Your New (Old) Bucs Unis

April 7th, 2020

Farewell alarm clock fonts, and a salute to the Bucs for the new/old jerseys.

All Joe can say is, “Bravo, Bucs. Bravo!”

Common sense (finally?) overcame the shot-callers at One Buc Palace and the team reverted to the classic Bucs uniforms from the Super Bowl-winning era, debuted today.

The home red with the pewter pants is nearly identical to what the Bucs wore when they ruled the NFC South (and previously, NFC Central).

Now the Bucs also debuted same-color uniforms, pants and jerseys that Joe guesses are alternative get-ups.

Joe is fundamentally against wearing pants that are identical to the jersey. That goes all the way back to high school for Joe when Joe’s school would play teams that couldn’t afford a second set-up of pants. Therefore, that look has always appeared to be low-rent for Joe.

However, if alternate uniforms are what it took in a trade to get back to the classics, so be it.

Thank you Bucs for seeing the light. Thank you.

And those alarm clock-font jerseys? They will henceforth be known in Joe’s mind as the Jameis Winston jerseys, as those things were in their second year when Jameis was drafted and were thrown into the trash when Jameis was shoved out the door.

130 Responses to “Your New (Old) Bucs Unis”

  1. Morgus the Magnificent Says:


  2. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Much better.

  3. Buc Fan South Tampa Says:

    Damn skippy. Great job Glazers….

  4. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:

    Love all three but especially the all pewters!

  5. Richard Dickson Says:

    I’d love to see what the pewter jersey looks like with the white pants. They’ve basically got six different uniform combos they can use now.

  6. Jean Lafitte Says:

    that alternate jersey is fantastic!!!

  7. SKBucsFan Says:

    Same old. I’ll just wear my old McCoy jersey. Other than the 3rd pewter style nothing new to see here. But I agree waaaay better than the Winston era uni’s.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Love it

  9. Ryan Jensen’s Hair Says:

    I’ll shimmer against that pewter jersey!

  10. gbobucsfan Says:

    Hell right!!

  11. SOEbuc Says:


  12. Drake Says:

    They’ll look sharp when the NFL plays again…fall of 2021.

  13. Dewey Selmon Says:

    They used #45 #54 and #14. so we know what the #4, #5 and #1 looks like. Should have used different players with different numbers. Pewter jerseys rock.

  14. El Buco Realisto Says:

    Was that music MC Candy Wrapper or Mc Young Feces?????? It’s confusing cause they all sound the same!!!!!!!!!!

    go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Without the alarm clock, I sort of slept through the video……watched it again and like the new unis……..

  16. Doctor_Berto Says:

    Love the pewter

  17. S Petronka Says:

    Any uniform with out JW in it looks awesome

  18. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I like it! Back to what it always should have been.

  19. TexBuc Says:

    Back to the Future

  20. SOEbuc Says:

    That’s grey not pewter and I’ve always wanted to put in some grey for a since of dark clouds. Didn’t get much of a look at the helments. Have they changed to a grayer color also?

  21. Buc50 Says:

    Much love!!!

  22. Mrs. Entertainment Says:

    My BEST birthday gift EVER !!!

  23. Says:


  24. Doctor Stroud Says:

    I like the uniforms, and a much needed improvement. The Pewter Pirates are back! I wish that they would consider burnt orange for the home jerseys. That would distinguish the team from other teams that have adopted red (e.g., Atlanta and SF) and be a nod to the original uniform.

  25. alaskabuc Says:

    These are sooo dope! Thank God the alarm clock abomination is gone. Can’t wait to see our rookie class and order up one of those Pewter color rush jobs!!!

  26. ewww Says:

    those grey jerseys are very meh.

  27. Ruben L Barreto Says:

    When the Paul Lukas (Uniwatch) leaks came out weeks ago, I was really disappointed that it seemed that the orange accents were axed. So glad the leaks were wrong! Orange accents alive and well on these unis as they should be!

  28. ToesOnTheLine!!! Says:

    I would have liked a little more orange in there, as I always thought that color looked good with the pewter (plus the red and black sans orange look a little to close to what the Falcons away jerseys look like), BUT that’s splitting hairs. Overall the “back to the future” uniforms certainly look better than the “Burger King” uniforms they are replacing.

  29. El Buco Realisto Says:

    Can some tell the bucs that this is the NFL not the nba!!!!!!!! enough with the crap music errrrr I mean rap music!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go bucs!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Robert Says:

    Love them, especially the all black one.

  31. Bucco bruce Says:

    So they’re exactly like what was predicted. I was hoping for a small surprise I would like. Anyways love them! Tampaaaaaa

  32. Mrs. Entertainment Says:

    SOE Buc – your helmet question . . . from the team’s website: ” The side of the flag on the helmet has been reduced to ensure the sword is visible on all helmet types used by players.”

  33. adam from ny Says:

    they pretty much nailed it…

    i would have stayed triple layer numbers on the all pewters…

    with the in between layer being the same pewter color…

    or potentially the orange colr tucked between the red and white…

    either way, the unis are hot!…

    good job bucs…

    i score this a 9 out of 10…

    we might be back to the best unis in the league again…

    i haven’t gotten a jersey in many years…now time to add in an authentic pewter one…

    these pewter color rush uniforms are wicked good 🙂 🙂 🙂

  34. JimmyJack Says:

    I’ll just consider myself out of touch and refrain from complaints about that video.

    The grey ones looked pretty sharp.

  35. Mord Says:


  36. Dapostman Says:

    The all Pewter’s look so 21st century!!!!

  37. permanent_moderation_doghouse Says:

    Seriously, who selects the music over there?

  38. adam from ny Says:

    the video for the unis is weird and lame…and childish, with rap and all…but what can you do during covid19…

    it’s all good tho…

    everyone must stay safe and healthy…and a video pretty much keeps it right there


  39. NDog is an idiot Says:

    Goodbye JayMiss Winston Uniforms!.Love them and the keeping of the Helmet w black face mask

  40. Mrs. Entertainment Says:

    I guess Godwin knew his number was 14 from the beginning . . .

  41. ModHairKen Says:

    Why is Godwin wearing Brady’s number?

  42. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Now I can order a #14. Our long days of embarrassment are ending…hopefully our play improves as much as the unis.

    It did seem like the three guys felt good in those unis.

    And yeah I agree with Joe that those old unis will always remind us of JW.

    This is one place I do agree with the JW lovers. Those old unis didn’t do JW any favor..hard to have and swag in those old embarrassing unis.

  43. Elita Vita Says:

    Well here’s my honest opinion. I think they are not as lively as our super bowl uniforms were…I feel they look nicer though then our radio clock numbered uniforms. I still like the updated very modern example of the creamsicle uniforms shown online several weeks ago. I like the pewter jerseys the best of what we have now.

  44. Cobraboy Says:

    Looks like the helmets are back to peweterish vs. the chrome look.

  45. lambchop Says:

    @Mrs. Entertainment,

    He’s 12 in the video.

    I wouldn’t order a 14 Godwin cuz I’m sure he’ll switch back to 12 once Brady is retired.

  46. NDog is an idiot Says:

    Goodbye JayMiss Winston Uniforms!.Love them and the keeping of the Helmet w old black face mask

  47. HeavyE Says:

    Should have gone back to the Orange Uniforms, would have been way better!!!!

  48. rrsrq Says:

    I’m just glad the creamsicle #12 still belongs to Doug Williams and Trent Dilfer and not Tom Brady, let’s win

  49. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    UNIES we can be frikking PROUD OF again.

    Now LET’S GO BUCS!!!!!

  50. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The Bucs nailed it.

    I really don’t get why some people want full time creamsickle uniforms. I love the creamsickle if the NFL was willing to let us wear them as alternates like they used to but full time? No way.

  51. Ship Thief Says:


  52. Buc1987 Says:

    Liked all 3.

    1000% better by just getting rid of the alarm clock numbers…

    Now go get your number 12 Brady jersey.

  53. patrickbucs Says:

    that alternate jersey is fantastic!!! Love them all, so glad to have anything different. Jersey sales will be up with Brady obviously, back in the day we used to be high up annually in teams sales.

  54. adam from ny Says:


    godwin will never ever switch back to number 12 once brady leaves…

    that is 100% incorrect thinking…

    please learn how to think correctly…

    he will remain #14 for his time with the bucs

  55. Gettinthebucs Says:

    They look great! Now let’s win some damn games!

  56. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Creamsickle #12= Doug Williams
    SB Uniforms #12= Luke McCown
    Alarm Clock #12= Josh Mccown
    New Uniform #12= Tom Brady

    The Bucs basically just combined the SB uniforms with the new logo and it’s a great combo. But the uniforms will only have value if the Bucs win.

  57. WestChap Says:

    Leaps and bounds better. Some day we’ll be bold enough to bring back more orange, but I’m now good for the Brady Bucs. Let’s roll.

  58. chargedcbh Says:

    Boring! Besides the Pewter 3rd jersey, what’s the big deal? Just more money to spend on the same jersey’s we purchased years ago. HUGE LET DOWN!!!!

  59. Tbbucs3 Says:

    And not crazy about the grey ones but red and whites are awesome.

  60. Mike Johnson Says:

    You can take new uniforms and stuff’em for all I care. How bout some Wins? How bout the playoffs?…How bout getting some respect. You don’t get respect on gotta earn it. Uniforms and stats are for losers.Play in diapers and baby pins..Don’t forget the crouch powder..Just Win

  61. adam from ny Says:

    creamsicles will be back for throwback day…

    which will be reinstated in 2021 when the league lets teams use more than 1 helmet…

    in 2021 we can once again use the bucco bruce white helmet…and therefore, offer up a seasonal orange throwback day at ray jay…

    in due time bucs fans…due time

  62. adam from ny Says:


    do a pole to rate the jerseys…


  63. DBS Says:

    Hell yes. No more clown uniforms. Now I will buy again.

  64. Blackmagic00 Says:

    These are fire!!!! Finally something to be proud of.

  65. SOEbuc Says:

    MrsEntertainment…Nooo! The larger flag was the only thing the made those hideous jerseys worthy. Sure glad they didn’t change them though.

  66. View from 132 Says:

    Excellent. The Jameis Alarm Clock Two Tone High School Era has ended.

  67. Jeagan1999 Says:

    I really like the color rush uni’s!!

  68. Adrnagy Says:

    Winston would of looked good on this uni for years ….

  69. DBS Says:

    Adam You are what is wrong with the entire bay area now. New Yorker going to tell people what to do. When they can do it . And how they can do it.

  70. WhyIHateOurFans Says:

    The previous uniforms were actually before we drafted Jameis FYI fellas. El Realist it’s 2020. Hip Hop dominates pop culture.

  71. Evolvingbucsfan Says:

    Solid, reds are a tad brighter than our SB uni’s and very similar, the white have a combo with pewter pants looks sweet, Love the Pewter color rush.

    solid 9-9.5 out of 10

  72. BrianBucs Says:

    Soooo much better
    Bucs got rid of their video game uniforms and QB in the same off-season.
    Go Bucs!!!
    Onward and upward

  73. Upthegut Says:

    I remember the butt sweat on the pewter pants LOL

  74. AKickInTheBucNuts Says:

    Yes. Love them.

    I will be buying now.

  75. JP09 Says:

    AWESOME!!!! Finally Something the majority seems to agree on. Can’t wait to see the all pewter’s during our prime time games.

  76. Old School Athlete Says:

    Huge improvement! Thanks to ownership and management for listening to the fans!

  77. Mike in LOL Says:

    I will definitely be buying one of those #12 pewter jerseys!

  78. Heath Hunt Says:

    Better than the previous version but went back to a scheme that now looks outdated but not horrendous so I’ll take it.

  79. JustBucNwin Says:

    Love the all pewter ones! Anyone know how of often they can be worn? In place of the color rush?

  80. adam from ny Says:

    actually i take back my possible revision on the all pewter color rush unis…

    they nailed it…

    they used the creamsicle model and did it in pewter basically…

    no need for orange tucked in as a middle layer on the numbers, or orange highlighting the pants stripe…

    i just needed to digest the jerseys for a minute…

    the red and white on the pewter uniforms is perfect…

    i give the unis a 10 out of 10

  81. RMaceGA Says:

    Much improved!!! I really like the all pewter uniforms.. I hope they breakout the red jerseys with the white pants, as well.

  82. TampaTown Says:

    Love the new unis especially the Pewter!

  83. Tye Says:

    So much better… Now it has a stylish look to it…
    Now just shrink the logo on the helmet so it doesn’t look like a character when they draw a head way to big for it’s body…

  84. Ghost of Darrell Henderson Says:

    I like em!

    Never bought a jersey before but I might buy a black #12 and give it to my Patriot fan brother.

    Now they just need to hire a real kicker and give him the #3

  85. BradyBucs Says:

    Boom. Just ordered a Pewter Vapor Limited TB12 Jersey!

  86. FairMinded Says:

    YESSSSSSSS!!! Looks incredible! All Pewter is a nice addition but love that the classic look is back! Thank you Glazers for listening to the fans! White jerseys with pewter pants though…agree with Joe on that. All white is NOT an inspiring look. No quibbles otherwise

  87. Tc Says:

    Boring, no pop! I keep seeing Dilfer on the back of number 12. Lol.

  88. David Says:

    Could not disagree with Joe more!!

    The all pewter are great!!!

    Love going back to the classic font.
    Overall, simple and subtle changes.

    Love it!

  89. GenocideD Says:

    I like them but they look a lot like the falcons’ jerseys.

  90. Miketb19 Says:

    It’s going to be an awesome feeling being at a Tampa Home Game and see Tom Brady throwing touchdown passes to Mike Evans And Chris Godwin in those pewter uniforms that going to be straight up nastalgic.

  91. Rod Munch Says:

    I went to the 1997 uniform reveal – so in retrospect that was like a 2-for-1 event.

  92. Rod Munch Says:

    What a rebuke to Nike. They basically said you’re complete and total incompetent d-bags, just undo what you’ve done, we don’t even want to see what those SJW idiots in Oregon came up with.

    Anywho these are tied as my 2nd most favorite Bucs jersey – but to not have at least one orange option? Tells me the Glazers couldn’t even get the idiots at Nike to so that right, so just said make one version where the top is the same color as the pants – not even Nike can screw that’s up.

  93. Don_RyJo(e) Says:

    The “new” uniforms are fine…

    I was really hoping for a re-envisioned creamsicle theme (keeping the current logo, of course).

    …but its fine.

  94. ©MadMax Says:

    Magnificent!!! So much better!

    Now to get Simmons or Thomas in these new unis.

  95. Bucsfanman Says:

    Yay! Our uniforms don’t suck again!

  96. FSDon Says:

    From bad to boring, but I think
    Nike designed them so what do
    you expect from a company that kisses
    the butt of an self promoting anti American
    fraud like kaepernick

  97. Imon Says:

    The nearsighted wont be able to tell the teams when we play the Falcons.

  98. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Can the uniforms be mixed and matched with all combinations?

    Like pewter jersey with white pants, or white jersey with color rush red pants, or pewter jersey with color rush red pants.

  99. Wesley Says:

    They went back to super bowl era red and orange (darker). It’s damn near perfect but would have stuck with the brighter orange. The alternate pajama looking pewter combo looks awful. With red socks however it’s sharp.

  100. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Red pants?

  101. Ivan The Insider Says:


    Dump this red “we look like the Falcons” uni’s and adopt the Pewter jerseys. We’d have a very unique look and it would become our new ‘brand.’

    I, personally, think the pewter jerseys are the best the Bucs have ever had. It’s a shame we may barely see them used.

  102. Rayjay1122 Says:

    The gray ones are sharp and 1000% better than the red Xmas pajama looking color rush unis.

  103. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    LOL, there are are always 4 people who say we look like the Falcons. No they do not. Stop. They are ours, and they kick the crap out of ATL’s.

  104. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Jmarkbuc Says:
    April 7th, 2020 at 3:54 pm
    Red pants?×469.png

  105. ItzOK Says:

    Itz time to start the 5 year clock when we can change them again. They screwed these up. Whats with the orange and black border around the numbers its looks awful. And yes the white one look like the falcons.

  106. Elita Vita Says:

    Are we really celebrating these new uniforms OR celebrating the loss of the alarm clock ones????

  107. DaBux Says:

    No Interception Machine? Win.
    Signing Tom Brady? Big Win.
    Keeping our Defense intact? YUGE win.
    Pewter on Pewter Uniforms? H-E-L-L TO THE YEAH!

  108. ATrain Says:


  109. stvcl Says:

    Finally! Thank you sweet baby Jesus!

  110. Arealbucsfan Says:

    We never complained about looking like the falcons before… so why now? U guys jus love to complain. Pewter jerseys are cool for color rush. Personally would not like to make those our main jerseys

  111. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Clean and classic. No gimmicks. Perfect.

    I think the red piping on the pewter really flashes!

    I’d love to see pewter jersey with white pants.

  112. Bucs 14 Says:

    Man, those all pewter uniforms are kick a$$!

  113. Buc4evr Says:

    No more chrome face masks. Black grills YAY!! Wish they would make the flag on the helmet a little smaller, otherwise looks good. Next year bring the creamsicles back for a throwback option.

  114. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s pewter, not gray.

    As for the Falcons comments, get off your Obamaphone and look at these with a decent screen and you’ll see the colors and look really aren’t all that close and they really don’t look very similar at all.

    Also the pewter on pewter isn’t brilliant, it’s literally just saying make the jersey the same color as the pants. It’s pretty dull. Should have had an old school orange alternate jersey.

    Finally, no more of the white on white – it looked bad the first time and still looks bad. The white top should always go with the pewter pants, always. Unless we have orange pants.

    In any case the last uniforms were God awful, hated them from day one, tried to see if they’d grow on me and the only thing that grew was my hatred of them. I really wanted something with orange — we’re in FL, orange was used because there used to be orange trees everywhere, it’s called a tie-in. Back in the 90s I really liked the change, at the time, to pewter and red, it was original, looked great, but to change things again and just go back one design, it’s pretty lazy. Or more likely than being lazy, it just shows how the Glazers had zero confidence in the idiots at Nike to come up with someone that isn’t awful. BTW go look at what Nike has done since they got the NFL deal like 6-7 years ago, whatever it was, they are terrible. Please bring back Reebok or Adidas or even Under Armour – there’s literally no way anyone can do worse than Nike has done.

  115. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Thank God. I can finally buy a jersey again. I refused to buy that last crap.

  116. Buczilla Says:

    Nice uniforms, now we need to string together some playoff wins and I’ll be a happy camper.

  117. Alanbucsfan Says:

    I hope they wear the all pewter when they play the Raiders

  118. CunningLinguistics Says:

    To the carpet munchers on this site, 99% of you are pathetic losers we know this. I’m in that 99%. I’m happy to be a loser and very proud of it. It’s a modified version of pewter in essence it is gray and it’s vibrant. I like the new uniforms. Now, may the fleas of 1000 camels infest your armpits.

  119. Pok Says:

    Love it. Hated the last set. Back to the glory with the GOAT!

  120. BringBucsBack Says:

    Much better but, Dr. Stroud is correct; Burnt Orange should have been the prominent color and would be exclusively ours, in the NFL.

    “Ding dong the alarm clock’s dead…”

  121. 321Bucfan Says:

    Lazy effort and now our colors are grey and red, ugh !
    At least make face mask black chrome instead of flat black.

  122. James Walker Says:

    Much better.

  123. The Man Says:

    They look great! Classic but modern… PERFECT.

  124. PragueBucsFan Says:

    Well done. Pewter is sick.

  125. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Today is the day Bucs fans (including me) became E! News fashion show reporters. Tomorrow hopefully it’s back to football. Uniforms are great now let’s focus on winning and getting this season to start on time.

  126. adam from ny Says:


    we went back to our classic unis…good move…

    added in a wicked all pewter color rush and got rid of that all bright red color rush eyesore of a uni…

    and we shall add in the creamsicles next year when the league once again allows more than the one helmet rule…

    so essentially we have gotten all our classic jerseys back with the all pewter color rush…it’s all set and all correct…

    and now we’ve added in the goat…

    so let’s whoop some azz!

  127. BUC CHEEKS Says:


    Well done.

  128. lambchop Says:

    @adam from ny,

    Think correctly? LMAO. Did Godwin tell you he won’t switch back? He’s been 12 for a very long time. Why wouldn’t he switch back?

    Think correctly, bro!

  129. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    “As for the Falcons comments, look at these with a decent screen and you’ll see the colors and look really aren’t all that close and they really don’t look very similar at all.”


    Thank you. Give me a break.

  130. m0j0 Says:

    New Bucs uni’s look awesome, great job!