“He Showed You Some Guts”
December 13th, 2019
Impressed with America.
Here is a national voice that isn’t off his rocker when it comes to the Bucs.
Most national voices only have cursory information about the Bucs, and are just hung up on the picks that Mr. Entertainment, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston throws.
(Take this Adnan Virk, co-host of the “GM Shuffle” podcast, along with Michael Lombardi. In the recent edition of their pod, in introducing a segment on the Bucs-Lions game, Virk mentioned the Bucs are quarterbacked by Jameis, who has 23 interceptions. Not one friggin’ word on how Jameis is second in the NFL in yards passing or touchdowns thrown — only mentioned his picks. What the hell?)
Well, the one-and-only Chris “Mad Dog” Russo knows. Russo, in part because of Uncle Ira, in part because his son goes to school at the University of Tampa, pays attention to Tampa sports. He was in town last weekend and while he didn’t go to the Bucs game, he did watch the game on TV.
And Russo came away a believer the Bucs have something at quarterback with Jameis, so he told his vast national audience. It all happened on the channel that bears his name, “Mad Dog Radio,” heard exclusively on SiriusXM when Russo hosted Uncle Ira in his weekly spot.
Chris “Mad Dog” Russo: I’ll tell you right now, they are going to bring back Winston. I mean, you are going to live with the 28 turnovers. I mean, he showed you some guts, banged up a little bit, interceptions but he came back and beat the Colts. He played pretty well. I know Arians said he will address [Jameis’ status] at the end of the year. But Ira, you are there every day. I think Jameis Winston will be the Bucs quarterback next year, and beyond. What’s your take?
Ira Kaufman: You are absolutely correct.
If Joe had to lay cash, he’d put money on Jameis returning but you never know. There is still a three-game window here for all parties involved to screw things up and con themselves into believing in, you know, Andy Dalton.
But Russo brings up a helluva point. People are just beating the hell out of Jameis for picks but cannot see the bigger picture for whatever twisted reason. He was hurt at halftime. He was losing. Jameis could have easily said, “Aw, f’ this. I’ll go play for Chucky in Vegas.”
Instead, he came off the bench with a bum thumb and rallied the Bucs for a win.
Solid observation by a national guy. Refreshing for a change, isn’t it?
December 13th, 2019 at 4:17 pm
Jameis Winston……”Gladiator, Rome’s QB”
December 13th, 2019 at 4:20 pm
Mr. Entertainment > America QB. America makes zero sense considering he gets no respect beyond the boundaries of the FL market.
December 13th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
JW will be offered and will sign a 2year deal with 50mil guaranteed with a 3rd year team option at 35mil…..
will also re-sign….
GO BUCS!!!!!
December 13th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
I believe Winston will be back but I also believe it’s a mistake. What has really changed these last few week? Nothing really. He’s beat some bad teams.. made some mistakes again ta more average team being the colts and scraped a win together.. so what? Does anyone actually think he may one day lead u through the playoffs and maybe superbowl? I don’t. . Are we happy keeping a guy who if we keep buidling a decent team around him we will stick around 8-8 maybe make the odd playoffs but be oit within first couple rounds? I’m not.. you keep looming for the guy who might win you a supetbowl.. a guy that can carry a team
December 13th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
Russo is just another talking head who brings on local sports reporters to agree with him.
December 13th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Jw has boomed everywhere. So much for that “bust” narrative.
He is very very entertaining and its awesome!!! Lay respect on his name
December 13th, 2019 at 4:41 pm
Guessing you haven’t heard Ira on much with Russo?
December 13th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
Full disclosure…I’ve been dogging JW for the past couple of years. He. Drives. Me. CRAZY! But I admire the (heck) out of his fortitude and his Goonies “never say die” attitude. What he needs, in my opinion, is to find the synergy to balance “what’s available” with taking “what’s appropriate” in order to live another down. Remember…if J-Wat doesn’t use his Ivy League genius to become a DB on that errant JW (across his body throw, geez!) Red Zone pass, we are most likely having a much different discussion about that game. Eliminate that from his game…the dude could be a perennial Pro Bowler and not just the 15th alternate (wink, wink, Joe’s).
December 13th, 2019 at 4:54 pm
Joe. Not that I’m in favor for it or that it would happen but if the Bucs where offered The first pick in this years draft for Jamis would you take it?
December 13th, 2019 at 5:30 pm
Show me the money! Who wants it and how much. How do Bucs cap concerns conflict with JW’s desire to cash in after being held in check by his rookie contract.
IF JW wants to be here he will.
And why not? I certainly understand the skeptics and have been on the fence myself. Wouldn’t want to see a long term commitment without plenty of outs. But if a deal was laden with performance bonuses JW would deserve the $$$ if he gets them.
Meanwhile I’ve seen enough improvement to hope for even more in some obviously available areas.
Re-sign the entire defense and we’re down to some fine tuning.
Draft…at least ONE MONSTER GENERATIONAL OL. Get…draft? FA a very good running back.
Now we finally have balance.
Take those improvements and add some significant improvements by BA and BL and Bowles this off season. They will scour video. They will KNOW their team and their team will KNOW them.
IMHO play calling and game planning are areas that could also improve significantly after hours and hours of studying what worked this year and what didn’t and help JW cut down on the turnovers.
One area that fascinates me is the study of why JW seems to get picked in the first series. Lots of potential reasons but it’s things like this and other tendencies that will help BA fine tune his offense.
December 13th, 2019 at 5:42 pm
TBBF … “Jameis Winston……”Gladiator, Rome’s QB” Good one TBBF. Has an empire ring to it.
813bucboi … I think you’re right about Winston’s next contract. And I certainly HOPE you’re right about the Bucs bringing back JPP, Suh, Barrett & Nassib. That’s the most productive front we’ve had in years.
December 13th, 2019 at 5:44 pm
Finally reality to silence the Jameis haters.
But for that crowd and last games win…BLAME JAMEIS.
December 13th, 2019 at 5:59 pm
Do any Bucs fans actually get any info on Jameis and his future from anyone other than the author of the book on Jameis?
Whoever the author is, he’s obviously connected somehow as he’s never been wrong when it comes to Jameis stuff and the media is wrong all the time and seems to just be guessing.
December 13th, 2019 at 6:03 pm
I saw a tweet from some media guy today that said Jameis has a four to one Touchdown to Interception ration, with like a 109+ passer rating when throwing “in the lead”; it’s obvious that if Jameis had a good team around him and was able to play in the lead most of the game the way all the QBs do on good teams, that he could have crazy efficient numbers to go with his gaudy passing stats.
Fans who bash JW are so crazy, but they’ll have to do so again in 2020 as Jameis isn’t going anywhere and is about to get PAID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
December 13th, 2019 at 6:13 pm
Whatever twisted reason? Try 27 wins and 40 losses !
Whatever twisted reason ? Try 28 turnovers this year so far!!!
Whatever twisted reason ? The whole Uber Hassel ? Including lying to his coaches!
Joe your the one with reasoning problem !
December 13th, 2019 at 6:13 pm
I can’t believe people still get hung up about the America’s Quarterback moniker. I understand why some might not agree but geez, on this site, it’s not going anywhere. Move on…
December 13th, 2019 at 6:22 pm
lamarcus just agrees with everything Winston does because he is obviously black …. he is the type to call anyone that doesn’t like the PICK MACHINE, NFL LEADING TURNOVER MACHINE, LOSE THE GAME IN THE FIRST QUARTER, GIRL GROPING, FAR SIGHTED, CRAB STEALING, BB GUN BLASTING, FOUL LANGUAGE TALKING, FUMBLING, COACH KILLER Jameis Winston a racist while at the same time dismissing anything negative he does BECAUSE Winston is black!!!…… that is racism buddy!!!! lol!!….. how ya like that Joe? ya know they say imitating is the sincerest form of flattery!!! lol
December 13th, 2019 at 6:24 pm
I’ve never questioned Jameis’s heart because he has the heart of a “never say die warrior” on the field. I could care less about his sophomoric behavior from years past as he was just a kid. If there was anything to the rape allegations, he would have been busted for it. Period. My issue with Jameis is that after 5 years he is still making the same careless mistakes and dumb decisions that he made as a rookie. Where is the growth? I sure as heck haven’t seen any other than off the field. Tag him, give him a cheap short term deal, but for all that is good in the world, don’t break the bank for this guy like the Rams did for Jared Goff. Geez, I feel like I’m living in looney world sometimes. I’ll be the next captain of the starship enterprise before this dude becomes a franchise qb.
I hope I’m wrong, but history is on my side. 😇
December 13th, 2019 at 6:31 pm
Refreshing for a change, isn’t it? No just Pumping asinine takes to get clicks.
Right Joe! Because if you pumped the truth no one would post !
Like Jameis 1@1 not one word about that!!! If it is not Licht who is it Joe???
December 13th, 2019 at 6:31 pm
He’ll remain a Buc and I’m happy with that.
December 13th, 2019 at 6:35 pm
What’s up get out of here with you’re racist views and racist opinions.
We are all here talking sports you are the only one bringing race into it. That make you the racist.
Go comment in CNN or something where you belong.
December 13th, 2019 at 6:40 pm
Re-signing Jameis = More losses = Empty stadium = Change!!!!!!!
December 13th, 2019 at 6:41 pm
Wwwwhhhhatatttttsss uuupp
I agree with JW because he is black? I never thought of that one. When I think of JW I dont picture what color he is muppet …. and I’m black also.
I’m proud of number 1 overall pick. Its is about time this team gets a high profile qb and maybe this time we can give a 2nd contract
December 13th, 2019 at 6:51 pm
Sign Jameis.
Franchise Barrett.
Perhaps it is not that hard.
December 13th, 2019 at 7:14 pm
Winston is the starting QB now and for years to come.
December 13th, 2019 at 7:16 pm
Ou’s sad about Baker. Lol!!!
December 13th, 2019 at 7:28 pm
The Glennon mob is still hoping for his return.
December 13th, 2019 at 7:37 pm
Franchise Winston and sign Barrett!
So whatsup, you’re saying Jameis is black???
Maybe we shouldn’t sign him, can’t be having any black football players on our favorite team!
December 13th, 2019 at 8:16 pm
Some fun facts…
ALL-TIME stats…
Winston is 4th, all-time, in passing yards per game.
Winston is 7th, all-time, in pass attempts per game.
Winston is 14th, all-time, in yards per pass attempt.
Winston is 31st, all-time, in passer rating, right ahead of Marino, Favre, Newton and McNabb.
ACTIVE stats…
Winston is 1st, active players, at yards per completion.
All of these stats mean Winston throws the ball a lot, and throws the ball deep a lot. I mean we already know this, but it’s still interesting to see where the 25-year old stands all-time when he’s got at least another 10-years left in his career.
December 13th, 2019 at 8:19 pm
The return of Winston!!!!!!
December 13th, 2019 at 8:39 pm
Give Winston a defense just a average defense an he’s got this. Y’all cry about a running game. Wen look at what he can do wen we have no run game an everyone knows we are throwing it an he’s still killing. So forget the run game an focus on the trenches an defense
December 13th, 2019 at 9:03 pm
Joe loves the “Dogs”
Big Dog
Mad Dog
If you got Dog in your name….. Joe respects you.
And somehow I just know that Joe……
Still has a Spudz McKenzie poster that he just adores!!!
December 13th, 2019 at 9:34 pm
we got the money. draft a few OT’s.
December 13th, 2019 at 9:49 pm
Yes, Ive heard Russo since he was on with Don Imus in the late 80s. I just know radio shtick when I hear it. Dont be fooled its all an act to get fans engaged. The greater the banter the more fans engage/listen. I am sure you understand that when you are thinking about how to title your next America’s QB article. Vanilla titles get less clicks.
December 14th, 2019 at 12:13 am
Famous Jameis Winston! Quieting the Haters and Jameis Bashers 1 week at a time!
December 14th, 2019 at 1:43 am
I think articles, takes, podcasts, radio is a lot more engaging when there are polarizing viewpoints. It gives the readers someone to root for and back up, while giving the ability to lay into the other viewpoint. Hunky dory interviews are canned and boring, it doesn’t engage the audience as much.
And Ira has been one to say, in the past, that the Jameis experiment needs to come to an end.
I would like to see the next 3 games, but wish we had a really good club to face to see how he does. But, Jameis Winston is coming back for at least another year GUARANTEED. We have slipped in the draft so a QB doesn’t make sense. And with a resurgent D, they can hopefully make up for some of the GUARANTEED picks and points Jameis hands out like cady at Halloween.
December 14th, 2019 at 4:49 pm
Loud mouth disgusting Russo is nothing but an ignorant asshole.