Signed, Sealed But Not Delivered

July 10th, 2020

Keeping his promise.

At least the Bcus won’t have to worry about Shaq Barrett staying with the team. For now.

The NFL’s sack king will sign his franchise tag, per Ian Rapoport of The future, however, remains cloudy.

Well, filing a grievance with the NFL, that’s the handiwork of Shaq’s agent, oily Drew Rosenhaus.

Per, the franchise tag prices for linebackers (there is no distinction in the CBA between inside or outside linebackers), Shaq will pocket a cool $15.8 million this season.

Price tag for an edge rusher on the franchise tag is $17.78 million. So you can see why Shaq Rosenhaus wants that extra spare change.

The two sides, per Rapoport, are still trying to hammer out a long-term deal. But at least Shaq will sign the tag before Wednesday afternoon’s deadline and he is with the Bucs for the 2020 season.

Just like Shaq said he would.

19 Responses to “Signed, Sealed But Not Delivered”

  1. BucsFanForever Says:

    First good news for us in a while. What a great player!!!

  2. SB Says:

    Love the News! Can’t say I feel sorry about the $2m loss he may have to take.
    15.8 would certainly do for most of us.
    Great to see him back tho!
    Would like just as much to hear about Vea and JPP’s ‘clean up’ surgeries.

  3. Godlovesbucs Says:

    It is crazy to tI ink they havent figured this issue out yet. Didnt von miller have the same issue? And whatever jappened to Jimmy Graham filing the same grievance when he felt he should have been tagged as a wr, not t.e.? If i remember it came down to # of snaps out wide vs on the line for him.

  4. Godlovesbucs Says:

    The Steelers Bud Dupree just filed the same grievance too.

  5. Nick Says:

    This should be any brainer!

    He is a DE, period

  6. Mort Says:

    Nick he is not a DE, he is an edge, and that’s what the tag should be for. Interior DL, Edge, or LB. not this outdated assumption that everyone runs a 4-3 and is either a LB, DE or DT.

  7. Buddy Says:

    LOLOLOL This is awesome Shaq just learned exactly how bad of ownership TEAM GLAZER is by making him a LB instead of DE so they now took money out of his pocket. Classic cheapa$$ move by TEAM GLAZER. Still worst owners in ALL of sports.

  8. Godlovesbucs Says:

    Hey buddy, the steelers did the same to bud dupree. Same with the broncos and von miller in ’16. Pretty commonplace to tag a 3-4 OLB as a LB…

  9. unbelievable Says:

    at least he signed!

    Finally some good news!

  10. Mike Says:

    And Bud, the New York Knicks have arguably the worst ownership in all of sport.

  11. lambchop Says:

    Yup, I knew this was the holdup. He wants that extra 2M.

  12. Looking at You! Says:

    Feels a little greedy to me. BUT not over the classification or the Cool Extra 2 million dollars that I’m not going to be getting Anytime soon. My heart is just breaking for him. So far I’m not that impressed. The Truth is without the Better of the two (and I Mean JPP), he Doesn’t come close to the numbers he got. In fact, he was Already Done after the first few games. All the D coordinators had His Number! He should split whatever he gets with him…. “JPP” The PROVEN COMMODITY!

    No it’s Not about that for me. For me my heart IS broken about the Very Real possibility that there won’t be a season. Definitely not the way it’s going now.
    The concerns are legitimate. And think about this, these guys are GUARANTEED the money whether they play or not. I sure haven’t heard that they won’t be banking even if they aren’t playing. Have you?

    I mean think about it… Let’s say the league Insists that they Must take a 50 percent pay cut… O boo hoo.. Half of 16 million dollars is STILL 8 MILLION DOLLARS FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL.

    Now THAT’S great work if you can get it!

    In the end, that’s my Concern. Chances are decent that something is NOT about to happen! So crying over “a title” and a couple of extra million for doing ZERO just doesn’t move the “I feel you and it’s breaking my little heart for you” that you aren’t Banking More “At This Time” It’s just NOT moving my needle…

    How about You show us that you can Do it Again to start with before you get to greedy. Let’s see Football Fist, And then let’s see you do it again BEFORE YOU QUABLE OVER A TITLE… What are you Scared of Mister? Or have you Bought into your own hipe BEFORE YOU SHOW US THAT YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN…

    Especially Without Help…. Just saying

    Go Bucs!

  13. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    I’m pretty sure that a number of NFL suits (be it scouts or broadcasters) already group defensive ends and outside linebackers together as “edge rushers.” If you demonstrate this, it sounds like a winnable case for him.

    Let’s hope a long term deal gets hammered out, and the grievance is a non-issue.

  14. DrunkInYbor Says:

    BFF you said first good news in a while. How long is your while. We have a once in a lifetime offseason. The greatest Q.B to ever play signed here. Then we got a trade for a sure fire hall of famer in Gronkowski many see him as the best ever at the least top 3. Plus we got JPP and SUH back on 1 and 2 year deals. We have had nothing but great not good news for a long while in my opinion.

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Buddy Says:
    July 10th, 2020 at 7:57 pm
    “LOLOLOL This is awesome Shaq just learned exactly how bad of ownership TEAM GLAZER is”

    You are aware that the owners have absolutely nothing to do with player contracts, right? Teams have a cap. The gm handles it.

    And Shaq wouldn’t have had 19+ sacks in a 4-3. If he wants credit he has to accept the position change. He’s not a DE.

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Probably will compromise between the the LB and DE figures, I guess that’s becoming a common thing for edge rushers. As for the long term deal — unless the Bucs are getting a huge discount, no thanks. I don’t foresee anyway he repeats a 20-sack season, and right now that’s what you’re paying for. I’d rather wait and see what happens, and if he can repeat that production then I’d gladly pay him that big, huge, money.

    I’m not at all saying he’s Wayne Haddix, but I think he’s much closer to a 10-12 sack guy than a 20 sack guy in this defense, and that’s a huge money difference.

  17. macout247 Says:

    Lol when people say the Glazers are cheap, they immediately tell you they aren’t Bucs fans and haven’t paid attention to the team since the Bush administration.

  18. Allbuccedup Says:

    I don’t see how the bucs can sign Shaq and Godwin long term. Your talking 33 to 35 mil for both of them. The bucs shouldn’t have signed D. Smith an average left tackle at best for 14 mil plus contract.

  19. Rob Tanner Says:

    Go “Bcus” as joe writes! 😉