“Certain Guys Or Teams, It Just Never Falls Their Way”
July 9th, 2020
Bucs co-owner Bryan Glazer
Who could forget the chilling May words from Donovan Smith, when he made it clear that it was time for Bucs home games to feel like, you know, home games?
Tampa Bay fans were pumping fists into the air. Joe sure was.
Tom Brady had jacked up everyone connected to the Bucs, and seemingly every breathing sports fan in the Bay area. That includes many actual Bucs fans who had thrown in the towel years ago.
But now it seems Smith won’t get his wish. Fans at the Den of Depression this season feels more like a dream than a reality, and certainly it won’t be a full stadium. Multiple NFL teams have openly talked about cutting seating by 80 percent, and some teams already are letting fans get a full refund on the entire season.
The Bucs are one team remaining tight-lipped, and that was a topic on prime time national radio yesterday.
A Bucs-fan caller dialed up SiriusXM NFL Radio to voice his frustration. “Terry” said he is a 35-year Bucs fan and would do just about anything to get in the stadium this season to watch Brady and Rob Gronkowski and the new-look Bucs.
He barked about getting a bunch of corporate BS spin from his Buccaneers season ticket representative and said he called the radio show just after calling the Bucs to find out about ticket refunds and plans.
Joe’s not slapping the Bucs for waiting on a formal decision on seating plans and refunds. Heck, so much is up in the air with this season, it’s understandable. But the caller’s frustration reflects that of many fans, and it wasn’t lost on co-host Pat Kirwan, the former Bucs scout and Jets personnel chief and linebackers coach.
Kirwan talked about how he lives in Naples and can feel the excitement for the Bucs in southwest Florida. Bucs interest has overtaken that of Dolphins fans in the region, Kirwan said. where usually it is split.
Kirwan felt the caller’s pain of waiting so many years for the Bucs to not be an embarrassment, only to have a pandemic screw up the energy and keep fans out of the stadium.
“What a disappointment with the years they’ve been waiting for this,” Kirwan said of Bucs fans.
“Certain guys or teams, it just never falls their way.”
Joe writes this because it does reflect the feelings of many fans, and certainly many objective observers realize Brady is human and likely will be hurt by having less quality practice time with a new playbook and teammates.
Joe hopes the Bucs do the right thing with ticket holders and are NFL leaders in how they accommodate these fans through this crazy, virus-infested season.
Co-owner Joel Glazer called Bucs fans “our stockholders” following of Jon Gruden’s firing in 2009. “They’re what we play for — the people in our stadium and the ones that watch on TV. That’s what it’s all about: winning and how they feel about the team. If they don’t feel good about the team, then there’s something wrong.”
Hopefully, the team’s actions with ticket holders reflect that sentiment.
July 9th, 2020 at 12:18 pm
The trouble for me in “doing the right thing” is that I have no idea what the Bucs can do in this unpredictable…or minimally predictable crisis….what is the “right thing”. I’m not sure.
At some point self preservation will take over. If the numbers keep spiking in Florida fewer and fewer folks will be wanting to go giant gatherings anyway.
Now here’s a thought…nothing that I think should happen…but “could” happen.
If we didn’t care about spreading the virus you could just let the young folks fill the stadium and write off ticket sales to the wealthy…Covid is going to do that anyway.
If you simply let people in for 10-20 bucks young people would jam the stadium and we’d have tons of energy in the air…perhaps tons of virus as well. At what expense to the rate of infection? I do not know…I do believe however young people would come anyway because they view themselves as indestructible, and we oldsters have had our day.
July 9th, 2020 at 12:49 pm
Joe, are there any rumors for tiered seating?
I can see a segment of fans who would be apprehensive in attending, but others would be willing to sign waivers to attend. I can see 20% capacity early on and increasing the percentage if certain benchmark milestones are met, like no increases in ‘sickness’ fatalities or something else as well. I just would hate to start the season off with cardboard fans that attend Korean baseball games.
July 9th, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Seems like they could allow 15-20,000 fans per game to accommodate 6 foot rule and use a lottery/rotation system for season ticket holders with accommodating refunds/credits for missed games.
Same system for parking lot…
We neeeeed football!!!!
July 9th, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Well, first when they signed Brady they raised ticket prices quite a bit. Granted, that was early in the COVID19/unemployment saga, but bad form. The Bucs call their seaon ticket holders “members” but it’s clear they bow to the Pewter Partners and advertisers. I’m okay with that, but agree there is nothing I’d expect the Bucs to announce now before the NFL does–can’t get ahead of Rog’ and the NFLPA, and the mayors/governors will have some things to say. They probably want to see how MLB shapes up. That said, as I posted earlier, my Bucs rep actually called and had NO news either way.
July 9th, 2020 at 1:58 pm
We probably won’t know until two weeks before kick-off for the ‘home’ preseason game. The results (crowd spacing, cooperation, reaction) will be big determining factors in how the first regular season ‘home’ game is handled. And it may evolve beyond that too for better or worse.
Still too many variables in play to make any decisions yet.
July 9th, 2020 at 1:59 pm
From a business/planning side, I think they are better off having NO FANs attend and taking a mulligan on that this year. I’ve swung back and forth on that.
But concessions, stadium workers, waivers, enforcement, to get lackluster energy (20% of seats filled, or there abouts) doesn’t cut it. That will also cut the public affairs and media coverage fallout about fans getting sick, while also letting them focus on measures that could allow the WHOLE regular season to play out. Hey, maybe a vaccine by SB time and that’s the big return to the stadiums (bout doubt it). And secretly, may be good to let of the latest controversy over BLM, monuments, national anthem etc die down. Electronics sales and gameday groceries/food/drink, as well as fan garb, will soar, while revenue sure, but also a lot of costs. A wash.
July 9th, 2020 at 2:07 pm
Your post sounds a little defeatist.
Please don’t count me among those that think that that would be a good idea under the circumstances and with what we know.
While you and I often clash on how this situation has been handled and why, I think we can both agree that erring on the side of caution is better than just, ‘blasting away’.
The situation is still evolving, as are attitudes.
July 9th, 2020 at 2:14 pm
BTW, I am Peter Pan Young and 10-20 bucks a seat? Yeah, I think It would be worth the 3 1/2 hr drive.
And I promise not to look you up to get a hug afterwards!
July 9th, 2020 at 3:07 pm
I am brave and free.
I aint scared of no corona.
July 9th, 2020 at 3:21 pm
Give me my money back !
July 9th, 2020 at 3:24 pm
Perhaps defeated by some of the prevailing views that do not value life as much as money….while I disagree with that I do understand it.
I of course do not support filling the stadium in any fashion…just pointing out it would be done easily if you simply priced it right the young people will show up.
They will not be jaded NFL fans but people excited to even get into a game.
As for defeated? I take your point because in the short term I’m not bullish at all….very bearish…I’ve just written off 2020 as the asterisk year in my life and in the sports record books.
But I absolutely look forward to 2021!!! The disease will be controlled and the country will be changing…for the better IMO but YMMV. I’m truly excited.
July 9th, 2020 at 3:26 pm
If people want to go, why can’t they? It will just accelerate the point of herd immunity.
July 9th, 2020 at 3:45 pm
LOL, I value life but got no money
Where does that put me?
July 9th, 2020 at 4:07 pm
When you think of successful franchises, you know the name of the owner. It is the owners that take their franchise to a high level. I don’t see the Glazers on the same pedestal.
They might be turning the corner, but it is a tall stairway to that pedestal. They have brought in Arians and signed the deal of the decade, getting Brady in their uniform. Maybe this is the year, if the NFL doesn’t blow it.
The NFL can make this work. The amount of teams, length of schedule and TV ratings give them a unique situation. They can own TV ratings every day of the week if they can the games and dole them out at 2 per day.
They would hardly miss half of the crowd. They just need to upgrade the helmets and bathe everything un UVC lighting.
July 9th, 2020 at 4:15 pm
Pryda…sec 147: If you need the money that bad, you probably shouldn’t have spent it on tickets. Also, what good does it do to complain on Joe Bucs Fan website?
July 9th, 2020 at 4:19 pm
That Brady move looks more and more awful by the week.
July 9th, 2020 at 5:27 pm
Ivy League has cancelled ALL sports in the fall.
Big10 is making ALL sports in the fall iN CONFERENCE ONLY.
These are facts. They also might be a sneak peak into what this fall holds for ALL SPORTS FANS.
This isn’t the time to whine folks.
And it ain’t the time to pound your chest and yell about how “not scared” you are.
July 9th, 2020 at 5:33 pm
Pretty sure this is going to have a domino effect on the rest of the NCAA, how could it not?
July 9th, 2020 at 6:24 pm
“Joe hopes the Bucs do the right thing with ticket holders and are NFL leaders in how they accommodate these fans through this crazy, virus-infested season.” Joe, Since Malcolm’s demise, Have you ever seen his kids do the right thing for the Buc Fans? Hell, have they ever done the right by the Team since They inherited? They say to look at the past in order to see what the future may bring. If so, The Glazer boys are going to do what is best for their pockets, damn the Fans or the team.
July 9th, 2020 at 6:42 pm
I asked this question a few weeks ago, how will the NFL draft look next year if a large amount of college games aren’t played at all? Will be a very odd situation.
July 9th, 2020 at 6:53 pm
Kirwin lives in Naples?
I’ll bet he lives in Port Royal.
July 9th, 2020 at 6:58 pm
The COVID thing is bunk. Do the right thing and open the Stadium to anyone and everyone. If ticket members want to stay home, then refund them. This is one season that they could actually make money on reselling tickets. Stick your COVID and stick your masks, because I’m not buying any of it.
July 9th, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Waiting just piswes people off.Give fans the option now and dont make them.feel like they are trapped until you say so. Transparency builds stong relationships
July 9th, 2020 at 7:41 pm
You’re just old and scared!
It’ll be alright.
July 9th, 2020 at 8:05 pm
“Joe’s not slapping the Bucs for waiting on a formal decision on seating plans and refunds.”
Actually, the fact that the Glazers have not rushed a decision makes me hopeful. I fully expect most team owners to toe the globalist fear-mongering line. If the Glazers let fans decide on their own how much risk is real, and how much they are willing to live with–in short, treating their fans as adults would make me more hopeful for our future.
July 9th, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Half right. I may be old but I’m far from scared. I’ve had a great life. Now if you get it good luck…many younger people are left with lifelong health challenges to their organs…many who do finally heal need several months to get back to normal.
Again I’m not afraid just embarrassed that the country that i love has screwed the pooch on this so “bigly”
4.5% of the world’s population with 23% of the deaths. How is that winning?
July 9th, 2020 at 8:19 pm
The actions taken by the Chiefs, Packers and Ravens yesterday give us a good idea where this will end up for other teams. Those 3 teams are allowing approximately 20% of capacity, social distancing between fans in the stands, and masks as a requirement. Season ticket holders paying in advance got a choice between a full refund or a credit for 2021 tickets. Seats will go on sale for 2020 with season ticket holders having priority.
July 9th, 2020 at 8:32 pm
gp Says:
“… I am Peter Pan Young…”
It’s nice to know that there are still young people not accepting the brainwashing they receive.
The schools used to actually teach scientific method and critical thinking. Now they teach kids what to think. Thank you Common Core.
July 9th, 2020 at 8:45 pm
stpetebucsfan Says:
“Perhaps defeated by some of the prevailing views that do not value life as much as money…”
There you go again. I bet you have your house paid for. It’s kind of easy for you to spit on others who have yet to achieve their life goal, and stand to lose everything that they have worked for up to this point in their lives.
It’s easy for you to forget that for 99.99% of people who have ever lived; if you don’t work, you STARVE.
It’s easy for you to ignore the 3rd world Africans and Indians who rely on US surpluses in order to survive.
It’s easy for you to get emotionally involved in every single sad story here and judge your fellow man by MSM fear-mongering, and ignore actual millions of more deaths by starvation all over the world that will occur (according to the UN), and are just as tragic as the thousands of deaths that theoretically occur here.
In short, it is really easy for you to actually be selfish while you accuse others of the same exact thing. You already got yours, and won’t starve because our system breaks down.
July 9th, 2020 at 8:54 pm
Reduce the capacity to 15,000 and that will be right on par with the number of fans who go to the stadium anyway
July 9th, 2020 at 9:00 pm
stpetebucsfan: So you believe China’s numbers? I’ll just say I have my doubts.
July 9th, 2020 at 9:03 pm
SP Bucs said: 4.5% of the world’s population with 23% of the deaths. How is that winning?
The US is doing better than many other developed nations, on fatalities. We are at 409 deaths per million of population compared to the UK (657), Spain (607) and Italy (578). I omitted Russia and China – their numbers just look to low, given their large populations.
Where we are not winning is with new cases. Too many of our citizens have disregarded wearing masks, which slows the spread. If 90% wore masks when indoors we would get this under control. The median age of new infections a few months ago was 65; not its 35.
July 9th, 2020 at 9:46 pm
Joe In Michigan
No I do not believe China’s numbers…nor do I believe Russia’s numbers and sadly after that woman was forced out of her job reporting Florida Stats I don’t necessarily believe our numbers either.
But I take your point and I think we agree that the Chinese and Russians are lying and under reporting.
I’m not sure how that would work out very well for us mathematically however.
If their numbers were reported accurately that would increase their % of the world’s deaths which would then decrease our’s somewhat.
We’d still be behind almost all the Euro Countries…New Zealand…ironically the nations with women President’s like Angela Merkel seem to be doing well. Perhaps just coincidence.
July 9th, 2020 at 9:50 pm
Coke Spoon:
Well said. Your words should be repeated whenever an idea is considered that effects someone’s ability to make a living. This is so much more at stake than just protecting the elderly.
July 9th, 2020 at 10:09 pm
“Peter Pan Young” means that I don’t accept my age and choose to live young like my 20 something children.
Drives em nuts! LOL
July 9th, 2020 at 10:12 pm
Don’t remember the first Super Bowl but I was around for it
July 9th, 2020 at 10:21 pm
To me, one of TB12’s redeeming qualities is that he is…Peter Pan Young
July 9th, 2020 at 10:59 pm
If you fly, you can’t distance and are right next to somebody for up to several hours. I doubt you can distance very easily either.But if you choose to fly, you can.
This comes down to risk vs freedom to choose……a very difficult decision but it’s one that the individual should make.
July 9th, 2020 at 11:14 pm
big mac, you”re an idiot and a reason why this is going to be carrying on.
July 10th, 2020 at 1:03 am
gp Says:
“Peter Pan Young” means that I don’t accept my age and choose to live young like my 20 something children.
Ahhh. I get it. LOL
Michael Jackson young. (just kidding!)
July 10th, 2020 at 1:11 am
Tampabaybucfan Says:
“This comes down to risk vs freedom to choose……a very difficult decision but it’s one that the individual should make.”
Good point about commercial flight. Hard to believe that they would allow us to kill flight crew just so we could travel. If this was serious enough to actually require big brother surveillance, they would never let us board planes.
July 10th, 2020 at 2:40 am
Great article Joe’s. What a crazy year.
July 10th, 2020 at 3:45 am
Bush coke spoon –
Not a fan of st Pete necessarily but you should never hate on another man bc he has money or more than you. It’s not the system that created that… you control your own destiny.. No one owes you anything…. my family is Spanish and Cuban immigrants who came to this country with nothing and all we asked for was an opportunity… I was taught ONLY YOU control that. If you are not happy w your circumstances then change it…
So many people these days have 0 accountability and love to point fingers. All this class warfare and who owes who… you ever think that many people w money now grew up with out it…. but it was so important to them to change their circumstances that. They did…. it’s a bad look commenting on someone else’s finances…
Your name alone says it all…. stay off the adderall you millennial….
July 10th, 2020 at 1:09 pm
Noles Says:
You are right, Sir. However, I wasn’t speaking for myself specifically, but more generally about principles. I only reacted to his statement, “… defeated by some of the prevailing views that do not value life as much as money…”
He has repeatedly called people selfish for their desire to open the economy and go back to work, and make their own decisions about risk acceptance. I feel an obligation to provide a counter argument every time I see it, because nobody is non-essential, and it is not a simple choice between one or the other, like he implies, for the great majority of people. There is not a choice between money and life if the two are inextricably intertwined. 🙂
July 10th, 2020 at 3:42 pm
Bush coke spoon –
Well said… thats why I said not necessarily a fan of his and didnt read all his post recently. Thanks for response & i take back the adderral comment.. lol… couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t know so that was unwarranted. Take it easy..
Hopefully we see some football this yr