“Games Won’t Be The Same”
June 4th, 2020
Wants to keep mom happy.
While Bucs coach Bucco Bruce Arians cautioned there is still time to find a way to solve this riddle, it is in the realm of possibility that games this fall will be played in empty stadiums.
The Sickness has already trashed the offseason and Arians really doubts “many fans” will be allowed at training camp practices in order “to help with the health of the fans and the players,” so he said on his Zoom conference call this morning.
Arians confessed it will be very strange to play games in a glorified TV studio of empty NFL stadiums.
“The game won’t be the same without the fans,” Arians said. “The game is for the fans. I think it is still a little too early to tell whether we will have them or not [at games].
“I think we all hope that we will. We still got a few months until we figure it out. [How to] keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.”
Arians did admit there will be direct consequences for him if games are played without fans. Provided networks don’t use fake crowd noise, fans will be treated to chatter on the sidelines and on the field that they will never have had access to before.
And that includes rough language, the kind Arians fully practices and often uses.
“For me, I might have to watch how much I say to referees,” Arians said. “Because everybody [watching] on TV will be listening to me and my mom will get real p!ssed again.”
For this reason alone, Joe would be shocked if TV networks don’t use fake crowd noise. Joe cannot imagine the folks who bankroll the NFL to televise games (TV networks) would allow sideline talk on live broadcasts.
And given how advertisers are so skittish about somehow being associated with news of the day, there is no way they want their commercials on a broadcast that involves rude, crude, lewd, loud and colorful language, no matter how entertaining it would be.
The FCC would heavily frown on such a broadcast, as well, which in turn could cost networks millions.
(Games streamed on Amazon would not be tethered to any FCC rules, so there is a glimmer of hope.)
June 4th, 2020 at 1:54 pm
I cuss a lot, so Arians seems normal to me.
June 4th, 2020 at 1:57 pm
How can anyone claim that there is any valid reason to continue these nonsense social distancing rules when you have every leftist politician in the country fully supporting rioters and looters who don’t social distance (not to mention they’re rioting and looting) and the politicians themselves are going out into these mobs to egg them on and fan the flames of hate and keep the riots going — all while not social distancing. These were the same people that were just a month ago cheering a woman for being thrown in jail for cutting someones hair.
This entire thing has been a farce. Open everything 100%, now.
June 4th, 2020 at 2:12 pm
“Spaced out fans”. That’ll work.
June 4th, 2020 at 2:39 pm
If it’s fine to protest, riot and loot then we better be able to go to games. This country is so ass backwards.
June 4th, 2020 at 2:54 pm
preach it Munch!!!!!
June 4th, 2020 at 2:56 pm
If it’s fine to kneel on the neck of a guy who is handcuffed then we better be able to go to games. This country is so ass backwards.
@doctor_berto Get real… No one said rioting and looting were okay and no one is saying kneeling on necks is okay.
People on both sides trying to simplify the issue, like you are, is exactly what divides people even more.
June 4th, 2020 at 2:57 pm
If, in 2-3 weeks, we do not have a large increase of covid cases, we may be able to attend games with reasonable restrictions.
Between most states re-opening and the large numbers of non masked, non social distancing protestors, there should be a massive increase of cases. If not, then we will all know that this has all been a ‘made up’ crises and we can safely return to life as usual.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:10 pm
@gp I wish that the hundreds of Tampa protesters were the only ones we needed to worry about not wearing masks.
I went to Home Depot in Brandon yesterday and 4 out of every 5 customers were not wearing masks.
I haven’t personally protested anything, but this perception that protesters are leading the charge in the second wave of covid only justifies the argument of those protesting being treated unfairly: Hundreds of black people protesting without masks is the focus of the news, but not the thousands of people (of all colors) not wearing masks at retail stores within a 5 mile radius of the protests.
That is a small example of the subtle racism people are upset about.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:10 pm
I expect the number of cases to go up in the next few (2?) weeks and the number of deaths to decline. Most of the big increase in socializing (rioting?) is in young people. And they have very low death rates from “The Sickness.” High risk old folks are still staying home. New data should allow some fans in the stadiums.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:15 pm
You had me till “made up crisis”. We ALREADY know it wasn’t made up. 107,000 deaths and close to 2,000,000 are not made up. And while people lament the deaths as we should…not much said about the 20% or 400,000 people who have severe health repercussions for the rest of their lives. Doubt those folks or their relatives feel it was a media hoax or made up.
Having said that though I do agree with your data driven approach…which is really what Fauci and the CDC have been preaching all along. Let’s go with the data!
For various reasons political and financial we have opened up. We saw the pics from Memorial Day and now the protests…which btw the “leftist” “commies” have pointed out is NOT healthy…so yeah gp we HAVE created the perfect experiment. Let’s see what the results are. And if there are no new hot spots then by all means we should be ready for some football!
From now until Labor day is a long time. If data shows the disease is under control then no sweat. Hey and after election day we won’t need any “Dem media hoaxs” killing over 100,000 people and making 2,000,000 more very sick.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:21 pm
BA4PRESIDENT, yeah you missed my point. Very large groups together at once is no different than going to a game. My statement had nothing to do with the murder. Stupid people man. And btw, this whole coronavirus thing was blown way out of proportion from the beginning.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:22 pm
stpetebucsfan, yes those numbers were proven to be highly exaggerated. Also, in order to actually combat this virus we need to get to the point of herd immunity so that the virus cannot come back at a later date.
June 4th, 2020 at 3:41 pm
I apologize for being unclear. The ‘sickness’ is undoubtedly real as is the need to take precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. The ‘crises’ I was referring to was the computer model prediction of 2 million dead if we didn’t shut down. I have heard that the person responsible for that computer model has admitted (based on countries that did not shut down) that shutting down made NO DIFFERENCE in the numbers whatsoever.
Considering that 4 of 5 shoppers have not been wearing masks in any of the ‘essential’ stores, I think my point has been made
June 4th, 2020 at 3:56 pm
Somebody here says open everything up 100%. And this whole thing has been a farce. I know whom he supports way up top…But tell that opening up everything to the more than 100 thousand who are no longer with us. Or the millions who have been infected with the virus. Its a farce alright sir….And so are you.
June 4th, 2020 at 4:12 pm
Most of the fans speak French anyway so mic em up!
June 4th, 2020 at 4:21 pm
I can’t tell whether the posts on here reveal that the majority of bucs fans are MAGA rednecks or JBF is a MAGA redneck with a preference for those politics ?
June 4th, 2020 at 4:34 pm
Jackem.. of course most of the posters here are racist. They would have put up with Winston if he were white. The fan base and media coverage of jameis Winston in New Orleans is night and day better than what is was in Tampa. Will be interesting to see if arians ask Brady to play in the same offense as Winston
June 4th, 2020 at 4:38 pm
2 weeks ago, the second round of covid 19 was being laid upon the laps of beach goers and pool parties . White people from red states .
This week it’s rioters and protesters . However, I’ve not seen any unmasked rioters or protesters , other than being a person being interviewed for TV. Rioters wear masks . Leftists from Blue states.
Sorry but there’s zero case to be made about subtle racism with the idea you presented. The contrast between the 2 easily labeled groups, one right, one left , is mitigated by the accusations that are only 2weeks apart . One or the other would bring a second wave of viral Armageddon. That’s balance !
I’m glad to see the beach going idiot racsist rednecks didn’t bring home the plague. I’d be as happy to see that the anti American filthy hippies return home without further infection.
June 4th, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Oh you can tell you’re just trying to be nice. LMAO
June 4th, 2020 at 4:58 pm
Please, NFL! Make two streams, one with fake noise and one with raw audio. I had a friend who did the audio mixing for the Lightning. When a player is mic’d up, you hear EVERYTHING. It’s a full time job trying to find audio without inappropriate words. Also, Stammer’s rookie season, he was known for making random noises the entire game, which annoyed the hell out of St. Louis lol.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:07 pm
I’m guessing that you think “cracker” is a pejorative term as well.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:08 pm
Nice explanation although I would not think it’s necessary if we had this conversation with adults . Therein, lies a big problem for not only our elected officials but for the nation as a whole.
As to a rise in new cases, yes that’s expected. But it shouldn’t be used as a tool to prolong a policy that’s proven to be ineffective and harmful. This covid 19 pandemic is caused by a virus. The idea that this virus is immune from all the rules, laws governing our understanding of how they behave is both preposterous and fantastical . The rules for viruses applies to covid 19.
Add these well researched and understood ideas to the constant stream of new data that is worldwide in its scope and breath and the way forward should be crystal clear. Unfortunately, politics has entered the arena and it’s effects are as predictable and destructive as they’ve always been. This may likely far outweigh the actual data and good ole sound scientific and medical knowledge. This results in empty stadiums or some arbitrary seating formula /code thats based on how people will perceive it rather than on empirical data and reliance on personal responsibility. Nonsense.
I hope that there’s no room for the vultures to railroad this season. The evidence is going to have to be overwhelming and I expect it will be by sept.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:12 pm
Elections have consequences
If you don’t like who your leaders are- vote
If you won’t accept who your leaders are- either live with it or find another community where you’re more comfortable.
Just don’t ask me to bail you out when the leaders YOU elected don’t defend YOUR community.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:26 pm
I’d like to see them try to enforce face masks at an NFL game with everyone downing beer, trying to make noise, and in 95 degree heat.
Should be interesting.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:29 pm
Will be interesting in two weeks to see what the Covid numbers are doing.
If they don’t spike, then it would be asinine to keep things locked down.
June 4th, 2020 at 5:46 pm
Agree…this has been the perfect experiment…if numbers don’t start spiking in July then no sweat!
That’s the easy part. What if they DO spike or form hotspots?
June 4th, 2020 at 7:34 pm
Rod Munch: get your head out of 45’s A$$! The looting and rioting has been at a minimal and will stop as soon as white cops stop killing black people…I CAN’T BREATHE!!
June 4th, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Cause white cops never kill white people?
June 4th, 2020 at 8:35 pm
You assume the cop on that dude’s neck would not have done it if he was a white “dirt bag”. Unfortunately we can’t be inside his head, it is possible it had Nothing to do with race, it very well could have, but that is all just conjecture. It could be he was just a dick on a power trip who thought that he could be judge jury and executioner. But no, that’s not possible, the only possibility is that the crime (a horrific and terrible one) was racially motivated. NONE of us know the truth, only the dirt bag behind bars does.
June 4th, 2020 at 8:53 pm
Actually there are quite a few supporting the riots. And we are going to end up reliving the whole kneeling controversy again especially now because of Drew Brees getting roasted for saying kneeling is disrespectful to the flag.
Brady better just not say anything because this cut-throat media is looking for anyone they can to destroy right now. And if you even accidentally say the wrong thing, they will cut you open.
June 4th, 2020 at 9:32 pm
How about black people stop killing each other first..By then we can get an all Asian police force. Or all native American. …no more whites.
white cops killing a few less blacks in a yr or better yet none ! Lets be real
. But blacks not killing blacks would be a massive! 50% reduction in the mu4der rate, massive gain in black life expectancy. , crime could plummet. It’s a game changer.
June 4th, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Props to the Joe’s giving up an opportunity to ask a third question on the zoom interview with Bruce when it was an obvious mistake to call on them again…class act for sure. PS i also love how you and ira squeeze 2 questions in each time you are called on. #hattip irakaufman podcast
June 4th, 2020 at 10:21 pm
Drew should get dragged…he stated he got it all wrong, this was for the last time not about a flag or an anthem or disrespect towards anyone! This was about white cops killing unarmed black people! You can either get or don’t get it but I’m here to coach you up so you don’t look stupid on the first day of practice !!! I can’t breathe!!!
June 4th, 2020 at 10:37 pm
Kaepernick involved the flag and the national anthem. He connected his protest to the anthem and the flag. A lot of people took offense to that. And having that opinion is a first amendment right. Just because Brees thinks it’s wrong to protest that way, by disrespecting the flag and the people who died for this country, does not make him a racist. It does not mean he doesn’t care what happened to Floyd.
I don’t agree with these riots. They will accomplish nothing by burning down your own city demanding an end to capitalism and demanding police be abolished. That’s insanity. And having that opinion doesn’t make me racist.
June 5th, 2020 at 1:56 am
NFL fans should unite together and protest on Sunday during the games and show up to the game with your ticket of course. FANS in the stands.
The virus doesn’t live in 95 degree heat
in an open air stadium the risks are even lower.
If you deem it too risky for you then dont go.
If you think its too risky beacuse you might give it to someone you know then don’t go.
If you feel safer wearing a mask at the game then do so.
If the NFL wants me to sign a waiver then I will.
Stop suspending everyone’s constitutional rights and prevent someone from using tennis courts or beaches then turn a blind eye to riots and looting.
June 5th, 2020 at 3:31 am
Turn off the professional liars on fox “news” you pathetic doofus.
Protesting is patriotic! This country was built on protest. he very f
The first Amendment to the US Constitution prevents the govt from abridging freedom of speech/press, and the right to peaceably assemble. Why assemble? TO PROTEST. Like we did against the British govt.
Most protests have been peaceful. The police have committed a lot of the violence. You love football? Then listen to what NFL players, 70% of whom are black, have to say. Spouting your ignorance is bad optics.
I love the game but man, what a bunch of ignorant comments on this board from dudes who know nothing of what they speak. Grow up.
June 5th, 2020 at 3:33 am
PS: Or maybe your narrow minds will listen to white guy Chris Collinsworth?
June 5th, 2020 at 4:27 am
“This entire thing has been a farce. Open everything 100%, now.”
Not usually a supporter of rod but in this he is spot on. We have been duped about this whole thing.
June 5th, 2020 at 5:52 am
Just to give you an idea of how things around the ‘sickness’ are handled overseas: In Germany, we are now down to 2,055 new cases of Covid-19 during the last seven days at a population of approx. 83 million. Everyone has access to tests at no cost so there shouldn’t be a very high number of unreported cases.
The Bundesliga is allowed to play its games in empty stadiums, only with teams being quarantined in hotels while players, coaches, and officials are tested weekly. Goal celebrations are strictly forbidden, the substitute players have to wear masks, sitting in the stands with 6 ft between them. Anyhow the sword of Damocles still hangs over the heads of all the guys in charge.
This being said, to compare Germany with the US just multiply the numbers by 4, so the German figures equal 8,200 new cases in one week with you. According to JHU only yesterday more than 21,000 new cases were reported.
Even after subtracting the German Angst, don’t think about a crowd. Just let us hope games will be allowed at all.