Report: TB12 Sports Location Coming To Bay Area

March 23rd, 2020

Tom Brady isn’t just a superstar quarterback, he’s also a business man who has been busier and busier off the field in recent years.

One interest is in TB12 Sports, which specializes in customized fitness, performance and recovery.

According to sports radio WEEI in Boston, Brady plans to expand on locations in Boston and Foxborough to include locations in the Tampa Bay area and in New York and Los Angeles.

The Boston location opened its doors last summer, while the Foxborough location has been open since 2013, per

Joe suspects many Bucs fans will be in need of Brady’s services before — or after — they do cartwheels down Dale Mabry Highway, assuming the Bucs don’t open 3-5 or worse for the ninth consecutive season.

98 Responses to “Report: TB12 Sports Location Coming To Bay Area”

  1. Ndog Says:

    Oh don’t worry if we go 3-5 to start I can assure you it will be Brady’s fault cause you know the coach won’t take any blame.

  2. Bobby Says:

    Tom has bulked up a little since his rookie photos. 😁

  3. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Since Big Hog believes we’re all racists let me give him some ammo. LMAO

    So there was a famous movie with Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes called “White Men Can’t Jump.” That of course is absurd…but lets be real..if you took ten white guys and ten black guys the overall jumping would be superior in the latter group but there would also be white guys who can jump…perhaps not as many. Chris Collinsworth always joked how freaked the brothers were when he lined up in track for the 100…freaked even more when he smoked them.

    So in my racist confusion it seems like black athletes GENERALLY tend to be more cut than white dudes…but that isn’t always the case.

    Look at the guns on Brady and his physique and then look at the Pillsbury Dough Boy who just left. A great body doesn’t mean a great QB…but it doesn’t hurt and in this case if you look at that photo Tom doesn’t just have the guns..he’s fit…does he have an ounce of body fat?

    Brady’s entire career has been predicated on his fitness…and his longevity. And imagine how much attention he has paid and imagine how blessed he was to marry Giselle…no horn dogs not for just that reason…but Giselle also earns her living with her “look”. They were BOTH motivated and probably had nutritionists and Chefs carefully prepare their meals much as his exercise Guru helped create this TB12 fitness program.

  4. JimmyJack Says:

    Joe you are right that Tom is a superstar QB and a savy businessman. But you forgot one important thing…….Hes also a HUNK!!!!

    Did y’all know that Tom was not always the health nut he is today? It’s true. Earlier in his career he used to eat nachos before the games. His go-to luches used to be ham and cheeses with onion rings….for dinner he often ate pizza. And he was a big fan of orange soda which was amazing to learn cause so am I!!!!!!

    All y’all can call him Tom but fans like me that developed an instant mancrush call him Tooooo-oooo-ooooom!!!!

  5. Bucsfan951 Says:

    NPUPPY why didn’t you answer my question on the last article? Afraid to get schooled by facts that will shatter your opinion?

  6. JimmyJack Says:

    St Pete I disagree with most of your comment but one thing you said is an unquestioned fact. Tom has a great body.

  7. 813bucboi Says:


    oh dont worry, we wont go 3-5….lol…

    JW is long gone….thats his M.O….LOL…

    go buy some puppy pads!!!!!…your butt hurt and full of $h!t!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  8. LazyMoak Says:

    I hope Jameis signs with a warm weather team so he can take his pool boy with him

  9. JimmyJack Says:

    NDog wouldn’t know a fact if it bit him in the rear.

  10. JimmyJack Says:

    Watching ESPN……Steven A Smith coming up to chime in on Brady. Check it out y’all. You can thank me later.

  11. Montcrief Says:

    Brady still needs a bit of speed coming out of the backfield.

  12. Lamarcus Says:

    Love the TB12 facility but 3-5 is exactly where we headed…with Brady and its because we dont have JW here (The point)

  13. Lamarcus Says:

    Dont get me wrong. I love Brady. Went to bat for him years ago when they said Peyton was better. I do love Brady but JW a whole lot more

  14. Robert Says:

    the Bucs will be like NE with Moss. epic!

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    TB12 location……Hummh!!!……I guess he’s counting on keeping that number and CG12 being cooperative…..if there’s a price… just went up.

  16. Ivan The Insider Says:

    It amazes me how BUCS FANS can’t let go of Winston. MOVE ALONG ALREADY!

  17. Matt Says:

    Meanwhile Jameis is caught by TMZ pushing and SUV. I guess he finally realized he’s not a QB and he’s going to try out at H-back 😂😂

  18. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Lamarcus, aka pudding head – you cannot come up with one cogent opinion as to WHY you like Jw better. And no, “just because” isn’t a good enough reason. One person has 6 rings, the other turns the ball over more than anyone that has ever lived. I’m shocked that people like you actually exist, literally blows the mind

  19. Matt Says:

    (Sorry for posting link to it earlier Joe, brain fart!!)

    Meanwhile Jameis is caught by TMZ pushing an SUV. Apparently he’s finally realized that he’ll never make it has a QB and he’s trying out for H-back this year 😂

  20. 813bucboi Says:

    if you think we go 3-5 with brady, then we wouldve went 0-8 with JW….lol…

    that loser still doesnt have a job….lol…

    but we know we know…lol..its because of the:


    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  21. Slugglife go straight to moderation Says:

    Good job NDog, you got that BS post in at the top.

    You didn’t really say anything, you just cried a little bit.

  22. Slugglife go straight to moderation Says:

    Day 2 of continued moderation for no reason, after asking for a reset. I’m starting to feel like maybe it’s a badge of honor. I’ll take it.

  23. SOEbuc Says:

    Tampa Bay Area is blowing up in business and population. No reason not to.

  24. Bird Says:

    813 bucboi

    An XFL qb already got signed by carolina

    Yet people are upset of bucs choosing brady over winston


  25. Slugglife go straight to moderation Says:


    You can cheer for JW all you want. Maybe he’ll be a backup in the NFC South and you can cheer for the Saints, Falcons, or Panthers. Like any good Buc fan would.

  26. LaMarcus Says:

    It’s not about Brady or JW

    It’s about the Bucs. The Bucs will go 3-5 and it will be the same but you cant blame interceptions this time. Cant wait to see all the excuses

  27. 813bucboi Says:

    nawl clown….

    you’re hoping, wishing and praying we start 3-5….LMAO….

    just like you were hoping, wishing and praying JW returned in 2020….lol..

    but he didnt and we wont….

    THE BUCS have a REAL QB now….and a REAL LEADER….

    brady wont throw 4INTs in week 1…….

    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  28. Dougyballs Says:

    Winston’s problems start between the ears and ends there. Brady is a man of accountability and he will demand it from his teammates

  29. StonedBuc Says:

    Jamies winston was seen pushing his suv to his next job.

    Tmz with the footy

  30. Kobe Faker Says:

    Kobe Faker bought a pet Goat

    “Brought my new pet Goat to my trailer yesterday

    OMG! The yelling and hairpulling screams

    When and who will be the first to be the recipient of the Goat Tom Bradys screaming?

    Google Tom Brady and Bill OBrian and Josh Mcdanials getting screamed at

    Will it be Dope Smith? QB Intern Leftwich? MEME Evans or assistant HC BA himself?

    There is a new sheriff in town..
    And he is very clingy high maintenance”

    Kobe Faker

  31. JimmyJack Says:

    I never read the book but I thought the derangement symptom was about the haters. It seems maybe those who have it are the nugglers. I mean this guy proclaiming Winston is better then Brady. You almost gotta be trying to say something that stupid. You lost that argument from the get go and you lose this one too. You are a maroon!!

    You’re entire basis of 3-5 is that Winston is better then Brady. You lose.

    How about you do us all a favor and go find a rock to hide under. Then come out to say us you told us so when your boy prooves it out on the field. Which he’s been prooving your wrong for five years anyway.

    Or if you like why not you tell us how BJ Upton is better then Willie Mays.

  32. Lamarcus Says:

    Jimmy Jack

    Jameis is better today than Brady. Jw arm strength is way better than Brady. Jw athletes are better

    Brady is closer to being in the 4 wheel Walker and having a life alert on the field today.

    Now 5-10 years ago Brady was better. Not now

  33. mark2001 Says:

    Mariota is getting a 7.5 mil. deal plus incentives. What kind of a deal might Jameis be looking at?

  34. mark2001 Says:

    Lamarcus…physically, I agree…Jameis is likely better in many physical ways. But no one has better leadership abilities and knowledge of the position and what D’s are doing in game situations than Brady.

  35. Lamarcus Says:

    Jimmy Jack

    It won’t even be a season to go 3-5 and all the Brady hype will never be such a thing.

  36. Lamarcus Says:


    Thank you. Some ppl dont even read. I was talking about psychical position. not his ” smartness” as LVD like to say

  37. Dave Says:


  38. SteveK Says:

    Just so pumped for your Goat. Can’t wait to see he and Arians leading the Tampa Bay red asses to victory on Sunday! Love their fire and tempers. Can’t wait.

    *red-ass*: a person who is so intense in his/her competitive spirit that they are constantly on the verge of boiling over.

  39. Tye Says:

    I guess this is the reality of our current state..
    the Bucs didn’t want him, no other team wants him and yet the former bucs qb is still the debate of the day on a Buccaneers fan site and he isn’t a Buccaneer…

    If your comments on most articles is about the last Buc’s qb failure WHO isn’t a Buc any longer… you MUST be a Jameis fan!

  40. Dave Says:


  41. Defense Rules Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong Joe, but I don’t think the game schedule has been published yet. Without knowing WHO we’re playing, or WHERE, or even WHEN, how can anyone even predict that we’ll end the first half of this season with a 3-5 record?

    Heck, free agency has barely started & the draft is still at least a month away, so these Nostradamuses have zero idea what each team’s roster will even look like. We also have zero idea right now how long OTAs & training camp will be this year.

    So ya, let’s all run out and put all our money on the Bucs going 3-5 in our first 8 games. Ya right. Can we at least wait until we have a few more FACTS to deal with before we make complete fools of ourselves?

  42. Defense Rules Says:

    @Dave … “BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE A CLASSY WHITE QB THAT IS BRINGING FANS BACK TO THE BUCS”. Congrats Dave. You at least stated a FACT … Brady is caucasian … BEFORE you made a complete fool out of yourself. Here’s your sign.

  43. JimmyJack Says:

    Lamarcus don’t misrepresent yourself. You point blank said Winston was better. Actually you said he was way better. Now you are squirming talking about physicals. You’re chopping off your own legs.

    Unfortunately for you this is real sports & intangables matter. And they are exactually what makes Tom the far superior QB. And it’s not even close.

    If physicals was what mattered Mike Mumula would be in HOF instead of Sapp and OJ would be a All Pro……..And Hank Arron would not be somebody you ever heard of.

  44. JimmyJack Says:

    DR get used to it. With the Bucs getting Tom is gonna bring a lot more fans in. And all types too. And now that we are relevant it’s gonna attract more people in general, including trolls.

    And if the Bucs start winning look out. Posters like Dave are just the tip of the iceberg. Hey at least they will probably be more entertaining then our broken record resident trolls.

  45. Tye Says:

    the way you are going about it is not enlightening or shedding light on some injustice you think is happening but rather adding to the problem in an abrasive and sarcastic way (adding fuel to the stereo-type)..
    It would help your argument however if you chose a guy that had a better character and reputation.
    He was sketchy coming out of college and during his time as a Buc.. He was in NO way a good representative of his race.. In truth he likely did more harm than good.. (its never good when you make it look like the stereo-type to be true)…
    Brady however does have good character and reputation.. He is a good representative of his race..

    As a Bucs fan I struggle to see why you can’t put aside race and celebrate that our team just went from a losing qb to one of the best to ever play the game…

  46. Adrnagy Says:

    When people start saying or typing stuff like this you know something is wrong… perhaps they’re too sprung to see reality.

    “ And now that we are relevant it’s gonna attract more people in general, including trolls.”

    We are not even favorites to win our division. ! Wake up. You can change all you want QB but the team still sucks.

  47. Dave Says:


  48. JimmyJack Says:

    Adnargy……..I said relevant. And I stand by that comment. Don’t act like I pronounced us contenders…..which we very well may proove to be.

    Do me a favor look up the definition of relevant then turn on any national football show and tell me how I’m wrong.

  49. Adrnagy Says:

    Move on….
    don’t matter. In two years we shall begin again ..
    meanwhile Dave , you can keep your two face on.

  50. Adrnagy Says:

    We are not worthy favorites of winning the division by your so called tv shows too …. no need to waste my time.
    Even Vegas don’t have us winning the division … so how are we supposed to get in the playoff ?

    You act like if the whole season will turn into wonderland. No injuries , rojo running for 1k. Pass defense will only allow one TD /100yds. Lol.

    Are season is over and it hasn’t even started …. why , hope is not reality.

  51. Ndog Says:

    951 I will answer you this one time and you will see why I never answer your pointless question. It is because you lack context in anything you say as everything with you is an absolute. For instance what difference does it make in the number of throws if the throws arent the same throws? For instance if we are throwing short crossing route all day long or if we can sit in the pocket and wait for our guys to come open thats a little different than a team that is constantly throwing on 3rd & 7. As throwing on 3rd & 7 is a tad different than a team that is throwing on 3rd & 2 but again that is actual context which you dont get. That is why I dont respond to you, you are football CLUELESS and no matter what anyone tells you it doesnt matter cause you simply dont understand it. Not that you care, but I dont respect you in any way shape or form and I dont want to waste my time on someone that has proven to be nothing but that, a waste of my time.

  52. mark2001 Says:

    I think Brady can make a big difference, for reasons other than his raw physical ability, just as a good general can inspire his troops to accomplish things beyond reasonable comprehension, against insurmountable odds. I expect the players to up their game, one and all. Slacking won’t be tolerated, and mistakes and plays off will be called out by Brady. He has a gravitas that Jameis, as a young QB with no playoff appearances has. In asking for each and every players phone number, I expect he plans to challenge them, one and all, to go beyond anything they have done in the past. Can we win the division? Can we win playoff games? I don’t know…but it is a new day…with a new sheriff in town.

  53. Ndog Says:

    Also I love it, you guys are legit trying to argue hard numbers which are also known to the reset of the world as FACTS. You people and your blind rage to someone who is not even here anymore kills me. You guys are truly sad sad people. Let it go guys and by the way has anyone noticed I am getting ripped in this thread and I have not mentioned our former QBs name or even him in particular one time. What does that say about you?

  54. Buc4evr Says:

    Get a decent kicker and the Bucs won’t go 3-5.

  55. Ndog Says:

    mark2001 maybe im confused but isnt the coaching staffs job to get the most out of each player not the QB’s? I totally get what you are saying but since we have like 60 coaches dont you think they should be doing something? But again not holding players accountable, letting the team lead the league in flags, giving up gobs and gobs of yards on defense and have a rotten special teams was ok last year so lets hope Brady can fix all of that cause we know the coaching staff wont take any accountability for it.

  56. JimmyJack Says:

    Bro all’s I said is we are relevant….Meaning people are talking about us(which they are) and that fans are flicking to us(which they are).

    Didn’t never said nothing about being favorites, winning the division, going to playoffs or anything else your driveling on about.

    My comment that used the word relevant that you are in a tizzy about had nothing to do with winning or losing. And I have no idea how you could have possibly read it that way.

    Face it bro the Bucs are relevant in the football world right now. No matter how badly you wish to deny it. And none of it has to do with winning cause, newflash, it’s off-season. Duh

  57. Patrickbucs Says:

    Ndog Says:
    March 23rd, 2020 at 4:13 pm
    Oh don’t worry if we go 3-5 to start I can assure you it will be Brady’s fault cause you know the coach won’t take any blame.

    Guess this was referring to Josh Freeman? You only mention one topic, every game Bucs lose this year I’m sure you won’t mention anyone by name either. Clueless poster

  58. mark2001 Says:

    It is the HC’s job. But I’ve heard players say it a dozen times…there is no substitute for leadership in the locker room and on the field. And that is the point. We have heard about the words “culture” and “leadership in the locker room” and “on the field”. And those are real things. And a coach can reinforce and build on it…to try to create the staff and player chemistry to create it. But a player with Brady’s reputation and experience brings that in diamond SB rings. And no HC can substitute for that. Dungy helped to create the culture, but without Sapp, Brooks, Barber, and Lynch as the player leadership reinforcing it and helping create it in the locker room and on the field, it would have never taken hold. And what are the words we hear from Licht and Arians, first and foremost? Not physical talent…but leadership. Not knocking Jameis, but as I said, hard for a young guy with no playoff experience to create that or have the same inherent authority.

  59. Steven007 Says:

    Lamarcus, in a sea of silly comments the athlete narrative is probably your worst one. If great athletes make great quarterbacks then The montanas, brees, Marino’s, etc, would never have been the best in the business. Oh I forgot the statue known as Peyton Manning. Above the neck is more important in a quarterback and you should know that. It also works well for posters on blogs.

  60. lambchop Says:

    Steven Gostkowski is available. Bring him in if he’s healthy.

  61. Bucsfan951 Says:

    OMG!!! NPUPPY DOESNT CARE FOR ME…. 😂😂😂 what ever am I going to do?

    “As throwing on 3rd & 7 is a tad different than a team that is throwing on 3rd & 2 but again that is actual context which you dont get.”

    Do you have a site where you got this factual numbers from? I would like to look at that website. I mean, since you drop facts and such, I’d like to check it out.

    Do that website is?

  62. Adrnagy Says:

    Jimmy perhaps…. Bucs will be laugh At when same issues arise.

    Why don’t we sign suh.. he changed the dynamics of the culture and defense.
    Sign a proven RB vet. Proven safety vet to compliment the young secondary , ideally malcom Jenkins would’ve been nice.
    Gostkowsi to complete for kicker.

    We will be the same, 1 on passing offense 31st on running.
    Defense idk. Maybe 31 in passing and 15 in running

  63. Ndog Says:

    Patrickbucs Says:
    March 23rd, 2020 at 7:59 pm
    Ndog Says:
    March 23rd, 2020 at 4:13 pm
    Oh don’t worry if we go 3-5 to start I can assure you it will be Brady’s fault cause you know the coach won’t take any blame.

    Guess this was referring to Josh Freeman? You only mention one topic, every game Bucs lose this year I’m sure you won’t mention anyone by name either. Clueless poster

    No Patrick it is in reference to the sorry a$$ coaches that let all the above mention crap (pass defense first half of the year, leading the league in flags, crappy kicking, no run game) happen then at the end of the year act like they have nothing to do with it. I dont give a crap who is playing QB those other things still happened but everyone acts like they didnt. Trust me if the same crap is happening this year to Brady I will defend him the same way as for the thousandth time I defend whoever is getting wrongly crapped on but you people see it as me defending one person when the reality is it is just that one player is crapped on the most and unjustly. If that was happening to Godwin, Evans, David or anyone else I would be saying the same things to defend them, the difference is most people are simply to CLUELESS to understand all players make mistakes all the time but most just blame the QB cause they have no clue what they are watching. And that is proven by the CLUELESS comments on here daily. A prime example was all the comments about the GREAT HUSTLE play Devin White made in the Seattle game. But what everyone failed to see was that it was his gap that Carson got through in the first place. Now I am not crapping on White at all, but I am just using that play as one of many examples of how stupid people look on here daily.

    I simply ask one thing if people are going to open their mouths please just know what you are talking about.

  64. Patrickbucs Says:

    Didn’t realize our roster was set before the draft and June 1st cuts?

  65. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Still waiting on that website NPUPPY. Let me know where you got your factual info you mentioned above

  66. JimmyJack Says:

    Adrnagy…..When the same problems arise? Is there logic behind that or you just saying it.

    I see growth and potential.

    Redzone offense, run D, turnovers forced all improved greatly. Yeah I think we can build on that.

    Maybe you disagree. We shall see what happens this season.

  67. Bucsfan951 Says:

    It must kill THE PUPPY to know that 32 nfl teams, all who will do anything to win a SB, passed on JW. It just must absolutely kill him to know the likes of mariota and Tannehill are signed but the guy he drools over isn’t even signed.

    Oh that’s right, the 32 teams are CLUELESS to how great JW is.

    I’m beginning to think NPUPPY is that hack Jameis1of1.

    Be honest with me NPUPPY, you bought that Jameis1of1 book, didn’t you?

  68. Lamarcus Says:

    How do we know that teams are passing on JW? He is getting married and solely focused on that on Wednesday. As a man you cant be doing that Free agency stuff when your getting married.

  69. JimmyJack Says:

    NDog you keep pushing this narritive that the coaching staff does not take responsibility. Yet you provide no facts to back your claims. You know those things you love to pat yourself on the back about.

    Rather then ramble with you back and forth I decided to gather my own info……..I do not watch press conferences cause I don’t care but decided to check one out to see how valid your claims are. I choose the London game because it was a loss and a easy one for a HC to point a finger.

    About a minute in Bruce openly blamed the coaching staff for not having the team mentally prepared. I stopped there. I’m guessing the rest of the press conferences generally are the same(typical for HCs).

    So once again you are proven wrong with actual facts. A daily occurrence from you………So please explain your constant bashing of this staff. Or kindly step to the side and let real facts do the talking muchambo.

  70. JimmyJack Says:

    Well we know Tampa Bay, Indy & Carolina passed on Winston.

  71. LaMarcus Says:

    Jimmy jack

    The coaches got off easy. They are the biggest coaching staff in the History of the nfl. Jobs galore. We got 2 wins better. Coaches staff per King says they gave up on JW in 4 games. 4!!! Told JW to keep firing and Leftwich has 2 QBs in 2 years butts on benches trending bust.

    Arians said Brady is going to make everyone around him better. What? That’s his job. Arians is retired bro.

    They better win or this gonna really stink or start shoving Brady down our throats so you won’t notice

  72. Patrickbucs Says:

    Getting married? Where Italy? Free agents aren’t traveling around Lamarcus. Are you ok?

  73. Adrnagy Says:

    Jimmy … all teams except Tampa passed on Brady too.mmm the goat coach up in New England didn’t want nothing to do with him since what ?2018 …

    Can either be good or bad. We shall see.

  74. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Lamarcus “How do we know that teams are passing on JW? He is getting married and solely focused on that on Wednesday. As a man you cant be doing that Free agency stuff when your getting married.”

    I can’t even take you serious…

  75. Adrnagy Says:

    We can make a argument that bill focus on his defense to win , maybe he knew Brady didn’t have it no more.

  76. LaMarcus Says:

    On more important scope and happenings in life JW will be a fool not to be concentrating on his marriage in 2 days than the NFL. Life things matter.

  77. Patrickbucs Says:

    Adrnagy – all teams passed on Brady? Ok.

    Teams are giving up value to trade for backup QB’s to challenge starters and provide depth and JW just is checking his sheet.

  78. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Shows you how stupid he is to set his wedding date during the beginning of free agency.

    He could’ve easily set the wedding date for January since he should know darn well he isn’t going to make the playoffs.

    But I mean, it’s not like he has an agent or anything…

  79. Patrickbucs Says:

    Will would try to take down Brady? Makes no sense at all

  80. Hethrew 30 Says:

    Man, so nice to have a relevant guy at QB here now. For example did anyone see that ridiculous video Winston made of himself pushing his SUV uphill in his neighborhood? Looks like his house in the background. Car trouble? Trying to show his strength? Burn off frustration? Wierdest thing since eating Ws. Dude’s got issues perhaps.

  81. Hethrew 30 Says:

    For the nuthuggers: Folks, all 32 teams passed on Winston…not only as a starter, but right now, as a freakin’ backup.


  82. Steven007 Says:

    Lamarcus, I guess the point is why are we talking about JW at all at this point? He’s not a member of the team. Are you a Bucs fan at all? Or just a JW fan? When GMC moved on that was the end of that. And by the way his replacement was better.

  83. JimmyJack Says:

    Oh and Tennessee passed on Winston as well.

    And no. All them teams did not pass on Brady. Maybe some did but nobody knows. You see a QB or any top tier Free Agent can pretty much pick his next team……Provided they have an opening and interest.

    You or I know as much as the next Joe Blow as to whether a team like the Raiders(for example) had a talk with Brady or his agent about Tom having interest. Don’t be naive and pretend them talks don’t happen. Now how many teams had a real interest in Brady? It’s nothing more then guesswork……The same guesswork used to say Bellichecks didn’t want Brady. As easily as you say that I could just as easily say Brady didn’t want the Pats no more.

    And to be honest none of that should matter. I don’t care what happened in New England. Tom winning games in Tampa Bay is what matters to me.

  84. Scott S Says:

    As long as we don’t have the worst passing defense in the league for the first 12 weeks we should be OK.

  85. Bird Says:

    Steven 007

    Lamarcus called mccoy garbage. He has literally called every player at one point over the last year or so garbage except Jameis
    But claims to be a buc fan 😂

    He called Jameis a top 5 qb and HOFer

    That says it all .
    Pretty sure he is a family member (like a cousin) or me he had a little run in with jameis in their earlier years

  86. “That guy” Says:

    Judging by that photo we won’t have a QB in week 5. One hit to the legs while he is in that position and he will be out for the season.

  87. JimmyJack Says:

    And yeah up to this point all of the immediate starting QB jobs are pretty much filled. Don’t know what team is out there looking for a high dollar QB. Please tell if you know.

    Sure somebody still could pony up over 20M to name Jameis their starter but as stands the last reports I heard was Winston may have to settle for a lesser contract and hope a team is willing to let him compete. Or take a strict backup job somewhere.

    I’m starting to think there is some truth behind Joe’s articles highlights potential lockerroom problems here in Tampa. And when reading a earlier piece about Lombardi he mentioned something about Brady being a real man that Tampa needs leading the team …….Many comments scoffed at Lombardi but he is the same guy who said strip clubs was a problem with the Buccaneers and a week later I’m guessing it was Veron who got hollered at by JPP and later removed from the team…….Haven’t seen anything Lombardi said not play out as probably true……….He basically called Winston a child with this comments. Hard to win with a child as your leader…. allegedly.

  88. Bird Says:

    Redskins just traded for kyle allen from panthers

    Another qb taken

    Maybe lamarcus is right …jameis is dealing with wedding and is not answering his phone

  89. cmurda Says:

    I heart Tom Brady

  90. stpetebucsfan Says:

    We’ll never really know which teams passed on Brady for talent reasons.

    Virtually everyone…and I mean everyone was on this site and in other forums laughing at the idea that Brady would ever come to the lowly Bucs. Some of course were “blameless” lovers…they were never going to be objective…but some actually wanted Brady but did not even dare to dream.

    Many of our fans were so convinced that Tampa and the Bucs had nothing to offer had nothing to offer.

    LA is a happenin’ town so they felt confident enough to make a play…other teams may have been simply scared by the legend…not believing that Brady would never ever leave the Pats.

    No risk it no biscuit applies off the field as well. Ya really gotta hand it to BA for this…he did not hesitate to encourage TL and the Glazers to take the shot…and they hit the target.

  91. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    The haters are right. Why sign Brady when we can have JW lead us to 8-8 and let the same people complain all year how bad we are.

    Losers who would complain about the taxes if they hit the lottery. They enjoy being unhappy. Let them

  92. LaMarcus Says:

    Poor Brady. Jw still dominates around these parts. America QB lives on bro

  93. LaMarcus Says:


    Bradshaw is saying thing. We are gonna pay for letting JW go. Dont ever question my fandom. I want what best for this team and JW was the answer. I’m being soft with it because its Brady. Better to be replace by the GOAT I guess but we need everything he needs. Even AB. And Edelman and whatever Brady seems fits. Maybe Gronk and fire Leftwich and get McDaniels down here. Please do whatever to get Sarkaichhan to coach 1 more year

  94. 941bucsfan Says:

    There will not be an NFL season. Its the bucs who will be looking like idiots when they roll out blaine gabbert in 2021

  95. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    Lamarcus Says:
    “3-5 is exactly where we headed…with Brady”

    Lamarcus Says:
    “Dont get me wrong. I love Brady.”


    See how these 2 statements don’t really jive, Lamarcus?

    Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem whatsoever with you being a Jameis Winston fan. I have been too, and will continue to be. But it was just time for he & the BUCS to part. He has some fixing of his game to do…. and we just landed Tom frikking Brady. Aren’t you just a little bit excited about it as a BUCS fan?

  96. adam from ny Says:

    he looks 33 in the pic…

    not 43…

    pic might be like 10 years old

  97. adam from ny Says:

    i might just start calling him tom gravy…

    cuz we’s about to start riding the gravy train !

    #TomGravy #TheGravyTrain2020

  98. REezy Says:

    I didn’t want to sign Brady because our O-line will get him killed and I didn’t want Jameis because he hasnt gotten it done.