David Bummed For Fans
August 20th, 2020
Wants fans at games.
In this strangest of strange NFL years, the weirdest element has yet to come.
First there were no OTAs, then no minicamps then no preseason games. Now, few stadiums are expected to host fans. It is going to be so weird to turn on a TV and see either empty stadiums or computer-generated fans with fake crowd noise.
“I’m really excited for what we will have for our viewers,” Bucs linebacker Lavonte David smartly said when he was breaking down the Bucs defense for Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller, co-hosts of “Movin’ the Chains,” heard exclusively yesterday on SiriusXM NFL Radio.
David specifically said “viewers” because as it currently stands, no one knows if fans will be let into the Den of Depression to watch the Bucs this season. If that is the case, Bucs fans will only have access to games on TV.
Seemingly each day a different NFL team announces no fans at home games for at least a month. Not all teams, but many. Seattle was the latest to announce yesterday no fans for at least the first three Seahawks home games.
David hopes fans are at Bucs games but understands that it’s out of his control.
“The defense always plays with the juice from the crowd,” Kirwan told David. “It’s going to be a strange world” playing in an empty stadium.
“For sure,” David replied. “I’m one of those guys that likes getting the crowd involved in the game. We’ll have to bring our own energy to the football field.”
And how does David believe he and his defensive teammates can do that?
“Make game-changing plays,” David said. “We see it in practice. We don’t have music around, we have no fans around. But it is like a game-day atmosphere for us. Getting excited. Trash talking. That’s the same mentality we have to bring to the field on Sunday.”
Joe thought it was cool that David feels bad for Bucs fans if they can’t attend home games.
Joe is confident Team Glazer wants a full stadium for every home game. Joe is guessing if this isn’t an NFL decision based on health protocols, it will be on the shoulders of local authorities such as Tampa mayor Jane Castor and the Hillsborough County Commission, if not the Tampa Sports Authority, the governing body that oversees operations at the Den of Depression.
And no, Joe is not aware of any timeline to announce when or if or how many fans may be allowed at home games this fall.
August 20th, 2020 at 1:07 am
If this is the sacrifice the fans have to make for football to be on tv…count me in!
Football = best tv sport
Hockey = best in person sport
Baseball = best radio sport – yes the other sports are fine too. But you can’t beat the nostalgia and charm of baseball on radio.
NFL ratings will be through the roof this year!
Go Bucs!
In BA I Trust!
August 20th, 2020 at 6:37 am
There is no way the Bucs will push too hard for a full stadium, especially with the automatic deferrment of season ticket payments to next season already. It is bad PR for the NFL for any stadiums to be full. NO WAY does Jane “Curfew” Castor allow the stadium to be full, as with COVID, there would be a requirement for an additional 25% of security provided by the Tampa Police Department already. Even Gov DeSantis supports fans in the stands (and rightfully so), he will never support a plan that intentionally puts fans not related/attending together within six feet of eachother, masks or not, liability or not.
So we must the full stadium notion out of our heads right now.
Bucs fans know what it is like to attend games with 40% capacity. It’s dull.
Don’t worry Levonte…you guys just ball…and I’m betting most fans are fine watching from afar.
August 20th, 2020 at 9:46 am
For me, I would love to be a part of a 25% stadium. I think it would be unique and exciting. I thought Disney was great when we went there last month with fewer people 😀👍🏻🏈
August 20th, 2020 at 11:41 am
If no fans can attend, there should be NO blackouts of home games. Joe, any word on this? Seems obvious, but with this craziness, who knows.
August 20th, 2020 at 9:23 pm
@Sport –
Perfectly said on all counts!