A Season For The Best Blitzers & Leaders
July 17th, 2020
Bucs DC Todd Bowles
Joe loves listening to former Pro Bowl guard Mark May, one of the famous Redskins “Hogs” of the 1980s, and one of the best NFL analysts in the 20 years or so after his retirement.
May is a fast-talking, smooth-talking dude who brings a ton of substance. He was on SiriusXM NFL Radio this week explaining how depth and development will be huge keys to the wacky 2020 season ahead.
Listening to him talk about offensive line communication, Joe was feeling good about the Bucs returning so many lineman but Joe also wondered how far behind rookie right tackle Tristan Wirfs will be, along with newcomer super- sub Joe Hague.
May said he hopes — but doubts — offensive line units were going through walk-throughs privately in recent months. Leadership will be critical in bringing new O-linemen into the mix of any team, and it’s on players to hone that communication and understanding.
It’s not just who they’re blocking but how they’re blocking, May stressed.
Without being prompted, May brought up the Bucs and Tom Brady as being a team he’d bet on because Brady has been so aggressive in working out with players and coaching them up.
“Those are the teams that I think are going to start off on the fast track and are going to have a better season down the road,” May said of veteran teams with key leaders investing their time in the offseason.
The Bucs led the NFL in blitzes in 2019, and May said blitzes should come hard and often to any team with a new head coach or young quarterback this season, as all that lost time together will lead to mistakes under fire.
In Week 2 through 4, the Bucs face Carolina, Denver and the Chargers, three teams with either very young quarterbacks or QBs that have taken few live snaps in their system.
A 3-1 start to the season would have Joe so fired up. No words could describe the ecstasy.
July 17th, 2020 at 1:29 pm
If we start 3-1 after the excitement of this off season..the GOAT…Gronk…returning young improving defense…
If we start 3-1 there will not be a bandwagon large enough to accommodate all those wishing to jump aboard!
July 17th, 2020 at 1:32 pm
Brady is 11-6 career vs Brees. 4-0 start.
July 17th, 2020 at 1:46 pm
Sorry, ^^ not accurate, Brees holds 3-2 edge going back to his Chargers days, but Bucs will still win in empty Super Dome
July 17th, 2020 at 3:04 pm
Insightful observations by Mr. May…as susual. Note to Joe (s): I don’t think you can call them the Redskins anymore.
Maybe “The NFL franchise headquartered in Asburn VA that has no nickname, allegedly harasses it’s female employees and doesn’t have a cool nicknname trademarked yet and may have to buy the trademark from a local actuary” Pretty catchy – right?
July 17th, 2020 at 3:13 pm
wear a mask so we can play and win the superbowl!!!
July 17th, 2020 at 3:52 pm
3-1? I’m assuming you think the Bucs lose to the Saints. The Saints are a great team that notoriously loses game 1. Over the last ten years NOR is 3-7 in G1.
It’s conceivable the Bucs win the first 8 with a tremendous showdown vs the Saints in week 9.
Hopefully we get America’s 3rd String QB in Game 2 at Ray Jay!!! Can you imagine how insane would get if JW threw a pic.
July 17th, 2020 at 4:20 pm
Semi-serious question: Does anybody know if the o-line has had the opportunity to get together for BBQ yet?
July 17th, 2020 at 8:20 pm
You people …what if he did throw a couple of pics vs the Saints….but also threw 4 Touchdowns ….the question for you people is ” is Mr. 5000 capable of that and you people know that he is…KEEP begging for that a$$ whopping…I CANT BREATHE!!
July 17th, 2020 at 8:29 pm
vs the BUCS …that’s what I ment to write!! I CANT BREATHE!!!
July 17th, 2020 at 9:18 pm
3-1 would be awesome. May is one of the best out there.
July 17th, 2020 at 11:21 pm
4-0 sounds sooo much better.
July 18th, 2020 at 1:17 am
Listen Big Hog, your Drama is a bit much. You poor poor thing. Are you sure you’re a Buc Fan? Seems you’d be a bit HARDER if you were. You sound a little soft to be a Grizzled Bucs Fan!
Go Bucs!