Report: NFL Proposing 1 Preseason Game
July 20th, 2020
Bucs rookie safety and likely starter Antoine Winfield, Jr.
Will Tom Brady, or more importantly Tristan Wirfs, Ke’Shawn Vaughn and Antoine Winfield, Jr., get one meaningful snap against a non-Buccaneer before opening day?
It seems doubtful.
The NFL already abolished scrimmages (joint practices) against other teams. So the Bucs’ August sessions with the Jaguars and Titans were wiped out. Then the NFL cut the preseason in half, and now they’re slicing it again, per the Twittering of NFL Network reporter Tom Pelissero below.
The latest effort to strike a deal with the NFL players union for returning with limited risk in a pandemic has the NFL cutting the preseason to one game in late August.
Currently, the Bucs are scheduled to host the Tennessee Titans on Saturday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. Of course, that could change and likely will.
Under the NFL’s proposal, the one preseason game would be played in what normally is the third preseason week, the week of Aug. 27. That’d provide an extra week of preparation, though not the full 21 days of strength and conditioning players want.
— Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) July 20, 2020
July 20th, 2020 at 11:47 am
Pfffftttt – every team is in the same predicament. I read somewhere (this hear blog?) it was suggested that with only one preseason game – make it last 6 quarters to help the rookies. I get that is technically a game and a half but it does make some sense.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:48 am
Meaant “this here blog”. I’m an idiot.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:55 am
One game is more than I had expected. I was,however, expecting some scrimmages with other teams under the same protection protocols to help get teams ready. I think it’s a wash given most teams have the same issues. Some teams do have it worse, like those with new QBs are also not great QBs. The Bucs have the GOAT so not nearly as worried.
I’ll put it another way: Starting Game 1 regular season, under these circumstances…who would you rather have out of ANY QB in the NFL starting for the Bucs?
I’ll take the TB12 GOAT any day.
July 20th, 2020 at 12:05 pm
Would the “real” fans and so-called fans and the sheep accept a 6 game division only season that went to the playoffs!!!!!!! There may be a point were that is an option to get a season in!!!!!!!!!!
If time is very short to squeeze in a season, then I propose the ultimate playoff only system!!!!!! All 32 teams!!!!!!!! You lose and your out!!!!!!!! Week 2 will be the surviving 16 teams , then 8, then 4, then the superbowl!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to see this adopted in college football as well!!!!!!!!! Start with 128 teams!!!!!!!! One loss and you are out for the season!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is must watch television and drama!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!
July 20th, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Well, Roy Buford,
if I had to pick one qb under these circumstances it would be Jameis Winston, who qbd the team for 5 years.
July 20th, 2020 at 12:10 pm
I’m ambivalent about this season. Like all here I had such high expectations.
Now I no longer believe it will have any meaning other than to help distract us during this crisis. And while I consider that worthwhile I still have trouble getting fired up for an * season.
And like everybody else including apparently the players…I want to see how this works. Think about it. If you had a hundred guys and wanted to see how quickly you could spread a virus what would be better than having them go out and sprint and exert themselves physically so they could pant and breathe hard in each other’s faces.
Seriously can somebody tell me how that is going to work. Five dollar five minute tests that are reasonable accurate could certainly help contain it with daily testing…but….???
July 20th, 2020 at 12:20 pm
Clean House still crying about Winston. The liar that left and said he would not came back. That’s ok Ndog we know you will never get over him. But he is Gone!
July 20th, 2020 at 12:26 pm
July 20th, 2020 at 12:39 pm
Just curious 87.
An honest question that isn’t intended to be insulting but trying to understand.
Bring on the season? Even if the science say we shouldn’t? I know some people think we lose lives everyday on the highway but don’t stop driving. Is that perhaps your attitude…some deaths but we all gotta die sometime?
Or are you in the school that says all the scientists are crazy and SOME (the minority) politicians are correct?
Or are you simply like me rooting for the right medicines and conditions to make it possible to play. Or perhaps you believe those conditions already exist.
July 20th, 2020 at 12:42 pm
btw 87
When I say deaths I’m not talking about players but the collateral damage to their families and associates and society at large.
What the hell am I talking about…Am I my brother’s keeper?
July 20th, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Well at least our rookies won’t be the only ones affected. I think Brady is a smart veteran QB who won’t miss a beat with his new offense but if other players besides just Donovan Smith opt to sit out, this could be a real problem for continuity. It’s actually not fair to have such high expectations for this team when they are faced with so many negative possibilities. If it were Jameis Winston, the excuses would already be overflowing.
July 20th, 2020 at 12:49 pm
SPBF….I’m saying that the NFL is going to HAVE a season in 2020 science or not.
So bring on the season!
Also I keep citing how the daily case numbers remain crazy high for Florida despite a most of Florida being required to wear mask for almost a month now. Including my county of Pasco which has exploded over the last 2 weeks despite all this mandatory mask wearing.
None of that matters as far as the season goes. I don’t see or hear anyone from the NFL saying there might not be a season. In fact it’s the exact opposite!
July 20th, 2020 at 12:50 pm
“What the hell am I talking about…Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Close…you’re a lib-dem.
July 20th, 2020 at 12:57 pm
Tom Pelissero said,
Under the NFL’s proposal, the one preseason game would be played in what normally is the third preseason week, the week of Aug. 27. That’d provide an extra week of preparation, though not the full 21 days of strength and conditioning players want.
Sounds to me many players are out of shape after sitting on their collective asses all off season and want more time to get ready hoping by the time the season starts that it will be cancelled. At least that’s what I’m reading between the lines. This league truly is filled with a bunch of Karens.
July 20th, 2020 at 1:13 pm
Lib dem = brothers keeper.
Again LMAO. I certainly concede that ‘lib dems” don’t always do an “effective” job of being their brothers keeper but at least they make the attempt unlike conservatives who believe IGMGFY.
But certainly I will come here happy to eat crow and salute you IF this season goes off as scheduled. Like I said I’m at 50-50 OMG next I’ll be known as a moderate.
July 20th, 2020 at 1:48 pm
I like the one game preseason tune up idea. The season is going to be demanding and stressful enough on the players and coaches as it is. Play one tune her upper and lets dig in baby.
July 20th, 2020 at 1:54 pm
Have a 8 game season starting in November starting on Turkey Day and watch what the NFL could be! Every game would be do or die. Every game would matter. Expand the playoffs to 8 teams. It would be absolute chaos in a good way. But the NFL is now only a TV money betting machine. Quality doesn’t matter just eyeballs. NFL is dead. Sports in America is dead. I’ll go watch the PREM.
July 20th, 2020 at 2:15 pm
JoeBucs fan and other pundits have continued to push the mantra that the Bucs are at a severe disadvantage because they have a new QB during this shortened offseason.
However, I believe it is an advantage for the Bucs to have a condensed offseason. Perhaps, not so much against New Orleans because their QB is cut from the same cloth.
Brady’s understanding of NFL offenses and defenses is unmatched in the history of the NFL, which will prove to be in even larger benefit to the Bucs in their first five or six games.
July 20th, 2020 at 2:47 pm
St Pete
Well on my way to 80 and have been a Buc’s fan half my life through good and bad. Reluctantly decided best to beat this flu even though it might cost me one of my few remaining seasons. People out of work and dying are fist priority. Once we accomplish that football will return to be enjoyed and appreciated as it was meant to be.
July 20th, 2020 at 4:13 pm
Amen brother!
July 20th, 2020 at 4:17 pm
Martinii- -I’m in the same boat as you. Maybe and older boat.
This season is a big ***.
Draft for 2021.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:25 pm
Slip Slidin Away…Slip Slidin Away. You know the nearer your destination, the more you keep sliding away.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:26 pm
@Cleanhouse says:
“Well, Roy Buford, if I had to pick one qb under these circumstances it would be Jameis Winston, who qbd the team for 5 years.”
Well, I certainly appreciate your candor…that is a virtue.
Like most home openers with Winston at the helm…when he was ALLOWED to be at the helm (not supsended that is–sure, only 20% of time for the opener), the results are mixed, but usually bad. Yup, I’d take Brady any day.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:37 pm
How about 16 games week one
8 games week 2
4 games week 3
2 games week 4
1 game week 5
2020 *** Super Bowl Champion ***
2 weeks between games
July 20th, 2020 at 7:37 pm
The science(s) point(s) to having a season….it is critical–medical, social science, behaviorial…economic…
It’s not about fans selfish wants…sure, some feel that way. I’d love to have football for ME. But sitting back and looking, why not? Take measures to keep the players safe. Yup, some will get it; they will spread it. Most all will survive…certainly better than the percentage of the whole of the population as these guys are young and way past just healthy. But the therapy of football, the jobs, the family activities, the way to take folks’ minds off of this stuff…a way to pass time for the vulnerable folks…some semblance of normalcy, if just for a little bit.
Play football…just mitigate the risks…starting with keep the fans out of the stadiums.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:53 pm
Right on Roy T. We need sports, it unites us. For those 3-4 hours on Sunday it doesn’t matter where you’re from, your economic background, the color of your skin…….just the color of your team. You see people who would never hang out together Monday thru Saturday, high-fiving, ass slap pin’ and hugging each other on game day. Figure out a way to minimize the risks and let’s play some damn football. We need that distraction, it’s good for the soul.
July 20th, 2020 at 8:54 pm
Players association wants zero pre-season games. Slip Slidin Away.
July 20th, 2020 at 9:11 pm
Thanks COL.
For sure.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:19 pm
Inner scrimmage practices between team are not allowed this year. That’s why the Bucs canceled their practices with the Jags this year on June 3.
July 22nd, 2020 at 3:59 am
we’re gonna be looking at something like the strike shortened season back in the 80’s…
i see a 10 or 12 game season coming…
due to starting late and complications, etc…