Under NFL Proposal, Donovan Smith Could Opt-Out Of 2020 And Be Guaranteed Pay For 2021 Season
July 18th, 2020
Bucs left tackle Donovan Smith
Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk.com absolutely has been crushing it all week with news of the negotiations between the players union and NFL owners on how to handle the 2020 season.
In his latest info dump, Florio notes he has a copy of the NFL’s proposal to the players union to allow any player to opt-out over Coronavirus concerns.
The deadline would be Aug. 1 at 5 p.m. And Donovan Smith, the one Buccaneer to go public in a big way about his fears and considerations, could keep the eight-figure contract guaranteed to him for 2020 in 2021 — if he bailed under this proposal.
“A player who opts out will have his contract toll for a full year. He will not receive his base salary or any other payments scheduled to be earned after the date of the opt out, and he will not earn a benefit credit or an accrued season. In 2021, his contract will be reinstated. If he “timely reports for all required activities” in 2021, the opt out will not become a breach of his 2020 contract, which “will not subject him to discipline or forfeiture, will not void any bonuses or guarantees or have any other adverse consequences beyond those set forth herein.”
What a decision Smith has before him. And man, it sure would be football messy for the Bucs if he opted out.
Joe has written previously that it’s more likely Smith would simply not show up for training camp and accept whatever daily fines the Bucs throw his way.
Those fines could be up to $30,000 per day (based on the previous labor agreement). And then he could stroll in on Aug. 25, for example, and eat a six-figure fine and be ready for opening day.
Joe doesn’t want to think about the pickle the Bucs would be in if Smith quit on the 2020 season, but that could free the Bucs up to pay cornerback Logan Ryan in free agency, in addition to scoring a left tackle like former Jets starting left tackle Kelvin Beachum in free agency. Oh, wait, the Cardinals just signed Beachum. Would Donald Penn have one more year in his legs?
July 18th, 2020 at 10:52 am
If Smith ended up being the only Bucs player to hold out for the year, and LT became a problem for the Bucs beyond the obvious, he would be seen as a pariah coming back the next year. Morality and ethics aside, that’s how he’d be perceived by the team if he opted out, especially when the 43-year-old new QB does not.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:00 am
DS wouldn’t even be a loss!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S LAZY MEDIOCRE OVERPAID SLOTH OF A LT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus in Tristan Wirfs………………and we’re good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 11:02 am
Steven…you might be right…UNLESS… many players end up getting the virus, the season ends up in shambles, the stories of players losing loved ones by taking the virus home and such occur. And if that happens, he would like like the smart guy, not the pariah.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:09 am
2001, correct, but that would of course be worst case scenario. I’d like to think that pains are being taken to eliminate those possibilities as much as humanly possible.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:10 am
And my first post was written of course anticipating a better case scenario than the one you’re referring to.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:21 am
Steven…I hope for a better scenario, too. The first step is for everyone to take this virus seriously and do all they can to keep from transmitting the disease to others. Glad to see Target and Walmart, among others, make business decisions regarding customers wearing masks, that are a step in that direction. We will see which way this goes…and I do hope we do see a better case scenario…but we have to work towards that as a citizenry, or it won’t happen.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:45 am
Quick question, TheBucsAnthem: do you hold down the exclamation mark key and then release at random or do you type the exclamation mark key each time?
July 18th, 2020 at 11:56 am
Dude, if that is too many exclamations for you, wait until el sheepo shows up.
July 18th, 2020 at 12:21 pm
Don’t know about throwing a rookie into left tackle especially this season, even if he is Tristan Wirfs.
July 18th, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Oh please. Hypothetically, if he is the only human on that team to sit out, while everyone else takes on that same exact risk then he is a coward and F that guy so hard. I’m quite sure your wife would understand that you’d need to take a few weeks to protect Brady and this may be the only year of your life to do that. Cop out. Puss. Lots of hourly wage poor people out there that are having to risk it just to put food on their table, the least you can do is leverage all of your wonderful resources and testing at your disposal to go play. Jesus Christ
July 18th, 2020 at 12:57 pm
I think this is a fair solution for the owners, players, and fans. Deadline for the decision and then play or perhaps sit out the entire season.
Joe is toying with an interesting concept…just more risk mitigation for Smith. He simply shows up the Monday before opening day. The Bucs have to trust he’ll report in superior shape and be ready to go with a week’s practice. That would minimize his exposure before it’s essential to show up.
How the league would react is another subject. What if the Bucs “negotiated”
behind the scenes as in secret and let DS know they would fine him as little as possible.
It goes without saying that from a team athletic standpoint if DS does decide to skip camp he’s giving Haeg a pretty good head start…he better be the very best guy.
July 18th, 2020 at 1:42 pm
Stick to your guns DS76!!!!!!!!!!!! The truth that none of the sheep will talk about is that this is DS76 last year for guaranteed money!!!!!!!! Word on the street was that the Bucs will opt out of the last year of the deal anyways!!!!!!!!!!!! Word on the street and very sensible of DS76 that he will “risk” playing this year if the Bucs “guarentee” the last year of the deal!!!!!!!!!!!
Why should DS76 “risk” playing this year and the Bucs walk away and opt out, and DS76 catches the sickness, has prolonged symptoms and is never able to sign with another team!!!!!!!!! It would be better for him to exempt out this year and sign with another team for multiple years!!!!!!!!!!! And the “real” fans would support any player that makes the decision that is best for his family!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 2:18 pm
We are a nation of fearful wimps!
People under the age of 80 have a 99.5% chance of surviving the China Flu. People under the age of 30 have a 99.9991% chance of surviving the China Flu. Kids under the age of 9 have a 99.99991% chance of surviving the China Flu.
We all have about a 4% chance of catching China Flu
Compare that to the 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division which had a 96% casualty rate on D-Day.
If you’d prefer to compare it just to other viruses, 60 MILLION Americans contracted H1N1 10 years ago and we didn’t close anything down, or stop any sports.
How about the Revolutionary War? Small pox had an almost 40% fatality rate. But our forefathers (black and white) fought on. The vaccine had a 10% fatality rate, but our forefathers got vaccinated and fought on.
But now athletes cower in fear of something that they have a 99.9991% chance of surviving?
A nation of fearful wimps.
I rest my case.
July 18th, 2020 at 2:43 pm
Not looking like this season is happening anyhow.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:00 pm
You got it, Wes.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:09 pm
He would forever be branded a coward anywhere he went in Tampa.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:13 pm
Realisto, you are full of pelosi.
The Bucs will bring him back IF he plays this season.
Your ” word on the streets” is nothing more than a butt methane roar while you throne in the outhouse.
Casuals. Can’ t live with them, can’t shoot them, and they have no shame…
July 18th, 2020 at 3:15 pm
@WillieG: I tip my hat to you, sir.
You are a Great American
July 18th, 2020 at 3:20 pm
Wonderful stats there. The D-Day stats really jumped out. Was that regiment on Omaha Beach?
(FYI. Not trying to trivialize the “Chinese virus,” as you called it, because it has f’ed up perfectly healthy, young people. Joe gets how the players are looking out for their careers.)
Previous generations had to deal with other viruses like polio, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, the Spanish flu. People in other parts of the world have to deal with things like Dengue fever. How did they survive? They dealt with it.
This nonsense of people on Twitter saying, “Wear a mask and we can have football” is nonsense. The virus isn’t going away until there is a vaccine. Either we learn to deal with it or crumble as a society.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:23 pm
Willie…your case is wet. We have about a 4% chance of dying from it if we contract it. And the more that live foolhardy, the greater the chance of catching it. You could argue that one should still take that risk. But please… use real numbers. It isn’t that difficult to find them, if you will turn off the TV and search for it…rather than whatever you normally use the computer to search for.
It is true that Covid isn’t as bad as the plague or the smallpox was during their era’s, regarding mortality. But you would hope that we have arrived at a place where over a hundred thousand American lives has more value than it did during the smallpox era. For some, I guess not.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:35 pm
Wow…talking about dying in a war to defend your country with contracting a disease in a pandemic due to foolhardy behavior. That is like comparing those that die from choking on their dinner with those that die from injecting heroin. Bizarre.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:39 pm
@Mike: you were right. Those are a lot of exclamation marks. Just wondering about the technique.
July 18th, 2020 at 3:42 pm
Newsflash…in 2018 it is estimated that almost 6,000 people died from choking… 67000 people were estimated dying from drug overdoses the same year. So we can conclude that doing all dangerous drugs resulting in death 10 times as deadly as food.
This is the kind of thing that passes for logic in modern America. Wow.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:20 pm
Joe..I think the point is that the fewer people that wear masks, the faster and further this disease will spread, and it is more likely infect the loved one of an NFL player or players. Or the players are at increased risk in their activities outside of football, as we don’t plan to make them live in player dorms in isolation for the length of the season. And the health of the player..the players…the team…the league… could effect the ability to have a complete season, or reduce it to one that has little more relevancy than the year of the replacement players.
If your point is that it may happen anyway, and we should deal with the fallout, you might be right. But I refuse to accept the fact that most teams will have to play much of the season without a substantial number of roster replacement street players, and that this season could well be a mockery of a regular football season as the replacement season was; at least at this point in time.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:22 pm
@Doctor Stroud
I cannot speak for others, But I am a rapid taper!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is more satisfying that way!!!!!!!!!! The down side is that I have to buy keyboards in BULK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 4:28 pm
Willie…My 82yr old grandmother in Nj contracted C-19 in April. Based off of everything I was hearing in the news I figured it was a death sentence. She recovered and I became skeptical of the so called severity of the disease. One of my coworkers wife got it here in FL, she was 37 and died. Point out all the percentages and statistics you need to make you feel comfortable, the fact still remains the disease is real and it kills people. I don’t care how much money DS makes or who his QB is, if he isn’t comfortable with playing during this madness it doesn’t make him a coward.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:29 pm
Mark2001 – here’s what the Florida data says:
1. For those 25-44 there have been 122,446 cases reported and 138 fatalities – a 0.11% fatality rate;
2. For those 45-64 there have been 93,748 cases reported and 687 fatalities – a 0.73% fatality rate.
For the younger set the fatality rate is very low; less than 1%. It is when you look at those 65 and older the fatality rate jumps up. That’s why wearing a mask is so important – if you are young you’ll probably survive, but the virus could damage one or more of your major organs. Wearing a mask stops the spread, and keeps others around you safe and alive. If not for yourself, wear a mask for others around you.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:35 pm
Which has already been proven that it is, at best, faulty.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:41 pm
What the chances of Joe Haeg starting if Smith opts out???????????? He has played some LT in the past for the colts……… I am not sure if he is starting material……but then again no one thought backup Shaq Barrett would lead the league in sacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 4:59 pm
BFForever…you are correct about the masks. Very few of us have access to masks that will keep the virus away from us…Surgical N95 or better. The main objective is to cut down on the aerosol from us to others. And as a citizen of a society that is fighting this disease, that is important in cutting down the spread. Walmart..Target..among others, and Menards for months, have looked at it that way. If you won’t accept that, shop on line or whatever.
BTW… labs only reporting positives is relevant only in regard to the percentage of those testing positive to negative. And that isn’t at all representative of what the actual percentage of positive to negative tests would be If everyone was being tested. Testing everyone would be significant, but impractical. Or if it was a random statistical sample it could be statistically significant. But it isn’t as if they were calling negative results, as testing positive, or falsifying results.
July 18th, 2020 at 4:59 pm
BFForever…you are correct about the masks. Very few of us have access to masks that will keep the virus away from us…Surgical N95 or better. The main objective is to cut down on the aerosol from us to others. And as a citizen of a society that is fighting this disease, that is important in cutting down the spread. Walmart..Target..among others, and Menards for months, have looked at it that way. If you won’t accept that, shop on line or whatever.
BTW… labs only reporting positives is relevant only in regard to the percentage of those testing positive to negative. And that isn’t at all representative of what the actual percentage of positive to negative tests would be If everyone was being tested. Testing everyone would be significant, but impractical. Or if it was a random statistical sample it could be statistically significant. But it isn’t as if they were calling negative results, as testing positive, or falsifying results.
July 18th, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Guessing greater than 50/50.
July 18th, 2020 at 5:06 pm
Actually you rested your case with “China” virus. NO educated person calls it that. But we know who does call it that eh?
But I understand your bravery Willie. You have the advantage on us. You probably have access to that million doses of Hydroxychloroquine that DeSantis got from his good bud Trump.
Perhaps you gargle with Clorox or maybe you’re super prepared with a sun lamp to fit up your rectum to kill it with UV. Yeah Willie rock on dude…you got nothing to worry about.
July 18th, 2020 at 5:10 pm
What are the chances, that if Joe Haeg starts at left tackle, that ole stale biscuit gets fired because the Bucs went 8-8????????????
July 18th, 2020 at 5:19 pm
Fire the cannons!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 5:24 pm
My father in law (alcoholic 🙁 and not the best health) tested positive and is totally fine. My sister in law (26 yrs old) got hit a little harder. Nothing bad and she’s fighting it off.
Had a friend in Vegas get it and had pneumonia. Nurse came in and gave him the malaria drug. He was 80% better in 24 hours. I had another friend get it and while he had asthma and had a hard time (at times) breathing, he was fine.
Also have 2 friends who never made it to their testing appointments (never went) and both came back positive!
I’m not denying rona 19 exists but I doubt the numbers.
Do I want my kids to get it? No
Do I want my wife to get it? No
Do I want to get it? No
But I go to work (along with my wife) daily bc I have to!
Again, I’m sure ppl got hit differently than what I’ve seen but am I scared if I got it?….
NOPE! Quarantine and let it pass
July 18th, 2020 at 5:52 pm
Anyone want to make a jersey for jersey bet that there’s going to be an NFL season in 2020?
I want a Gronk jersey and there’s lots of you on here lately that think there won’t be a season.
If I don’t get any takers….will you then stop posting about there not being a season?
July 18th, 2020 at 5:55 pm
This season will be canceled and we now have a 44 year old quarterback and Bruce Arians is going to be gone after next year . This quick fix is not going to work . I said it before I rather to try to build a dynasty . And I wanted to start with the building the defense first .
July 18th, 2020 at 6:00 pm
They will start it but I don’t know if they are going to finish it.
July 18th, 2020 at 6:14 pm
Howard has to admit that the realisto, et al, are entertaining and Howard Loled several times during his comment reading .
However Howard has won the exclamation mark contest as seen above with no less that 27 exclamation marks!!!! Each one individually typed!!
Oh…and DS is a puss. Howard is beginning to wonder if he could kick DS’s arse in a fair fight? Just keep it a boxing match and use mobility to avoid DS applying his body weight. Howard thinks after landing one punch that DS would tear up and threaten 180 pd Howard with lawyers etc
July 18th, 2020 at 6:43 pm
Joe Says:
July 18th, 2020 at 4:35 pm
here’s what the Florida data says:
Which has already been proven that it is, at best, faulty.
What bothers me is that there is information that hasn’t been shared with us.
And the information that has been shared has been used to create panic and fear.
Sure, wear a mask, but quit being that jerk in the haunted house that keeps ‘goosing’ people to get a reaction.
July 18th, 2020 at 6:45 pm
1987….far to difficult even what it means to have a season. How many starters complete the season for each team? Will there be fans in the stands? Who knows. The only thing a bet would result in would be an argument between betters as to what really was “having a season” was. Every Bucs fan is holding their breath right now… but no one knows for sure how things will play out.
July 18th, 2020 at 7:06 pm
Florio puts out great stuff and he finally settled down and stopped shoving his politics down readers throats on an almost daily basis. I get that people get worked up over politics, but dudes like Florio need to realize that 99.9 percent of his readers are there for his takes on football, not what the loons on either side of the political aisle are up to.
If Smith quits this year it’s going to hurt us, but I can’t blame him. I’ll say it again too, if he is so good, surely Licht can get a first rounder for him, even if he sits out.
July 18th, 2020 at 7:13 pm
When push comes to shove, D. Smith will play. I don’t think it’s his nature to not show up, take the fines, etc. He would opt out before doing that. After all, if nothing else, he’s been loyal and reliable for being with his team.
Maybe it’s not so ironic, but wouldn’t it be a kicker if the NFLPA and Owners worked so hard to get the new CBA in place, and now can’t agree on 2021 COVID 19 protocols?
July 18th, 2020 at 8:06 pm
His entire contract would be pushed back a year. So in 2021 he would be paid his 2020 salary.
July 18th, 2020 at 8:31 pm
Just looked up the new madden ratings and Donovan Smith is 70 overall. That makes him the 26th ranked LT in the NFL. No respect from Madden at all.
July 18th, 2020 at 8:39 pm
I remember when this site was about football. I sure miss the good old days.
July 18th, 2020 at 8:57 pm
D Smith will have life , health and disability insurance, and he will play football and he should quarantine himself from his family during football season and zoom it out.
July 18th, 2020 at 9:02 pm
1) Your 4% figure is complete, total nonsense. That is pure Fear Porn. Just stop.
2) Study after study, going back before this current hysteria show that wearing masks have an insignificant impact on spreading disease.
3) The FL figures are also nonsense. Somebody, between the testing sites and the numbers appear on the website, is playing shenanigans.
WTF is wrong with you guys/gals/xirs?
But if you want to wear a mask, go ahead. Hell, wear two. Hermetically sealed. With “I Care, I’m Special” stickers plated all over them. Just understand you are not actually helping the problem, it just helps your Virtue Signaling feeeeels…
July 18th, 2020 at 9:17 pm
Whatever happened to Global Warming? Oh, yeah, it’ll make it’s return after the election…
July 18th, 2020 at 9:18 pm
@ElBucoRealisto: muy bien, mi amigo. La mala hierba nunca muere.
July 18th, 2020 at 9:49 pm
Can’t be angry with the man for wanting to protect himself.
I would like to point out that by opting-out, he would lose his chance
at a Super bowl.
Lose a chance to play on arguably the best team in NFL history.
Give up his rightful spot on a great team.
His only shot at any type of consideration for HOF is in Tampa (2 potential super bowl seasons could help his case)
Can’t see him sitting folks. Realisto’s plan sounds great in a world with no problems. We actually need this man this year and next so let’s show him some support. GO BUCS!!!!
July 18th, 2020 at 10:08 pm
Alanbucsfan Says:
July 18th, 2020 at 9:17 pm
Whatever happened to Global Warming? Oh, yeah, it’ll make it’s return after the election…
Anything to scare you into doing what they want you to do LOL
July 18th, 2020 at 10:43 pm
2) Study after study, going back before this current hysteria show that wearing masks have an insignificant impact on spreading disease.
CITE PLEASE…Oh that’s right it comes from the all knowing Cobra how dare we disagree.
Do you even know what a cite is? Do you realize providing a link to Mark Levin or some other idiot is not a credible source. Wall St. Journal is very conservative but still credible.
Study after study…that sounds hyperbolic…you actually have multiple studies to cite?
July 18th, 2020 at 10:55 pm
Why are people so against wearing masks.
It’s like saying Seat belts should be optional.
July 18th, 2020 at 10:56 pm
Herd immunity didn’t work with polio either. Family first Donavan. Oh yeah. Climate change is a thing. Research it before you spout off. Is sheep the new buzzword?
July 18th, 2020 at 11:05 pm
Did anyone notice the duplicate posts above?
They’re exactly the same text, submittinted at exactly the same time
but with totally different names:
That’s the level of disinformation on the internet nowadays. Nuts and paid shills are rampant. Some are domestic political nuts and shills and some are shady actors from overseas.
Just be aware my friends.
Google “Deep fake”
July 18th, 2020 at 11:08 pm
Also…Howard has to admit that he’d be no match for DS …LOL….
but jeez Donovan…this is really bad look
July 18th, 2020 at 11:12 pm
bojim Says:
Oh yeah. Climate change is a thing.
You are correct sir, there has been climate change since this giant ball of dirt first developed an atmosphere, ie, A very very long time.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:25 pm
Life on Earth has been wiped out and repopulated several times in the last few hundred thousand years…..not saying people should be fearful, quite the opposite, people should be more relaxed and spiritual and realize the beauty of now.
July 18th, 2020 at 11:40 pm
July 19th, 2020 at 12:27 am
Luckily, Global warming has nothing to do with football so we won’t have to have massive BS arguments about it on these pages
July 19th, 2020 at 2:22 am
DS76 is a real weak link in many ways on this team
July 19th, 2020 at 3:14 am
Jason Licht put him in the same extension plan as he himself
was awarded.
Clean House
Bucs will make the toilet bowl as usual
July 19th, 2020 at 3:18 am
According to the proposal, players who opt out can also be traded. This should get interesting soon.
July 19th, 2020 at 8:13 am
Howard…that wasn’t some conspiracy…the posts were right after another. Why? Because I wrote the post before filling out the information and accidentally hit the submit comment button. Then I filled it out my information and hit the submit comment button. I didn’t think it would be posted twice, but it was. As usual the wacky deniers see conspiracy in a simple mistake. Look at the 120 percent overload in Miami due to the crush…Remdesivir is running short… A posting error is your “problem”, while we have a fop in chief that is suggesting injecting somethings like bleach or disinfectant to treat you And the real big government conspiracy is moving the virus data to a big government arm. …HHS…controlled by the president so he can treat you like a mushroom. Again, the later is a true conspiracy and you can’t even see it. Wow.
July 19th, 2020 at 8:46 am
Howie…I hit the post button before entering my personal information…realized it immediately, typed in the information, and posted. No conspiracy. But still…all the information was true, so why should hearing the truth twice, by accident, bother you?
I didn’t even use a fake name.. anyone on this board for a while knows that it shows as “anonymous” when that happens.
The conspiracy is to bury the Corona data in the HHS. You don’t have to look further than that.
July 19th, 2020 at 10:34 am
WillieG, I applaud you! It’s too bad that the current long winded genius on here, St.Pete implies you are not intelligent or that your facts are skewed. You sort of have to forgive him because his Socialistic Libtard beliefs won’t allow him to believe anything but Liberal BS. Real Americans aren’t afraid to face the odds for our Great Country. But the current bunch of leftwingers would have us cowering behind our doors in fear.
July 19th, 2020 at 10:35 am
Is there other players around the NFL talking about sitting out? Or was Smith just the first to raise his hand?
July 19th, 2020 at 10:38 am
After reading idiotic posts from snakeboy and GP, I can easily see why Florida is exploding with new cases.
Good news: Florida had only 10,000+ new cases yesterday. Down from 15,000.
Of course, this is from the Florida state site that is bogus.
I, too, am waiting for references to the “study after study” that says masks are totally ineffective.
July 19th, 2020 at 11:17 am
BFOregon… Now that the CDC collection of Covid data is being controlled by the big government HHS agency, who is controlled by Birx and Trump, I expect little accurate information from this day forward. I guess people will have to watched loved ones subjected to this virus, along with the financial destruction to their personal finances, to figure out that they were wrong. I hope they survive in both arenas, but you sometimes just have to sit and watch. Fortunately you can do it in Oregon and I can sit and watch the beauty of a Northwoods lake retreat if I wish. But for those in denial…all I can say is, good luck with that.
July 19th, 2020 at 11:36 am
The study is in your post….
MOST of Florida has had to wear a mandatory mask for 3 weeks now….
Miami a BIG hotspot has shut down everything for what.. 2 weeks now?
The cases are still extremely high for all this mask wearing…
Not ALL mask are effective. From what I gather these paper disposable ones that I HAVE to wear might be doing more harm than good, because a doctor explained that you’re always touching and adjusting it.
The cases are still stay high. We’ll see if that continues….with all this mask wearing. 🙂
Meanwhile….once again…I just took my kid to Disney outside of the heat it went smoothly for the Disney folks that were so panicked about opening that they started a petition online to stay home.
Training camp starts in 7 days. It’s GOING to start. FOR a REASON.
The reason is….there’s going to be a season.
Go Bucs!!!
July 19th, 2020 at 11:37 am
bucsfaninoregon …when my post goes through….that was for you.
July 19th, 2020 at 11:44 am
If you refuse to wear a mask, then it isn’t about freedom, it’s about you not caring about other people. Don’t try to paint it a different color.
It is pure selfishness.
And as far as numbers being wrong, that is conservative media making that claim. While I’m sure the sheep are quick to claim it is true, that doesn’t mean it is.
The truth is that the numbers are going up, and will continue to do so until people fall in line or a safe vaccine is successfully developed.
July 19th, 2020 at 11:53 am
Bonzai…purty sure peeps have fell in line… most Florida counties have made it mandatory to wear a mask when in pubic places. It’s been that way for 3 weeks now. Yet the numbers are STILL high….mask or no mask.
In fact I was back to work for 5 weeks after the shut down waiting tables with no mask….and the numbers back then were certainly lower than they are now and most every country is wearing masks.
July 19th, 2020 at 11:53 am
July 19th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
bucsfaninoregon Says:
July 19th, 2020 at 10:38 am
After reading idiotic posts from snakeboy and GP,
Pray tell dear sir, what is idiotic about wanting to know all the facts before jumping to a conclusion as you have?
Open that steel trap you call a mind!
You might, scary as it is, actually learn something.
July 19th, 2020 at 12:06 pm
@stpetebucsfan: I find two things interesating:
1) You cherrypick sources, ones YOU agree with. I’m not aware I have even mentioned Mark Levin; can you link to where I have? Or is putting words in someone’s mouth one of your default MO’s?
Not much “science” in shooting the messenger, but a lot of political hackery.
Surrender noted.
2) You are very incurious and skeptical, yet willing to accept whatever The Overlords deem “acceptable.”
Some make better serfs than Free Men. But feel free to wear your Suppression Muzzle.
@bucsfaninoregon: I have nopt live in FL for 13 years, and I am curious and skeptical enough to believe no one until I do the research myself, especially in a politically charged environment as today’s. Others embrace propaganda without questioning it. That would be you.
I have tried posting numerous links on JBF and they are edited out by The Joes. Their rules, not mine, and I accept that.
The New England Journal of Medicine, among others, have done numerous studies on various uses of masks, including a large, peer reviewed study well becore the CV19 hysteria. They even published one study that claims even use in the surgery suite has marginal sanitary effects. But you haven’t read that either.
Is the NEJM credible?
But you and your Loyal Comrade spbf never saw them because you both are the incurious type, choosing to believe a politically-driven agenda demanded by The Overlords.
You two aren’t the first or the last who match lock-step to talking points.
Your loyalty to The Glorious Progressive Revolution is duly noted by The Overlords. For a reward, please report to the People’s Collective Cooperative and Worker’s Union Hall to queue for an extra ration of Free Cheese…
FWIW: I am of the belief that *nothing* will stop this particular virus until herd immunity is achieved. I also have great distrust in any vaccine so rapidly developed.
Besdies: if masks work, why not open EVERYTHING? The excuse that masks are just part of the fix makes no intellectual sense. Either they work or they don’t work. If a small amount of virus escapes, then they don’t work, and if they don’t work they don’t work.
But, yeah, I know, I know, oRANGe maN bAd…
And before you two go off, understand: I will match my education, commion sense, critical thinking skills and experience in a high-tech “epidemic” clinical environment with anyone. Can you say the same? No, you cannot.
But then again, I am the antithesis of a PC snowflake…and accept the risks of living my life on my terms as much as possible.
Back on topic: I don’t care if Smith plays this season or not. IMO, he’d be making a huge career mistake of he does not play. Teams want players who put team before self. Taking a year off because of Fear Porn is not the kind of warrior I’d want in my foxhole.
Maybe he’d be All Pro in the National Sensitive Woke Snowflake Football League.
That said, if he had come out and said “Football feeds my family and I love them, so I’m moving out when I report to training camp to protect them from this virus I *could* contract. My team needs me and they, too are important parts of my life.”
I’d think very, very highly of the guy and add him to my True Football Warrior List, like Cappa playing with a broken arm, or JPP playing with a recently healed broken neck.
I suspect he made some off-the-cuff remarks that he really didn’t mean in his heart of hearts.
July 19th, 2020 at 12:19 pm
Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
“Selfishness?” Says who? You?
Why is it “selfish” not to wear a mask, but not selfish to demand others wear one for YOUR sake? Huh?
I’m not sure you thought through the logic of your feels, Bonzai. But I have heard “the greater good” argument ever since Herbert Marcuse wrote how that term is an important phase to be constantly repeated by Loyals to eliminates what he called the “American Man.”
Conservative media? As opposed to the agenda-driven biased progressive MSM? That YOU believe. In an election year?
You have outed yourself as yet another political hack, Bonzai, shooting the messenger.
That is weak sauce. I expect it from others, but I had hoped you’d be better than that. Niot the first time I misjudged character.
“Fall in line?” 😀 😀 😀 With whom? The Purveyors of Fear Porn? Are you for real? “Fall in line?”
Some men make better serfs than Free Men.
Numbers going up?
I have *zero* faith we’ve known what the REAL numbers have been since Day 1. The “numbers” have been all over the place, as have the “expert” talking heads on modeling, treatments and mitigation strategery.
I CAN evnision one strategery that will completely eliminate the virus on November 4… 😉 😉 😉
July 19th, 2020 at 1:25 pm
Cobra…the mask policy has loopholes and the enforcement is a sham… Per the St. Pete Times July 12th….
“Cities and counties have different rules and levels of enforcement. Pinellas County’s ordinance allows for customers and employees to be issued a civil citation, but businesses are under no obligation to enforce the mask rule.
Pinellas received 68 complaints about mask non-compliance through its County Information Center as of July 8, but enforcement is up to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. So far, it has not issued a citation. A sheriff’s spokeswoman said they’re focused on educating the public. The Sheriff’s Office isn’t tracking the number of complaints they’ve received.
Clearwater, which falls under the Pinellas order, also has not ticketed anyone.
So there is the reality of what is going on. A rule without enforcement means nothing. Of course you may be saying that no one goes around without a face mask. But all I can say to that is… Wow.
July 19th, 2020 at 2:54 pm
1987, try to understand that masks will not “STOP” the virus from spreading- -REPEAT: IT WILL NOT STOP THE SPREAD!!!! OK? What every body says is that it will SLOW the spread. That’s all we are going to be able to do until a vaccine or treatment shows up. Also, there is a thing called “incubation period up to 14 days”. After our Dear Leader blew off worrying about it and discouraged mask wearing and cases exploded you find this surprising and blame mask wearers? Only in Florida. Call Carl Hiaasen, you could be in his next book.
Snake head, your posts are getting longer and more disjointed. You are so paranoid about being suckered by someone that you reject all statistical models. All, except I guess, the ones you want to agree with. Rule #1 for all purveyor of propaganda is to throw all kinds of “alternative facts” in the air until people don’t know what to think. Sounds like you are there.
[Let’s not troll, thank you. — Joe]
July 20th, 2020 at 10:22 am
No, it didn’t make the cut. Joe’s trying to limit outside links. Google is also dinging Joe a lot for so many links in comments to other sites of late. If you cannot make your own point without a link to back you up, maybe it’s a point not worth making? Sorry. — Joe.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:25 am
Interesting to note that the head of the CDC opines that the recent FL “outbreak” id from northerners coming down to FL.
This is also congruent with the reduction of “cases” in the north.
So CV19 is yet another fine export from the north, along with “we do it better than you hayseeds do up north” valet parking and terrible driving.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:26 am
Mandatory Mask today.
Mandatory Burka tomorrow.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:44 am
@Joe: the unhinged progs demand factual statements be backed with proof.
So for edumacational and enlightenment purposes I try to comply.
No problem with your policy at all.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:52 am
Appreciate it Cobra. 👍