Little Clarity On Home-Game Plan
August 24th, 2020
Raymond James Stadium hosted a job fair for 2020 and Super Bowl stadium workers on Saturday. It was a very light turnout when arrived.
Will you be able to attend a Bucs game next month and, if so, where might you sit?
As of Joe typing this on Monday morning, 27 days from the home opener, that appears to be a top secret kind of situation, though Joe suspects answers from the Bucs will be coming this week.
However, Joe has spoken to a few sets of Bucs suite holders and they have been told to expect their suites to be accessible for every home game.
On Saturday, the Tampa Sports Authority held a job fair for stadium workers at Raymond James Stadium, seeking security types to cleanup crews and more. Midway through the event, Joe found a sparse group of job seekers in the stadium club filling out paperwork.
If the suite holders get access to opening day, roughly a few thousand people, then Joe expects Team Glazer to allow at least that many into the club seats and average-Joe seats for Week 1.
Joe just hopes decisions are articulated soon. Bucs fans come from all over the country to see games and it’s awfully nice to give people a little notice. And there are thousands of locals who build their lives around those home games in various ways.
The Bucs shouldn’t put this off any longer.
August 24th, 2020 at 8:19 am
Perhaps sanity is returning!
August 24th, 2020 at 8:52 am
I’m a STH since 2005. I have an email that says that the STH are going to be afforded the opportunity to buy single game tickets for this season based on tenure. The plan is to do “limited capacity.” However, my ticket guy has told me that “limited capacity” has not been defined yet.
I believe that he was lying to me because he ALSO told me that the number of STH is GREATER THAN the number of limited seats. (Wait, I thought you didn’t know the number of limited seats???)
August 24th, 2020 at 9:05 am
@HeyItsAdam: Prolly first-come, first-serve so # of seats available is not important.
A “sell out” could be 10,000 in a 66,000 seat stadium.
August 24th, 2020 at 9:20 am
I ask you this question?……If a person can CHOOSE to fly in an airliner next to someone, inside for several hours…..then why can’t they CHOOSE to sit outside at a football game?
The answer is quite simple and it has nothing to do with health…..the airlines can’t survive without passengers but football can.
August 24th, 2020 at 9:23 am
I heard it was every 5 seats
August 24th, 2020 at 9:52 am
I know that your point is that airline passengers and football fans in the stands are not the same situations. So they should be looked at different especially since the airlines go bankrupt if there are no passengers.
However, your differentiation is just too simple as well. There is no one standard that says just because a business can survive and won’t go bankrupt that we should use stricter guidelines on that business.
I think that is like saying that restaurants that rely more on indoor seating will be allowed to indoor seat because fear of those businesses going bankrupt but McDonalds wont be because they can survive with just drive thru service.
August 24th, 2020 at 10:13 am
You know that the cheap Tight a$$es that are TEAM GLAZER are going to try and shove as many people into that stadium. When more accomplished teams and owners are not having fans. TEAM GLAZER is just so desperate to get any dollars they can no matter the circumstance.
August 24th, 2020 at 10:15 am
Wait, I remember a bunch of people saying that we would have no football in 2020, now we are going to have fans at games?!?! So where are all the “No football in 2020” people? Come get your crow it is getting cold.
August 24th, 2020 at 10:26 am
Mike, I have to admit, I was very doubtful we would have a season. Can I have a little Tabasco with the crow?
August 24th, 2020 at 10:27 am
I have to add, I’m very glad I was wrong!
August 24th, 2020 at 10:27 am
Maybe people didn’t see the Kansas City folks in attendance for practice refusing to wear their masks. People won’t behave so why take the risks of sitting in a stadium full of super-spreaders. The reason America leads the world in infections and deaths is because we are selfish and dense.
August 24th, 2020 at 10:34 am
I am a season ticket holder and here is what I was told.
1. No matter what happens this year, everyone will have to buy individual tickets.
2. The first 6 rows will stay covered all season long. (My seats fall under that cover)
3. When they decide on how many people to allow in the stadium, the first people that get a crack at the tickets are season ticket holders and they will do it in order of how long you have been a season ticket holder. They will deduct the tickets you buy from the money already paid towards this season already and you can only buy the same number of tickets that you have for season tickets. I have 2 seats, so I can only buy 2 tickets.
4. For the playoffs, see #3.
August 24th, 2020 at 11:14 am
Buddy, the beauty of that is you never ever have to go.
August 24th, 2020 at 11:29 am
Yea Mike, I’m one of those guys that said there would be no real season. I’d advise keeping that crow warm until the season starts, reaches a mid-point without some fiasco, and then concludes with a successful post-season and SB. If the Bucs and the rest of the NFL plays on I will be watching like the rest of you.
Meanwhile, how about waiting until it happens before trying to serve up that crow. You know it wasn’t long ago someone promised the virus would go away “like a miracle”. How did that claim turn out?
BTW, congratulations, you guys have gotten the daily NEW cases down to 2,974 new cases yesterday. ONLY 51 died yesterday.
No problemo?
August 24th, 2020 at 11:56 am
bfio: the sky didn’t fall, did it?
But some have a difficult time letting go, because OraNGe maN bAd and all…
We now see that there is no significant difference between states and countries with total Draconian lockdowns and thoise that didn’t.
Virus gonna virus no matter what hysterical humans do.
We did not have to destroy an economy, although some Loyal Comrades are still trying….
August 24th, 2020 at 1:16 pm
I have read 77 NFL players have tested positive, and those 77 were false positives.
Apply that to the general population, most of whom do not have the resources for multiple tests.
I have two family members who tested positive, freaked out for more than a week without symptoms, and re-tested negative.
August 24th, 2020 at 2:08 pm
Not to split hairs, but it’s not 1st come-1st served. The longer you have your season tickets, the higher up you are in line.
I’ve had mine for 15 years. Not sure if they’ll get to me or not, but me and the wife are DEFINITELY down if they’re available.
August 24th, 2020 at 2:49 pm
Dear Snake head, this comment by you is typical of your total BS:
“We now see that there is no significant difference between states and countries with total Draconian lockdowns and thoise that didn’t.”
As I have stated before on this web site, Florida has roughly 5.5 the population of Oregon. Oregon has been one of the most stringent of those states attacking this virus. I shouldn’t have to remind you of YOUR governor’s approach. Like his master says he does. And, you guys are Open for Business. Well, how do the two approaches match?
Yesterday YOUR new infection rate was 2,974 cases with 51 dead yesterday! Oregon’s was 302 new cases with 3 dead yesterday. Your total of deaths is 10,534 vs less than 500 TOTAL for Oregon. Do you think those empirical FACTS support your claim. Only in some alternate universe. Perhaps you could take up writing Sci-fi as a new job. Reporting truths and facts don’t seem to work for you.
August 24th, 2020 at 3:22 pm
Enjoy living in your bubble for the rest of your life, I will accept the risk for the car ride, the beer I drink, the sitting in the sun, the flu tuberculosis, CV 19, planes falling out of the sky on top of me, I will gladly take all of these risk to go to the game.
August 24th, 2020 at 3:23 pm
Let’s not forget about the heart clogging brats!
August 24th, 2020 at 3:39 pm
@Steven007 just get cable my man or the NFL ticket. Why would anyone give those shysters of TEAM GLAZER any money for a horsesh-t product and fan experience??
August 24th, 2020 at 4:26 pm
Even with the name-calling, it’s still cool that people of different political persuasions can be on the same team when it comes to the Bucs. I wonder how many other common causes there are to rally around? My guess is, quite a few, as has always been the case in America.
August 24th, 2020 at 5:16 pm
Having lived in both Oregon (Portland & Lake Oswego) and FL, there are virtually NO similarities between the two locations, geographically or demographically.
Additionally, the vast majority of CV “cases” in FL are concentrated in one area.
A better comparison would be FL vs. CA in terms of population, geography & demographics. You still wanna thump your lockdown chest about CA, bfio?
August 24th, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Danny C – Good feedback, seems like it makes sense. As for tickets near the sideline, if they were actually worried about that they could just put up NHL like glass around the field — although I guess that would be a lot of glass, probably cheaper to just cut those seats.
Thanks for sharing some real and useful info.
August 25th, 2020 at 9:29 am
Hey Oregon, so those numbers you have….. are they anything like the 13 false positives in the NFL, or the people who die in car accidents and of gun shot wounds counted in those numbers too? Just believe everything pushed in front of you, no one would ever put out mis information.
August 25th, 2020 at 11:00 am
Hey MIke, my info is from Oregon’s daily virus update. I started keeping track everyday since April 26.
BTW, we have never had a state employee quit the virus statistic job due to pressure from the gov. to make the numbers more positive. At least one state has had that happen. Can you guess which one? Hint: it starts with the letter “F”. Have a nice day.
August 25th, 2020 at 3:30 pm
I am sure all of YOUR info is shiny and clean.