“An 8-8, 9-7 Season Aren’t Going To Cut It”
July 20th, 2020
“So Jason, it’s ‘Coach Brady’ now, eh? Where’s Byron?”
It seems Colin Cowherd is of the same mindset as Michael Lombardi.
Lombardi, a former NFL suit, says often on his podcast that Tampa Bay is a tough place to win because there are too many distractions.
For example, Lombardi talked about how almost year-round, if one is inclined, he can go boating, fishing, beaching, diving, kayaking, clubbing, hunting, stripping, golfing, sky diving, you name it.
And Lombardi cited the neon-lighted, clothing-optional establishments along the main drag leading to the Den of Depression as a key factor. In other words, Tampa is too fun of a place to live and be mentally locked in on football the way a football player should.
In a recent edition of “The Herd,” seen and heard on FS1, Cowherd, who used to work TV and radio in Tampa a few moons ago, called Tampa “a port city.” He believes it has too much recreation for young males to partake in and still be zoned in on football 24/7.
Cowherd told this to former Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik and Dominik agreed.
Because of this, Cowherd explained, he believes there is going to be a culture clash at One Buc Palace if there hasn’t been one already. It’ll be between the hard-driving, bunker-mentality, over-the-top focus, work ethic and mental discipline of park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring Bucs quarterback Tom Brady and the losing Bucs, who have had just two winning seasons during the Lost Decade.
“I don’t think you are wrong,” Dominik told Cowherd of his culture-clash thoughts. “Because there are whispers that they are already calling him ‘Coach Brady’ in the building instead of ‘Tom Brady’ because he has taken control of the team the way he likes to.
“It’s a tough spot. Imagine being a young player in Tampa Bay and Tom is like, ‘We are going to the park today, you coming? And you are like, ‘Yeah, I better. I guess I have to. Yeah, I am going to. I have no choice.’ So [Brady] has put guys on the spot.
“But at the same time they needed a culture change like this within the organization. It’s been six years since I have been there. We’ve had one 10-win season in the last decade. It’s been very hard for Tampa so they needed something to jolt it. And why not better than at the quarterback position?
“So I think for Tom, I like the move by Tampa Bay. I like ‘Coach Brady.’ I like it for the entire organization. But it is going to be short window. I think it is going to be a two-year window that they are going to have to blaze through. And there are so many expectations down in Tampa that an 8-8, 9-7 season aren’t going to cut it in a division that is going to be very hard to get through.”
Well, Joe believes 8-8 or 9-7 will cut it so long as the Bucs make the playoffs and do some damage in the postseason.
If the Bucs fail to make the playoffs the next two years, Joe expects there will be a full and complete housecleaning at One Buc Palace after the 2021 season.
July 20th, 2020 at 5:45 am
covid’s in the air and no one seems to care…
July 20th, 2020 at 6:02 am
Do these talking heads make the same argument about: New Orleans, Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, (arguably) Jacksonville and New York City? Any town worth having an NFL franchise (ok Jax was a stretch…) has plentyyy of distractions. What a BS argument.
July 20th, 2020 at 6:27 am
Spare me the Covid talk. Some of us have had to work this whole time during this pandemic making peanuts compared to these pampered athletes to keep our families fed and our mortgages paid. We don’t have millions to sit on if we can’t go to work. Nope we get up and go everyday inspite of the dangers and just hope for the best. If I get Covid my whole families life will be turned upside down and who’s gonna come to the rescue? Absolutely no one. These athletes should know the perils that the common folk have to deal with and be thankful that they are millionaires with the best doctors available and I’m sure they go to the front of the line.
So they need to STFU and go to work like the rest of us and be happy they’re making a ton of money to play a game.
Strap up and go to work. Some of us don’t have the luxury an NFL player has.
Show the common man that you’re in the mud with us. Otherwise don’t bring back football at all. We’re the ones that pay their salaries. Without fans NFL goes away. If no one watches it won’t exist.
So go to work and be appreciative that you can.
Many people are out of work. I’m sure they’d love to go to a job and make millions.
Something happens when you have a ton of money. You don’t think like normal people. NFL players cry babying= exhibit A.
July 20th, 2020 at 6:53 am
I doubt 8-8 or 9-7 will make the playoffs; in fact, 10-6 very well may not. With SEA and SF, and DAL and PHI in the same divisions, there goes two wild spots there. We don’t even have to talk about the competition we expect in the NFC South this year.
I personally see the Bucs winning 11 games hands down. Don’t think it will be an issue. That said, the mindset should be 16-0 and everything short of that does not meet standards. I don’t think Tom Brady goes into a season thinking “I think I can win 10-12 games.”
July 20th, 2020 at 6:56 am
someone woke pissed…
maybe tompa brady can lend you a sweaty used walnut holster for your flapping grill piece…
top of the morning to ya as well
July 20th, 2020 at 7:26 am
If the Bucs go 8-8 or worse Joe why should we wait another year. Let the house cleaning begin you can’t exactly say Brady needs more experience.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:28 am
Wait until Coach Brady finds out the equipment manager is a snitch and reports locker room happenings to the front office and previous coaches. He and his staff have been snitching for a while now on the players. That’s why the culture there has been a mess as well.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:37 am
The key is making the playoffs and finding our identity as a team before getting in. With the expanded format it will give us a better chance to reach the playoffs, but unless we have a strong foundation in our strengths and weaknesses, our team will get exposed in the playoffs. Now with our talent we should win some earlier games, possibly even the saints game, but we will need to build a chemistry and trust for the season and playoffs to have any chance as the pressure will build, teams that have a strong foundation and direction in what they are trying to do are usually the ones that come out champions. Brady needs to get that on the offensive side and Bowles needs to get it on the defensive side with players who step up and lead the defense.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:40 am
From 1997 – 2008 those distractions didn’t seem to be an issue. Leave it t Mark Duminik to promote the idea as an excuse for his absolute and utter failure.
28-52 Marky.
Meanwhile at least Licht has built a roster with some good players, Lovie was the de facto GM in 2014 and 2015, so Licht is 26-37 calling the shots. Not good, but not pathetic like Duminik.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:47 am
Any GM is better than Mark Domonic
July 20th, 2020 at 7:52 am
Oh everyone talking about a house cleaning….
How original
July 20th, 2020 at 8:01 am
Just to add to my comment on Brady being the coach, for us to have success he has to influence the players on both side of the ball. Brady did not just win championships he lives the life of a champion, which is not glamorous or fun if any one what “The last dance” and how M.J. lived a similar life. Brady needs to come in and impress upon others especially the leaders of this team and get them to realize you have to make this sacrifice and live it on both sides of the ball. Brady was always in the hunt or mix of the championships, that requires more than just having a good team that comes together for a season. For us to come out the first season with him and win, the team with have to be willing to make similar sacrifices and ignore the glory or the distraction of winning.
July 20th, 2020 at 8:15 am
The Bucs were a 9-7 team last year sans a field goal kicker personally losing two games the Bucs should have won. They were 10-6 sans a field goal kicker and a horrible call by refs negating a fumble return TD in the TN game. If they go 8-8 or 9-7 after bringing in the GOAT, the best TE of all time, drafting Wirfs and Winfield, and having JPP for the entire season, anything less than 10-6 would be an epic failure. Honestly 12-4 should be the goal, but I will settle for 11-5.
July 20th, 2020 at 8:43 am
Undefeated is of course Brady’s goal.
July 20th, 2020 at 8:57 am
Once again, the “real” fans want to know why, if you hire the old cheatin goat, to play and coach!!!!!! Then why do the Bucs still need ole stale biscuit and the NFL’s largest coaching staff???????????????
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 20th, 2020 at 9:26 am
The “real” fans are re saddened, by the statement that essentially say that this regime has been given a THREE YEAR PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What happened to the “hold them accountable” and “status woe”????????? Last time the “real” fans check, this was still a LOSING 7-9 team that ole stale biscuit built out of desperation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was ole stale biscuit not the “win now” coach?????? Why are the sheep giving three years then??????? Go back and listen to all the off-season press conference that the camera wh@r@ of a head coach did last year, and does any of it sou nk d lime a three year plan??????????
The “real” fans have never been so embarrassed by the sheep, as this is a new all time low in buc history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The “real” fans are only counting down the day until a full rebuild at one buc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise, this regime is just wasting our time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 20th, 2020 at 9:30 am
Lot of reasons but the biggest reason is you are trying to break in an old horse of a quarterback with a new coach and new offense (his first in 20 years) with no offseason and perhaps no training camp.
Joe would be surprised if many coaches got fired after this year.
July 20th, 2020 at 9:32 am
Well said El Buco Realisto
July 20th, 2020 at 9:34 am
Sorry Joe most fans are tired of excuses. Win now mode then win if not rebuild.
July 20th, 2020 at 9:40 am
That is the risk that they took, when in desperation, they scrapped together a win now roster with a one year window!!!!!!!!!! The “real” fans are not giving out passes, just because a head coach curses and will do any media interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The “win now” coach has to “win now”!!!!!!!!!!!!! No excuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 20th, 2020 at 10:02 am
Don’t think no OTAs, no minicamp and perhaps no training camp with a new quarterback is an “excuse.” That’s pretty significant.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:06 am
Joe their 31 other teams in the NFL dealing with similar issues. Colts and Patriots have new quarterbacks as well as other teams. No more excuses.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:08 am
11-5 this year
13-3 next year (with superbowl win)
these are my pre-covid predictions and i’m sticking with ’em
July 20th, 2020 at 10:11 am
Breaking in a 42-year old quarterback? Will these same teams also have their anchor at left tackle (potentially) sit out the season? Do tell.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:12 am
[Sorry, but Joe is trying to limit the trolling. — Joe]
July 20th, 2020 at 10:22 am
Joe I am sure every team has their own issues. I can relate to Donovan Smith and that is his decision alone. The bucs should be on the phone with Cordy Glenn as a potential replacement. They will have his 14 mil for one season if he opts out. If he is still available the bucs could get him for half of the 14.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:31 am
To the best of Joe’s knowledge, nothing has been announced by the NFL what the salary cap ramifications are, in part because there is no agreement yet in place.
Think it is fair to say a suitable replacement is not currently walking the streets, unless you are part of the Donovan Smith-is-trash-and-shouldn’t-be-in-the-NFL crowd.
July 20th, 2020 at 10:48 am
Maybe we shouldn’t look for a replacement Joe, just cross our fingers and hope he plays if not maybe we can get a high draft pick.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:13 am
I completely and vehemently disagree with Joe’s belief “that 8-8 or 9-7 will cut it so long as the Bucs make the playoffs and do some damage in the postseason.”
you don’t let go of the league’s top passer that you had to endure a 2-win season to get that included ZERO home wins for Tom Brady’s final 2 seasons and feel good about getting to the playoffs and winning a game.
Anything less than a Super Bowl win is a dismal failure because when Tom Brady goes back to the bedroom to enjoy retirement with a scantily clad Giselle, the Bucs will have no QB and will then be forced to either roll the dice on someone’s backup or suck it up so bad they have to draft ANOTHER rookie and then it’s 2015 all over again.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:41 am
Like Leighroy I call BS on the too many temptations.
Exhibit A would be Warren Sapp. He was in trouble before Tampa…in trouble after Tampa but while he was a Buc he was focused. And I’m not even a big Sapp fan but he did put in the work to match his incredible gift.
Exhibit B…Before moving to Tampa I worked all around the SE…Tri Cities of TN/VA Greenville Spartanburg SC…and one thing I heard all around the SE was the desire to go party in “Hotlanta”!
Talk about distractions and far better tty bars…clubs…endless young good looking intelligent professional women.
I love Tampa Bay…but not for the partying although there are plenty of good times to be had….but they don’t call it “Hotlanta” for nuthin.
July 20th, 2020 at 11:48 am
July 20th, 2020 at 1:58 pm
Pressures on The buc organization and Arians. You gave an old man a guaranteed 50 mil for 2 yrs and hired his sidekick at one yr 10mil. Knowing all the while you should have moved up in the first and secured your future QB. Soups on baby. Its gonna get either awfully hot of cold in Bucland. Enter the Dragon without the fire..Gabbert. Coward is spot on 8-8 or less ain’t gonna cut it.
July 20th, 2020 at 4:46 pm
Oh please.
People who wanna blame nightlife and entertainment are taking the absolute laziest excuse for why the Bucs suck. So lazy, and frankly just false.
Guess what? Los Angeles, San Fran, New Orleans, Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, NYC all have tons of entertainment and nightlife, restaurants, clubs, strip clubs, etc., many even more so than Tampa does. And they all have plenty of outdoor recreation too besides NYC and Atlanta.
What a lazy take.
The problem isn’t the culture of the city, it’s the culture of the team:
Bad owners > bad GMs > bad coaches > bad team
Simple as that.
July 20th, 2020 at 5:53 pm
all indications are telling the possibility of a 0-0 season…. they are working very hard to achieve that…..
July 20th, 2020 at 6:30 pm
I think two years is off Covid wasnt a factor I would agree, but this season will have an asterisk next to it for eternity due to players coughing before a game and missing two weeks (minimum). I say cancel the season and dont waste anyones time. Hooefully this thing disappears in November, maybe they should just start the season late after the meaningless presidential race ends
July 20th, 2020 at 7:05 pm
@BucEmUp Says:
“……Hooefully this thing disappears in November, maybe they should just start the season late after the meaningless presidential race ends.”
November 4th they should start the season, should be no political correctness after that date.
July 20th, 2020 at 7:45 pm
More excuses is all I am hearing just like when Jameis was here. We need a new GM period!!!! End of story!!!! So many wasted draft picks like this year. Moving up one spot to get a player who would have been there anyway and giving up a 4th round pick. Two picks for Aguayo and a TE in the first round. CLUELESS!!!! Nine DB’S in 4 years and most were high draft picks. Only one star athlete from first round in 7 years and he lacks focus sometimes. Wish we would have hired Lynch instead of San Fran. Hope our next GM can actually build a TEAM!!!!
July 20th, 2020 at 10:32 pm
Everybody wants Brady to fail because if he fails it makes Belichick the winner in the break up. Brady hates Belichick and he knows how fortunate he is to have the weapons to throw 2 in tampa. Brady was miserable in New England last 2 year sstarting with Belichick benching Butler after Brady threw for 505 in super bowl. I know this don’t sound good but I think he mailed it in last year because Belichick refused to get him weapons the only tight end he had was 38 yr old ben Watson.