Tom Brady Talks To China

April 28th, 2020

Yes, Tom Brady is an international star, and it’s not because he’s now teamed up with Dare Ogunbowale and Ronald Jones.

There’s interest in and respect for Brady across the globe. In the video below, Brady is talking to an ESPN correspondent in China. English is clearly not her first language, and that gives the interview a little more intrigue.

Brady talks about how he comes to work just like he did as a rookie, “same energy and enthusiasm with the team goals in mind.”

And he went on to talk about how it’ll be important for society to bring back sport, in part because people love to see focused teamwork.

“We can see people that are determined to discipline, that are fighting for a common goal, and I think that’s really the great nature of sports,” Brady said.

As for Brady joining the Bucs, “I still have things that I really want to prove to myself and I’ll get the opportunity to do this year and hopefully years beyond this,” he said.

30 Responses to “Tom Brady Talks To China”

  1. Ocala Says:

    Would not surprise me if Brady plays three or four more years. It is still hard to believe the GOAT is the Bucs QB.

  2. Marine Buc Says:

    F China!!!

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Tom Brady ‘World’s Quarterback”

  4. Marine Buc Says:

    Yea China!!!


  5. Buddhaboy19 Says:

    Screw CHina, freaking Commies couldve stopped this fake virus in its tracks.

  6. ClodHopper Says:

    I Agree with the negative attitude towards China. I’m happy to see it’s becoming more widespread. #DecoupleNowPlease

  7. '79 Defense Says:

    Still not sure why he’s giving interviews to various places except to the Bucs.
    Not criticizing, it’s just unusual. You would think he would have interviewed with media people who work for his new team.

  8. 2020 Year of the GOAT Says:

    china communist party major Aholes …… there goal is to take over the world…. they were doing a good job of getting there til MAGA came along….. HMMMM …. now we have a pandemic that originated there … HOW can that be ????

  9. Espo Says:

    F China!

  10. Peter Says:

    Do you actually think any publication is just going to allow you to slander and libel one of their sponsors? What, should Joe start writing about people that visit your urgent care end up in the hospital, or worse? — Joe

  11. Durango 95 Says:

    To hell with those communist Chinese bast*rds

  12. Durango 95 Says:

    ’79 Defense says

    Still not sure why he’s giving interviews to various places except to the Bucs.
    Not criticizing, it’s just unusual. You would think he would have interviewed with media people who work for his new team.

    Why would he want to speak with media overseas before the local team media? Hell, it took him 4-5 weeks just to acknowledge fans of his new team. In my opinion its kind of a d-bag move.

  13. Buddhaboy19 Says:

    Yes, The chinese people are decent, but their system is evil. You are not allowed to worship anything other than the state. Evil system, evil output. Not good, they can bite me

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Thanks for posting that Joe. Personally thought that was an insightful interview. Obviously ‘fluff questions’ but it gave him a chance to let folks see a little ‘behind the curtain’ so to speak. I came away with the feeling that what’s driving Tom Brady right now is his notion that he’s still got more to accomplish to satisfy HIMSELF. Whatever that is, the Bucs SHOULD benefit.

    And Marine Buc, the Chinese people are really a wonderful people IMO. I don’t care for their nation’s leadership, but then again there are many countries in the world who’d say the same thing about us.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    Should never use that under monitor webcam – it just makes you look like you have giant head. I know some laptops for unknown reason put the camera there, but pay an extra $60 for a good webcam if you’re going to be doing things like interviews and promos for the team. For someone who takes his image so seriously (which is not a knock to be clear), it’s pretty amazing he’s OK with that awful webcam that makes him look almost like he has a forehead as big as Matt Ryan.

  16. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    I’m so shocked to find xenophobia coning from some of Joe’s readers with this posting. Shocked!

  17. Show me the TDs Says:

    HowToSpellRhonde, cry me a river. You call it xenophobia. I call it taking you head out of the sand and being aware of the world around you. China is a dire threat to our way of life. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem. You are clearly uneducated on the threat China poses.

  18. Delawest Says:

    Hmm.. I get security briefings twice a week.
    Did he skip January briefings.

  19. Delawest Says:

    “ one day like a miracle it will go away”

  20. Delawest Says:

    “ one day like a miracle it will go away”
    60,000 later…

  21. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    Come on Joe, why the moderation? I’m not saying anything offensive.

  22. Delawest Says:

    Thanks Joe, you are gentlemen and.. Journalists.

  23. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    Moderation test

  24. Durango 95 Says:

    An evil communist regime that has abused and killed untold numbers of its own people, poisoned and killed thousands of Americans and sickened pretty much every country on the face of the earth.

    Apparently, that’s what is now being called “xenophobia”


  25. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    Why the moderation?

  26. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    Thanks for the moderation and not letting me defend my comments, Joe.

  27. LeeIsAFatDouche Says:

    My name is true

  28. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    I hate the dictatorship of China. I do not hate the Chinese people. All humans are my brothers and sisters. It is the politicians that stir up the hate.

    Obviously Tom Brady enjoyed his trip to China. Sports is apolitical.

    Go Bucs! Go for the Lombardi!

  29. ClodHopper Says:

    Some people don’t know the difference between a communist dictatorship and the people under the boot of the communist dictatorship. Those people like to throw around buzzwords like they mean something.

  30. Jonny Says:

    @Defense Rules, doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks about America and their leadership. America is a better country by leaps and bounds than China. This false equivalency of people saying America has problems too is an indicator of how uneducated the American liberal is in the realm of political philosophy. Also saying Chinese are wonderful people is overcompensating. They are wonderful just the same way all human beings are, with character flaws and prejudices.