are in everything now. Its a shame.
Again , i usually stay away but there is to much BS being told as fact.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:24 pm
And DR…if that that recovered from the illnesses have bills that turns them into indentured servants the rest of their lives, because they chose to live a risky existence, they are at least alive. We can always use more menial worker youngsters that won’t have two dimes to rub together and octogenarian grocery store baggers, both that live in their parents/childrens Florida garages/apartments previously used for everything but keeping a car.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:26 pm
TT…I hope you are of age…but then, BCS could go to jail for that…unless BCS has enough money or influential friends.
September 26th, 2020 at 1:29 pm
You’re killing me 😂 I’m legal
September 26th, 2020 at 1:32 pm
I think BCS and TT are making a love connection.