Evans Joins Brady’s Bunch
June 25th, 2020
Spotted at workout.
In the wake of park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring Bucs quarterback Tom Brady catching hell from some quarters for the nerve to practice football in outdoors in a private facility while innocents across the Tampa Bay area are forced to wear masks as “The Sickness” has flared up badly locally, Brady and several Bucs players are back at it practicing at Berkeley Prep this morning.
WTVT-TV Channel 13 got aerial footage again of Brady’s workouts. Sports anchor at the station, Kevin O’Donnell, always seems to know where a Bucs player is practicing or pumping weights. He ID’ed a new player who joined in the fun.
Mike Evans is seen working out with Brady and teammates. Other players spotted by O’Donnell are Rob Gronkowski, Ryan Jensen, Ronald Jones and Dare Ogunbowale.
Watch the video below, courtesy of WTVT-TV Channel 13.
#Brady Watch: You wanted him. We got him. #Bucs Pro Bowl WR Mike Evans has joined the Brady Bunch this morning at Berkeley Prep. Evans in gray tank with his red shoes. No one is stopping these workouts. @TomBrady @MikeEvans13_ @Buccaneers @rojo @DGO23_ @RobGronkowski @sinjen66 pic.twitter.com/gaoxjQ1jhe
— Kevin ODonnell Fox13 (@ODonnellFox13) June 25, 2020
June 25th, 2020 at 9:31 am
Covid is not going away anytime soon. I can’t believe people are freaking out about this. If we’re going to have a season, which the NFL says we’re going to have, then players must play. Where I think the league is screwing up is by NOT opening the facility to the players where better safety measures can be put in place. They should start holding camps already to see if a season is even possible. What are they waiting for? You can’t keep the players in bubble wrap till the season starts. If camps open, and the virus start’s reeking havoc, we know there won’t be a season. Right now we won’t know what’ll happen till they get together. Stop putting off the inevitable, either get going, or go home.
June 25th, 2020 at 9:37 am
Working out that timing
June 25th, 2020 at 9:37 am
Hello to the Joes. Could you let us know which NFLPA codes the Brady Bunch is violating? Thanks!
June 25th, 2020 at 9:39 am
The NFL would have to renegotiate with the NFLPA. This is when players have the summer off (mandated) and early July is often when team facilities shut down entirely. As in close and lock the doors to all and go dark.
June 25th, 2020 at 9:40 am
Zero. Joe has pointed that out already. But the NFLPA did strongly advise its association members (which is every player in the league) not to practice together.
June 25th, 2020 at 9:41 am
The worst thing to happen would be a no season!!!!!!!! Not because, of no football!!!!!! Because all of the sheep will claim the Bucs to be Superbowl Champs already!!!!!!! Word on the street, is that Tampabaybucfan and others are already printing up the t-shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sheep are already talking of vandalising and taking down The Superbowl statues and replacing them with ole stale biscuit statues!!!!!!!!!!! The “real” fans must stand up and rise, against this attack on Buc History!!!!!!! Wake up Buc Fans!!!!!!! We will not allow the sheep to overtake and overthrow This great Buc Fandom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go bucs!!!!!
June 25th, 2020 at 9:55 am
Curious what they are working on in these drills. The WR obviously aren’t moving at game speed, so it’s not timing. Maybe familiarity with ball speed and placement for particular routes?
June 25th, 2020 at 9:59 am
Like the old McDonalds’ jingle
“I’m Lovin’ it!!!”
June 25th, 2020 at 10:07 am
Sean Jensen????
June 25th, 2020 at 10:09 am
Remember when Winston set up a private workout at Berkley? . . . . oh wait!
I must still be asleep . . . sorry about that. A dream come true to see them working on their own. NFLPA be damned.
Maybe Evans is starting to realize his great fortune in having Brady throwing to him. Brady’s passes have loads of zip and he throws in some tight windows.
June 25th, 2020 at 10:17 am
STFU sheep humper! No one, and I mean NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One wants your dribble on this site anymore. Why don’t you wake up and realize THAT! better yet why don’t you go to sleep…. permanently!
June 25th, 2020 at 10:18 am
The NFLPA doesn’t want any practice, even when there is no virus.
If they wanted to help they would press the NFL on the virus proof helmet and cheer for people trying to acclimate to their new environment.
If you crammed Brady into the prescribed workout schedule of the labor contract, he would be hospitalized because of this nasty weather.
There is more to being in shape than strength conditioning.
June 25th, 2020 at 10:31 am
Maybe they could just leave it up to us adults if we want to go out in public and take a ‘risk’.
How about anyone concerned about catching the cold self quarantines, and us adults can get our lives back.
Its a novel concept, but PHUCKING come on with the stupid sickness already. Its a joke, and a bad one too.
June 25th, 2020 at 10:36 am
Is that Ogunwale in the backfield or ronald jones…?
We are going to get soo many more yards with swing passes becasue Tom Brady is the master of that pass.
He puts it in the perfect spot for backs to not break stride and keep their momentum up field, A small, but very important upgrade.
They look good, and I certainly don’t see the ball not having any zip, those passes look sharp and crisp, to me?
June 25th, 2020 at 10:37 am
Cainishere Says:
June 25th, 2020 at 10:09 am
Remember when Winston set up a private workout at Berkley? . . . . oh wait!
I must still be asleep . . . sorry about that. A dream come true to see them working on their own. NFLPA be damned.
Maybe Evans is starting to realize his great fortune in having Brady throwing to him. Brady’s passes have loads of zip and he throws in some tight windows.
^^^He would do these a Skyway park or whatever it’s called. Would see him almost every Saturday out there in summer.
June 25th, 2020 at 10:41 am
LOL He didn’t have to hide his workouts at a private school and rely on the team setting up the workouts for him. Jameis held his workouts at a public facility/park where college players would join in. 🙂 Then Jameis would hold workouts at colleges where his teammates joined him.
June 25th, 2020 at 10:57 am
June 25th, 2020 at 10:58 am
I have no idea what that means.
Wish we could stick to football.
June 25th, 2020 at 11:00 am
Let them all catch it now. Immune for the season.
June 25th, 2020 at 11:15 am
Time for some Dbacks to join the party…..
June 25th, 2020 at 11:16 am
The very notion that wearing a mask to protect your friends, neighbors and co-workers now all of the sudden makes you an anti-racist activist is just beyond stupid. Stick to sports Joe. Not because you don’t have the freedom to put out whatever you want, but because you’re just flat out ignorant as hell on politics.
June 25th, 2020 at 11:19 am
Buddhaboy, couldn’t agree with you more. I love that Brady is throwing to the backs. His accuracy is what’s going to make the difference, and play-action passes are going to make the running game finally take off.
June 25th, 2020 at 11:34 am
I think white shirt is Dare grey shirt is Rojo
June 25th, 2020 at 11:53 am
“The only reciever needed for constant practice, reps, timing and constantly with TB12 is
So where is he?
Kobe Faker demands that ROJO sleeps between TB12 and the manly looking Gisele”
Kobe Faker
June 25th, 2020 at 11:58 am
Read an article about a study done by virologist in the UK with facts stating the strong UV light and heat from the sun actually denatures the COVID virus in 30 mins. I’d post a link but idk look it up
June 25th, 2020 at 11:59 am
A-bomb, are you freaking kidding or are you really that uninformed? All evidence to the contrary, but I guess that doesn’t fit your narrative. Stick to football.
June 25th, 2020 at 12:00 pm
joe – again we’re politicizing masks when they should be worn when out to protect others, not yourself! you always hard on you want data and production to back up players. well the science and data shows that wearing masks reduces the spread of the virus. why this is being thought of as something political is just dumb. nobody wants to wear these masks to look a certain way or disapproving of the president. they are doing it because they are following actual data and realizing if they wear a mask, the likelihood of them spreading the virus to somebody else is reduced.
we want football back dont we? well maybe we should start listening to the health officials so we can have it back and have fans. nobody is saying the virus will be gone but the fact it keeps going up in certain states is not by chance.
June 25th, 2020 at 12:08 pm
Real glad Rojo is there.
June 25th, 2020 at 12:27 pm
Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco = population of 3,000,000
Total deaths from Covid 245 = .000081%
No spike! Just more testing. Don’t believe the fake news people, believe the numbers. These guys are young, fit and outdoors. There is nothing irresponsible or defiant about what they are doing.
June 25th, 2020 at 12:29 pm
Brady hasn’t had as talented a receiver as Mike since he played with Moss. Dude is going to put up Tecmo Bowl numbers this year and put to rest any nonsense of Julio, DeAndre freaking Hopkins (thanks Ira, you’ll be losing sleep over that decision soon enough), or gods forbid Michael Thomas (?!?), being better than him. It’s mind boggling how little respect the best offensive player in our team’s history gets. 😁
June 25th, 2020 at 12:41 pm
@chris L. Science and data backs that up. You sure about that because all I know is the data that you see cannot be trusted in any way. Cases of Covid19 surged. No freaking crap. Who would have thought that after re-opening the country and greatly increasing testing, we would have more positive cases of Covid19. Everybody. Anyboddy and everybody with half a brain knew that cases would surge. We were never supposed to be quarantining for as long as we did. It was supposed to be a few weeks to help the hospitals not get overloaded. As it turns out, hospitals were never remotely close to being overloaded yet little Dr Faucii says stay home and we did. It was ignorance at its best to do that. Or maybe it was politics at its best. I don’t know but I know it was common sense that we need to just deal with this “flu” with a herd immunity just like any disease needs to be dealt with. Cases will be surgining in Europe as well when they actually get back to work. As far as data goes, it says whatever “they” want it to say. China has had 83,449 positive cases. 78,433 people have recovered and 4,634 total deaths. 4,634 total deaths! If you believe any of that “data”, please consider buying a bridge in Brooklyn that I own.
June 25th, 2020 at 12:50 pm
Are fans starting to show up at these workouts daily just to check if a practice is going on? Should be packed by now huh?
June 25th, 2020 at 1:14 pm
cmurda – i live in new york and was firsthand saw what happened in what WAS the epicenter. the way that state handled it from people, authorities, and government should be the model for everyone. wearing a mask does help actually. you brought up cases surging. of course it is still around. everyone who argues for a mask eevryone against it says well of course covid is still around. YES OF COURSE. nobody ever said covid will be eradicated, nobody ever. you learn to manage it but there are better ways to do that and yes a mask works. check the new york data actual data and you will see.
June 25th, 2020 at 1:31 pm
From a science-based study,
From a New England Journal of Medicine article written 1 Apr
which states in the second paragraph: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).
The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.” NEJM – Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era”
The corona virus family (yes there is more than one corona virus in our biosphere that have been with us for years) varies in size from from .01 microns to .03 microns. Commercial masks only protect down to .05 microns.
Even the vaunted N95 mask, if properly fitted by a professional, offers protection down to about .04 microns. Additionally, a vector area that no one addresses is through the eyes; any calls for goggle wearing by the general populace? (the answer is no).
From a data driven study.
From a University of Iowa study , this is from the abstract.
Studying the data from cities that Instituted mask wearing in public . The data revealed a .9% reduction in reported new cases after the first week. After 14days the reported new cases dropped by 2% . 14 -21 days , no increase in reducing new cases . Maximum effects were recorded after 14days with a 2% decrease in new cases reported.
So the science and the data seem to be in agreement . Masks are not that effective in reducing the spread of the virus.
June 25th, 2020 at 1:45 pm
No. Closed practice at a private school.
June 25th, 2020 at 2:16 pm
@Chris L
Did you just suggest NY should be the model? The state that demanded Covid 19 cases be put in nursing homes, killing thousands of elderly people. I agree, that should be the model, of what NOT to do! But you probably get your news from CNN and think that mayor Cuomo is the best thing since sliced bread.
June 25th, 2020 at 2:36 pm
The plandemic is all about the election. #WWG1WGA
June 25th, 2020 at 3:02 pm
Suffering- all evidence to the contrary? The evidence is that alt-right groups have repeatedly posed as them and spread rumors that they were infiltrating peaceful protects to justify the alt right’s armed presence. It is a Trump-style lie, perpetuated by those alt-right folks who want an armed conflict. The youth, pro-athletes and even some white people are telling you that society needs to change. When will you listen?
June 25th, 2020 at 3:26 pm
Excellent points and excellent question. Joe answered one about the need for the NFLPA to sign off…but perhaps that could be negotiated as a one time deal for this “special” season.
As far as more safety for the players…bingo…plus it gets everybody used to the new routines and as you say…we get a jump on addressing the challenges of a Covid season to see if we even can.
June 25th, 2020 at 3:28 pm
NY is the model if you want to eradicate people in nursing homes in order to save the state money and promote violence and disorder against law abiding citizens.
June 25th, 2020 at 3:30 pm
@ a bomb have you lost your mind, if the “alt right” did that it would be all over the weaponized media. You actually believe that any trump supporter could survive in those mobs?
June 25th, 2020 at 4:11 pm
For the record, defensive players were out there. Well at least SMB.
June 25th, 2020 at 4:39 pm
So, you publish my post, AND reply to my post…
Then you delete BOTH?
June 25th, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Keep on deleting joe(s), I don’t mind at all. Glad you are reading.
June 25th, 2020 at 4:59 pm
oh god its…
too much
June 25th, 2020 at 5:02 pm
we sure are lucky to have all you anti-anti-fascists (profascists?) to look out for us.
oh my!
stay away from the mind controlling masks!
June 25th, 2020 at 6:06 pm
I think my IQ dropped a 100 points reading some of these posts. I’m wondering if some of you need to drink your water with 2 hands.
June 25th, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Are you for , or against, the red unicorn separatists movement?
June 25th, 2020 at 6:22 pm
Bottom line joe why are you marginalizing those who wear masks? Masks are not spreading the virus or making the world a worse place. Covid and hatred is
June 25th, 2020 at 6:26 pm
I thought Evans was already a regular at these workouts. This article reads like this was the first time he joined?
June 25th, 2020 at 8:29 pm
@chris L
Asymptomatic spread was the reason given for why we had to wear masks. Since then, it has been shown that studies showing asymptomatic spread were flawed. If you feel sick, stay home. Just like every other year of my life. Which part of “asymptomatic spread has been debunked by science” don’t you seem to understand?
June 25th, 2020 at 8:41 pm
chris L Says:
“The way that [New York] handled it from people, authorities, and government should be the model for everyone.”
So the model is to put sick people in your healthy grandparents’ rest home instead of on the hospital ship which was actually there just for that purpose. The model is for police to beat the spit out of people not wearing a mask, while they let terrorists destroy property.
You are an absolute nincompoop.
June 25th, 2020 at 8:54 pm
@Ship Thief
June 25th, 2020 at 9:18 pm
Today at 10:10 AM, I lost my aunt to it. Don’t try to tell me it isn’t serious.
June 25th, 2020 at 9:54 pm
a-bomb Says:
“When will you listen?”
Or what. Terrorists burn down my business and kill some cops if I don’t listen fast enough?
June 25th, 2020 at 9:59 pm
Tvan101 Says:
“… have you lost your mind, if the “alt right”…”
The first person I ever heard use the term “alt right” was Hillary. Sounds like it came right out of a prog think tank, trying to redefine the word patriot.
June 26th, 2020 at 12:14 pm
I wonder if Joe cries in fear every time he’s been in a doctors office or hospital and he sees the staff wearing those scary masks lol
June 26th, 2020 at 12:16 pm
I for one am shocked that coke spoon is a science denying fake news casualty.
Just shocked I tell ya.
June 26th, 2020 at 1:32 pm
When even your favorite Mockingbird fake news kings are forced to report it, you still won’t believe it?