LASIK = Better Odds
February 14th, 2020
Gamblers can see.
Remember when numbers guru Todd Fuhrman of “Lock It In,” seen weekdays on FS1, got the football world to howl when he predicted a good buy low/sell high futures bet was on Mr. Entertainment, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, to win the NFL MVP award?
Well, hold on to your seats.
Fuhrman’s co-host, someone by the handle of “Cousin Sal,” says those odds just shot up in the past two days. Why? All because Jameis had eye surgery, LASIK to be exact.
“Cousin Sal” explains in the video below. But “Cousin Sal” believes there is a better bet on the Bucs than Jameis. Find out what this is by clicking the video.
“Jameis Winston is now 25-to-1 to win MVP just for the LASIK surgery? Now he can see his interceptions more crisply? I don’t get it.” —
— FS1 (@FS1) February 14, 2020
February 14th, 2020 at 4:14 pm
Hopefully jameis is paroled from this minor league franchise and inbred redneck fanbase.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:20 pm
^^^^time to die you miserable wretch
February 14th, 2020 at 4:25 pm
How did Winston play QB for an NFL franchise for 5 seasons without this issue being addressed? This whole thing is a bit strange to me.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:31 pm
Is this the new excuse? He’ll be able to read better, that’s about the extent of it.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:39 pm
Some apologists are trying to say he shouldn’t have had it done until he was i his mid 20’s, but I’ve read nothing to that age. The only thing I’ve seen says one must be 18. Would people make things up just to make excuses for him? Maybe.
But back to your point. If he really was giving his all to help the franchise succeed, wouldn’t you think he would have done it sooner? I am near sighted as well, and frankly could barely see the scoreboard at 100 yards…just as Jameis. And anyone that thinks he could see an open receiver enough to put the ball on the guy accurately more than thirty yards down field is delusional. Did Jameis really not care enough about this organization, and winning to do it earlier? Seems so on the surface.
And if he is asking for an exorbitant salary, with no regard for the salary cap space we so desperately need to keep this D together, that would seem to say that is that case. I tend to think the surgery was more about actions to increase his salary…and would think he doesn’t give a S about the Bucs. So from Jameis perspective, it may just be all about Jameis.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:40 pm
Some apologists are trying to say he shouldn’t have had it done until he was i his mid 20’s, but I’ve read nothing to that age. The only thing I’ve seen says one must be 18. Would people make things up just to make excuses for him? Maybe.
But back to your point. If he really was giving his all to help the franchise succeed, wouldn’t you think he would have done it sooner? I am near sighted as well, and frankly could barely see the scoreboard at 100 yards…just as Jameis. And anyone that thinks he could see an open receiver enough to put the ball on the guy accurately more than thirty yards down field is delusional. Did Jameis really not care enough about this organization, and winning to do it earlier? Seems so on the surface.
And if he is asking for an exorbitant salary, with no regard for the salary cap space we so desperately need to keep this D together, that would seem to say that is that case. I tend to think the surgery was more about actions to increase his salary…and would think he doesn’t give a S about the Bucs. So from Jameis perspective, it may just be all about Jameis.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:41 pm
February 14th, 2020 at 4:41 pm
Jean Lafitte
It really burns your arse I’m 100% accurate doesn’t…. back to tour safe space…
February 14th, 2020 at 4:50 pm
One would have to assume that he wore contacts to compensate for his vision issue. If not, I feel like the Bucs were robbed blind.
February 14th, 2020 at 4:55 pm
Technology is Amazing
Lasik Now is more than it has ever been
Cures Eyesight
Dumb mistakes
And throwing a football like a duck
By the way This Just In
Jamies will be here next year
And his first throw will be an INT
Look at the bright side Raymond James Stadium can become a mister truck home
February 14th, 2020 at 4:58 pm
Better to see ALL those zero’s on the back of Patrick Mahomes contract and endorsement deals….coulda ..woulda…shoulda…
Why ??? Jameis never had LASIK before is just another chapter in “The Enigma …Jameis Winston “
February 14th, 2020 at 5:00 pm
TDTB….Jameis did not wear contacts during games,as was reported a few years ago…he said he was worried they would come loose or knocked out….which make no sense as he could go to the sidelines and pop in another pair
February 14th, 2020 at 5:12 pm
Wake up boys & girls,smell the coffee..#3 owns a .10 head,he was born with it..
Life & all it entails does not care who you are or where you came from,YOU must
deal with the hand you are dealt….#3 can not make adjustments on the fly,the
synapse’s are not capable of precise interpretations & a cognitive assessment
leading to a positive result..Please allow #3 to test the “Open Market” with his
5 year skill set in the NFL..Time to set the record straight,name the ONLY coach
to win 3 Super Bowls with 3 different QB’s….Ask Doug Williams who he thinks
is Greatest Coach of All Time..Ask #7 or #11 the same question,only ONE QB
Whisperer & his name is Joe Gibbs.. Todd Bowles had a huge impact on the new
talent on defense, Arians is no dummy,he understands you are only as good as
the people you surround yourself with…How ironic this post about vision,let #3
TEST the market..#93 should should be #1 priority , teamed with #50 this front
line dominates, let Bowles have a very Loud Voice..Go Tampa Bay…No Prisoners.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:14 pm
Lasik doesn’t fix his color blindness!
February 14th, 2020 at 5:14 pm
Next, he’ll need blinders to focus away from the cheerleaders….that excuse is coming im telling ya.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:15 pm
TDTB…been there, done that. If he had contacts, he wouldn’t be squinting to see better. If the sun was in his eyes, possibly. But seems it is just all about Jameis.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:16 pm
Haha. Damn. 25-1? Jameis Winston MVP probably for another team tho. Maybe they know?
February 14th, 2020 at 5:17 pm
Jameis is near sided
Just like me. So i got contacts. Yes …there is such a thing. Been wearing contacts for 30 year. And guess what i can see with them in. No desire to get lasik There are other options especially since visors cannot have prescription
Been playing sports for almost 40 years
You think the team dr at his physical would not check his vision and woyld allow him to play with 20/100 vision.
Especially since He is the qb
This is a joke
I cannot believe this is a real issue and excuse
This is not Hollwood and wild thing from major league getting glasses
Plus pretty sure i have seen jameis on the sideline getting drops /fixing contact
February 14th, 2020 at 5:17 pm
Terrible story for the haters. This is last thing they want to here on V day lol
February 14th, 2020 at 5:18 pm
I’ve posted this before…I am colorblind as are about % 10 of males…we may not be able to identify the proper color…example purple -dark blue…but we sure as HELL can tell one from the other !…as in your team jersey from the other team jersey….
February 14th, 2020 at 5:18 pm
So there you have it, TDTB…and let me ask you. If you were Arians..and you came in and saw Jameis could barely see the scoreboard down the field, and did nothing to correct his vision previously, what would you think? And after all those Ints. and knowing he did nothing to correct his vision until he was due a big contract, how badly would you want him back? Just saying.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:18 pm
Disregard lamarcus. He has snorted crushed up painted chips since he was a kid.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:19 pm
And hey haters…. dont take it out on your wife or girlfriend. them today
February 14th, 2020 at 5:25 pm
LaMarcus…how would you feel as an organization if the most important on the field piece of your organization, could barely see the scoreboard. And if they did nothing to correct it during his rookie contract or fifth year option. And now that it is FA time, he corrects his vision, improving his chances for success? And if it does, why wouldn’t he do it earlier? How about the coaches..the organization…the fans…that had to endure the last five years? Doesn’t he care about winning for winnings sake? Pride in the organization?
Just asking…smells pretty fishy. And if he only cares about himself, why shouldn’t we replace him at the reasonable soonest opportunity?
I’ve said bring him back at a lower salary plus incentives. But if this is the case, I say move on. If Jameis doesn’t care about us, why should we give a flip about him?
February 14th, 2020 at 5:33 pm
I can see where bad eyesight can effect his progressions down field. If you have bad eyesight but you’re able to keep your eyes trained on your target it might not affect his accuracy but when he has to go through his progressions and find a receiver it’s takes an extra moment to focus on the target to make sure it’s the right guy. I know because I was nearsighted and I played soccer. Many times without meaning to I passed the ball to a defender thinking he was my teammate. After I had my eyes checked and started wearing corrective sports goggles, I never made that mistake again. So yes, I do believe Jameis having his eyes corrected will help 100%. Will he still make mistakes? Absolutely, but his accuracy percentage and holding the ball to long will get better as a result. He’ll be able to focus in on players faster going through progressions instead of staring down his receivers in fear of losing his target.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:37 pm
Making wayyy to much out of this. I’ll say this, as someone with vision problems, when things are blurry it takes longer to focus and process. We might only be talking .5 seconds or so but on the football field that could make a difference.
When Jameis has his best season in 2020 it will not be because of the LASIK, but because this team is becoming complete around him and from his natural maturation as a man and as a father.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Jean thanks for summing that up, while I just touched on it.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:44 pm
Alaskan…are you seriously nearsighted? Or farsighted? If not, you have no idea how poorly you can see without correction.
Jean called it pretty accurately. It can’t but help him at least a little. But again, my question is, why now? If I was a seat ticket holding fan, I’d feel like I’d been robbed the last five years. Not only by Jameis, but also by guys like Swaggy that didn’t try. And I’d ask myself why I should ever think he really cares about the organization or the fans?
February 14th, 2020 at 5:47 pm
joe –
the pics you put up of jameis and his crazy expression are just sooooo good and sooooo crazy
February 14th, 2020 at 5:49 pm
No problem,
It seems that folks who have 20/20 vision just don’t understand how somewhat debilitating it is to be visually impaired and how challenging it can be. How It can be a contributing factor to why he has an inordinate amount of turnovers and accuracy problems.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:51 pm
Robbed for 5 years because he didn’t have LASIK?
You don’t know his reasons at all. Maybe his vision has drastically gotten worse in the last year or two. Maybe he was recommended to hold off. Maybe he didn’t wanna do it because he was nervous about the horror stories he has heard about it.
Either way it doesn’t matter, it is his body and his right to decide what to do with it. For a fan to say he robbed the team because he did what was in HIS OWN best interest is a great example of not knowing your place. What human being is not supposed to look out for their own health first?
Just saying, I wholeheartedly disagree with your premise on this one that Jameis short changed the organization in any way.
And I am nearsighted.
February 14th, 2020 at 5:58 pm
Here’s my research LASIK SURGERY is FDA approved for 18 – 24 year olds for military, the po po, and professional athletes but the surgeon will suggest that a person not do the surgery until at least 25years old as a persons sight continues to change up to that point…it didn’t say anything about the risk being any higher at age 18 …just that surgeons would definitely ask a patient to wait until they were 25. With that being what it is, I would definitely not get after a guy for wanting to wait…Now as far as trying to max out on a new contract…I’ve always heard that if a team really wants to keep a player it could and would find a way…GET it done BUCS!!! Does anyone here remember that beauty of a deep ball when ME pull his hammy…no QB has 100% accuracy especially on the deep ball but that was a beauty! Don’t tell me that his new nick name won’t stick…all hail Mr. 5,000 ….like the MAPLE SINGERS say LETS DO IT AGAIN!!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:00 pm
To answer your question: Tampa Bucs owns the dubious record of having the worse win percentage of all sports Go figure.
Jameis and his eyes are least of the issues. Important position my arse. Every position is as in important as the next position. Like we have a kicker that cant make a chip shot 34 yard kick. He needs his eyes check as well?
February 14th, 2020 at 6:03 pm
Mark2001 just put Mr.5000 in the same sentence with SWAGGY…shame on you!!!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Relax.. JayMiss had eye surgery NOT brain surgery.
I’m pretty sure his title of America’s Turnover Machine is safe.
Peace, out
February 14th, 2020 at 6:05 pm
Mark2001 just put Mr.5000 in the same sentence with SWAGGY…shame on you!!!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:06 pm
It’s like a concert pianist being told he may need hand surgery. Takes a while to decide because it may result in a problem that he couldn’t perhaps play at all afterwards……however the release of this information at this time seems to indicate that he will be Bucs about in 2020.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:06 pm
LaMarcus don’t take it out on you’re Boyfriend when Jameis is not resigned!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:06 pm
It is a start, for Jameis. Now he just needs to learn to read defenses, Read his line of progressions, learn to get the ball out of his hand early, and a few other things.
Then he might be a more than adequate QB.
The big question is if it will be here.
That might also be up to Jameis. If he doesn’t have an inflated opinion of how much he is worth, he might be here next season. I would prefer almost anyone else because I don’t see how any coach could trust him.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:08 pm
Too much reality Joe??
February 14th, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Yes Alaska…robbed.
If a player skips workouts and practices, fans get in an uproar because he isn’t giving his all to be the best player he can be. In case you aren’t aware in Alaska, the Tampa Bay area isn’t notorious for having overly generous wages. For many people I know that are season ticket holders, there is some sacrifice to be made.
If by wearing contacts or having Lasik, Jameis can improve his game, the fans have a right to expect he will do what is necessary to be the best player he can be. Whether lesser Jameis is on the field because he chooses not to have Lasik, or get involved with some Uber driver, it hurts the team, fans, and organization for the best Jameis can be not being on the field, or not being able to see worth a darn because he chooses not to do something about it.
HE CAN BARELY SEE THE SCOREBOARD….what don’t you guys get about that? Really…can’t you imagine that reality? That means he can barely see forty or fifty yards down field…and his vision is poor much less than those forty yards.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:11 pm
Getting LASIK is gassing us up to think it will make Winston a different QB — it seems to be a great PR move on his part
I am not buying it
So many assumptions about the benefit and effect and the need for LASIK. If those assumptions are actually true, then what kind of person walks around with blurry vision and drives a car and plays professional football without corrective eye wear?
February 14th, 2020 at 6:12 pm
I have been an eye care professional for over 30 yrs. I have known for some time now the Jameis’s uncorrected vision is 20/30-20/40. That means he’s sees see something at 20 feet away that the normal person would see from 40 feet away. I see him squinting on the sidelines while looking at the scoreboard all the time. He was near sighted meaning he could see in the huddle great but now way was he able to see clearly even 10 yds down the field. Most reputable Lasiks surgeons would not touch a male patient until they are 23-25 years old or older. The eye has to finish developing and THEN have two years with a stable prescription. There is no doubt in my mind that Jameis will be able to see down field a lot better. I also think that Jameis believed he could see just fine before the surgery. I bet he now sees the difference and will most certainly improve his read and recognition time and his down field accuracy.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:13 pm
If your surgeon needed glasses but chose not to wear them the day he preformed tricky surgery on you, you would sue him for malpractice. And football might not be brain surgery, but you have to have just as good vision to spot a guy fifty years down field with a few yards of separation. Anyone that doesn’t correct a deficit in their performance, when they knowingly can, is guilty of malpractice.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:14 pm
^LOL @John L…refreshing!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:16 pm
EEK…the question no one can answer to a reasonable satisfaction…
Why now? Why not in the off season years ago? Or during his suspension?
Only one reason I can surmise..and yes..I looked up the criteria for Lasik surgery… is that it is tied to his next big contract.
Maybe he will make it up to us by taking a smaller contract, proving he is a quality franchise QB, and then get his 5 year thirty million dollar contract a year from now. Help this team keep our D together..or resign Perriman. And if not? BS.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:25 pm
In other news VH3 is walking the streets unemployed
February 14th, 2020 at 6:27 pm
Sweet Lord. Is there no end to the excuses? Jay Miss has been squinting his entire career!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:27 pm
Sweet Lord. Is there no end to the excuses? Jay Miss has been squinting his entire career!
February 14th, 2020 at 6:33 pm
This is such a joke at this point.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:33 pm
LASIK doesn’t fix dumb decisions
February 14th, 2020 at 6:35 pm
Frankly, I don’t see how this helps him in FAgency.
Yes…I do think his game will improve.
But it again comes down to the issue of priorities. If you can do something as simple as corrective lenses, or in this century, Lasik, and be a better QB and help your team win, and you choose not to, that speaks poorly of your priorities. That your action or inaction of a commonly correctable shortcoming, isn’t important enough for you to do something about it….until you think it will make you more money. And that reinforces a yellow/red flag on Jameis, inaccurately or accurately.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:38 pm
Frankly, I don’t see how this helps him in free agency.
Yes…I do think his game will improve.
But it again comes down to the issue of priorities. If you can do something as simple as corrective lenses, or in this century, Lasik, and be a better QB and help your team win, and you choose not to, that speaks poorly of your priorities. It didn’t take the QB whisper to inform Jameis that he couldn’t see the scoreboard. That your action or inaction of a commonly correctable shortcoming, isn’t important enough for you to do something about it…until you become a free agent. And that reinforces a yellow/red flag on Jameis, inaccurately or accurately.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:41 pm
Alaska makes a good point. We do not know why he got the Lasix. Did his vision suddenly get worse or has it been a lingering problem? Heck, he might have been wearing contact lenses all this time and finally decided to get the laser after they got dislodged after every vicious hit….. I just hope it helps and that he cuts down on the ****ing picks if the Bucs franchise him..
February 14th, 2020 at 6:41 pm
Now that he can see he will probably throw more picks because he will think he can fit it into that tight window… lol..
After he also stared down that same receiver from the moment of the snap..
I am sorry but we cannot win a SB title w him at QB
February 14th, 2020 at 6:57 pm
The Buccaneers were not ‘robbed’. Do you really think that they did not check his vision during his pre draft checkups? Or that they did not know about the vision issues? Get real, haters.
And another thing: Lasik is not recommended until at least 25 years of age!!!!!
Alaskan nailed it. As someone who once had 20-20 vision, I am now nearsighted. Things I used to see clearly are now very hard to make out.
As a result, it takes me a little longer to read things at a distance…and in some cases, I cannot even read certain things. This is a real hassle when reading street signs or even big Interstate Highway signs from a distance…and I use to see them perfectly.
None of this matters though.
Because the Buccaneers will do what the Buccaneers will do. No matter how miserable you haters try to make people by using multiple usernames to flood this and other fansites with negative propoganda to your own making, you truly have no role in the decision on Jameis. And neither does anyone here in Bucs fandom.
I have my opinions like anyone else, and I put them out there…though I ‘try’ to not attack others who differ, other than calling haters haters and trolls trolls. I wasn’t always so laid back…but I came to realize the opinions of haters and trolls matter not one bit.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:59 pm
Dave…you might subscribe to the Times…they answered it for you. He has had problems and has been squinting since his FSU days. And he wouldn’t be wearing lenses and still fail to see the scoreboard…even in practice. Anyone with such a condition knows it doesn’t happen overnight. Nice try, but not at all logical.
At this point, I’d be somewhat shocked if they franchise him. Better transition him, let him see the market, and bring in the offers. If Weis is right and no one would sign him as a starting QB, any offers should be pretty low. And then we can decide.
February 14th, 2020 at 6:59 pm
Will the Lasik make a positive difference in his play? I guess we’ll find out, because he’ll be in Tampa in 2020.
I acknowledge the good and the bad, and I think the good outweighs the bad with Winston…at present.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:01 pm
Weis is wrong.
I don’t know who, but someone would give Winston $30m in 2020 to start. No way does someone not do that, because regardless of the turnovers, he still led a top offense.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:04 pm
“If by wearing contacts or having Lasik, Jameis can improve his game, the fans have a right to expect he will do what is necessary to be the best player he can be.“
Fans have a right to expect Jameis to have eye surgery? What gives them that right? Because they spend money? Nobody makes you spend that money.
Their role as players is to prepare and entertain. You decide to pay for that entertainment.
Your role is to be entertained and to cheer.
The end.
“If a player skips workouts and practices, fans get in an uproar because he isn’t giving his all to be the best player he can be.”
I agree with THIS line but has this EVER been the case for Jameis Winston. The dude gives his all to the dedication of his craft and what he has left he gives to his community and his family.
This is a realistic expectation of an NFL player IMO but in no way does spending money entitle you to ANY additional rights.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:15 pm
If getting eyes done actually helps Jamies absolutely EVERYONE in the F in organization should be Fired for waiting so long to address it.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:19 pm
Alaska…if Jameis had normal vision and went out on the field with a veil over his eyes… or foggy glasses covering them, you would think he was sabotaging the team. This isn’t the 1960’s where you wear horn rimmed glasses or go impaired. Even people with limited means get their vision corrected. But he didn’t choose to for five years? Sorry man…never said he wasn’t the first one in the building or attended workouts…but that is unacceptable. And just as detrimental to his game as failing in so many other ways. Not doing something you can easily afford to do and correct is nearly as bad as doing something you shouldn’t do because you don’t care.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:23 pm
Bonsai… you must be a former Coach, GM or Owner to be so sure he will get that $30 mil. dollar payday. Which is it? Which team will choose to do that over their own QB, one of the good FA QB’s, or draft picks? Too much salary cap room and looking to reduce it?
But really, neither of us is 100% certain. But why don’t we transition him and find out?
February 14th, 2020 at 7:33 pm
I’m not against a transition tag at all. Or a franchise tag.
Correct me if I am wrong, but a team that signs him off a transition tag would have to pay him his price, but the Bucs get 2 first rounders as a result?
Does the signing team give up those picks? If so, it is very unlikely to happen.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:34 pm
Dom > Licht Says:
February 14th, 2020 at 7:15 pm
“If getting eyes done actually helps Jamies absolutely EVERYONE in the F in organization should be Fired for waiting so long to address it.”
Again, you can’t get it done until you turn 25. He’s 25 now.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:34 pm
Price vs production.
Winston ain’t $30 million.
Tmaxcon- Dungy was a helluva coach! Averaged 10+. Wins a year. I don’t care if he never gave us the big one, he set us up with a foundation. And to hear you hate on fans that are not fans of turnovers is odd. You hate a proven winner coach- and posture up a loser and turnover machine QB?
I love your tenacious posts, and could not agree more with the philosophical shortcomings of a DT that seeks to hug opponents and apologize on MNF.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:38 pm
Jameis is a top ten candidate to win the NFL MVP and we are debating whether or not we should keep him? I sure hope this is just off season entertainment and contract posturing. This could make drafting Bo Jackson after he told the team he wouldn’t sign look minor.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:44 pm
How did the people close to him not let him know how significant vision is for a quarterback…
February 14th, 2020 at 7:45 pm
You’re living in a delusional fantasy world if you don’t believe Jameis won’t get 30+ mil because Licht is so head over heels for Jameis and Jameis and his entourage know this. They have the leverage. The only one who could swing the leverage back to the Bucs is Arians but even he won’t over rule his buddy Licht.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:46 pm
It’s not al yards and points. We must consider the impact of points off turnovers, turnovers, and turnover margin. In that category we are horrible, and bad enough to consider a change at QB. Especially when the defense was fifth in takeaways, but we still finished -13 with 41 turnovers.
How about more turnovers than touchdowns? Does that not stink out loud to you too?
February 14th, 2020 at 7:47 pm
I hope Arians draws a hard line in negotiations and doesn’t overpay whomever the QB is. Unless his name is Brady.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:48 pm
So Bonzai…if a team makes an offer we don’t want to match, we lose him. And there are no picks involved, but compensatory picks later on. He has already said, I believe, he doesn’t want to play for the franchise amount, and the only way it seems to me to get him off that is to find out what he is really worth. But if we franchise him, it will likely be about 27 mil. anyway and he would be unhappy…and no one would give two firsts. So I think it is a good gamble…especially if Arians thinks there are other guys he can groom, and his first priority is keeping this D together.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:49 pm
Market price for Jameis… no more than that! Everyone would be happy to pay elite money for elite play… simple as that
February 14th, 2020 at 7:54 pm
Jean… Arians has the leverage. We could franchise him…and there is nothing he can do about it but sit out…and hope we will move him. Or play. This Arians Love thing is a bag of gas. If you talked about your wife like Arians has about Jameis lately, you would be in divorce court.
Bonzai…you must take fans for fools. All they have to do is do a simple internet search, and they say the age for Lasik is recommended to begin at the age of consent…18…not 25.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:56 pm
Sure Stan.. Maybe you should go put ten grand on that Jameis MVP bet. You can make an easy six figure gain.
February 14th, 2020 at 7:59 pm
Again, you CAN get LASIK done at 18.
Please try to keep up with the rest of the class BB
February 14th, 2020 at 8:00 pm
And Jean…Arians is calling the shots on this. You pull a guy out of retirement and allow him the most expensive coaching and advisory staff you can imagine, giving him the control he would demand,and he is your buddy, and you are on thin ice in the organization…the next guy in line to be fired, you better believe you aren’t over riding him. Some times I think you guys must be trying to be jolly jokers.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:00 pm
tmaxcon Says:
February 14th, 2020 at 4:41 pm
Jean Lafitte
It really burns your arse I’m 100% accurate doesn’t…. back to tour safe space…
The only thing you are 100% percent accurate on is being a D!ck and a drag on this site.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Doosh…where do they get this? What is their source? Or are they altering the truth… making up things, to defend their guy? Hope not the later, or that would be pretty pathetic.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:03 pm
Arians can argue with Licht but Licht has the final say. And I say it would be easier for Licht to convince Arians to settle with Winston before Arians could convince Licht to move on.
Winston will get his demands met.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:07 pm
..and no I haven’t flipped into Jameis’s corner. I still believe he is an average QB,
I’m just trying to be fair, honest, and pragmatic.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Mr. Jameis MaGoo. Bound to be rich!
February 14th, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Jean,…remember when McKay was overridden when Gruden was hired? He wanted to hire Marvin Lewis. A GM doesn’t alway have the final say, particularly if they have been the GM during the firing of two coaches. I believe the only way Licht could save his job was to hire a guy like Arians. And Arians will talk to licht in the process. But Arians is calling this shot. Frankly, no where have I seen anyone but a few fans say otherwise.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:18 pm
Formerly T2
Mr. Magoo is an eccentric millionaire with terrible eyesight who refuses to use eyeglasses, therefore he always gets into trouble.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:20 pm
I see someone trying to say we wouldn’t understand how much it can help. As someone who didn’t realize how bad his eyes were until he did his learners driving test at 17 I can tell you that’s bs. I was pretty nearsighted and I can tell you that I could still tell who was who in the field well enough and my best throws were pretty deep. I just couldn’t make out all the details clearly. I expect no change from Winston. Still expect an INT on his first drive
February 14th, 2020 at 8:22 pm
So Jean..let’s think this out. Let’s say Arians wants another QB..Licht disagrees and tells Arians he must take him. What does Arians do? He retires again. And at that point, the Glazers fire Licht and look for a new HC, allowing the new GM to hire the new coach, rather than having Licht hire the forth coach under his reign. Then he becomes an analyst like Dom…at best.
Of course, the new coach has Jameis as his franchise QB…and a good one might not want to tie his career to Jameis.
This scenario won’t happen.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Arians came to this team under the premise that he could lasso in Winston’s supposed trapped talents. Do you really believe if Licht says he would like to give Jameis more time that Arians will say no after one season?
I don’t think so, and personally deep down I don’t believe you believe that either.
Licht screwed up by exacerbating the problem with his fanboy burner account and his 400 page book on Amazon. Until there is proof that Jameis 1 of 1 is not Jason Licht will I ever deviate from the fact that I think Jameis and his entourage hold the leverage to negotiations. But hey, maybe Jameis will find it in his little crabby heart to give us a hometown discount. I doubt it though.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:28 pm
BTW..Jean…I think he is middle of the pack…but I don’t think that is good enough to normally win a SB in this day and age, especially if you pay top ten money for him. 20 mil is about middle of the road QB..not 30.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:31 pm
As someone who had bad eyes and didn’t realize how bad until 17, I can tell you it probably won’t help. When they asked me to read numbers or ketters I couldn’t even tell they were numbers. When I played a bit of sandlot with the boys though? My best throws were often the deep ones. It’s not like you can’t tell who you’re throwing to it how far they are.
I do agree with another post that spoke about his trajectory. When you throw every ball like a pitcher throwing a fast ball you don’t leave much room for error. Definitely need more trajectory in the deep ones. More room for error and time for them to adjust . Also less likely someone underneath the route can jump it.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:34 pm
Yes..I don’t believe Licht feels he knows more than Arians about QB’s and will over ride his belief…especially since Bruce would likely retire.
Show me one source that believes Arians isn’t the one making the recommendation to the Glazers. Nowhere have I heard that Licht is making the decision. Where did you get that? No way will Licht buck Arians if he believes another QB is better for the future of this Offense. Millions upon millions of dollars…five years…already invested in Jameis, and if Arians says move on, we move on.
And I honestly don’t know any good media source that is arguing otherwise. And I believe that Arians basically saved Lichts job. Don’t you?
February 14th, 2020 at 8:38 pm
Coburn… Just have to wonder how you made it through your junior or senior year of HS if you could tell the difference between numbers and letters? Might make math and literature pretty rough.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:39 pm
@Jean Lafitte … “Winston will get his demands met.” I don’t think so Jean, although I do believe that he’ll most likely be our QB in 2020. BA is a shrewd coach; look at the FAs he brought in last year on fairly minimal salaries. He gave guys like Barrett and Perriman a chance … for lesser salaries … to prove themselves & make some bigger money in the future. Jameis might WANT $30 mil plus, but I’ll bet that he settles for considerably less than that IF he decides to stay with the Bucs (he MAY want to move on at this point).
The problem BA faces is that IF he pays Jameis BIG BUCKS (say in the $30-$35 mil range), then something else will suffer. And that in turn will ultimately hurt Jameis as well as the team. If I had to put numbers to it, my hunch is that Jameis will ‘settle’ for someplace between $21-$24 mil on a 1-year contract. I think Jameis is willing to bet on himself. Imagine what he’d be worth in 2021 IF he has a solid 2020, say 30 TDs & 15 INTs, leading the Bucs to a playoff spot.
Does Jameis have the POTENTIAL to pull that off? Most assuredly IMO. Will he pull it off? Anyone’s guess. But IF the Bucs manage to fix our OLine & running game, and IF our defense plays all year like it did for the last 8 games of 2020, then Jameis’ chances of having a very solid year will increase markedly.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:42 pm
where do you get that Arians supersedes Licht’s authority? you’re just being defiant and not realistic.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:46 pm
then we agree to disagree?
Licht will meet JW’s demand. Will there be strings attached? Most probably.
Will it be front loaded? Not if Licht is smart.
February 14th, 2020 at 8:57 pm
If I’m right all y’all owe me a bottle of some spicy rum!
February 14th, 2020 at 9:00 pm
Jameis ain’t getting 30 plus from the Bucs
February 14th, 2020 at 9:03 pm
Jean…not being defiant..articles have said that Arians has done his analysis and they have been submitted to the Glazers..either here, Bucs site, or Pewter Rep…the three I read regularly. Check it out.
But you have your way of seeing things…just watch. The actions and results will make it clear.
And meeting Jameis demands? We can franchise him… but believe what you want.
February 14th, 2020 at 9:04 pm
Hargraves just cut by Texans… released him a few hours ago.
What a waste.
February 14th, 2020 at 9:07 pm
Mark I had to squint if I was bear the back but usually say closer to the front. Teachers generally write pretty big on the board though. Im at -3.0 and -2.5 if I recall is was like 20 60 or something but can’t remember. There are certainly worse. But yeah it’s not like Winston needs to read things in the distance other than play clock. I was just surprised how much clearer the stars and stuff look but you somehow compensate. After wearing contacts I feel way more blind when I take them off then I ever did before
February 14th, 2020 at 9:11 pm
Hmm yeah it’s been years but chart says -2.5 is 20/200
February 14th, 2020 at 9:18 pm
Coburn says,
After wearing contacts I feel way more blind when I take them off then I ever did before
…but Jameis never wore contacts during a game but he did wear contacts outside football.
So Jameis would take them out before a game and feel like Coburn?
no wonder ..Coburn just solved the riddle ..Jameis was virtually blind?
February 14th, 2020 at 9:25 pm
Just for the record:
Both Wikipedia and list Jameis Winston’s birthday as
January 6th, 1994. That means he turned 26 y/o earlier this year.
That means he turned 25 y/o BEFORE last season’s turnover parade.
February 14th, 2020 at 9:28 pm
I forgot the BTW comment.
Look up images of Bob Griese, a Hall of Fame QB.
February 14th, 2020 at 9:30 pm
Regular posters here know that I supported the drafting of JW. I have been a staunch supporter. This past yr I have been very critical and my support has wavered. All this said I want One more yr. Just like the drunk guy at the poker table that needs just One More Hand. If we retain 85% of the D then I am All In on this ride next season with JW at the Helm
February 14th, 2020 at 9:35 pm
Just don’t be surprised when he still throws an INT on his first drive
February 14th, 2020 at 10:22 pm
I was near sighted growing up. At the time I just didn’t want to wear glasses. Contacts were expensive and they weren’t the soft ones we have today. Finally it got to the point where I couldn’t read street sings on the highway. So I had an eye exam. One of the ladies that worked there asked me if I had someone coming to get me. As my prescription glasses wouldn’t be ready to walk out. I told her nobody was coming to get me. She asked how I got there? I told her I drove. She was shocked. She told me that without corrective lenses I was legally blind. I was 25 yrs old. Lol. Also passed my drivers test eye exam in Ny state because there was a long line and everybody in front of me repeated the letters from the same line.
February 14th, 2020 at 10:37 pm
hargreaves got released by texans
February 14th, 2020 at 11:03 pm
So i am taking my contacts out Before bed
Cant see far as i should
Cant play sports without
But yah ..lasik is the only option
Wait. Just tested. Put them back in
I can see. Haalleeyyllluuuyyyaahhh
February 15th, 2020 at 5:20 am
if lasek surgery was going to make a huge impact, then Jameis is negligent on so many fronts.
February 15th, 2020 at 5:31 am
Jameis L. Winston is a BS artst, and I can’t believe anyone would buy this next line. After all, after that disgusting Uber incident he invoked God and said he stopeed drinking…even though he said the whole time it wasn’t him, which was found to be wrong. Jameis is full of BS. Maybe his girlfriend and kid believe it, but no one else should. Here is the reality: If he really had an eyesight problem, team medics would have uncovered it long ago. Besides, his biggest problem is poor decisions on and off the field. If he gets a brain transplant, then we can talk.
February 15th, 2020 at 6:02 am
I wonder how many baby mamas there is between TMAXCON AND LAMARCUS.
February 15th, 2020 at 6:39 am
VH Release shows you who is in charge and it isn’t JL… Its Arians for sure
February 15th, 2020 at 6:59 am
Honestly, if JW wasn’t wearing contacts then he stole money from the Bucs. Fresh soft contact lenses don’t just pop out of your head on impact. I’m confident it’s happened a handful of times but it’s not an issue. A one minute Google search produces tons of articles about professional football players wearing soft lenses. This is just one of them:
February 15th, 2020 at 7:29 am
Mr Reality : it was founded to be wrong by who? Were you there?…do you a tape? Some kind of hard evidence other than your jaws flapping? When was he arrested for any wrong doing? If you keep looking I’m sure you will finally find something, if you wanted him to be guilty then maybe you should have quit your day job (back then) and became a PI! Mr. 5,000 has moved forward with his life,…maybe you should step out of the past and join us in the 2020 season, but please lose the hate and venom and begin to show some love for Mr.5,000 and bring your friends and family!!! GO BUCS
February 15th, 2020 at 7:37 am
tickrdr : was that info pulled from his birth certificate or out of someone’s *?
February 15th, 2020 at 7:41 am
tickrdr: was that info pulled from his birth certificate or out of someone’s *?
February 15th, 2020 at 9:25 am
Another day, another article, and another lengthy response from Mark attempting to condescend others while stating what he would have done had he required Lasik surgery and what jameis should have done. You are ridiculous dude.
The doctors advise to wait. That’s just a fact. Jameis waits and he gets criticized for not doing whatever is necessary to win on this team? Dude has put EVERYTHING into winning but all this time he put Lasik off to time it perfectly with his contract to get more money?
😂 I can’t believe some of the stuff you gargle. You do not know more than a doctor. You do know the 25 commandments for posting on jbf, however.
February 15th, 2020 at 9:39 am
@Hog, you are either illiterate, were in jail, or in a coma since 2017. Either way, congrats on newfound freedome. So, the NFL findings are what they were. Pretty detailed investigation. Not much released, but when they state they found what they did what little Winston offered didn’t pass the sniff test, yeah, pretty easy. Given this is 2020, it is important not to forget the lessons of the past. The BS from Winston runs deep.
As I’ve said: Winston is a BS artist, and he’s out of excuses and lies to try to get him through another self-imposed fiasco. If eyesight was a problem, the docs would have known.
And for the dimwits who said they advise to wait on Lasik. That depends. BUT…there is the new thing called glasses, even sports goggles. If Winston chose not to wear them, and he says that for minute that was why he was throwing picks, then it is his fault for not wearing something to make him play up to standards. And he has NOT met standards.
February 15th, 2020 at 9:44 am
Nobody knows whether and to what extent his nearsightedness affected Jameis’s game. What we can know for sure is that his vision, especially downfield will be greatly improved. Hopefully, so will his interception rate.
February 15th, 2020 at 9:44 am
Lafitte…well, I guess all those who badmouth the Glazers have egg on their face eh? LOL…they are such great philanthropist that have a blind QB and everyone’s always known that.
Except the ticket buying fans, the the team medics…and oh, the Glazers.
Can believe these Winston apologists. Before we know it, they’ll be saying he thought Kate’s crotch was his wallet. He was just trying to reach in and pay for his mexican food.
February 15th, 2020 at 10:33 am
Mr.Reality: let’s start with the investigation…what did they find ..DNA? If so he would have been charged! What she said happened…was not enough for them to charge him! What Mr 5,000 offered was enough to set him free…and that sniff test…was it from the front or the back! The guy just turned 25 …you do know that your kind has been walking away (scot free) from this kind of crap since America was made a country…when they find some real hard evidence, I’m sure they will charge him until then….STFU!!!
February 15th, 2020 at 12:02 pm
No one can help you if you can’t read what was posted.
February 15th, 2020 at 12:22 pm
@Hog…no one is talking about charges. He is probably lucky she didn’t call the cops right then, guilty or not…I don’t need to tell you how those things always go when there are allegations on the scene…didn’t say life is always fair.
He violated the NFL play conduct policy was the finding and what they found was exactly what it reads. Don’t be so stupid. God, what an idiot you are.
February 15th, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Me thinks BigHog is the guy who needs Lasik….or maybe a brain transplant too, just like Winston.
February 15th, 2020 at 12:25 pm
Hog says “your kind has been walking away (scot free) from this kind of crap since America was made a country…”
What kind is that, and what I has “my kind” been walking away from? LOL.
Here we go….
No time for this today.
February 15th, 2020 at 2:11 pm
I’ve had eye surgery before and I can read and my comprehension is on spot. Why didn’t she call the cops ..maybe she was coming up with the money scheme! I know Mr 5,00 is a black man…can someone tell tell me if the uber driver was of the white race…..if so that is all I need to know about (set-up)…45 has about 12 to 14 allegations against him and the investigations against him have went nowhere (some things never change) What kind you ask ..the blond head, blue eyed kind…like you didn’t already know!!!!DUMMY
February 15th, 2020 at 2:19 pm
Race is of no matter here.
So if she was white that all you need to know.
Wow, since when did a woman’s right to not have her body violated have anything to do about race.
There are all kinds of losers in all kinds of colors. Why is it about that?
February 15th, 2020 at 2:20 pm
And BigHog…better go get the brain surgery…the one you have needs to go back to the factory.
February 15th, 2020 at 2:48 pm
Race is of no matter …your funny…read up on some your American history and then tell me race don’t matter sound like the fool! Race is is everything, we got people that can’t enter the country because of their race! And yes there are all kind of in the White House!! Yes I’m a black man and I know what ” hills and mold hills is Mississippi” really mean! I’m still standing gotta come stronger!!
February 15th, 2020 at 2:53 pm
My brain came from the same factory as yours…believe it or not!!!
February 15th, 2020 at 3:33 pm
Bighog…who can’t enter the country because of their race? Wrong again. Nationals of some countries who like to do things like fly airplanes into our buldings need a little more scrutiny. All that victim playing will eat you up. Why bring politics into this. You are taking out your angst on football. I don’t care what color you are.
February 15th, 2020 at 3:51 pm
Hog, my advice to you: American blood is all red, and it all bleeds the same. I have part of an eye and leg sitting somewhere near Mosul, Iraq. I know exactly why some folks aren’t allowed as easily as others into our land, and I thank God we don’t let that come here. I don’t want my family, friends, and fellow Americans to be subject to that and the pain in the azz, and everywhere else that comes after.
And it ain’t about race. Not with me (you f-ing clown) or our national policies.
It IS about an deology that wants people like me, people like you, an American I assume….dead…because they (incorrectly) state it’s their religion and think we should die for whatever transgressions we’ve posed. Bogus BS lies. Which I hate. Islam is NOT the same as Jihad, and those countries being restricted have NO care or have poor control over those who exit. So WE, Americans, need to control who the he11 comes here. So one thing I won’t go let unanswered are stupid comments like yours.
Another thing I detest is people who put their hands on women without the right to do so. Doing do in a date is one thing and you know the R word if it’s rebuffed a person keeps it up. But when a women is at work and some clown decides to….
So I’ll invite you to STFU and think more like an American and not like a victim who also seems to be a bigot. For no good reason.
Grow a brain, and stop acting like people like US (you f-ing idiot) are so oppressed.
Got it?
February 15th, 2020 at 4:36 pm
Man you LISTENING to much of Colt 45’s bull sh*t!! We just flew over a country and killed a few people ourselves! This Nation is not without blood on it hands…back to football if you ain’t with Mr.5,000 you are an angst.
February 15th, 2020 at 5:04 pm
Not a victim but we different…in that it is what it is my experiences are totally different from yours …what you grew up on …maybe I never seen! But I allow no man to come at me with what I view as bs ..never have and never will. I love this country…so happy I was born here but I will tell you for people of color it ain’t right yet…still a long ways to go…and we gonna keep marching on until we get it right!!
February 15th, 2020 at 7:56 pm
So will the LASIK help him with these presnap reads, audibles, checkdowns and zoning in on1 receiver on short passes over the middle that get picked?
February 15th, 2020 at 8:04 pm
Stop acting like the victim. Stop acting like entitled men like Jameis is the victim. There are REAL victims. Your outlook will improve. Your success will improve when you empower yourself. He doesn’t have any problems. Except himself.
February 15th, 2020 at 8:07 pm
I can’t talk for you. But you can’t blame others, not today. Not this day in 2020. It’s your fault if you too are too stupid to get it done. And you act like Winston is the victim. Shame.
February 15th, 2020 at 8:48 pm
Mr. 5,000 …not entitled, no stain on him…just like Colt 45!! My getting it done days are over…I’m free!!
February 16th, 2020 at 7:12 am
Bighog…we need men like Winston to succeed when he’s given the chance…not throw it back at us and make excuses for the opportunity to make millions playing a kid’s game, and do stupid things. We must not rally using racial strife as a poor excuse to say that’s why he’s not getting more gusto. This is on him. All on him. He failed us. We cannot accept this from any man. Color doesn’t matter. Isnt’ that what we are trying to get to?
Enjoy your “freedom.” Use it wisely.