Bucs Safe From Arians’ Spittle
July 29th, 2020
Some of the most horrific images seared into Bucs fans’ memory banks — and boy, there are a lot of ’em — are atrocious defensive coordinator Mike Smith entombed in a coach’s box booth high above the playing field, hollering to no one in particular, as his defense was shredded worse than a brick of cheddar cheese raking over a cheese grater.
That scene will never be repeated by Bucs coach Bucco Bruce Arians.
When the NFL announced plans to barrel through “The Sickness” and play football, Joe worried about Arians.
“The Sickness” ravages certain people in different ways. There seems to be a handful of people at greater risks for advanced effects of “The Sickness.” Those who are older, diabetic or with established respiratory issues, cancer survivors or cancer patients, and those with bad tickers and/or cardiovascular issues, just to name a few.
Unfortunately, Arians hits on at least two of those, which puts him at danger if he catches the virus. Arians is 67 and had a bout of kidney cancer not long ago.
And while Arians is big-time erring on the side of caution, he said yesterday he has no intention of sitting by himself in a climate-controlled coaches box away from his team.
“No,” Arians said of sitting high atop a stadium. “There’s no chance of me coaching from a box.”
That doesn’t mean Arians will be reckless. He promised to wear an Antifa-like mask on the sidelines along with one of those clear, welding-mask-looking shields over his face.
Rather than Arians having to worry (or not worry) about catching “The Sickness” on the sidelines, Arians said what he plans to do will help keep the players safe by wearing a face shield.
“I’ll have my mask and shield on,” Arians quipped. “I won’t be able to spit on them anyway.”
July 29th, 2020 at 8:30 am
The right is really trying to make this word antifa ubiquitous. He’s wearing a mask. End of story.
July 29th, 2020 at 8:34 am
The NFL may be just barreling thru to oblivion, if the Marlin’s situation is any preview. Things don’t look good, especially here in Florida…
July 29th, 2020 at 8:41 am
If I didn’t live in Florida right now it would probably the last place I would want to go. 😢
July 29th, 2020 at 9:17 am
Just hope Arians stays healthy. He appears to be the most at risk. And the masks are best at not infecting others, not so much protecting him from Infection.
July 29th, 2020 at 9:20 am
Coach is in the ‘at risk’ group and it’s inspiring to see him taking the precautions that he needs AND taking the field. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to the above commentors and assume they are in the ‘at risk’ group too, and not the group where they have a 99.6% chance of survival.
July 29th, 2020 at 9:32 am
He needs a custom Kangol crafted complete with drop down shield and built in bluetooth mic and speakers. Get on it Kangol, you’re welcome for the concept.
July 29th, 2020 at 11:42 am
Here’s a curious thought…
I wonder if any who are involved in the NFL, volunteered to be part of the 30,000, 3rd stage, of the vaccine testing?
July 29th, 2020 at 11:49 am
mark2001 Says:
“And the masks are best at not infecting others, not so much protecting him from Infection.”
Depends on the mask. An N95 is specifically designed to protect the wearer. If he really feels at risk, that’s what he should be wearing instead of a useless cloth mask, which protects no one.
Of course, an N95 becomes hard to breath through when it gets damp, so he should have a supply handy. Oxygen deprivation can harm your organs.
July 29th, 2020 at 11:52 am
Smashsquatch Says:
“He needs a custom Kangol crafted complete with drop down shield and built in bluetooth mic and speakers.”
Don’t forget the whiskey delivery system.
July 29th, 2020 at 12:07 pm
That is a terrific idea!!! Way to think outside of the box. And while we’re joking…sort of there are precautions that can protect BA. A face shield whether on a Kangol or not (BA could grab some extra gold or at minimum a lifetime supply of hats if he followed your suggestion) would certainly help. An N 95 mask…very tedious…but money is no object BA could literally wear an oxygen mask ensuring he inhales NOTHING from the air.
Given that transmission is mainly through aerosol exhaled by the infected BA would get any of that.
There is mitigation and there is mitigation…NOTHING is perfect but more is better. BA can get protected easily for practice. It’s the indoor meetings in locker rooms that will endanger him if he participates.
July 29th, 2020 at 12:34 pm
I really did laugh out load when I heard Arians’ remark about spitting on his guys!
July 29th, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Since politics has a way creeping into sports discussion so often here is my two cents.
My politics? I am anti authoritarian and anti totalitarian. In other words I am anti fascist and anti communist. I am pro democracy and a constitutionalist. I think I am in line with most Americans in my thinking.
Now I will go back to being a Buccaneer Fanatic here.
July 29th, 2020 at 12:57 pm
Bush…have to agree regarding the type of mask. His mask doesn’t look like an N95… but if he wore one, he would be better protected. Covid particles are very small, but they normally travel on bigger particles, and an N95 could catch those bigger particles. Still…no regular mask, including N95, is a guarantee. Wish Arians well.
July 29th, 2020 at 1:21 pm
JimbobBucsFan Says:
“In other words I am anti fascist and anti communist.”
Be careful. If wrong person hears you say anti-fascist, they might hand you a brick. =D
July 29th, 2020 at 1:25 pm
mark2001 Says:
“… no regular mask, including N95, is a guarantee.”
True. So, I guess we have to make Smashsquatch’s Kangol space helmet. LOL
July 29th, 2020 at 1:37 pm
And yet the virus just appeared out of nowhere. You have to be extremely gullible to believe that. Trump knows exactly how it was created and those responsible for creating it. Listen to him speak and that is evidence enough.
July 29th, 2020 at 2:42 pm
“Listen to him speak and that is evidence enough.”
I certainly believe him. Why just yesterday he put out a tweet with a lady vouching for hydroxychloroquine…oh but she also prays the demons that come in your sleep away which also can cure you.
But I’m not worried about that…no medicine no sweat…I’ll simply order a sun lamp from Amazon and stick it up my rectum for those health providing UV rays.
Yeah I’m going to listen to THAT guy!
July 29th, 2020 at 2:44 pm
“And yet the virus just appeared out of nowhere.”
Who has ever said that. The “experts” believe it originated in Wuhan there is no disagreement.
Experts also believe that our Chinese restrictions were far too little too late in addition to the fact that the Virus that overtook NYC and area came from Europe.
It originated in China but if we had slammed the embargoes on the Euros we wouldn’t have had that huge spring outbreak. Must be the Euro virus.
July 29th, 2020 at 3:40 pm
stpetebucsfan Says:
“I’ll simply order a sun lamp from Amazon and stick it up my rectum for those health providing UV rays.”
You just love to repeat out-of-context crap the Don Lemon says to mock 45.
There is actually a treatment option that has been tested. It involves lowering a UV light into the lungs instead of a respirator tube (which was killing people). Because, you know, UV light kills viruses. But it’s more fun to mock people than it is to actually try to find solutions to save people’s lives.
Now, don’t let me stop you from pushing light bulbs into your rectum, though. You do you!
July 29th, 2020 at 3:52 pm
stpetebucsfan Says:
“Experts also believe that our Chinese restrictions were far too little too late…”
The same experts were screaming bloody murder when Trump laid the flight restrictions from China, calling him a racist and telling the world that it was unnecessary. If I felt like searching, I could probably find you repeating that propoganda, too.
“… if we had slammed the embargoes on the Euros we wouldn’t have had that huge spring outbreak.”
Because that also would have gone over well, since nobody knew there was a Euro outbreak until too late, largely because few people had any idea how widespread the illegal Chinese sweatshops were in Italy, or that Italy hadn’t had the foresight of Trump to stop their travel. You know, tHeY aReNt rAcIsT.
July 29th, 2020 at 4:05 pm
stpetebucsfan Says:
“Why just yesterday he put out a tweet with a lady vouching for hydroxychloroquine…oh but she also prays the demons that come in your sleep away which also can cure you.”
I don’t know where you heard her say that. I listened to the press conference and didn’t hear it. Regardless, her religious beliefs don’t have any bearing on the actual lives that she’s been saving instead of blowing their lungs out with the eugenics respirators. She does actually practice medicine.
The actual witch doctors are the ones who caused deaths by telling doctors to ignore decades of accepted respiratory health protocols, and who told nursing homes that they had to incubate COVID19 patients.
You act like you care so much about people with your melodrama, yet mock people who are talking about real solutions. Why don’t you want people’s lives to be saved? If it was up to you, Saint Lockdown, there’d be twice as many people losing their businesses and homes, and starving in the streets.
July 29th, 2020 at 5:28 pm
Bush’s Coke Spoon
*there’d be twice as many people losing their businesses and homes, and starving in the streets.*
You forgot to mention…
No real difference in the reported numbers of cases or deaths
July 29th, 2020 at 6:44 pm
*there’d be twice as many people losing their businesses and homes, and starving in the streets.*
Actually the Swedish experiment disproves that. They did not shut down anything while the rest of the Euros shut er down. Sweden ended up with more Covid and their economy still took the same hit as the rest of the Euros.
July 29th, 2020 at 7:25 pm
Why does the US have the highest numbers of COVID in the world? Well, maybe it’s because the President said he expected the virus to simply go away.
July 29th, 2020 at 10:52 pm
gp Says:
“You forgot to mention…
No real difference in the reported numbers of cases or deaths”
Count those motorcycle accidents and cancer deaths! And 15 “presumed positives” for every real positive!
Oh, and “real positive” is also subjective, because there are still inconsistent tests which give false positives, still no standardized lab procedures for determining what positives are, and you can get positive results if you’ve had a cold in the last 5 or 10 years!
July 29th, 2020 at 11:25 pm
stpetebucsfan Says:
“Actually the Swedish experiment disproves that. They did not shut down anything while the rest of the Euros shut er down. Sweden ended up with more Covid and their economy still took the same hit as the rest of the Euros.”
Sweden actually kept businesses open and flattened the curve, which was supposed to be impossible. Their economic hit was due to travel restrictions killing their main tourism industry.
They did not end up with more COVID19; remember, they flattened the curve. They DID end up with a very high death rate, though, comparable to Italy’s. Basically they did a German style eugenics operation and put old people “out of their misery” instead of treating them. Sort of like Mayor DeCommio in New York.
They’ve got some explaining to do, but that doesn’t change the fact that they proved shutting down and mask mandates to be overkill. Of course, the UN and Gates/Fauci will continue to ignore this.
I tried to find a mainstream link for you, Joe! Those people in charge of us are making it harder and harder.