Bill Polian Explains Bruce Arians’ Jameis Decision
December 31st, 2019
The Hall of Fame GM weighs in.
Bruce Arians’ longtime friend and former boss, Hall of Fame general manager Bill Polian is quite certain how the Bucs’ head coach will make his decision on America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston.
First, Polian was adamant that Arians is the only man at One Buc Palace who is qualified to make the looming decision on Jameis. Not Jason Licht, not Tom Moore, Polian told SiriusXM NFL Radio, only Arians has the experience and the knowledge base.
And it’s a simple process, Polian said. Arians will re-watch every pass and every interception and answer one key question for himself.
“I think the decision for him is, ‘Can I make this guy into a 30 touchdown, 15 interception guy?’ Polian said.
“‘Or is there no way that after having worked with him for a year that I can ever get this guy to the point where he can be a 30-and-15 guy; he’s always going to revert to being the careless guy with the football or the guy that tries to put it where it doesn’t belong?”
Polian went on to say there will be deep study on each interception.
“Were the ones his fault fixable or were they simply because he doesn’t have the capacity to make the right decision all the time. That’s the biggest question,” Polian explained.
It’s a completely analytical decision without emotion, Polian said. “Interceptions lose football games” and Arians knows it, he added.
As for the open market for Jameis, Polian isn’t seeing a team eager to jump on Jameis with a long-term deal.
“I’d be very wary of him as a free agent, certainly as a high-priced free agent, because he did 30 interceptions with Bruce Arians,” said Polian, adding that the league knows Arians and Andy Reid are alone in the elite class of NFL QB gurus.
Joe totally gets it and respects Polian. But Joe senses a little drama in the final quote above.
Before Arians arrived, Jameis was throwing a lot fewer interceptions, so there should be some room for coaches to do a better job of working around Jameis’ weaknesses.
That’s not Joe making excuses, just noting the reality of Jameis being a guy who threw basically 1.1 picks per game under Dirk Koetter and expanded and nearly doubled that this season.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:29 pm
Tom Moore needs to get in his recliner at home….BA will let his ego get the best of him….hopefully he has a SOLID backup/escape plan …because Jameis will not change very much…certainly nothing to indicate that he will
December 31st, 2019 at 1:30 pm
It’s not BA coaching him. Its Leftwich…. go figure
Or is it Clyde? Or Moore? Or is it BA
Biggest coaching staff ever got us to 7-9.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Hear that, Unreasonable Joe? Interceptions lose football games. On the podcast and your articles you chastise the readers as if fans are making too big a deal about INTs. Even you say, “The interceptions are bad but…”
There is no but. Interceptions lose football games and that’s especially true for Jay-Miss.
On a related note, I also think it’s absurd that Collinsworth celebrated Favre’s interceptions. That’s disgraceful and I agree that Favre shouldn’t be on that list.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Palmers first year with arians wasn’t great yeah they went 10-6 but they also had a great defense to back them up Palmer threw for 24/22 tds to ints on at least 100 less attempts I can’t help to wonder had he threw as many times as Jameis he would’ve had a similar stat line and let’s not forget in the beginning of the season our defense was down right terrible had they played like they’ve played the 2nd half of the season all year we would be in the playoffs just saying…
December 31st, 2019 at 1:36 pm
Joe, I would like to see the print out sheet of what was at fault for the interceptions myself, was it one of the following: a bad throw, a bad read, a bad play call, a bad or wrong route run, a tipped ball or just a well disguised good defensive play by the other team. Maybe the Joes can go back and look at each interception and come up with your own spreed sheet?
December 31st, 2019 at 1:36 pm
What people fail to realize, JW averaged 14 INTs prior to this year. If he gets back to “average” he can be elite.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:36 pm
JW should of been benched week 7. Most QBs in this league can fling it around with no regard to interceptions and end up with 5000 yards especially when you got evans, godwin and yes perriman. I just witnessed the worst performance ever from a QB. So what if he has a few nice throws a game.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:36 pm
Then I guess he’s gone. Stop the denial people, it’s time to move on.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:38 pm
Turnovers lose football games. Yes.
So does
Missed makable FG’s
Bad special teams
Bad defense
Sacks allowed
There are far too many categories that contribute to losing football games.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:40 pm
“Before Arians arrived, Jameis was throwing a lot fewer interceptions, so there should be some room for coaches to do a better job of working around Jameis’ weaknesses.
That’s not Joe making excuses, just noting the reality of Jameis being a guy who threw basically 1.1 picks per game under Dirk Koetter and expanded and nearly doubled that this season” JBF
Will the local sports media have the prunes to ask redfaced BA why this is so?
Past 4 years and JW has averaged 15 ints. What happened only this year? and what changed?
Whatcha talkin about Willis”
Kobe Faker
December 31st, 2019 at 1:41 pm
Bruce Arians, “keep firing”.
Uh dude, this is your philosophy of no risk it no biscuit. Every first year QB in your system has a high # of interceptions.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:41 pm
Where’s NDOG to defend his butt buddy Winston. Waiting for him to come in an say but but but none of his INTS are Winston fault they WR ran the wrong route. Hahaha how bout all the INTs the Winston thru straight to the other team. I HATE how NDOG Winston nut lover holds everyone but Winston to a high standard quit making excuses cuz you have no clue what your talking about
December 31st, 2019 at 1:41 pm
Jameis has got to be pissed at Gay right now. Gay makes just 1 kick and OT never happens and we have a good feeling going into the offseason and noone is talking 30/30. Kinda glad in a way that Gay missed those so we could see Jameis with the game on the line. 1 single pass has created an interesting offseason to say the least.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:43 pm
Tom Moore is ABSOLUTELY qualified. It’s not his job, however, but it would be stupid to not have his input.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:51 pm
Dumbest opinion ever by polian. Bruce already said half of jameis int are not his fault. So your looking at a 30td 15 int season by jameis. What’s Bruce needs to decide is do I want jameis ? And if he does say yes , as a coach you need to stop bucs beating Bucs. Penalties. Kicker 77%. Secondary being scorched. KR/PR.rushing ypa. Etc etc etc.
Once you eliminate all those.
Yes you have a jameis 40td/15int a year. And a top 10 defense with a
10-6/11-5 record for the next 5yrs.
“I think the decision for him is, ‘Can I make this guy into a 30 touchdown, 15 interception guy?’ Polian said.
“Were the ones his fault fixable or were they simply because he doesn’t have the capacity to make the right decision all the time. That’s the biggest question,” Polian explained
December 31st, 2019 at 1:52 pm
Interceptions lose football games
The Nut huggers are adding all kinds of spin to dismiss their boys major flaw that will always hold him back.
Jameis leads the league in turnovers since he was drafted. Jameis is a turnover prone and clumsy QB and will not help our team win a majority of the time even with all those yards. it is what it is. Do the right thing BA.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:55 pm
You can’t look at per game on the picks. It is per pass attempt. Jameis’s first 3 years, it was 2.8%, 44 picks in 1544 attempts. Jameis’s last 2 years, 4.4%, 44 picks in 1004 attempts. To put that into perspective, for Jameis just to get back to the level he was at his first 3 years, he would basically have to go an entire season 540 attempts without throwing a pick. I like Jameis and know that there are things he can do on a field that are way above average compared to other QB’s, unfortunately, my fear is he is regressing beyond an acceptable level on the picks. If picks were easily overcome it would not be a big deal, but everyone knows the reality of what they do. This year, Jameis was 3-6 when he threw 2 or more picks. 4-3 when he did not.
December 31st, 2019 at 1:56 pm
[The AAF was a business shambles and Bill Polian had nothing to do with the business end. He was in charge of football operations. The Ebersol guy who was the commissioner was the fraud who conned everyone, including Polian. There have been several articles detailing this. — Joe]
December 31st, 2019 at 1:59 pm
didn’t jameis have the same year this year as last?? lots of yards and ints, just no suspension so he played 16 games
December 31st, 2019 at 2:00 pm
I am torn. I think Jameis is the best QB the Bucs have ever had on the team, but dang, 30 ints in one season is just ridiculous. However, I am willing to give him another chance, so hopefully we can do a short term deal to see if he can prove that he is ready to turn the corner and be elite. I would rather not franchise tag him, but that may be an option if we can get Barrett resigned to a long term deal.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:07 pm
He is who we think he is. I’m not sure I can — or want to — survive another season like this. If the defense plays like it did in the second half of the season, could Andy Dalton, Teddy Bridgewater or Philip Rivers provide enough to be an interim?
December 31st, 2019 at 2:08 pm
Wait I thought Polian was losing his dang mind or is that Casserly? Oh yeah, it’s both.
He is right about one thing, this is Arians’ decision. All this smack talking from Arians about Jameis is nothing but posturing.
It’s not that Bruce won’t give up on Jameis, but Bruce won’t give up on his legacy. Has he ever gave up on a QB? Has he ever had a 5,000 yard passer? League leading QB in yards or 2nd in TDs?
This season is an outlier with INTs, he’s never even come close to this.
Bruce knows we can win with Jameis but I don’t think he wants to pay him 30M and that is what all these comments reflect to me. Not IF he will be back but for HOW MUCH.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:10 pm
I would rather sign Eli Manning for 1 year and draft a QB.
If Jameis comes back, season ticket sales will drop
December 31st, 2019 at 2:11 pm
He went 28/18 in year 2 !!!!!! So he has been close to that , bit the fact that he is making even more mistakes in year 5 tells you all you need to know . He is always going to be THAT GUY . Accuracy is too inconsistent , touch too inconsistent , and decision making too inconsistent to have THAT GUY get you to where you want/need to go . He is a broken player (record) and his press conference yesterday pretty much demonstrated that .
December 31st, 2019 at 2:12 pm
Alanbucsfan is spot on with the ticket sales .
December 31st, 2019 at 2:14 pm
Need a video of all of Winstons picks to relive the excitement instantly smashed.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:15 pm
Eli? Eli? Oh god. How about any other Joe Schmo white guy. Shoot I can throw a football and I’m not 50.
If we’d bring in any retread it should be Rivers. He can run a vertical offense and the guy can throw under pressure.
Y’all really think you could just bring anyone in here that doesn’t throw picks and we gonna win??? You still need to SCORE POINTS. 3 and outs wear out a defense too. Game managers don’t move the sticks which means defensive players play more, are more tired, and more exposed to injury.
Nobody moves the sticks like Jameis and the Bucs but yeah bring in Eli and we got ourselves a Super Bowl!!
Glad you got this all figured out Buc Fans. As long as we got good ticket sales right? Cuz that’s what’s important to us fans.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:17 pm
Isn’t it prophetic, and pathetic, that Jay Miss’s first and last passes as a Buccaneer were pic 6’s?
Ask yourself whether Jay Miss is any better today than he was five years ago. The answer is “no.” He had a solid offensive line in terms of pass protection and the best wide receivers in football. The result? Charter member of the 30/30 club. It’s time to move on!
December 31st, 2019 at 2:18 pm
“Interceptions lose football games” – Bingo. Best quote in the entire interview.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:18 pm
Isn’t it prophetic, and pathetic, that Jay Miss’s first and last passes as a Buccaneer were pic 6’s?
Ask yourself whether Jay Miss is any better today than he was five years ago. The answer is “no.” He had a solid offensive line in terms of pass protection and the best wide receivers in football. The result? Charter member of the 30/30 club. It’s time to move on!
December 31st, 2019 at 2:18 pm
Alan or Smooth are either one of you currently season ticket holders?
December 31st, 2019 at 2:20 pm
Sign Taysom Hill-problem solved @ 7-8 mil per. Hill is the fastest and strongest QB in the NFL and would give us valuable intel as to Saints schenes and personnel.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:23 pm
I”m not one to make excuses for JW, but there are a couple of ESPN split career QB rating stats on Jameis that stand out that aren’t talked about very often by gameday commentators that might be very well contribute and are relevant to his QB Jekyl and Hyde traits. Since these are career stats, I can’t help but suspect there’s relevance in these numbers to some degree:
Rating at home: 69.1
Rating on the road: 102.7
On grass: 76.5
On turf: 111.1
Ok, the first comparison on home vs. away seems strange at first, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Is he trying too hard to win in front of the home crowd?
But after looking at considering the second set of numbers grass vs. turf with the first, I can’t help but wonder if it’s the condition of RJ field that’s contributing. It’s very obvious watching games that the grass at the Bucs stadium does not hold well when players attempt to make extreme cuts. Every game, including this last one against the Birds, players on both sides of the ball would have their legs cut out from under them if their cuts were too sharp and chunks of grass would flip up in the air. So how often does that affect a RBs cut, a receiver’s breaks on a pass pattern, or a DB’s coverage of a receiver, where a split-second of traction “slipping” effects the result?
So regardless of whether it’s high school, college, pro (or any other sport), how many total games are played on that field during the NFL regular season? And is the whole field ever replaced with new sod during the season, or is it only a patchwork of repairs that take place between events?
I know all the quick sarcastic responses that some may reply with, “it happens to both teams, so it’s a wash”, “they can always change to longer cleats”, etc. And of course, I’m biased because I’m a Bucs fan so I watch Bucs players during a play and have noticed them slipping as if they are ice as grass kicks out on both sides of the ball.
Anyway, Happy New Years to the Joes and all Buccaneer fans!
December 31st, 2019 at 2:25 pm
The best WR in football are the best WR because they have a QB that can get them the ball. If Teddy was their QB or Eli would they really be so great?
Jameis got Hump, Brate, and Sheppard all paid! Add Perriman to that list now.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:26 pm
Nobody is even talking about the 12 fumbles…
December 31st, 2019 at 2:29 pm
Say jameis is only resposible for 25 INT the 5 fumbles lost are still on him. thats 30 turnovers.
and for people complaining about the kicker… 7 picks for 7 points is 42 points not counting the 5 fumbles. He conservatively cost us 50-60 points this season. By himself no fault of anyone else. Think about that.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:30 pm
“Before Arians arrived, Jameis was throwing a lot fewer interceptions, so there should be some room for coaches to do a better job of working around Jameis’ weaknesses.”
Bruce came in and showed Jameis how to throw the ball away and take the sack more often. Jameis has had bad coaching in Tampa until 2019 but it’s obvious he will continue to be an interception machine. Ridiculous how some try to compare JW3 to Favre with his interceptions. Jameis will never be able to take us to the promise land and hold the trophy above our heads.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:33 pm
Winston is 25 yrs old NOW meaning at least from my own maturation process I was not an ADULT until about 28. Crazy to let him loose. For those wanting a safer QB like Derek Carr did not watch Carr on 4th and 5 with the game against the Chargers just throw it away to end the game, cause receiver was covered. Carr did not even try to attempt a game winning pass to avoid INT. It is EASIER to calm a kid gun slinger down than to get a SAFE QB to take the shot.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:35 pm
224 points on 32 touchdowns (7×32) deduct the 50-60 points he cost us from INT and fumbles and he really only helped us 164-174 points. That’s 10 points a game folks
December 31st, 2019 at 2:35 pm
I’d be ok with Rivers or any transitional veteran, as long as Bucs draft another QB for future.
Jameis is a great athlete who just doesn’t get it that in today’s NFL, you can’t turn it over or you will lose. And he might get it someday, but after the 4 game winning streak, he played terrible – and most of those receptions by Perriman were great plays by Perriman.
If Jameis comes back, I’ll pray for a miracle that he will get it finally ( I doubt it because it seems like he mentally blocks out his interceptions like they never happened) but Bucs better have an alternative on the roster.
Bottom line is- you can’t trust Jameis and that affects the whole team.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:35 pm
I’ve been saying the same things for months now… maybe I should I get into this GM business?
Yes, a 30-15 guy is what I have clamored for. If we get that, it makes sense to keep him. That said, I have personally never been a fan of putting the game on one player. A steady and smart QB who can take advantage of the weapons around him in conjunction with a strong defense is the ticket to superbowls.
If you can find a guy in FA that is proven, good but not spectacular, I would go that route because the draft is really hit-or-miss.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:39 pm
So this year Jameis posted his highest tot. yds, tot. tds, yds. per attempt, attempts, int, and sacks. Now some of these are great highs but the ones that stick out to me are the obvious negatives: attempts, sacks, and ints. I will say that Jameis is a bonehead who stares down his receivers and tries to be the gunslinging hero moreso than the calm, collected, “take-what-the-defense-gives-you” leader. That’s in his DNA. He’s always been that way and there is no changing that. HOWEVER, 60+ more attempts than he’s ever had in a new offense means that he’s probably going to have more turnovers. What happened to running the ball to help our QB? What happened to calling some short pass plays to reliable targets to help move the ball? If there was a better option at QB then ok let’s get him but there isn’t. Not for this offense, not for this play called and not for this franchise. The problems on this squad are bigger than Jameis. He’s the biggest target because he will be getting paid the most but let’s not pretend that this roster would take any QB to the Super Bowl or even the playoffs. Just saying. \_(o o)_/
December 31st, 2019 at 2:43 pm
33 TD, 30 INT, 1 Rushing TD
December 31st, 2019 at 2:43 pm
TD’s and Int’s are easily quantifiable…the numbers don’t lie.
Explaining them is much more complicated. But TD’s and Int’s are plays that actually happened!
Who is looking at the plays that didn’t happen because JW tends to stare down receivers and doesn’t always see the open man?
I haven’t done that analysis so perhaps JW sees the field great and rarely misses finding the open target.
How many poor choices contributed to stalled drives?
There is more than just TD’s and Ints’.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:44 pm
I was hoping that the delay was Arians bracing himself to tell Licht and the Glazers that he can’t fix Jameis. He tried and failed because of some disconnect in the Jameis brain
I will forever wish that we had a base line on Ryan Griffin. I will still say that we need a second or third round QB who is mad because he fell out of the first round.
Get someone with a reason to be his best and let Arians sprinkle some pixie dust on him.
The longer the wait, the worse Jameis will be next year, if Arians decides he is still a keeper, he best do it soon.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Lol, I’m already tired of the “what to do with Jameis” offseason. There are a few hints that he won’t be back, but I’d be shocked if we let him go. Franchise tag, cheap short term deal, etc. No big contract and take him for a final spin. Miracles can happen and maybe he finds a clue. Maybe Cindy Crawford will abduct me while I’m sleeping and spirit me away to her private island to ravish me for the next month too.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Do the players trust Jameis to make good decisions that win games? If not, there is a major problem. Lose the respect and trust of your teammates and you lose the locker room. Half of the fan base is already gone. Winning will bring the fans back, but can Jameis do that for more than just a few flash games? Can he be trusted when it counts in big games (should we ever get there again)? Can Jameis be trusted by coaches, teammates, and fans – after five years – the answer is a clear no.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Alan and Smooth
Of course they’ll drop. And then if they start winning they’ll pick up. And start losing again they’ll drop. Welcome to Tampa. Doesn’t matter who’s on the team, wins and losses matter around bandwagon city USA.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:47 pm
I think no matter what, we have to take a QB in the 2-4 rounds.
Shoot if Arians LOVES him a QB at 14, I don’t care, just take him. Worst case is we don’t need him and we get our first back another year.
I’m becoming more and more indifferent, I just want to win and I trust BA to get us back to the playoffs.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:49 pm
7 pick 6’s
12 fumbles – 5 lost
Average of 4.8% of passes intercepted.
League average is 2.3%
Losses, and inconsistency
Coming across like an obtuse, unaccountable wannabe leader in his after game presser. He’s not “ballin” he’s putting up numbers. Some strong and even worse with turnovers.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:51 pm
@74, that’s what I wonder. I think that is a huge variable in whether he ultimately comes back.
Every great football team has “buy-in” and that comes from everyone believing that what they’re doing can win them games. I wonder if everyone is “bought-in” on Jameis.
It’s hard enough keeping a team bought-in to a coach but what if they aren’t in on the QB? Will they try their hardest? Go the extra mile? If they feel like the game will be thrown away then idk how to answer that.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:54 pm
Smitty is unfortunately right , Tampa is bandwagon for the Bucs , hell the Rays win and still crickets at the Trop. Lightning are the only team with solid fanbase , but they have been good for a while in accomplishing that.
Taysom Hill can play the QB position well , and brings the same difficulties as Lamar Jackson for the other team’s D to try and stop. When you can sign the strongest and the fastest at any position for 7-8 mil- you better freaking do it.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:54 pm
The real problem is Jameis wants to be the first 30/30/$30 guy. I think at the end of the day it’s a business decision, do they believe he’s is $15-20 million a year better than other options?
December 31st, 2019 at 2:56 pm
Just to follow up on the data about Winston’s numbers this years:
From years 1-4, Winston’s passer rating, yards/game, and completion % had steadily improved, AND he averaged less than 1.1 INTs per game over years 1-4.
In 2019, Winston’s averaged 1.9 INTs per game.
Over his previous 56 game career, he had a total of SIX games of 3+ INTs. In 2019 alone he had FIVE such games!
The data is well-aligned with what we see with our eyes as well, as he is being asked to throw deeper passes against tighter coverages… I looked back at the last throw against Atlanta–who was he supposed to throw that ball to?
The play design was very vanilla and the defense was already sitting and waiting for that play call. It doesn’t matter how much of a QB guru you are when your OC is trying to maximizing risky throws–no less, with a QB who is inherently risk-prone.
The biggest benefactor here is Byron Leftwich, who is getting credit for the increase in offensive production without any of the blame for the turnovers. The truth is, it is much closer to 50-50 on the blame scale between BL & JW than it is 100-0.
December 31st, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Dalvin stop making sense. No room for that here.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:00 pm
77% kicker will cost you games. Oh that’s right it cost what 2-3 games ?
December 31st, 2019 at 3:03 pm
I can see licht drafting another kicker with the 2 or 3 draft pick.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:06 pm
I am with Polian. Arians is the one to make the call on Jameis. Leftwich may be his position coach but Would any Of you Bucs fans trust Leftwich to make the call on Jameis. Not that Leftwich is not a decent coach but think about that. Leftwich work with 4 or 5 QB if that many and Arians with 12 or more with success. Also I am glad Joe notice something I was watching this season. Jameis throw a lot more interceptions this year. Is it the new offense or what who’s the one to answer these questions. B. Arians
December 31st, 2019 at 3:12 pm
I hope Defense Rules gets on here with the breakdown of the INts and turnovers from Jameis. He will
Show that they are not on deep passes, but rather short and intermediate (high completions percentage/safe) throws.
Wake up and smell the turnovers.
5 years of waiting is enough. Done with the unaccountable turnover machine.
Ballin is not turning it over. Ballin is playoffs.
Ballin is not folding like a tent in the final two home games of the year with a chance to earn a winning record on the line.
Good bye! New qb and restore hope.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:15 pm
Neither Andy Reid or Bruce Arians has won jack squat-
Sick and tired of the accepted narrative “in NFL circles”
Jameis is NFL passing leader.
He should tell them to F off and enjoy his free agency
December 31st, 2019 at 3:15 pm
It seems that some fans put the blame on Arians/Leftwich. You can have an opinion. It is one that I do not particularly agree with.
I think this was the best article so far. Arians is going to go over each play and analyze how many interceptions were on Jameis, how many were other’s on the teams fault, how many were just outstanding plays by the other team, and how many were just odd flukes. He will also look at how many other bad throws were made that were not intercepted. He will look at how many times he thinks Jameis made a play that kept a drive alive that most quarterbacks in the league would not. He will look at how many times Jameis did or did not recognize a pre-snap read.
I think BA is a very good coach. I will not put him in the class of Andy Reid but would put him above Dirk Koetter.
An argument that the coaches were worse is certainly an argument but I did not see it. The receivers were open all year. The plays were open all year. It seemed to me that the QB just missed a lot of plays and open receivers. He still looks at his primary target more than other quarterbacks in this league.
Jameis can look elite. However, he looked horrible a lot as well. Blame the coaches if you wish.
Remember Koetters QB coach on the red zone issues after the 2017 season. What did he say? They were there but the QB was just not seeing them.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:16 pm
Arians is a self proclaimed guru- he’s a bs artist
December 31st, 2019 at 3:17 pm
It’s not just the interceptions-
He takes a sack on 1st and goal on the 6.
He draws a penalty for throwing ball when he’s 2 yards over line of scrimmage.
He gets called for intentional grounding.
He’s just exasperating…
December 31st, 2019 at 3:17 pm
I know I can go and win the game. I’m resilient.
Brett favre 26 /44 281 yds. 2TD 6int vs rams. Divisional round 2002.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:17 pm
Two notable points the media got today. First, Bill Polian just saved the Bucs about $3 million a year by lowering Winston’s value…a good thing for all Bucs fans…because he is spot-on that other teams that would look at Winston know if the QB whisperer didn’t fix him yet, then….
Bravo Bill!
TBT has an article out today where it’s aptly pointed out that the Bucs will have to have a veteran QB behind Winston if they DID decide to keep him…and there is not enough cash to pay two starters if they want to keep that D intact. Awesome.
This shaping up to be bring in a guy like Rivers (who makes less than $12M) and is a free agent, as well as drafting the future that Rivers can bring along under Arians. Sure, Winton and Rivers may have to split about $32M.
Finally, instead of screwing others like the owners, coaches, and fans, Winston screwed himself with his last two games. Everyone should be happy today. That is, now that the Winston trainwreck is cleared from Sunday, Bucs fans will likely enjoy several options that will mean the team is better, with our without Winston.
The only ones unhappy are the nuthuggers who don’t care about the Bucs but want Winston to get overpaid. Sorry…not happening.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:17 pm
Let king Arians decide Jameis’s fate
What a joke
December 31st, 2019 at 3:20 pm
All you sounds so questionable. I dont why anybody listen to anything yall saying.
Unathletic ppl talking about what best for supreme athletes. Lol. You cant make this stuff up
December 31st, 2019 at 3:24 pm
I am no expert by far but I hope BA does review each INT from every angle. Did the receiver run the right rout? Tipped balls? Have defenses picked up tendencies in Jameis’s delivery? Are too many coaches in Jameis’s head? It’s not like BA doesn’t have a huge sample to review. It’s not like Jameis can’t throw a perfect strike under pressure. There is a lot of reasons why he has a lot of yards like playing from behind and two of the best WR in the League. Those same factors result in TD’s. Does he feel like he has to win every game with his arm because we don’t run the ball well. Maybe his memory is too short and he should not forget the bad Jameis so easily. All I know is that I am tired of these losing seasons and with the coaches we have it’s time to fish or cut bait with Winston, but I hope they really put him under a microscope in the offseason before they make their decision,
December 31st, 2019 at 3:26 pm
You dont have to be athletic to understand sports. The nut huggers still trying to spin the blame off their messiah.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:32 pm
So you guys seriously want to go from a guy who just threw for 5,000 yards and 33 TDs for a gimmick QB who has never started a game before. Makes perfect sense for the CLUELESS mob. But hey it can’t get any worse right?
December 31st, 2019 at 3:34 pm
Winston alone has handed on averge, each opposing team more than points just by Winston taking the field. Then he gave them each another 4.5 points per game for about 7.5 points total. So his net points per game is about 21 points. Not to mention he forces his own D back onto the field for two more series per game as he gives it up to the other team.
What’s the best record you can expect from a QB that does that? Well, it comes down to how often the other teams scores more than 21 points. Which is at least half the time. The best you will ever get with Winston is breaking even, somewhere between 7-9 and 9-7…which usually isn’t good enough to make the playoffs. Couple that with Wnston has won ONE important game since he’s been here at that was against the Bears to open 2017. Pretty much it.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:35 pm
FATHER TONY DUNGY blamed Arians for Jameis’ picks and compared Jameis to Peyton Manning!
Arians KNOWS his system is insanely hard on QBs and that the QBs he’s had threw a TON of interceptions …
December 31st, 2019 at 3:36 pm
That last play of the year is all over the internet.
I personally do not see it the way you described. Did Jameis see the defensive lineup by Atlanta in the pre-snap read?
I may be missing something on that play, but how do you blame Leftwich for that play call. Winston threw the ball in under 1.5 seconds. There was no pressure on Winston. All receivers on the play had not fully developed their route at the time of the throw. I am ok with Winston throwing it in the 1.5 seconds if he has an easy pitch and catch to his tight end. But we know that was not the case.
We don’t have the game film so we can not determine whether there were going to be any receivers that opened a 1/2 second to full second later. But we can tell from the tape that at least Rojo as an outlet on 1st down would have gotten 3-5 yards with just one man to beat for possible more yards. It is barely visible but it also appears that Justin Watson was open in his out route on the right (far) side.
P.S. Vanilla play call? Aren’t 99 percent of the play calls vanilla in the NFL? What is the play call at 1st and 10 at the 25 that you wanted that was not vanilla?
December 31st, 2019 at 3:36 pm
Watch Brady flee Belichick so he can sling it in LA and open their new stadium and transition to his post-playing career in LAL land … and Jameis go sign with the Patriots and throw for 4,450 yards, 27 TDs, 11 INTs next season and win a SUPER BOWL ring with the Patiots, if the Bucs are dumb enough to let him leave
December 31st, 2019 at 3:37 pm
I love many of the comments on this page. However, we all know that if the Bucs are to make the playoffs we got to cut the turnovers at least in half. I think Arians is a great coach. I think Jameis is a decent QB a good QB if he just cut the turnovers in half. But as I said weather It’s Jameis, Leftwich, Arians or whoever we want to blame we know what needs to change and that’s turnovers At least we haven’t got to a point like the Lions, Redskins or Browns
December 31st, 2019 at 3:41 pm
There were another 10-12 dropped interceptions BA will have to look at as well. JW,despite the coaching, just throws it up for grabs. Fans would be much better served keeping as many FAs on defense, signing Case Keenum and drafting a QB in the 2 or 3rd round. Maybe Bucs won’t start every game down by 2 scores.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:42 pm
What Arians is going to record officially, “objectively” so they say, is what happened on each INT? Well, they already know it, that is a fact, but on many of those throws looked to be foreced to the hot, while other recievers ran wide open. Way too often. You have to actually be in the stadium to see that, and if was so often it was sickening. So Arians will confirm Winston likely doesn’t see the field as well as he should…not to mention making bad decisions. Hopefully Arians will review those 40+ sacks and confirm he held the ball to long AND didn’t see the field. Finally, I hope he looks at those throws that would have been INTs but were dropped or batted away by Bucs receivers. It gives me great sadness to say all of this, but this is good for Bucs fans, because we will finally get some resolution. And even those who love Winston but are Bucs fans will be happy with the Bucs decision even if they punt Winston to the curb. All the suspense of the 2000 Florida recount.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:44 pm
Ballin’ and great if just fixes the mistakes.
Yeah, Jeffrey Dahmer could have been a GREAT citizen if he didn’t kill and eat boys.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:48 pm
J.A.M.E.I.S. Jamies. Jamies. Jamies!
December 31st, 2019 at 3:48 pm
Hey NDog, did you know of the 5 QBs that threw the most yards this year, not a single one of them will be in the playoffs? And of 5 QBs that threw the most picks, where Winston leads by a wide margin…not a single one of them is in the playoffs. While I think BA is full of it in making excuses for Winston (he should never needed the coddling of a toddler), he was right when he said wihat will be important in how things come out…5000 yards or over 30 INTs. Guess what? Winston sucks.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:50 pm
They try to say the NFL is a passing 1st league now , what a load of malarkey. Number 1 rushing team Baltimore = #1 seed in AFC.
Number 2 rushing team SanFran = #1 seed in NFC.
5 of the top 6 rushing teams made the playoffs. Running the ball is about imposing your will and your physicality on the other team and wearing them down both physically and mentally. Much less risk running and much lower penalty rate. Passing is much easier when you have a proven rushing attack.
This is why Taysom Hill would be a very nice QB to sign to an offer sheet.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:50 pm
$30M+ for this clown is criminal
December 31st, 2019 at 3:50 pm
Just read a national article about Jameis. Best comment …
“Winston is GREAT- Bucs please keep him- youd be crazy to let him go!
Love, the rest of the NFC South”.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:53 pm
I’ve been saying it for weeks, but A. Becht nailed it today…better to have a QB throwing for 3500 yards without all the picks than 5000 with Winston’s record.
Of course, when Phillip Rivers, who 10 less picks than Winston comes to interview, BA will ask him how many Phillip thought were his own fault. Gotta apply the standard across the board. Rivers threw for 4500 yards, will be a much better mentor for our new long term QB, will certainly attract more fans than Winston out of curiousity and Winston’s lost hope years…
This is an exciting time for Bucs fans, whether you still support Winston or not. Nuthuggers can’t hang.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:54 pm
The only thing a teacher can do is to teach……it takes the pupil to learn…..some just won’t/can’t learn.
If always said that there is no consequence for Jameis for his failures…..he forgets them too easily.
If he is granted another large payday…..that proves my point.
December 31st, 2019 at 3:55 pm
You know as pissed as I was this season with all the turnovers and penalties, I still feel good about this team. Coming into this season, our defense could barely stop a Tampa college team. Our red zone scoring was just horrible and by the end of this season we were in the top 5 in all those areas. Straighten Jameis out, trade him, bring in someone to fill the void whatever. But I am a true Bucs fan. GO BUCs !!!
December 31st, 2019 at 3:59 pm
We can debate til we’re blue in the face and spout stats with our own personal spin on them, but here’s what’s gonna happen. Jameis gets the tag. It almost has to happen based on our primary draft need being an OL (preferably an RT). Like Jameis/don’t like Jameis, but given Arians stated dislike of having a “QB competition” , I cannot see us drafting a QB except in the later rounds for a back up. Jameis only had one year in the system, give him one more and see if he becomes a 30 TD/14 INT guy. If he doesn’t, say goodbye and move on to the next. There are no FAs coming to save us. By the time we draft, Herbert and Burroughs are gone, and Tua’s coming off yet another injury. Who wants to roll the dice on any of the other prospects ( I like the Eason kid, but I don’t see us drafting any of these rookies and going to a playoff game)? If Jameis settles down n the second year, we have a very real chance of going to the playoffs. If he doesn’t, we still have seasoned up a shiny new OL and some other pieces. Given the FA climate, Arians is obviously not comfortable putting his O in the hands of a rookie OR a mediocre FA QB, and these guys need to win now, I can’t see us going any other way. I wish that were not true. I hate those pick 6 gut punches and the other deflating turnovers. This is where we are though. get used to the idea that he’ll be back for a year at least.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:05 pm
Teddy and a new kicker and this team has playoff potential. Jameis and same kicker another losing year. How many total points did Jameis spot the other teams this year? Probably well over a hundred? Probably enough that if he would have avoided the turnovers we could have won at least three more games.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:06 pm
The ship has sailed on the franchise tag. That was a possibility two games, 7 INTs ago when they were 7-7. NO ONE in their right mind would tag Winston right now. I know Licht has made terrible decisions (like drafting Winston in the first place), but he’s not that stupid.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:07 pm
It is nonsensical to dismiss Polian’s opinions with respect to evaluation process concerning Jameis’s future with the Bucs. He is uniquely qualified to assess the situation given his success in the League and his history/knowledge of Arians.
With that said, his bottom line opinion is exactly correct: Arians will employ a purely analytical approach, and if he concludes Jameis can be a 30/15 QB, then he’s our guy going forward.
Yes, Arians will analyze every pick, pass, and play. And, he will certainly assess whether Jameis is likely to repeat Palmer’s second year improvement. And he will study tape of Bridgewater, Dalton, Eli, and Rivers. But again, if he concludes Jameis can back to his career one pick per game performance the Jameis will be resigned. I don’t envy him, but I sure he hope he concludes Jameis can be the guy. At 25 YO, he’s got a ton of time to be a great QB.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:14 pm
I do not want the old days of run, run, and 3rd long pass then punt. A great offensive game was putting up 18-20 points.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:24 pm
I hope Winston and Bucs part ways, for the success of both parties.
Bucs finally have a D that can influence outcome of a game. An impactful D is a luxury Winston has never had in his 5 year career, with exception of the last half of this season. By then, Winston was missing his top WR talent, and a questionable running game. Still, no excuse for some of his decision-making. I do wonder how BL adjusted high-risk throw calls with unfamiliar talent on the field in last half of season….for the haters – not making excuses….just a legit question.
For Winston – seemingly the majority of fans and sports writers prefer ANY other QB. The fan attendance at games is dwindling. Does ownership care about that? Am not sure what support Winston has in locker room. And coaches? Either Bruce is negotiating w/Winston’s agent through the media, or, Bruce is done with the INT’s.
Even if Winston carries a clipboard to start next season somewhere else next year, he will return to starter status at some point, given his talent. And maybe with a more conservative offense, he is less turnover prone. That turnover situation will not change with Bucco Bruce offense next year. We never seemed to have a good play-action combo, and Winston has never been taught how to “disguise” his intent with the football – perplexing.
The real question for his agents? Where can he land outside of Bucs? Pitt, to back-up Roth for a year or two? Colts? Brissett is a backup. Everyone keeps saying Patriots – not sure Belicheck can deal with turnovers….then again, Pats seem to add castaways constantly and make them successful. He could sit behind Brady and learn. LA Chargers – maybe….doubtful.
Finally – being 1 of 32 QB’s in NFL is NOT for the meek-minded QB. Winston’s confidence is more of an asset than liability. Most QB’s confidence sinks with INTs and they turtle the rest of game or even season… Winston needs to be taught how to use his eyes to throw off D. Not sure why he still locks in on his targets.
Oh well. Going to be a wild 3 months with rumors. Go Bucs, and Happy New Year!
December 31st, 2019 at 4:33 pm
It all comes down to $. There is no way Winsome is worth 30mil a yr, but knowing Licht you never know. Even if you franchise him its going to cost around 27mil. Of course it comes down to what the Glazer’s say. I say if they can be talked in to giving loser Licht a 5yr extension they can be talked into anything. I still say they need to sell the team. They are completely clueless. I still say put the transition tag on Winsome’s worthless ass or trade him.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:39 pm
I think I agree with him. Only Arians after careful observation can make this decision. If he can get Jameis to cut the picks in half somehow, then you keep Jameis. I do imagine if we had a 1000 yard rusher to take away some if the pass attempts would be one way to possibly reduce turnovers. The decision needs to be well thought out. It’s easy to toss a guy out who has 30 picks, but hard to find a guy that can get you 5000 yards passing. Sorry if this list is sloppy…on a quick break at work. Happy New Year Bucs fans!
December 31st, 2019 at 4:43 pm
Drafting a QB is for the future potential of the player I cannot accept we will throw away a 25 yr old QB. Everyone will say he had 5 years to show up, but with the wisdom of age I can tell you I myself was NOT an adult until I was 28. A QB with a gunslinger mentally just needs to mature and accept a play is over sometimes, and that only comes with age. His INT’s are unacceptable I get that some players take longer to develop and mature.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:46 pm
Right now the Broncos are kicking themselves for giving up on Shaq Barrett a year too early because pass rushers are hard to find. I would hate to be the Broncos of next year wishing we had giving our QB another year because NFL QBs are hard to find.
December 31st, 2019 at 4:47 pm
@Tackleblockwin – Agree, I too wonder how a 1000 yard rusher would have impacted the outcome.
For the stat-keepers, when looking at bucs total rush yards, how many of those total yards were by Winston? Winston had several games where he was top rusher…..shameful given Winstons’s 40 yd time vs our professional RB’s.
and agree that this decision will be by Bucco Bruce…..FWIW.
December 31st, 2019 at 5:07 pm
The fan base is already bitterly split on JW. It’s not just here on JBF..worse here because of the greater passion of fans here…but again remember your holiday conversations with friends and family.
Joe has written 60% are screaming for JW’s ouster. Sounds about right.
So if the franchise goes against the majority of fans next year off to a great start eh.
As one of those 60% there is a way for BA to at least mollify me
If the Bucs sign JW they must draft a QB in the top 3 rounds with the express purpose of grooming him as JW’s successor.
And let the competition begin in TRAINING CAMP…NOBODY gets a spot regardless of salary or draft position.
If JW really be ballin’ he’s got nothing to fear. If the nuthuggers are correct and JW blows up next year we keep the backup for a couple of years and then hope for a Garrapolo and a great return on investment in trade or draft pick.
December 31st, 2019 at 5:44 pm
Yeah but that 1:1 ratio under Koetter isn’t the same in my book. Jamie’s was more timid the previous year AND he wasn’t the starter for all 16 games in either of those 2 seasons. Maybe I’m wrong but I think the question is whether under Arians offense if Jameis can make the throws Bruce needs him to make while at the same time not giving it away at least once every game.
Either way I’ll get behind whatever the coach thinks.
December 31st, 2019 at 6:36 pm
Arian’s has only had to suffer through Winston for one year.
We Bucs fans have had to suffer through Winston for 5 years.
5 years of Winston excuse and disappointments are more than enough.
Move on Bucs
December 31st, 2019 at 6:43 pm
@Tex, Barret was being underutilized and in the wrong scheme it seems. He also didnt have the likes of JPP, Big V, and Suh requiring double teams. When you put a star like that among other stars, hence the matchup nightmares and his results.
I get your point, but JW has had a pretty awesome receiving core of stars too, who have also bailed him out multiple times. The lack of a running game has been there, so has the lack of O line at times. And if I thought addressing those positions properly would fix him, I’d say do it and bring him back. But its more than just that. I truly dont think he has the fast twitch mental speed you need as a QB. Too many times he’s been protected well and overthrows/underthrows/INT. I view that as he is who he is and cant be fixed.
I promise, you will NOT see him move on to another team and be in the playoffs or win a SB. He has that “it” factor at times, but he regresses so much afterwards that its just not worth it anymore. JMHO.
December 31st, 2019 at 7:42 pm
Hey Joe just shut the hell up already. Can’t u tell we don’t take u serious? Jaymiss is bullsh!t. Accept it
December 31st, 2019 at 7:58 pm
I’ll bet you all a paycheck (very substancial), Jameis is back fo at least one more yr..After..a long sit-down with Arians. The good to this is..If Jamesi fails it will be his fault. Arians is going to avail him to mot only insights, But mega outside help to improve his game. Arians figures, Yes, I can get his interceptions down to a winnable..15. Mark my words! Bruce Arians believes in Jameis.
December 31st, 2019 at 8:02 pm
Bradinator I am 100% with you and your comments. None of the top QBs are gonna be there when we draft. Most likely if we draft one in the 2nd or 3rd they will probably have to sit for 5 or 6 games to get acclimated to the NFL All this go out and trade or sign a QB is a gamble just see N Foles militia million dollar bust in Jacksonville the Vikings multi million dollar QB not doing such a good job I say bring Jameis back draft a QB in the2nd or 3rd round let him set and develop for 6 or 7 games and if Jameis start with the same issues then we have someone that should be able to step right in and not miss a beat. Then do whatever you have to with Jameis
December 31st, 2019 at 8:25 pm
What joe should look at is how many points each of those pics lead to and don’t forget his fumbles and points those cost the Bucs.
5000. Yards but his 30 picks may have given the opposing team 150 plus points so he JW Didn’t give us a chance
December 31st, 2019 at 9:27 pm
This is the same Bill Pollian who questioned Lamar Jackson’s intelligence and ability to be a Qb in the NFL level and said he should be a Wr/Rb? Wouldn’t this be the last guy to ask his opinion on what it takes to be a successful Qb in today’s NFL. Unless you are asking him knowing that if you do the opposite you’d probably be correct.
December 31st, 2019 at 9:42 pm
Coach, will review every interception, and will determine that some of those are on the wide receivers. Some will be tip balls, and some will be Winston fault. The interception number will drop to around 18-19. They should determine the amount of passes he threw, and they will discover that he is in the same area as any other quarterback with the same number of attempts.
December 31st, 2019 at 10:00 pm
I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but I see Arians methods plain as day.
Every time Jameis threw a pick, what did Arians tell him?
“Keep throwing the ball.”
Why? There’s method to the madness. Did you notice Jameis’ deep ball accuracy improved this year?
December 31st, 2019 at 10:04 pm
Oops, hit submit too soon.
It’s because experience makes for quicker improvement.
Arians was getting every possible mistake on film. Before, Jameis had to review Palmer film in the offense. Now he can review his own.
And just as important…Arians can go over every pick with him to show him what to do and what not to do.
Re-sign Jameis.
December 31st, 2019 at 10:06 pm
Some of it is Arian’s brand of offense…and some of it is a petulant Winston absolutely trying to force things. I hate to admit that I’m starting to doubt Winston working out for the Bucs ( I know…I know…5 years of “this” ). These last two games after clawing back to .500 have left an awful taste in everyone’s mouth.
30 For 30 presents: From Vinny to Winny…The Buccaneer QB Curse
December 31st, 2019 at 10:08 pm
Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
December 31st, 2019 at 10:00 pm
I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but I see Arians methods plain as day.
Every time Jameis threw a pick, what did Arians tell him?
“Keep throwing the ball.”
Why? There’s method to the madness. Did you notice Jameis’ deep ball accuracy improved this year?
Yep, Jameis long ball throws greatly improved in 0
December 31st, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
December 31st, 2019 at 10:00 pm
I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but I see Arians methods plain as day.
Every time Jameis threw a pick, what did Arians tell him?
“Keep throwing the ball.”
Why? There’s method to the madness. Did you notice Jameis’ deep ball accuracy improved this year?
Yep, Jameis long ball throws greatly improved in 2019.
will be interesting next year with a new QB, for long balls. ME13 might b wishing for Jameis… next year will be interesting w a new QB..
December 31st, 2019 at 11:18 pm
There has to be a reason Jameis threw more picks with BA than previously and the answer is BA’s system contributes to more interceptions for any QB in the first year in BA’s system. However, in the second year in BA’s system the QB throws a significantly less number of interceptions. BA has already made Jameis able to throw deep accurately even when throwing to a short receiver, and BA has also made Jameis a lot more dangerous in the red zone, which is why Jameis could throw for 30 TDS this year. So I don’t think that it will be that hard with Jameis in his second year under BA to cut his interceptions in half and get us to the playoffs next year. It is worth the gamble to franchise tag him this year. Once that happens the fans will come back and cheer for Jameis. BA is smart enough to say no risk it no biscuit in keeping Jameis! Jameis can get a big biscuit for some team; we need it to be our team.
December 31st, 2019 at 11:19 pm
Just saying….ya’ll…….. will be an interesting 2020 season for Bucs receivers absent Jameis tossing the football…. NO WAY, both ME13 and Chris get 1000 yds each. Bank on it…..
Yep, Jameis long ball throws greatly improved in 2019.
will be interesting next year with a new QB, for long balls. ME13 might b wishing for Jameis… next year will be interesting w a new QB.
December 31st, 2019 at 11:41 pm
Not only 30 ints but add up how many missed wide open receivers he did not see that could of been td’s. He has lost a lot of points for us this year and after 5 years he should know to look over the whole field
January 1st, 2020 at 12:19 am
ok some of yall are not that smart Palmer had 24 TDs an 22 Int an in his second season he was great MVP if he dosnt get hurt Listen Jameis aint going anywhere BA said it already he couldnt fix the ints in his 1st year like jameis threw 8 more ints an 9 more TDs then palmer guess what palmer wasnt released Jameis is your QB deal with it or go bitch on a Falcons site its really annoying
January 1st, 2020 at 1:04 am
With all due respect I am rooting for a new QB. A cheaper option. One that enables us to resign: Shaq, JPP, suh, nassib and Perriman.
IMHO, those players are better st their respective position and less of a liability/inconsistent performers.
Jameis had 30 INTs, and was picked on 4.8% of his throws. The league average for INT rate is 2.3%. More than double the picks.
7 pick sixes is a record for a season. That kills us.
After five years there’s no way in hell
Jameis is worth $30 million. I’d go $12, and if he doesn’t like it he can test the market. I don’t see him getting paid. And if he does he will continue to turn it over more than anyone.
I rooted for Winston the last five years. I can’t continue to expect we have a shot at playoffs with the inconsistent play.
January 1st, 2020 at 10:34 am
Palmer got hurt his 2nd year under Arians so that picks are reduced in the second season is total BS promoted by the Winston lovers.
Palmer only played in 6 games and was placed on IR.
Don’t believe the LIES that are perpetuated on here without moderation.
January 1st, 2020 at 11:34 am
IMO Arians and the Buccaneers have to answer a simple question. Do they think that IF Jameis could lead them to the playoffs he could win out in them to win the Super Bowl? That IS the goal is it not? Can Jameis get away with throwing ints in the playoffs against the best teams, win out?
I simply do not think so. Does Joe?
January 1st, 2020 at 3:26 pm
Great point for people to also mention JW’s fumble problems as well. 106X, JW has turned the ball over in under 5 years (if he wasn’t hurt OR suspended)! Time to move on…. give me the most vanilla guy out there, other than Eli, and Evans and Godwin will make him better. 5000 yards doesn’t even equal a winning season…. 30 INTs equals a losing one though.