“I Am Not A Lab Rat”
July 10th, 2020
Frustrated with NFL.
Donovan Smith just pancake blocked the NFL.
In recent days, several NFL players have taken to social media to express their frustrations with talks between the NFL and the NFLPA to develop a series of protocols to have football this fall while keeping players safe from the COVID-19 virus.
On Instagram this morning, Smith joined some of his fellow NFL players in sharing his emotions about playing, when many Americans are forced to either work from home or wear a mask when stepping out of their homes.
In a very thoughtful post on his Instagram account, Smith spanked the NFL and is galled by the NFL wanting to keep some 35 percent of players salaries in escrow this fall.
To whom it may concern:
With the start of the 2020 NFL season fast approaching, many thoughts and questions roam my mind as I’m sure it does for many of my fellow “coworkers” across the league. The unfortunate events of the COVID-19 pandemic have put a halt to a lot of things. Football is not one. To continue discussing the many UNKNOWNS do not give me the comfort. Risking my health as well as my family’s health does not seem like a risk worth taking. With my first child due in 3 weeks, I can’t help but think about how will I be able to go to work and take proper precautions around 80+ people everyday to then go home to be with my newborn daughter. How can a sport that requires physical contact on every snap and transferral of all types of bodily fluid EVERY SINGLE PLAY practice safe social distancing? How can I make sure that I don’t bring COVID-19 back to my household? Yes, we can get tested everyday, but if it takes 24 hours to get my results, how can I know each day that I am not spreading this virus or contracting it? The reocurring issue here is how? There are too many “hows” that have yet to be answered to ease player concerns and ensure the safety of not only myself, but also my family. I just can’t imagine how the game will be the same during these unprecedented times. Now to hear that 35% of my paycheck may be withheld while we are out sacrificing our health and wellness for the joy and entertainment of everyone else who will be safe at home in front of their TVs? Something isn’t right here. That should at LEAST warrant a pay raise due to the risk, not a cut. I am not a lab rat or guinea pig to test theories on. I am a man, a son, brother, soon to be father, and I deserve to be safe at work.
Though he didn’t write it, you can read between the lines and figure some NFL players have thought about whether it is smart or worth it to even snap on a chin strap this fall until or unless authorities can somehow get a hold on this virus.
And yeah, that may be wishful thinking.
Joe has already detailed how doctors do not know the long-term effects of “The Sickness” and that there are examples of victims in the same age group as most NFL players battling with the aftermath of the virus months after infection.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:46 am
Here we go with the “Antifa masks” again…
July 10th, 2020 at 10:50 am
Awesome writeup by Mr. Smith. Breaks my heart to read it because I want some damn football, but I can’t blame him one bit. I’d imagine him and a majority of the NFL isn’t working paycheck to paycheck so it’s not worth the risk it puts them (and family) in.
Think I just talked myself out of hope for a ‘real’ season.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:50 am
Here we go again with OregonBucfan telling us about the season being cancelled.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:51 am
Maybe “authorities can somehow get a hold on this virus” if people actually treat it as a health issue, instead of a political issue.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:54 am
There are people around the world that risk their health, under a variety of different circumstances, everyday to earn a living to support their family. I strongly encourage Donovan Smith to follow his instinct. If his head tells him not play then so be it. We live in a country where adults are free to make their own decisions. The fact of the matter is in the grand scheme of things he’s really not that important and if he chooses to leave the game he will soon be forgotten by most.
On a side note. I find it amusing that on one hand he’s concerned about possibly infecting his family, but then on the other hand suggests that if he’s given a raise he might feel differently about things. lol.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:55 am
Speak on it DS. I try to tell Joe what the deal is but he won’t have it.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:56 am
Reality is I am sure he is nowhere near the only player thinking this way.
My hope for a season just sunk a few notches after reading this. I don’t know if I should thank you for this article or not Joe.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:58 am
July 10th, 2020 at 11:02 am
Go get a real job if you don’t like the risk for 16 million. Get paid 50-100k per year and stay at home.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:05 am
This isn’t breaking news man.
If ANYONE out there wants to see some football soon, there are some pretty easy steps to take that should help:
1-wear a mask (it could be a “red” or “blue” mask, both work fine).
2-wash up! Often!
3-avoid crowds when possible.
4-do it all again tomorrow.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:15 am
Donovan just being lazy i hope he dont come back.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:16 am
Lokog just whining I hope he don’t come back.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:16 am
The absolute only way your plan would work is that every single human being live in a cave for the next two months as if there is a Cat-5 hurricane about to make landfall outside our front doors.
And yeah, that is as improbable as it reads.
The virus is here. Just a matter of dealing with it and its consequences until or unless there is a highly-effective vaccine.
So if there is going to be football (or anything), there will be risks. We, as in the entire world, are way past the point of squashing this by hiding.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:19 am
The messed up part is 30-60% of the spread of the sickness is through people not showing any symptoms. Which means, those temperature scanners are just a false hope to catch someone infected.
You see the point DS is making? He’s more worried about transmitting the sickness to someone who doesn’t have the immune system to combat it. That’s the worry.
Wear the mask to save someone ELSE’s life. Stop being selfish and making it a political move. You have your own brain, please use it. Deaths are not a statistic that should be compared to other causes of death. Someone is actually losing their life where much of it could be preventable. You cannot prevent a death from cancer, auto accident, heart attack. But, this is communicable and we know far less about it than we think we do. Err on the side of caution for the sake of someone else.
You literally can transfer this crap from sharing a salt shaker at a restaurant. That is a fact.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:22 am
Buc1987, you betcha! I started laughing half way through the article.
“Hello, this is reality calling. I’m here to tell you no matter how much the dear Leader and his syncopate governor bloviate about business as usual the virus and its effect on rational people will make the final decision.”
Of course, a huge black lineman is concerned with face to face contact with multitudes of opponents. Is 16 M$ enough to get infected and pass it to your wife and newborn? That’s his decision- -not Mickman’s.
Headline of Eugene’s paper today: “Ducks wont Play Buckeyes”. Our early season matchup that I wanted to really, really wanted to watch is flushed. Just the start guys.
Draft for 2021.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:26 am
He makes a good point and I respect what he says. I’d like the NFL and NFLPA to wait until Mid-Late August before making a decision. A lot of things could happen by them and lot things can learned by then. But if they’re not going to play I hope they don’t get paid either except for unemployment benefits
July 10th, 2020 at 11:26 am
Glad to see that many are becoming increasingly aware and informed of the effects of this virus. You can tell Joe has been listening while doing research, and glad he is sharing articles such as this one.
Frankly, I’m tired of the wacky argument and complaining by some that because they have to work their $10 an hour jobs, they are upset that players shouldn’t choose to risk their multi-million dollar salaries this year. Would you risk your entire career of multi-million dollar salaries, and your families well being for a one year pay day, if you felt there was no good plan to avoid exposure to this virus and if you had the choice? Many seem to be asking that question.
And I hope things like this article makes everyone aware of the fact that many of these players are successful professional athletes because many of them are superior above the neck as well as physically, to the average citizen. As has been said every so often, the thing that makes the difference between a successful NFL player and the ones that wash out is in their hearts and in their heads. They are giving this issue thoughtful study.
The best chance for a full season is to individually take every precaution now and act responsibly to protect yourself and your fellow Americans.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:30 am
Thank you Mark!
July 10th, 2020 at 11:31 am
I am not hiding.
I work every day.
My wife works everyday.
Putting a mask on is not hiding.
Washing your filthy hands is not hiding.
Avoiding crowds is not hiding.
But if you aren’t doing a damn thing, you might be hiding from reality.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:32 am
No all us people who have to work everyday since the beginning are the experiment, Donovan is just a coward. My family and countless others have been at risk the whole time because we have to work and live while rich baseball players and football players whine about risk.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:32 am
July 10th, 2020 at 11:35 am
He makes some great points. And the 35% the owners want to hold back is total BS. Players make the game!!
July 10th, 2020 at 11:40 am
If it’s to much for him he should retire. I’m sure he has other skills that could net him 14 million a year for being average at his job.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:42 am
If you believe what you are doing is going to kill the virus, yeah, that’s wishful thinking.
The only way to come close to stopping it (another wishful thinking phrase) is to eliminate any and all human contact. As in not leaving your house. Period. For anything. The entire world. For maybe a month. As in society is effectively shuts down like a hurricane was about to make landfall.
Joe thinks we can all agree that is just completely impractical.
And if such a plan was put into place, what would the employment rate be after hibernation, 75 percent?
Masks, masks, masks… they are not 100 percent foolproof either. They help, of course, a lot in some cases but they are not a vaccine.
The virus is here. It’s not going anywhere soon. Now we just must come to grips with it and until there is a vaccine, find the best way to deal with it, just like previous generations did with polio, tuberculosis and typhoid fever.
Welcome to the new norm.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:42 am
Would I risk Covid for 16mil?
Is that even a question? The dude isn’t even 30. I recognize catching it would be a PITA, but he’ll live…again—-with SIXTEEN MILLION DOLLARS. Sixteen MILLION dollars.
Hard to feel any measure of empathy for a guy who will survive (unless he falls in the .02% of people under 40 who don’t) and in the process make more in 6mos than my wife and I will in our entire lives.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:43 am
His lazy a$$ wouldn’t be saying that if he didn’t get his payday already.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:44 am
Overpaid tackle , how about when everything gets better you block your guy!! He often gets beat , if the QB didn’t get away he would be giving up 2-3 sacks a game.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:46 am
I understand what smith is saying. But I’m sorry I don’t feel bad for millionaires taking pay cuts.
I would gladly take 30% of Donovan’s smiths salary to be an average left tackle.
There are millions unemployed and those who go to the factories, warehouses, hospitals, etc. each day and don’t receive anywhere close to the money smith will make (9.75 million if his 15 million salary is reduced by 35% ).
Even if you go down to the league minimums of 600k – that’s still 390K per year. More than your average doctor and nurses who are treating the severely ill.
I get the risk of the virus. If you cannot play and worry about the risk of your family, you can self isolate yourself. I know folks who have slept in their garages or rented a hotel because they’ve been working in hospitals around covid patients.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:46 am
Man I knew Donavan smith haters would hang up in here. Jesus Christ imagine being mad a guy is worried about transmitting a disease to his newborn and calling him lazy.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:48 am
Please note that it was not Donovan Smith who brought up “Antifa masks”. ‘Nuf said!.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:49 am
Like you said Joe:
“They help, of course”
Why are against it then?
July 10th, 2020 at 11:50 am
*why are you against it then?
July 10th, 2020 at 11:52 am
I, for one, am going to keep doing what I can to “help”.
For those that don’t want you to “help”, I guess you must have a reason.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:53 am
Soft served ice cream. Its a 99% survival rate. And asked for a pay raise? Lmao.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:54 am
Worried about his newborn, the virus has killed 14 children this year but the flu has killed 38. I cant post links but it is out there, the risk in children is far less than the flu, life is full of risks.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:58 am
So Tvan if you had a new born it’s not that big of a deal if your newborn catches it from you?
We have no idea what this may do long term but you sound okay with it.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:00 pm
It’s a 99% survival rate if you’re healthy yes. But there are still more studies that need to be conducted in terms of long term effects.
If players are so worried about the virus, they should not play. Where I don’t feel bad is these guys have made so much money, some don’t have to play another down and should still be fairly wealthy. Like I said before, smith would make 9.75 million gross with a 35% cut on 2020.
Honestly, with the next recession looming, the last thing I want to hear is millionaires who work 7 -8 months a year cry about money
July 10th, 2020 at 12:00 pm
Not against them but this constant drumbeat that the virus will go away if everyone wears a mask is like saying everyone will cash out if everyone plays the lottery.
The virus is here. Short of every single person on the globe hiding in a cave alone for over a month, the only thing that will stop the virus (maybe) is a vaccine.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
You keep putting words in my mouth Joe.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:02 pm
Trying to figure out where the nexus is between his concern for the health of his family and his want to get a raise. Lol.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:03 pm
No one on planet earth thinks this is going to just disappear man.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:08 pm
Gosh can’t wait for this guy to get replaced ! Underachiever!
July 10th, 2020 at 12:08 pm
Buspro yep. Dude has never missed a game and Young calls him lazy because he is concerned he may infect his wife and newborn. Reading all of these comments it’s easy to spot who they support politically. Bunch of dudes on here that got a D in 8th grade biology think they know more than the CDC.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:10 pm
“They help, of course”
My eyes are wife open man.
I choose to help.
Rant all you want about the politics.
You can choose yourself, Joe.
Help, or not help.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:11 pm
Lowcognition earns his name
July 10th, 2020 at 12:14 pm
Name calling is a great way to show you have lost an argument.
Happy to “help”, everyone!
July 10th, 2020 at 12:19 pm
Tvan…it is a free country. If you wish to be a professional athlete, or a world class surgeon and make a mil. a year, do so. If not, do what you do. And don’t be jealous of those that can. And further, don’t call others cowards that have done their due diligence and are seriously considering their response to this pandemic. And BTW…if I were you I would stop trying to make arguments that show you are uninformed about this virus. That doesn’t prove anything, but that you are probably incapable of qualifying for any of those high paying jobs.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:23 pm
He just got on the GOAT’s sheet list. Brady is 43 i don’t think he cares. Avocado ice cream and TB12 juice will do the trick. Just start the season.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:23 pm
God this comment section is toxic.
When I think this place cannot get anymore toxic HERE WE ARE.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:25 pm
crybaby. what about all the cashiers who report to work everyday swapping hands with thousands. do your job, or walk and do not get paid.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:26 pm
43% of all deaths from nursing homes that make up .6% of the country’s population. Pretty sure NFL players and families will be fine.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:27 pm
Been saying it since Feb. Our greatest hope is a vaccine, and in the meantime to keep the infection rate down, using preventative measures, so we don’t overload our HC system, resulting in needless deaths. And keep discovering and developing treatments.
And what if there isn’t a virus…keep the infection rate as low as possible not to overwhelm the HC system, and develop treatments as best as possible to mitigate death and long term damage to our citizens and our economy.
That has always been the winning game plan. It isn’t rocket science, as JG would say. And if not for the diversion, denial, and simplistically false logic to obfuscate and confuse, we would be among the nations in recovery, rather than among those setting daily records of infection.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:29 pm
Joe, can we see a picture of your so called “antifa mask”?
July 10th, 2020 at 12:35 pm
I have worked with far more dangerous pathogens, but I still take all necessary precautions for the rona and live my l life. The virus is concerning but let’s not lose sight of the fact that it’s not particularly dangerous for the majority of healthy people that are not immunocompromised or elderly. I expect the incidence to continue to rise and the prevalence to start to decline at some point even without a vaccine. Should be interesting to see what NFL does to try to save the season.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:36 pm
I’m sure if Donovan was reading these comments, he would be comforted by the advice of those sounding like they work cashier jobs and are getting their medical expertise advice from some Faux news. I expect he will stop worrying about his baby, even though some recent articles medical articles state that the virus might cross the placental barrier, or cause some long term negative health effects even among young people. Or that bigger and heavier guys are more at risk. No worries, Donovan. They are giving you the best advice a $10 an hour worker has. SMH.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:38 pm
Botton line he’s got a lot of balls to use a family health risk scenario as a ruse to complain about getting a pay raise. Stay home Donovan no one needs you. Health care workers on the other hand…
July 10th, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Donovan has it a$$ backwards…..it’s not about him taking the sickness home to his family…..it’s about him bringing it in to the team.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:45 pm
Donovan, you are the new Softie.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:50 pm
As suspected D. Smith showing his weak kneed constitution again.
July 10th, 2020 at 12:58 pm
The so called “experts” say the virus will be making a bigger comeback once winter nears. Iran claims they have developed a cure. No chance the US goes down that road. A third of Americans are against taking a vaccine, me too.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:00 pm
I think I am totally with Joe on this one.
All the Coronavirus’ including this one are going to be around. A drumbeat that suggests that if we had stayed close for 2 more weeks or 2 more months would not have stopped the virus in this country. California stayed closed the longest and because they have large urban populations like LA that reopened those areas are at risk.
Once we get a vaccine we will control this much better. Masks, hygeine and social distancing will help as well.
I agree with Donovan’s right to be concerned as he individually is. I agree with points that seem to at least initially suggest that this is not very dangerous for the very young. But again, as it is his family. He can limit as he sees fit. Good for him that he has ability to make decisions that seem best for his family.
The best of us are going to be respectful of others decisions and not ridicule them for a difference in view. There is not only one science here at work. There are the social sciences at work that are as important as medical sciences that many people including Joe seem to consider.
If there were only the people that considered the medical end of this then yes we would all be in a cave isolated for 1 month and we would not be able to go to publix to get our food.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:00 pm
I didn’t realize that the bubonic plague has hit the United States. Wow, I better start preparing for this obvious fatal catastrophe. The death numbers must already be at millions and millions. I don’t blame him for not wanting to play football since millions and millions of Americans are dying every day from this pandemic.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:01 pm
Someone let Donovan know that if he really is sincere about infecting his family the bay area is filled with short term leases on homes and apartments that he can use to sequester himself during the season. A sacrifice that our military members make every single day.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:02 pm
Six months of constant doomsaying bombardment by our media would have an effect on even normally optimistic people.
I don’t blame Donovan
July 10th, 2020 at 1:05 pm
Bring on the season!
July 10th, 2020 at 1:06 pm
Laissez-faire attitude is what has hospitals in Tampa and other southern cities turning away dying patients as we speak.
It’s not as simple as “living with it” until a vaccine bails us out.
The solution is obviously not living in caves for a month either. That’s talking extremes.
Most countries with decent healthcare have done very well in SLOWING the spread with temporary, non-essential lockdowns and an army of contact tracers. That way there’s an ICU bed for you should it come to that.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:08 pm
So for every person like Donovan there is someone like me in their 50s working with the public everyday because we are an “essential business.” Am I getting hazard pay? No my hourly employees got a bump but they are younger and dont have the asthma and diabetes 2 that I have. Donovan you are making MILLIONS let me repeat MILLIONS. The NFL has set you up for life to make more money than you probably would in any other field. So suck it up and give people like me that make a fraction of what you do and take the risk every day something to look forward to. Id trade places with Donovan Smith in a heartbeat and I am sure MILLIONS of Americans would to. Sorry but no sympathy here bro!!
July 10th, 2020 at 1:09 pm
I am so embarrassed to cheer for the same team as some of you losers. The fact that people have absolutely no sympathy for a man concerned about spreading this disease to his newborn child shows how absolutely disgusting you are. And for the moron that says “what about the cashiers?”, how many cashiers would be happy if their employer reduced their pay by 35%? The fact that he makes millions is just envy by you. Why do you not speak of the billions of dollars the owners make and their unwillingness to take a pay cut? So you don’t have a problem with the owners making lots of money (while not having any extra risk of contracting the virus), but you get upset when a player (who makes a tiny percentage of the money as the owner and is at the highest risk of getting this virus) doesn’t want to take less money? Think about that statement, and if you do and still feel the same way, then you are the problem. You are probably the one that doesn’t wear a mask because the survival rates are high.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:10 pm
Nothing but old angry boomers around here. Wonder who they support unironically politically?
July 10th, 2020 at 1:14 pm
Stupid argument. Your job isn’t making billions of dollars. If it was, you would be getting paid millions. Donovan Smith is one of the best people in the world at his profession. His profession is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Guess what – that means his pay will be high. If you are jealous, too bad. You can’t swap places with him because you aren’t good enough to do what he does. If you want to argue that football players shouldn’t be making that much money, then stop going to the games. Stop watching them on TV. Stop buying NFL merchandise. Fact of the matter is, the NFL is big business, and the workers should get paid a lot. If you can’t handle that, I can’t help you.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:14 pm
We live in a world of “softies” (I would have used a different term but it would have been politically incorrect, and I don’t think that part of a woman’s body should be likened to a bunch of wealthy softies)….
July 10th, 2020 at 1:15 pm
** oh yeah, would have been disrespectful to cats also
July 10th, 2020 at 1:18 pm
God you would think Tmax was behind everyone of these comments it’s so bad.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:25 pm
If he does not want to play this year, I respect his choice. But it seems that the is really reacting to the possibility of a pay cut. The request for more money shows a complete lack of awareness of reality.
I think he would have been better off thinking through his options and announcing a decision when he had one, rather than giving “insight” into his thought process. It reads like a whine.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:28 pm
I work in hospitality, i don’t get paid what this guy gets paid.
He needs to take precautions.
Me first, and wants a raise.
he signed a contract, hope he gets cut
July 10th, 2020 at 1:40 pm
OMG Donovan Smith, really? Fair questions, sure. You are right. Don’t play and GET NOTHING like so many other Americans out of work.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:46 pm
i do not think we will see tom, play one regular season snap this year, 2021 i really do not know
July 10th, 2020 at 1:53 pm
A lot of folks on here just want to be entertained, they could care less about the players (common day gladiators), so they reduce to calling names and couldn’t stand a few minutes in the coliseum. Everyone thinks because these guys make more money than the average joe that you can just wind them up like a toy and watch them go, as if they don’t have a personality or a personal life, family – it’s the same thing fans did with Kap when they called him ungrateful or Lebron when they said just shut up and dribble. D. Smith, do you and I will respect your decision either way (I haven’t seen any of the players that got MSRA in the Bucs locker room ever suit back up.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:59 pm
Someone tell Donovan Smith to STFU!!!!!! Damn man, you are a damn millionaire. I was always told, “To whom much is given, much is required”. It’s from the bible or Ghandi… I believe but I’m not sure. Wherever its from, you just got a crapload of money. If you don’t work, give the Glazers money back and they can furlough yo big a*s until 2021.
July 10th, 2020 at 2:01 pm
“I am not a lab rat”
And DS76 is not a good left tackle either!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone tell that bum that he is already overpaid!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if player want to sit out this year, the “real” fans have no issue with that!!!!!!!!!!!! For that bum to ask for a raise and not be a front line worker is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!! The “real” fans lost what little respect that they had left for that overpaid mediocre player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 10th, 2020 at 2:03 pm
Joe, I expected more of you. Yes, facemasks help slow the spread. No, it won’t extinguish the virus alone. BUT, it is the best solution to having some sort of human interaction without helping the spread. That is the whole deal!
We need to slow the spread, as opposed to full-tilt boogie like you have going on in Florida. Slow the spread, then open up carefully (masks required), no bars etc., schools where little virus, no schools in states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas. Things like extra protection in large food operations might just help also.
Joe, you blocked a mis-read comment I made regarding Pizza-gate. OK. How can you allow comments like lokog’s to stand?
Joe is not sitting here all day moderating comments. Sometimes it takes a bit if it gets through the filter. Second, Joe knows face masks slow the spread. Joe has never said otherwise. –Joe
July 10th, 2020 at 2:12 pm
Come on boys..claim it… no more Covid19. We lead the world in transmission. Second place is for losers. We need to call it “America’s Pandemic”. Each ICU bed occupant is a badge of honor.
You don’t think that is so? How else can you explain people not doing all they could to avoid spreading it?
July 10th, 2020 at 2:14 pm
That is interesting but where is the IRA Kauffman podcast your a day late 👀
There are no set days for The Ira Kaufman Podcast – twice per week.–Joe
July 10th, 2020 at 2:20 pm
I still feel lik season could be cancelled.he raises a fair point (although most diseases don’t become contagious u til a few days after contraction, dunno about covid). The thing is yes they’re healthy young guys who probably won’t die . But if they sustain lung damage it could affect their careers
July 10th, 2020 at 2:26 pm
Exactly Coburn…heart, circulation, lungs, etc.. And the big guys are particularly susceptible. But they make big money…so they shouldn’t care how it effects them…right? Just keep raking in that cash. You make more than $40g’s a year, so you shouldn’t care. Or maybe, they are bright young men and are looking with the focus at their career and the health of their families.
July 10th, 2020 at 2:32 pm
There will be no fans in the stand this season. BELIEVE THAT!!!! Everyone should be happy if a season is played at all
July 10th, 2020 at 2:35 pm
I contracted the coronavirus over 3 weeks ago and I’m still recovering from it. I took every precaution including limiting going out in public, wearing a mask at all times when I did, avoiding touching my face, washing my hands frequently and socially distancing. I still got it. My girlfriend took the same precautions and also got it. She was sick all of two days.
What I’m getting at is that there’s no way to tell which of us got it first or where we got it from because it was probably from someone who was asymptomatic and didn’t think they could spread it. There’s way too much we don’t know and there’s no telling how any individual will react to the virus.
There’s no way to have risk-free football and players should be allowed to opt out this season. I understand that would wreak havoc on rosters, but the NFL is asking players to take health risks above and beyond what the normal risks of the game are. That being said, I’m still hoping for a football season and rooting for the Bucs to win it all.
July 10th, 2020 at 2:36 pm
It’s amazing how good mass media is at conditioning people.
If the media said nothing about this virus people wouldn’t know nor care and we’d quietly have a worse than average flu season like we do from time to time and life would go on. But instead, the media hypes this thing up 24/7 (except for about two weeks when it magically went away so they could rile up racial tensions) and has half the population walking around like the plague is going to descend on them from the sky at any moment.
If you test everyone, there’s literally no danger of getting the virus. It doesn’t matter if you’re blocking someone, swapping spit or making out with them. If it takes 24 hours, then quarantine the team for a day or two. Or do the whole season in a bubble situation. If freaking little league teams can play right now, certianly the NFL can figure this out.
This just trikes me as posturing on the part of the players union with threats in order to push back against that 35% escrow bit, even trying to take advantage of the situation to strong arm a raise.
July 10th, 2020 at 2:37 pm
Antifa masks? Get ahold of yourself. Stop being an ignorant buffoon.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:05 pm
@bucsfaninoregon SO you get to choose who opens and who doesn’t? Slowly reopen? when exactly? How long? You gonna pay my bills while my job is closed? You can’t say this person can open, and this one can’t. It’s unconstitutional. We have a major spike in positive testing for the reasons of A. More people are getting tested and B. Thousands of people are jammed on top of one another at these protests. What are you going to do, wait for a vaccine? And if they get a vaccine this soon, please feel free to be the guinea pig. As for your sacred masks, doctors are 50/50 at best on their effectiveness.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:16 pm
@mark2001 you are correct I am not qualified to be a professional athlete. I do make a very nice living and have 2 young children. I have enjoyed you sitting here judging everyone from your imaginary high horse. You must be very proud of yourself for looking down on people taking risk everyday making 10 an hour. Far more damage was caused by the shutdown then will be by the virus but you are too busy lapping up the fear to see that cancer patients and heart patients have died at home out of fear of going to the hospitals let alone lost businesses and livelihoods. But you are a good troll.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:18 pm
I totally understand Smith not wanting to have his salary put in escrow but beyond that he must realize if he doesnt play this year he probably will be deemed a marginal left tackle probably overpaid who wont lay it on the line for the team. So if hes concerned about his daughters safety why ask for more money? Why not demand better safeguards??? Why is money going to help him not catch Covid-19 and protect his newborn???? I dont get that one at all.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:25 pm
“Speak on it DS. I try to tell Joe what the deal is but he won’t have it.”
I try to mention to you yesterday Joe that this is armed robbery using a virus. You came back at me with $5 billion in TV with a season. Wow! This sounds a lot like DS and other players leaning my side.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:26 pm
I’ll say it. I do not care about the players. they are simply entertainers, and if they work they work. at this point they ar lucky to even have fans or a job. they need to stfu, stop the political bs, cancel culture, playing the victim and play A couple years back I would not have felt this way, but they spit on the fans and what do you expect?
July 10th, 2020 at 3:26 pm
God you people are really something. Talk about a bunch of keyboard warriors.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:37 pm
I will salute anyone who is humane enough to put others before themselves.
I hope the NFL can do something to make a season work. They are particularly suited for it, above all sports except fencing, where masks are always worn.
I hear and read people talk like this is the flu. It isn’t, my nephew is in the hospital with it now. He is being fed rat poison to thin his blood to try to get the blood clots out of his lungs.
Recovery time-6 months, maybe. There is also the possibility that he will never be the same again. If you would wish that on someone else’s newborn, I can feel pity for you.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:37 pm
Looks like we will see what Haeg and Wirfs as our 2 tackles will look like. The show must go on unless the Nfl decides to cancel/delay the season
July 10th, 2020 at 3:38 pm
@Joe: it sounds like you’re referring to a plan that other countries have used with astounding success here. Also, I’m about one mention of Antifa masks away from saying forget this blog. ICUs are full but keep it political. Smh. What politics? –Joe
Joe Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 11:16 am
The absolute only way your plan would work is that every single human being live in a cave for the next two months as if there is a Cat-5 hurricane about to make landfall outside
July 10th, 2020 at 3:45 pm
Trust Joe, the NFL will find enough players to play.
The NFL is all about money. Reason they are trying so hard to have a season is the TV revenue. This isn’t difficult to figure out.
Joe’s confident that articles here demonstrate Joe feels for the plight of the players. Joe wouldn’t want to be in their place.
Joe also, however, lives in reality.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:47 pm
July 10th, 2020 at 3:51 pm
I can’t blame the man for not wanting to risk getting COVID. After all, he is already wealthier than 99% of people will ever be. The nonsense about being paid more is of course, nonsense. If teams make less because of attendance limitations, then players will make less too, that’s just business.
So if he is announcing now that he won’t play, can we use that money to sign Jason Peters? We need a replacement ASAP.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:55 pm
No meat left on any shelves. We are doomed !
July 10th, 2020 at 3:59 pm
Joe Says:
*Trust Joe, the NFL will find enough players to play.*
Sounds like we might have a hybrid season with half pro’s and half scrubs.
*That* could be interesting, sloppy but interesting
July 10th, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Joe’s thinking out loud here, what year was that in the 1980s it started out as a scab year and after three or four games there was a jailbreak of players crossing the picket lines including Lawrence Taylor?
Was that 1986? 1987?
July 10th, 2020 at 4:03 pm
I and all my fellow healthcare workers risk exposure to COVID every day. Several of my coworkers have either had it or tested positive. Do you think we get paid more money?? We don’t even make 1/300th of what he makes, and we are way more at risk. NFL plans on frequent testing to keep Covid from spreading on the field. Is it still a risk? Sure. Don’t want to play? Fine, you can afford it. But to say he wants more money, and not being okay with making $10 million instead of $15… that’s a complete lack of perspective. I wish D. Smith the best, but maybe show some more gratitude for your position in life and what other people HAVE to do in order to make a living.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:08 pm
*Was that 1986? 1987?*
Google say’s ’87
July 10th, 2020 at 4:10 pm
As stpete says, it’s going to be an asterisk year anyways
July 10th, 2020 at 4:10 pm
Words cannot explain the gratitude Joe feels for you and your colleagues. Sooner or later, Joe is fairly confident he will need help from your comrades if not you yourself.
Thank you.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:11 pm
Thanks GP.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:11 pm
“Trust Joe, the NFL will find enough players to play”
I know, right. Pretty gross. Why doesn’t the NFL give some money to the state of Florida Education fund because they’re really in the tank to send kids back in August. Yak!!!
July 10th, 2020 at 4:12 pm
Radsy Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 1:06 pm
Laissez-faire attitude is what has hospitals in Tampa and other southern cities turning away dying patients as we speak.
The virus is more than just Florida or Tampa. But I ask you: Can you point me to one instance in Florida where a dying patient has been turned away?
I may be missing it. I very much keep up with data. Many people and almost all of the media use ACHA numbers for ICU beds and total hospital beds to justify the amount of beds available for Covid patients. On at least 4 occasions ACHA has said that their numbers that the press is using is based upon historical numbers of beds in the hospital. That the total number of ICU beds can be many more than the ACHA count.
For instance, 3 weeks ago on a Thursday, it was published that there were 254 ICU beds available in Miami-Dade. The Hospital administrations came out the next day and said in actuality they had more than 1000 beds available for patients in an ICU type bed.
I think there is more concern for staffing so there is a concern. But I don’t think people are getting turned away from actual beds.
What do you have? Let me know. If it is not the beds situation, let me know. I am certainly concerned with the overwork and stress on health care professionals.
Thanks. I am a data hawk.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:15 pm
You lost Joe. Not sure what Florida schools have to do with the NFL.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:29 pm
My wife is a Nurse. She has witnessed people die from Covaid. Witnessed them fighting for their lives. She says she believes..Doctors still do not know everything about the virus. And the virus is finding new ways to mutate because we/you. they..refuse to follow simple medical procedures professionals have outlined.She also thinks playing football, baseball, basketball will be disasterous. I beleive her. But in this society we dare..we are arrogant. And covaid loves us for it. The season might start. But I’d be willing to bet a paycheck, it will end early..very early.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:35 pm
geno711 Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 4:12 pm
Radsy Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 1:06 pm
Laissez-faire attitude is what has hospitals in Tampa and other southern cities turning away dying patients as we speak.
There is a possibility that hospitals are turning away panicked covid (tested positive, little or no symptoms) patients that believe contracting the virus is a death sentence.
If you believe the coverage from major media I can see that happening.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Wow Joe. You are quick off the mark. Quarantine.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Oh man found the hideout for all the anti-masks people hahaha
No way in heck NFL plays this year.
July 10th, 2020 at 4:46 pm
Kalind Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 11:42 am
Would I risk Covid for 16mil?
Is that even a question? The dude isn’t even 30. I recognize catching it would be a PITA, but he’ll live…again—-with SIXTEEN MILLION DOLLARS. Sixteen MILLION dollars.
Hard to feel any measure of empathy for a guy who will survive (unless he falls in the .02% of people under 40 who don’t) and in the process make more in 6mos than my wife and I will in our entire lives.
^^^He’s worried about his family man not himself. Read good sir.
July 10th, 2020 at 5:00 pm
CG27, so many mis-statements, so little time.
“I” don’t decide who works etc. Local authorities have every right to determine that food production, grocery stores and the like should stay open WITH RESTRICTIONS. Bars, sporting events are hardly critical to the general public. You- -maybe. Nice but not critical in times of a once in a 100 year pandemic event. What article in the Constitution says they can’t?
Were there more demonstrations in Florida, Texas and Arizona than N.Y., Mass. and N.J.? Don’t think so. Was Tampa flooded with protests- -I didn’t see that on TV or read about it. Trump did have a rally in Tulsa and their numbers spike 2 weeks later. Was it the rally’s fault or protests?
What Drs. are you listening to? Nations Dr., Fauci, said use them. Have not heard one Dr. say don’t. Of course, I don’t listen to Faux News so I may have missed it. I only see snips of Tucker and Hannity on MSNBC as they are shown making fools of themselves so I may have missed it.
July 10th, 2020 at 5:08 pm
I have to go to work everyday around 200+ people and go home to my family of 5! Don’t want to hear this from someone who make millions of dollars to play a game.get over it! The NFL should not pay any player who refused to work period!
July 10th, 2020 at 5:35 pm
You seem to be adding 1 and 2 and getting 92 and then defend your answer because “the experts” say so. There are a few more integers needed to get to the final answer. Another way to look at it would be that you have five odd pieces of a 500 piece puzzle and claim to know what the finished puzzle will look like.
At least admit the possibility that there may be other pieces or points of view. I understand that this is difficult for a devoted MSNBC viewer. As such, you would be unaware that they are well known for ‘doctoring’ tape to give the appearance they want you to believe.
I feel for you brother, it takes a long time to heal(if ever) from the level of indoctrination and flat out brain washing you’ve gone through.
Good luck!
July 10th, 2020 at 5:45 pm
Send this clown packing. Never wants to work anyways.
let him go get a real job!
July 10th, 2020 at 5:54 pm
Some people think that government or media or whatever bureaucratic organization can mold people into near as perfect humans as possible by restricting their behaviors , and some think people are individuals with flaws and an inclination towards self destruction that needs divine guidance to create and achieve.
That’s the different points of view our country is grappling with now.
July 10th, 2020 at 5:58 pm
I, as a construction worker, just finished working on a job with at least 250 people around me. For $20 an hour, working on a college stadium at that. I’m the lab rat. Get over yourself and come work with me.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Well then I’m not gonna work either.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:10 pm
I read Donovan Smith’s writing twice; sounds to me like the young man has a mature attitude toward this current situation.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:13 pm
He’s a smart dude.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:15 pm
“I’ll say it. I do not care about the players. they are simply entertainers, and if they work they work. at this point they ar lucky to even have fans or a job. they need to stfu, stop the political bs, cancel culture, playing the victim and play A couple years back I would not have felt this way, but they spit on the fans and what do you expect?”
July 10th, 2020 at 6:16 pm
I predict 8 or 10 game schedule with no fans maybe. He better excel if they play play to prove he’s worth 14 plus million if not trade him or release him in 2021. With that being said I can understand his concern if you can’t go to the grocery store without a mask how can you play basketball or football.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:27 pm
GP…I feel for you brother, it takes a long time to heal(if ever) from the level of indoctrination and flat out brain washing you’ve gone through.
Good luck!
I can think for myself. I really don’t think I’m brain washed. How about you? Do you follow the Dear Leader like your governor? Let’s play ball! “Ignore the virus- -it’s going to magically go away (I hope).” Schools WILL open (mandated). I feel free to make up my own mind- -do you?
BTW, Melbourne, Australia just had a spike and they closed the whole city down. I suspect that was schools, bars and (dare I say it) sporting events. They had, I believe, 237 cases. Yesterday Florida had 11,433 NEW cases- -and you guys are bitching about D. Smith.
July 10th, 2020 at 6:39 pm
Watch, Donavan Smith will find a way to get paid and still sit out, then probably catch the virus anyway.
July 10th, 2020 at 7:02 pm
bucsfaninoregon – yes, Florida has over 11,000 positive tests yesterday, but also had 95,000 total tests done, also a record. The median age of those testing positive was 40, compared to 65 in the early stages of the virus. The virus has moved on to the younger set. Bad news, yes, but there have been “only” 106 deaths in the 25-44 age group, a 0.12% fatality rate. Most of the younger set will survive. Wear a mask!!!!
July 10th, 2020 at 7:04 pm
Tvan101 Says:
“Far more damage was caused by the shutdown then will be by the virus but you are too busy lapping up the fear to see that cancer patients and heart patients have died at home out of fear of going to the hospitals let alone lost businesses and livelihoods.”
And who wins? Who gets to take possession of all of the commercial real estate and business equipment from bankrupt small business owners? Who is going to benefit from hundreds of thousands of home foreclosures over the next year or so? Who is going to take ownership of the independent hospitals that couldn’t afford to stop routine treatments, but did so at the behest of “the powers that be?”
I would argue that it is the same people, ultimately, who are driving the fear porn. Those who control the press and the banks. Those who control the pharmaceutical industry. Those who control many of the politicians who virtue signal from the comfort of their gated communities. It is the “moneyed interests” of whom Abraham Lincoln spoke shortly before he was murdered.
July 10th, 2020 at 7:08 pm
gp Says:
“Six months of constant doomsaying bombardment by our media would have an effect on even normally optimistic people.”
July 10th, 2020 at 7:10 pm
Bout the dumbest thing someone could say…you can catch it at anytime from anybody and catching it doesnt guarantee noting since its less then 1% death ratio. Just plain dumb..your rich enough to get a studio apartment away from home and bring the risk down..the dude is just scared
July 10th, 2020 at 7:13 pm
geno711 Says:
Most folks take what they are told and repeat the narrative, such as “ICU beds are full!”, meaning CV19 is overwhelming them.
These people never even care to do a deeper dive. They either don’t know how, or they are afraid that what they find in defeats their embraced narrative.
For example, my cousin is the Chief of Surgery at a large panhandle hospital. We speak about CV19 a lot. Yesterday he told me in relation to their ICU (not CCU or SICU) that their ICU is at 70% capacity, and CV19 patients make up 18% of the current ICU patients.
I can hear the Fear Porn aficionados say “but but but, CB, that’s an anecdote, you are a science denier, I don’t like your political persuasion, you are eeeeevil, therefore I will discount what you say and will call you a heretic.”
OK. I can dig it. No prob. I don’t care if a Fear Pron Fans hate-fap at me or not.
But to the True Believers in the COVID-19 Church of Fear and Panic, I offer some data that is not an anecdote, but some that is coming from one of the “hotspots”: Texas.
Seems at the Texas Medical Center in Houston, the largest hospital “city” in the world, as of yesterday (the 9th), of the 2207 total ICU beds (not CCU or SICU), they are at 63% capacity, and of that CV19 patients make up 29%.
I want someone to explain how the Sky is Falling, and ICU’s are being overwhelmed in a “hotspot.
But do NOT tale my word for it. Take theirs: https://www.tmc.edu/coronavirus-updates/overview-of-tmc-icu-bed-capacity-and-occupancy/
And while a Fear Porn fan is at it, convince me that Texas Medical Center is a two standard deviation from the mean anomaly.
Go ahead. Prove it. Tell me with FACTS the errors of my ways.
BTW: It is super easy to convert CCU and SICU beds to ICU. And it is also not at all difficult to convert regular beds to ICU beds, depending on the hospital structure, equipment and issues with the patient. Hell, back in The Day my company set up virtual ICU beds in patients home, for stable patients on continuous IV infusion and ventilators, staffed with round-the-clock high-tech nurses in close contact with physicians.
Fact is staffing is more of a concern than bed capacity. But humans are fungible and bricks,. mortar and equipment not.
Ditto. I am also skeptical of where data meets politics (as in CV19), and refuse to believe anyone without digging into the actual data myself.
I’m not a denier. I’m just going to make “science” approve itself…and NOT with, “consensus” and the lame “appeal to authority” argument as in, “most experts say…”
July 10th, 2020 at 7:20 pm
gp Says:
Oh, so true, and your comments took me on a trip down Memory Lane.
I recall in the late-80’s/early 90’s, during the HIV/AIDS early years, folks who bought the “AIDS is super easily transmitted” message by the esteemed Dr. Fauci would panic and rush to the doctor when they got the sniffles or a cough. AIDS hysteria.
ER’s were overwhelmed with panic-stricken heterosexual one-night-standers afraid they were about to die an ugly HIV/AIDS death.
I remember those days well.
July 10th, 2020 at 7:23 pm
All for the players having their choice to play or not this year without the threat of losing their job AS LONG AS they don’t get paid to stay home…
They should earn their pay like everyone else…
Don’t promote or encourage more of this generation to be a mooch and a strain on society!
July 10th, 2020 at 7:23 pm
July 10th, 2020 at 7:26 pm
Meh. As Mr Wonderful would say “these guys are dead to me.”
Especially since none have come out to educate their Bro MeSean On being an anti-Semite but where calling out Drew Brees for standing for the flag. The sooner they disappear the better.
July 10th, 2020 at 7:55 pm
Buccaneric Says:
“It sounds like you’re referring to a plan that other countries have used with astounding success here. Also, I’m about one mention of Antifa masks away from saying forget this blog. ICUs are full but keep it political.”
You are misinformed. I present a Realist-inspired repost:
Bush’s Coke Spoon Says:
July 9th, 2020 at 5:18 pm
St Pete:
Do you want to know what countries have done the best? Countries who didn’t shut down their economies, shove people indoors, and close down the schools.
Taiwan has 25 million people and have reported 7 deaths. Japan has 121 million and less than 1000 deaths. Singapore has reported 12 deaths. Iceland a similar number. More importantly, these countries did not follow the WHO (UN) recommendations for treatment protocols. They stuck with what has worked for 100 years of known medical science for treating respiratory distress.
They didn’t abandon typical steps in breathing aid for pneumonia symptoms and go straight to intubation (like the WHO and CDC recommended), a treatment known as a last resort because intubation is known to damage lungs and contribute to death. Instead they stuck with time-tested protocols and actually saved people.
They didn’t abandon hydroxychloroquine + zinc treatments because Dr Fauci said to. They used nebulized steroids like budesinide to heal lungs instead of shoving tubes into them and killing them.
St Pete doesn’t have a problem with the fact that there are doctors all over the world who have been silenced online, who have treated patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc for decades with near 100% success. He doesn’t have a problem with the fact that budesinide and other steroid treatments are being suppressed online and by our own government. St Pete would rather complain about anti-maskers, even though there is no evidence whatsoever that masking in public has any medical benefit, as verified by Dr Fauci HIMSELF!
St Pete would prefer to continue blaming his fellow Americans and never, ever question the orthodoxy of government functionaries who are ethically conflicted and known to have financial stakes in outcomes. He will never ever question government employees who get significant funding from the same private sector entities who also fund the CDC and the UNs WHO.
I used to really respect St Pete for his tendency to go out of his way to consider both sides of a debate here in our community. But as soon as an issue becomes politically valuable, St Pete all of a sudden no longer cares about being objective and starts accusing and name calling. It’s a shame.
As to your your panic about full ICUs:
This is because they are finally getting to routine and elective surgeries that they were not “allowed” to do because Dr Fauci and his WHO masters decided that no one could perform these procedures for the past months–to keep beds open for COVID19 patients.
The fact is, that hospitals operate at near capacity by design. That is how they make a profit. This is why there is such a thing as triage, which is where hospital professionals decide who takes up beds and who can come back tomorrow. But Fauci, Gates, and the UN took it upon themselves to remove this decision-making process from the people who have done it for decades, and dictate to them how to operate their hospitals. The result is that most hospitals were empty for the past several months and forced to lay off and furlough many of their doctors and nurses for ultimately no reason. Many independent hospitals are now in danger of bankruptcy because of Dr Fauci, Bill Gates, and the WHO (NWO). Who benefits? The globalist “health care” conglomerates who will buy out these hospitals for pennies on the dollar. It is a scam. A crime. But by all means, keep shilling for them.
July 10th, 2020 at 8:01 pm
Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:
“So if he is announcing now that he won’t play, can we use that money to sign Jason Peters? We need a replacement ASAP.”
Comment of the day!
July 10th, 2020 at 8:11 pm
SOEbuc Says:
“Why doesn’t the NFL give some money to the state of Florida Education fund because they’re really in the tank to send kids back in August.”
What, the lottery isn’t enough anymore?
July 10th, 2020 at 8:20 pm
How does putting the money in escrow equate to not getting paid?
Did the meaning of the word change?
July 10th, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Rumors of a treatment for COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, are brewing in Odessa. Dr. Richard Bartlett, a local doctor, claims he has discovered the way to treat the disease. Currently, the treatment is not yet FDA approved, still, people are toting the method as a “silver bullet.” Bartlett has purportedly treated high-risk patients, as soon as symptoms materialized, for the last three months. Bartlett says he’s treated dozens of patients with COVID, and he claims a 100% survival rate so far.
After working as an emergency room doctor for 28 years and at further various West Texas clinics recently, Dr. Bartlett has developed and utilized a plan to help those affected by COVID-19 with an inhaled steroid called Budesonide, which has been used for years to help with asthma. Per the Doctor, quoted by msn.com, “the treatment plan is inhaled, generic budesonide. Using some generic antibiotics to protect from a secondary bacterial infection. Using zinc, which interferes with virus replication. It’s common sense. It’s intuitive.” Bartlett claims his patients report immediate relief. The FDA has not approved Budesonide for use in treating COVID-19.
While further testing is needed, the potential for an aid in the fight against COVID-19 is appreciated by the medical community. European studies were planned to begin in June. Dr. Bartlett tells sources he is writing a paper to submit to medical journals. The inhaled treatment follows along the lines of a recent open letter sent to the World Health Organization, in which 239 scientists from 32 countries outlined evidence presenting that smaller particles can infect people, and the disease can be spread via the air.
July 10th, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Wesley Says:
July 10th, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Well then I’m not gonna work either.
Now there is competition for the best post of the day.
July 10th, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Here’s the difference friend
My mind is not ‘made up’
Still open and learning every day!
July 10th, 2020 at 8:44 pm
Cobraboy Says:
“I recall in the late-80’s/early 90’s, during the HIV/AIDS early years, folks who bought the “AIDS is super easily transmitted” message by the esteemed Dr. Fauci would panic and rush to the doctor when they got the sniffles or a cough. AIDS hysteria.”
This paragraph, with Dr Fauci’s name involved, would make any intellectually honest person reexamine everything we’ve been told recently.
Dr Fauci was pushing an HIV vaccine back then, also. Oh, surprise.
July 10th, 2020 at 9:14 pm
I’m an essential worker making 15$/hr and this guy is complaining that the millions he makes isn’t enough?
Essential workers risking their neck wasn’t an issue before for this “man”, but now that he’s making a slightly smaller amount of millions suddenly narratives change?
What a worthless self centered human
July 10th, 2020 at 9:20 pm
Baware the truth! It may lead to cancellation.
July 10th, 2020 at 9:49 pm
I am truly embarrassed for our fanbase. He is having a newborn. What a horrible human he is worried about his child.
Lots of hate and not much brains. Sad times we live in.
July 10th, 2020 at 10:05 pm
God, what a bunch of pu$$ies on here.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:00 pm
July 10th, 2020 at 11:52 pm
You know, this WOULD hit me hard.
But it doesn’t.
Because I work 50 hours a week in a kitchen, constantly working and sweating on top of 15-20 within a foot of me for 8 hours straight, and then I go home to my first child, that is only just almost 4 months. If I can work and out food in the mouths of these rich dudes, they can show up for a game once a freaking week. That’s just me though.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:52 pm
Why do people always use their kids as props? Lets look at the data.
“Among people <70 years old, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.26% with median of 0.05% (corrected, 0.00-0.23% with median of 0.04%). Most studies were done in pandemic epicenters and the few studies done in locations with more modest death burden also suggested lower infection fatality rates."
So a 0.04% fatality rate means if you're under 70, and you get this, you have a 99.96% chance of survival.
That survival rate, when you get under 40, is 99.99%. As far as children go, they are literally at almost no risk, I mean almost 0% risk. Yes, yes, I know, any risk is too much… which is why you should wrap them in bubble wrap and put them in a nerf covered room and never let them leave, ever.
Should you take basic precautions? Yes. Should you alter your life and live in fear? No, but it's still a free country for now so if you find yourself scared, shaking in fear, then please, just stay home until 2022 when there is a vaccine.
July 10th, 2020 at 11:55 pm
And to the “pussies comment” or acting like we aren’t being human….
THATS THE DAMN POINT!! Why does his child matter more then mine? Because he is a millionaire? If I have to work, then they can show up and practice the rules just like the rest of the world does, and we do it with a fraction of his wealth. I can’t be made at him feeling that way, I feel that way too, but I’m being told I have no choice, or my family starves.
July 11th, 2020 at 12:01 am
T REX – Have any idea what the death rate is for those under 18?… want to take a guess? It’s under 0.001% – literally, and even those deaths are in dispute as they’re generally deaths where the child had it at the time of death, but didn’t die from it. There is basically zero risk to children from this – that’s from every study I’ve seen from China, Europe and the US.
I completely understand people protecting their kids and being worried, that is normal – but they also should know the truth and not make decisions based on fear. With that said, after knowing the numbers, if he wants to ignore the science and still thinks this is a threat to him and his family, well that’s his choice. Not saying that in a smarta@$ way either, I mean it – he can choose to not play. He’s made way more than enough money so he has the luxury to just lock himself in his huge house and not come out until there is a vaccine. If he chooses to do that, I’ll of course mock him, but words don’t hurt, the sickness does — if you’re not a child.
July 11th, 2020 at 12:22 am
@ food service
He has a choice because he has worked to put him in a position to make that choice. You didnt. Dont get mad at him because you have to go make 10 dollars an hour. Are you mad at the actors who cant go film movies because corona has caused tv shows and films to be halted because its not safe for groups of people to gather? Btw, those actors, directors etc make millions too. I dont see you mad at them for not putting out new shows or movies. So why are you mad these athletes are questioning if its safe? Those athletes are not here to appease your sorry plight of being a $10 wage earner. Get over yourself. You work because you have to. The good thing about being a millionaire is you have a choice. Dont be mad at him. Step your financial game up and i can assure you that you would see your work situation a whole lot differently. I hope you and your baby/family remain safe. Btw….my pay has been cut by 25% the past 3 months but i hold no ill will towards these athletes for not wanting to take a pay cut. Im replaceable just like many on this thread. The rays pitcher who made simular comments and donovan are not so easily replaceable and therefore have leverage and are exactly correct. What guys like you dont understand is if he has permanant lung damage from covid that could kill him maybe 4 years from now is something you are not taking into consideration. He is the defacto insurance policy for his family if god forbid he dies because he plays this year and contract covid. He is not trying to take a pay cut if his family have to live if he is dead and gone and he most definitely does not want to see his baby die before him. Im sure you feel the same way.
July 11th, 2020 at 2:26 am
with the florida heat, there is a good chance covid19 is already deeply nestled into donovan’s burly man beard…and living there comfortably – rent free…
also with some left over egg mcmuffin morning breakfast residue embedded up in there as well…
it’s a hard knock life up in a big man’s duty tuff facial fluff 🙂
July 11th, 2020 at 2:45 am
Donovan can quit football today and he and all of his offspring will never have to work a day in their lives if they invest wisely. I can’t blame him.
July 11th, 2020 at 8:40 am
So he doesn’t want to play. Sucks that our starting LT might not play, but can you blame him? I believe he still gets paid to sit at home, not too much unlike he does at the worst possible moment in games. If he feels like it’s too much of a risk to his family, It ain’t up to me to judge. We get the next guy up and move on. Not appealing but there it is. If it were me, I’d take the 16 Million and quarantine myself from my family for the season. I was a US Navy Submarine sailor and I got “quarantined” for 3 months at a time for a great deal less money. There are options to the scenario if you think about it.
July 11th, 2020 at 9:00 am
Rod Munch actually saying something I agree with.
Anywho…… strange times indeed!
July 11th, 2020 at 9:10 am
A lot of people in the comments are upset a black man has the money/assets to take a year off work for the safety of his family. Keep working on that kick-step, Cleetus. I’m sure Licht will be calling you any time now to protect old man Brady’s blindside.
July 11th, 2020 at 9:13 am
Donovan, Cameron Jordan thinks you are!
July 11th, 2020 at 9:18 am
Millions of people who out everyday and risk this risk because WE have to work (and for a hell of alot less money)… And ALOT of us would even if we didnt need too.. Stop being big baby and earn ur money…. Bunch of spoiled, Entitled lil babies… Man up!!! U want ur Millions Then earn it… This is what happens when u give a Child an option… They take the road of no risk or adversity
July 11th, 2020 at 9:19 am
Must be nice to make enough money at your job to where tou can just say ehhh….ill take a year off. I can only dream of having the financial ability to do that.
July 11th, 2020 at 9:37 am
Bush’s coke spoon…Plllease let that be sarcasm. If it is, than yes, I also am sadly lmao.
“What, the lottery isn’t enough anymore?
July 11th, 2020 at 9:39 am
Step # 1 ,,,,,can we just deal with ,,,,step # 1 ………Players at any camp will not go home to their families and will have no roommates !!! This view of mr Smith holds no water what so ever he is in total control of that but he wants some sort of potty party license to be Irresponsible!!! Stop with the false leverage irresponsible entitlement,,, You chose when to have your baby and you know when camp is you can afford help for her while you remain safe to keep them safe stop it with this nonsense …………. For sake of using a freakin brain can we just do that (NFL and Players )and you wonder where the term dumb jock comes from . Step #2 it’s your job take it or leave it period , simple ,end of story !! I’m sure many many people want what Donavan is trying to afford himself but their job doesn’t allow it , they have a CHOICE and Mr Smith has a Choice . Just quit positioning yourself as the victim , shut up and make your choice it’s up to you , just make your choice , very simple !!
Step # 3 please someone , a cashier at a car wash , a doctor,a paramedic, the garbage person,the grocery store clerk please put these entitled lil sports brats in their place and don’t serve them because they are around to many people and it’s just not worth it !!!
#4 please make your decision quick so the team and your teammates can adjust , see big victim boy it’s not about you it’s more about others as you were trying to cry victim but really there are others so please is it yay or is it nay so the team , fans and organization can move on. If it’s nay we understand and applaud you and your contract will be distributed helping other players in your profession ,some not receiving a paycheck . So please your a big boy , is it yay or nay , what is it ? We don’t need a bunch of Geraldine blah blah blah just I’m in or I’m out . You are not the victim here , it’s yes or no ,Donavan ?
July 11th, 2020 at 10:30 am
Said above, “The NFL is about MAKING MONEY.” BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! That should tell everyone all they need to know.
I have a very simple question for folks out there. First I will divulge that my wife telecommutes and my nephew was laid off from his waiter job. Me, I am a sanitation worker. I have gone to work everyday picking up EVERYBODY’s trash since the beginning. The organization I work for decided to offer a small incentive of additional vacation leave for those who continue to work on the front lines. So that everyone knows, a 35% decrease in pay would have led to your garbage piling up on your lawn. So, no, I do not blame Smith for his hesitance for the sake of freakin’ entertainment!
That said, here is my simple question to everyone:
Does anyone know anyone in their immediate circle who was furloughed, laid off, fired, or lost their business that was not in the hospitality, sales, or service industry?
This includes bars, restaurants, barbers, tattoo artists, airlines, taxi services, “entertainers”, hotels, etc…
It is a simple question with only the intent of understanding. I personally know of not ONE single person, outside of these industries who was effected.
Again, a simple question.
July 11th, 2020 at 10:38 am
@Bucsfanman: those professions rely on disposable income, which is the first to go in any economic downturn.
Retail has been badly damaged. I know some folks who have closed their retail doors. They weren’t doing well, and CV19 was the nail in the coffin.
July 11th, 2020 at 10:56 am
Cobraboy- My inquiry is not to diminish anything or anyone in those industries. I worked 11 years at a hotel at a $2.25 tip wage and am well aware of the ramifications.
My inquiry should not be misinterpreted in any way. I completely understand the impact of the virus to these businesses.
In many ways, Florida’s entire economy is largely impacted through the loss of these industries.
July 11th, 2020 at 11:12 am
Bucsfanman Says:
“I am a sanitation worker. I have gone to work everyday picking up EVERYBODY’s trash since the beginning.”
Hey, Jarhead! Years ago, I got to do your job for a couple weeks when I was working day labor. I got a true appreciation for how hard you work. That will keep you in pretty good shape!
July 11th, 2020 at 11:27 am
To your question, I know when the travel restrictions first hit, there was also a moratorium on port berthing, and many cargo ships were held offshore. There were pictures of empty ports, where usually containers were stacked for acres and acres. This caused truck drivers to be squeezed. Many of them couldn’t find loads, so were having to make empty return runs.
Many blue states, in their shutdown zeal, also closed the highway rest areas as well as the truck stops, making it impossible for truck drivers to find a safe place to sleep. They were having to just pull to the side of the road.
Most states probably shut down parks and recreation, so that had to affect state and local government workers. The courthouses, zoos, anything touristy like that was closed. Most probably still closed.
That’s off the top of my head. I don’t get out much, though. LOL
July 11th, 2020 at 12:01 pm
I get the concerns about his child and wife. Tough to ask him to risk them or isolate himself and miss the birth.
But this statement bothers me: “Now to hear that 35% of my paycheck may be withheld while we are out sacrificing our health and wellness for the joy and entertainment of everyone else”
It gives the impression that he’d risk the health if he were getting his full pay.
Withholding it doesn’t mean he won’t eventually get the money. It’s only a safety blanket in case the season ends early. Unfortunately, many players are incapable of budgeting their money…including him if the withholding hurts.
July 11th, 2020 at 1:01 pm
Thank you very much for maintaining balance in this very difficult debate. There are no easy answers which make the debate difficult. We now have TB12 and a competitive team and our season is threatened. It all sucks and I for one appreciate your moderation of this controversial topic. WELL DONE GUYS!
Cobra…and Geno….Ironically I almost always agree with your football takes.
We disagree on Covid…probably more with Cobra than Geno.
But we can debate stats forever…your stats versus my stats…Fauci versus Trump etc….but for the generic Covid deniers or at minimum diminishers how do we explain this.
ANECDOTALLY….I suspect anybody who doesn’t live in a cave has seen endless hours of interviews with ER Docs and Nurses and Pulmonary specialist along with dozens and dozens of epidemiologists not just Fauci and Birx.
We remember the VIDEO of refrigeration trucks to take the overload of bodies out of NYC hospitals during the original spike. We have all SEEN AND HEARD THESE THINGS.
Sadly for me from a personal perspective I’ve seen nurses interviewed who had the same haunted look in their eyes that I saw in Vietnam.
So guys what mastermind Producer created this masterful deception. How did they get literally MILLIONS of other participants in the conspiracy to do this with out the conspiracy leaking.
And again…why are all the other nations in the world ganging up on us with statistics. Is the WHO lying when they tell us that we represent 23% of the world’s deaths when we are just 4.5% of the population?
Help me out guys.
July 11th, 2020 at 1:02 pm
Tell D. Smith to go home and stay there and he forfeits $14 million and will not be renewed next year. Then train Wirfs to to play LT and start Haeeg at RT. Wirfs won’t have any trouble stopping speed rushers and all other sackers and will block great on runs and not cause penalties and will be a great benefit to Brady. We should have never given D. Smith such an undeserved rich contract in the first place!
July 11th, 2020 at 6:32 pm
Sounds to me like Smith would not have any issue if he was getting full pay. Wont blame a man for wanting more money.
July 12th, 2020 at 4:52 am
Coke Spoon- Back late but just wanted to acknowledge your post Devil Dog.
I have since been promoted upward and come off of a garbage truck. It is one of the most under-appreciated industries, IMO. Nobody ever thinks about their trash, until it isn’t picked up! LOL!
My point above is that I hear this “economy” debate so often. I have yet to see a situation that didn’t effect the service industry. Outside of that, most are either telecommuting or are essential. As such, would it be a fair question to ask why, if one part of the economy is so effected, is our economy completely reliant on it?
We’re almost saying that because the service industry has been shuttered, our economy is untenable.
I hope somebody out there gets what I’m saying. The only economy effected that I, personally, have seen, is the service industry.
July 12th, 2020 at 4:56 am
And, I guess my question for those questioning Smith’s motives is:
Would you place yourself on the front lines for everyone’s entertainment for a 35% paycut? How exactly is the money placed in escrow a pay cut? That doesn’t mean the players won’t get the cash. –Joe
Who cares what he makes. That’s what his profession dictates his salary to be.
If you say yes, you are a liar.
July 12th, 2020 at 1:08 pm
Reading this post and comments here one can see how screwed up America (as my country, the UK) is by its political divide, but then we can also see how effd up will America be by their use of COVID19 for political profit. You guys will have a harsh road to go.
July 13th, 2020 at 5:24 am
Joe- 35% of his salary will not be realized. He will see 65%. Perhaps “paycut” is the wrong term but what are the conditions of the escrow, and who’s? The NFL’s? Or Donovan’s? More importantly, for how long?