A FanFest Return?
July 4th, 2020
Bucs co-chairman Bryan Glazer smiles at a FanFest event at Raymond James Stadium nearly a decade ago.
In the early part of the lost decade of Buccaneers football, FanFest was a thing — with 20,000 or so Bucs fans coming out to the Den of Depression to watch a practice and enjoy various Bucs-themed activities.
Per NFL super-insider Mike Florio, the creator and curator at ProFootballTalk.com, the NFL is strongly considering having teams hosting two stadium practices for fans during training camp.
While fans are not expected to be allowed at traditional training camp, it seems the NFL is encouraging teams to host stadium practices with limited attendance and, per Florio, the players union is amenable as long as fans are nowhere near players and are screened for symptoms of The Sickness before entering.
The Bucs could really make this into a fun event for fans, almost like the night practices of the Greg Schiano era. A fireworks show could follow practice, and the team could show all kinds of fun Bucs videos on its monster screens. Pre-practice entertainment could be lined up, too.
Joe hopes this happens. There should be plenty of room for 10,000 fans or so to spread out safely enjoy the fun, and Joe loves the idea of getting Matt Gay more work in the south end zone.
July 4th, 2020 at 6:19 pm
I’d definitely go
July 4th, 2020 at 6:48 pm
Matt Gay needs a new profession. Cost the Bucs the Giants and Falcons game and arguably the Texans game. A gagger is a gagger, and he is a gagger.
July 4th, 2020 at 6:50 pm
I just want my money back for the season tickets that I spent my hard earned money on. My seats are in the first 8 rows! Cut me a piece of that advertisement revenue please and save my seats for the following year.
July 4th, 2020 at 7:46 pm
Would be nice. But what do you do when someone that wants in won’t wear a mask…or social distance? The same people that won’t do those things, make what we would all like to see, highly unlikely. No one wants to get in an argument with some knucklehead that refuses to obey the rules. Bad for the brand…and a potentially difficult situation for all the fans around them.
July 4th, 2020 at 8:36 pm
“No one wants to get in an argument with some knucklehead…” who is a willing slave.
Works both ways!
July 4th, 2020 at 9:48 pm
Yeah there are people who are considerate to their fellow citizens and then there are people who are prolonging this pandemic, putting other people lives at risk.
Or if you like there are people who believe in science and others who get their matching orders from (Steve Brannon?) Q-Anon.
Are you a slave when you are required to wear shoes and a shirt in public? How about putting on your seatbelt on or your child in a car seat?
July 4th, 2020 at 10:17 pm
NFLPA is going to ruin the season. Just watch.
I don’t know why the NFL is even negotiating with them. The CBA is signed. They eith show up or lose money.
July 4th, 2020 at 10:19 pm
I lost someone to Covid this past week, right here in town. So for those not taking it seriously, up yours.
July 4th, 2020 at 11:28 pm
July 4th, 2020 at 11:48 pm
I’m sorry for your lose Buccaneer Bonzai.
July 5th, 2020 at 1:24 am
Bush’s CP-
You wear a mask for other people. They wear their mask for you.
A better analogy is: I want to drive 80 mpr down residential roads putting everyone at risk because you are too inconsiderate to others health and safety.
July 5th, 2020 at 8:42 am
I’m saying that there is a distinct possibility that someone might not to wear a mask or social distance. And security would have to step in. And that is bad for everyone. And anyone that would break the rules in such a situation has no consideration for the fellow fans… potentially exposing them to something that might kill them. And that speaks either very poorly of their intelligence or their humanity. I was giving them the benefit of the least negative of the two.
July 6th, 2020 at 6:02 pm
Staneglass That was a great point about them having to wear shoes and paints . Just like running a red light if you do you will get a ticket . You can’t speed down the highway and not get a ticket . But this is the problem with people in our country . They always feel like someone is trying to take their rights even if it’s good for their health they rather die before they obey rules that can help them .
July 6th, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Actually wearing a mask and gloves everywhere is not good for your health at all. Fauci himself on national TV from the White House said that mask wearing only has a placebo effect.
Your best bet is to look to medical professionals who do not rely on the federal government or Bill Gates for their paychecks.
July 6th, 2020 at 7:51 pm
After 9-11, it was “our duty” to invade mideast nations “for the greater good.” Now we know that we were lied to about the evidence for these actions. Yet nobody proposes getting rid of the Patriot Act attacks on our freedoms, such as the FISA court and TSA. We just accept it.
Now we are told to wear masks and gloves “for the greater good,” and we actually have evidence which contradicts everything the government tells us (which we didn’t have in 2001), and nobody seems to care. It is more redeeming to go along and virtue signal. Soon, you will be ordered to take a vaccine “for the greater good,” and the sheep will line up to virtue signal, no matter what the Bible, our founding fathers, and the globalist corporate powers themselves tell us about their plans.
Instead of focusing on individual cases and tugging at heartstrings, how about take a macro view. Proper nutrition is a good place to start. Vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc are the ticket against airborne respiratory pathogens. It is real science, and real preventive medicine. The fact are out there, but why does nobody tell us in the government and media? Maybe they are not really looking after our best intersts. Just because we are America, we have no special immunity against evil forces.
Wake up, my brothers and sisters!
July 6th, 2020 at 10:18 pm
July 6th, 2020 at 10:29 pm
“some knucklehead that refuses to obey”
“there are people who are prolonging this pandemic, putting other people lives at risk”
“there are people who believe in science and others who get their matching orders from (Steve Brannon?)”
July 7th, 2020 at 1:33 am
My point ^^ was that it seems ok for people to make spurious and libelous claims like those quoted above, but the responses with actual links to scientific evidence from independent sources now are all of a sudden not allowed to post.
“Spurious and libelous,” c’mon, man. Joe is not here to permit endless virus discussions in every post, especially ones that include links to other publications and invite readers away from football talk. This is not the forum for that. Joe does not check these links to see if they are legit and/or virus-infected sites. Someone’s personal opinion in one-liner form is a lot different than what you were trying to post. Please don’t take it personally; well over 1,000 links per week are automatically filtered from the comments.–Joe