Scary Words From Ali Marpet
November 8th, 2019
Sad commentary
When you read what Joe has below, keep in mind that Buccaneers officials absolutely want you to hear this.
Joe knows that because it’s on the official website for all to hear. It’s been there for days.
It was published early in the week and part of Joe hoped that maybe someone would take it down. Erase it from the archives. Delete it and pretend it never was said by a team captain. Or maybe someone at One Buc Palace would step forth to issue a correction.
But that never happened. So it’s very real, and here it is.
On Buccaneers Radio, Ali Marpet was asked whether the Bucs have played up and down this season based on the quality of their opponent. (You know, try harder for some games and not others.)
“I hope it’s not like that, but it does appear to be like that this year,” Marpet said. “I think that, ideally, you have the approach that no matter who you’re playing against, I mean, everything’s a must-win, the process has to be the same every week. And I think that we need to get to a point as a team where we’re there, and that we’re not just, you know, we’ll take this week on and this week off, this week on, this week off. I think we have to be more serious in how we prepare every week to be more consistent.”
Again, this is a team captain speaking at midseason, an intelligent fifth-year veteran getting paid a fortune. This isn’t, say, Vernon Hargreaves speaking in Week 2 of his second season.
Sad, sad times, Bucs fans. This will lead Joe to an early Happy Hour at Abe’s Place.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:06 pm
Arians has officially lost the team. These guys are tired of him publicly putting them under the bus.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:08 pm
Do a follow-up Joe? Ask him to clarify his comment? I DARE you?
What’s to follow up? Marpet is a smart guy and knows what he’s saying and seeing. He easily could have said, “Actually, I’m so proud of how this team prepares week in and week out. It’s the best I’ve seen in my years here.” But he went nowhere near that. Marpet can follow it up any time, if he’d like, with anyone in media or with team reporters. Bucs officials could ask him to clarify, if they chose to. For the record, Ira talked to Marpet this week about a lot of things. Nothing he told Ira conflicts these comments.–Joe
November 8th, 2019 at 12:16 pm
This is what happens when you blame everyone else for the QB turnovers this team is plagued with, when JW is gone then perhaps we will have a better chance of winning, JW not being voted team captain speaks volumes, the writing is on the wall !
November 8th, 2019 at 12:16 pm
But Marpet saved his scariest words for last when he said in January…”I hope they sign JL to a long extension”.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:19 pm
mediocre team admits to mediocre attitudes. anything less would be dishonest and a bit insulting to the person asking the question
November 8th, 2019 at 12:25 pm
Geez, did I fall into a time warp and end up in the Ray Perkins era? Sad and pitiful. Licht, every single scout, every single coach, and 5 to 10 players need to be gone. I should be in the f’ing looney bin for following this team for so long.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:25 pm
Hey Sharthappens…you know nothing about a coach losing a team as a matter of fact I think his quote is all about an immature team and players. If the coach had lost them team they would play more like they did for Raheem, now that is truly losing a team. This team actually cares at this point, now could that change? Absolutely but very early on your prediction of “Arians has list the team”
One way to avoid being put under the bus is just do your job…in a way Marpet put all the players under the bus and not Arians.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:28 pm
That’s the media in tampa for you, ask a general question based on their own assumption and one answer speaks for the entire team. No one is playing down to competition that’s stupid. You’re going to blame media for interpreting Marpet’s answer? Not only is he on the field, he’s a smart guy and a team captain. He’s also the union rep, which means players chose him to speak on their behalf. –Joe
You got beat down by Carolina and beat up by the giants. So were supposed to believe the only reason They lose is because a perennial losing franchise plays down to competition? That’s just the media and no one has yet to call marpet out for that horrible block that gave Geraldine his first sack of the year. What’s to call out. He got beaten 1-on-1 by a good player. It happens. Marpet is at worst an above-average guard. –Joe
Secondary, turnovers, poor blocking and bad play clock management. There you go that is the season in a nutshell, the team turns turtle in critical moments. Who are they to play down to competition that’s ridiculous
November 8th, 2019 at 12:30 pm
pick6 Says:
November 8th, 2019 at 12:19 pm
mediocre team admits to mediocre attitudes. anything less would be dishonest and a bit insulting to the person asking the question
medicore… LOL that is hilarious… bucs have not been mediocre since they beat the raiders in super bowl.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:32 pm
Not sure what to make of this Joe. Is Marpet implying that the Bucs were overconfident this year against some opposing teams? That their level of preparation varied from team to team and week to week. The same Bucs who are now 2-6 and were 5-11 last season? OVERCONFIDENT?
Here’s an idea for a follow-up. Ask Ali WHICH TEAM they felt they were so much better than this year that they could afford to be OVERCONFIDENT. The only team with a worse record than us who we’ve already played is the NY Giants (2-7). And they BEAT US. Well, correction there … WE BEAT OURSELVES. Actually, there are many possibilities for misguided overconfidence, opening day when nobody knew the Niners were that good. And then there’s the Giants, and perhaps Game 2 against the Panthers when the Bucs already had beaten them in their house, or feeling good after watching Tennessee film.–Joe
Just like against the Titans. Just like against the Seahawks. And probably against the Panthers & the 49ers. WE BEAT OURSELVES. That’s what losing teams (like the Bucs & Browns & Bengals) do.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:34 pm
ask ali why he gets man handled more than a Harvey Weinstein intern all game long that is the real question….
November 8th, 2019 at 12:35 pm
lol, this is an intelligent guy, not Vernon Hargreaves
November 8th, 2019 at 12:37 pm
You obviously don’t follow the Bucs… Jameis Winston is a team captain, along with All Marpet and Mike Evans from the offense.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:39 pm
LOL guys we should probably just stop responding to T………you know who. He literally just screeches what is essentially bait posts that everyone on this team is utterly awful but for some reason Winston gets a free pass.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:42 pm
glazer watch …. ding ding ding ….. wake up!! … wake up!! … time to rebrand and rebuild for 2020 ….HELLO! HELLO! IS ANYONE HOME!
November 8th, 2019 at 12:44 pm
I am curious about how empty the stadium will be. My tickets were worth $50 less that I paid for them this week.
The Saints game, they are worth $400 over what I paid. Might be watching that one on TV
November 8th, 2019 at 12:45 pm
I wonder, when Coach Arians got hired he stated something about how his coaches are not really required to have to stay past 5pm. And put in long extra hours of work. Is this week to week lack of preparation from players and coaches from this comment, and team lack of fear of not quite being as astute in their prospective positions and responsibilities, be they coaching, or playing? Because the coaches have their Head coaches approval of this type of work time arrangement. With that knowledge and Ali Marpet’s comments I see a few more reasons for the dismal display of football being played by the Buccaneers. Yeah I am not a NFL, NCAA, or High school football coach. But I do know as a surveyor if you do not put forth a well planned, hard working plan you usually end up with a half arse results.
We have heard about how Chucky would get to work by Five, and stay late into the night. Now we have a coaching staff that thinks they have bankers hours with approval of their boss to not have to work late into the night. Yes Coach Arians is a veteran coach as are most all of the assistant coaches we have. And They should know how to do their jobs. But with a record of Two dash Six. Maybe just maybe these veteran coaches need to be burning more of the midnight oil to correct their coaching responsibilities. If that happens we IMHO should see more positive results in the play on the field. This is not a Country Club workplace. And this plan that the coaches shouldn’t need to be staying late to improve their players skills, development, and play on the field.
Tired of the two or three season coaching changes. But if this keeps up I can see another regime change at One Buc Place.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:45 pm
Not the football mentality that made this game…and not the mentality I grew up with…my general statement not speaking to Marpet’s quote
November 8th, 2019 at 12:49 pm
Really only one word that comes to mind….
November 8th, 2019 at 12:53 pm
@mickman: don’t forget it’s 2019. We now live in the everyone gets a trophy age. These young players grew up in that same era. The same era in which the Obama preached rainbows and unicorns and allowed dictators to “cross the line in the sand”. It’s now acceptable to quit in the US. Arians (and I) live in the old skl era, but that old skl Managent won’t help him manage his team in 2019.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:57 pm
LOL shart why do you bring obama up all the time in here. Hey Joe can we make a rule that we cannot discuss politics in here cause we have people screeching about muh soft generation, muh obama boogeyman. Yes Shart sure Obama is the reason why our team is bad.
November 8th, 2019 at 12:58 pm
Something else to chew one: we also live in a country in which illegal immigrants, with felony records, get free back into society after capture… And a professional NFL player gets a four-game suspension for smoking a little weed. Does that make sense to you?
November 8th, 2019 at 1:00 pm
The fans have more passion and love for the game then the ones playing or getting paid to make decisions. I hope this giant staff can rid this team of heartless, no passion or love for the game players. The fact that Ali feels that way says it in an interview as a Captain I hold him responsible for allowing things to be like that along with every other Captain on this team. Until we bring in players that hate losing and will call out guys for loafing and goofing off we’ll never have a winning team. Where’s the Hardy Nickerson, Warren Sapp type attitude and players?
November 8th, 2019 at 1:05 pm
Joe stop with the drama
He’s being professional he is not going on a rant
Dude you need to stop with this
You think they were going to be 8-0
This is a rebuild
Hope they get better 2nd half and move forward from there
If we are 7-9 is a good season
Takes time
I agree with your Winston take though not much in Qb in the draft
Agree that 7-9 is a good season. Went there before the season. But most fans did not think 2019 would be a losing season. The polls here showed that. The coach came in and said no rebuild.–Joe
November 8th, 2019 at 1:06 pm
So now, the end is near…..
Bye, bye BA and the rest of your band of BS
Peace, out
November 8th, 2019 at 1:17 pm
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. He’s speaking to someone ( or someone’s) directly. He stopped short of calling them out by name, but I would bet all the players know who he’s talking about. Probably the same ones JPP was yelling at in the shower.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:17 pm
Stravwnite. If the offense is scoring as many points as they are regardless of the turnovers, does logic not say the defense is a bigger issue? The sell out to stop the run, but the young defensive backs cannot stop the pass. The Bucs are always on the game, you typically win games in the BFL when you score more than 28 points, just not the Bucs. Again though. How does that change with a different QB. He had a couple really bad games, a couple really good games, and a few average games. Remember when NO defense was awful? Even with Drew Breeze they had losing season when the defense was horrible. Both sides have to be at least average. This defense is horrible.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:18 pm
Just weak team mentally. The culture is not obviously changed and losing games to better draft position won’t help with the culture either. This organization really just needs to start over. There are a few guys that deserve to stay such as JPP and Cappa for example tough dudes that always give it there all.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:19 pm
Shart, oh man of wisdom [sarcasm], as the solid citizen that I imagine you think you are, what are you doing about this imaginary problem? Are you speaking to your congressmen? Helping draft legislation? Lobbying on behalf of this cause? By the way, you do know – or perhaps you don’t – that we already have safeguards for allowing entry of “illegal immigrants with felony records”. If they come into this country they’re here illegally obviously. We don’t just let them in as you imply. Or free them willy nilly. FFS. By the way your example is a classic fallacy of irrelevance. In other words, you’re missing the point by them (illegals and immigration vs. NFL drug policy (policy that was agreed to by the NFL Players Union by the way)) not having anything to do with each other.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:29 pm
@stravenite you mental miget, you might actually want to watch the bucs
Jameis is a team captain troll.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:29 pm
And some people want to instill this culture even deeper so we draft 4 picks sooner.
This is the culture. That has been the culture. This is what must die. This is BAs challenge. If he don’t see it and correct it, he will be just another Rah, Shiano, Lovie, and Koetter.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:33 pm
Bad habits will follow these players, taking off plays, zoning out in practice, giving up after the first couple int’s thrown, we need to get a new quarterback, one that can run and pass and inspire this team to keep giving a shat, not an interception machine, one that keeps his behavior under control. He can be found in the bottom of the first round perhaps even in the second round. We will not be bad enough for Joe Burrow or Tua and we don’t want Herbert. #JalenHurts2020
November 8th, 2019 at 1:34 pm
Jan remark about JL by Marpet”
What else would he say? If JL stays GM market will need a brinks truck to haul all the cash he will get from him next contract.north of 15 mil probably.Licht has given away more Glazer cash than small countries have GDP.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:54 pm
@Sharthappens Says:
I agree 1000%, players aint trying to be put on blast in a press conference if u have a issue will my play straiten me out on the practice field.
November 8th, 2019 at 1:55 pm
This is why media outlets in Tampa keep laying off people, constant negativity just makes me stop reading … Media outlets don’t suffer from a lack of readers; they suffer from a lack of advertisers. Big difference.–Joe. this used to be my go to site for Bucs football, but with all the negativity, I come here less, and look at the youtube bucs sites more. I’m going to take a break.from this site for a while. The Bucs have a 12-28 record since the start of the 2017 season and the team is not on the rise. You expect a cheerleader party here?–Joe
November 8th, 2019 at 2:04 pm
The lame Tampa Bay media is also afraid of Arians. Never a tough question, Even after a four game losing streak
Yes, Joe is terrified of Arians. Joe is shaking to the point that Joe would never writing anything negative about the head coach. Tough questions? Reality is right in front of us.–Joe
November 8th, 2019 at 2:24 pm
On a brighter note Chucky’s Richie Incognito did pretty good last night, Just saying..
November 8th, 2019 at 2:31 pm
Wow to Joe and all the posters who are worked up about this.
This is what is wrong with ALL of our media today…not just sports. People get asked questions and if they’re honest they get blistered. Where did Marpet get blistered? He answered a question to team media and it was shared because it was revealing. –Joe
Mountain out of a molehill. If you think effort issues aren’t a mountain, then Joe can’t help you there.–Joe
“I hope it’s not like that, but it does appear to be like that this year,” Marpet said. “I think that, ideally, you have the approach that no matter who you’re playing against, I mean, everything’s a must-win, the process has to be the same every week. And I think that we need to get to a point as a team where we’re there, and that we’re not just, you know, we’ll take this week on and this week off, this week on, this week off. I think we have to be more serious in how we prepare every week to be more consistent.”
Nobody has an ABSOLUTE SINGLE explanation for what has troubled this team because it’s a variety of things…injuries as always…4-3 to a 3-4 defense and adjusting…and the baby brigade at the back end of the defense. JW has played incredibly inconsistently…great one week…amateurish others.
And so Marpet like everyone is looking for reasons. I think he’s just copping to a POSSIBILITY! He says I hope it’s not that but it appears that way. Yes and appearances can be deceiving.
This sounds like a very frustrated athlete who is willing to examine ALL POSSIBLE contributors to the lack of results.
BTW….This is a Buc’s TRADITION…we have always played to the level of our competition winning games we shouldn’t and then losing games we shouldn’t. It’s Buc ball baby.
November 8th, 2019 at 2:36 pm
Yes Chucky is slowly pulling the Raiders up from the mire.
Props to Gruden again for playing the glasers and getting ownership of the Raiders…….Mark Davis is no genius but he’s probably much more dependable and trustworthy than scheme glaser
November 8th, 2019 at 2:39 pm
If our Bucs lose against the AZ Cardinals, I got Rayjay attendance going down to an all time low.
November 8th, 2019 at 2:39 pm
This whole coaching staff was unemployed when Arians took the job. I am starting to think Arians, Bowles and a few more are just padding their retirement. If they win 5 games or less the whole crew should be fired. They could probably win 5 games with Pee Wee Herman as coach.
November 8th, 2019 at 2:42 pm
@Joe … “The coach came in and said no rebuild.” Uhhh, the same BA who told us the Secondary was totally fixed? Knowing that these young defenders had remarkably little NFL experience? What could possibly go wrong.
The same one who said that “If you’re not buying into that accountability to win that trophy, you’re not going to be a Buc. I don’t care who you are.” ACCOUNTABILITY? As in receivers who catch 25% of the balls thrown to them are OK? THAT kind of accountability?
Of course my favorite came at the start of training camp when BA was asked about competition on the offensive line. His response … ““It’ll be a good competition … That’s going to be a really fun battle to watch. We’ve got capable guys and I like where all of them are at. I think we should have solid depth.” Oh for sure.
Apparently BA felt the same way about our RBs, our CBs, our Safeties. All of them got praised at one time or another as a justification for holding fast & not signing any veteran leadership.
The list just goes on and on and on. And it’s a bottomless pit of horsepuckey. I’m to the point where I just don’t believe anything that he says anymore.
November 8th, 2019 at 2:43 pm
“This is what happens when you blame everyone else for the QB turnovers this team is plagued with, when JW is gone then perhaps we will have a better chance of winning, JW not being voted team captain speaks volumes, the writing is on the wall !”
Amen! Nothing more to add.
BA = LovieS 2.0
November 8th, 2019 at 2:48 pm
I believe Jameis Winston, Mike Evans, Ali Marpet, Lavonte David, Carl Nassib and Dare Ogunbowale were all voted team captains for 2019.
Thank you for showing your ignorance on the simplest of issues.
November 8th, 2019 at 3:08 pm
Last year was NOT; this year BA was doing everything to protect the “valuable” asset we have. no one else is considering asset, so they elected him….
BA is completely done as football coach, and with that are done his abilities for ; “QB whispering”, QB evaluation……
Bucs will never have a competing team, with JW and BA in it….. and JL.
BA = LovieS 2.0
November 8th, 2019 at 3:14 pm
I like how Aikman and Buck were glowing over Ritchie Incognito. We could’ve had him for a ham sandwich. He would have solidified our RG spot and Cappa could’ve been our RT like he was supposed to be.
November 8th, 2019 at 3:58 pm
Thats not a team captian, thats a team loser. If youre a captian put your troops in their place.
This team has no leaders
November 8th, 2019 at 4:26 pm
Shart, please stop posting on this site. Just stick with you Fox News and the maniac in chief. I pray every day that this only lasts one more year, at most, but I know there are a lot of rednecks like you out there. I mean unless you pick strawberries in Plant City how are all these “illegal” aliens impacting your life? You keep getting your filtered news though that whitewashes over everything this crook does and we will all pay for it if he actually gets another four years.
November 8th, 2019 at 4:44 pm
The second youngest team in the NFL, with most of that on defense. It is what it is. There is a reason that not many players are contracted beyond this year. All planned by Arians and Light with owner approval. Who sinks and who swims. We will find out by week 17. I agree with Ali, “I hope that is not the case but I can see someone thinking that”…
November 8th, 2019 at 6:20 pm
It saddens me to hear this from Marpet because I thought BA was brought here specifically to fix this kinda of attitude which was evident during Koetter years, like when they got blown out in Arizona and newly acquired veteran safety TJ Ward called out teammates saying guys think they out here on vacation.
November 8th, 2019 at 6:24 pm
Why does anyone even care anymore?
This team is terrible from top to bottom.
I stopped caring a LONG time ago. I realized no matter how much I care it won’t make the Bucs be winners. So every week I just sit back and see how they will screw it up one way or another and laugh at all the commenters to lose their minds over it lmao.
November 8th, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Sounds like Ali put the spotlight on the defensive backfield…not working hard enough, taking practices and study sessions too lightly. And, why not, they are getting paid ALOT win or lose. Why try to perfect your skills? They have more money now than they’ve ever had. Does winning really matter that much? Not when you just bought a huge house. This is exactly why the DBs are so pathetic. Instead of using this season to learn, they are typical lazy millennials…entitled and undisciplined. Compare any of this bunch to Ronde Barber…had a rough start but he worked his butt off to get better. Anybody see that in any of these DBs?
November 8th, 2019 at 7:25 pm
He would know, he’s obviously on the team AND he’s a captain
November 8th, 2019 at 7:47 pm
@richbucsfan … “Sounds like Ali put the spotlight on the defensive backfield…not working hard enough, taking practices and study sessions too lightly. And, why not, they are getting paid ALOT win or lose.”
Did you even read what Marpet said? NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT THE DEFENSIVE BACKFIELD. Stop building your own agenda into things. Unless you’re a very rare cat, it takes several years to perfect cornerback skills, Jamel Dean’s been hurt, Mike Edwards has been hurt, Carlton Davis is now hurt, Ryan Smith has been suspended. Hard to build Cornerback or Safety skills when that happens. And as far as ‘getting paid ALOT’ goes, you obviously have no idea what our Secondary is making. Take out VHIII (please) and the REST OF THE SECONDARY is making a grand total of $8.9 mil this year. That’s NINE PLAYERS making $8.9 total … $1 mil apiece average. Donovan, Ali, Ryan Jensen EACH make more than those NINE Secondary players. Yup, they sure are getting paid ALOT like you said.
Those very young defenders are busting their butts to improve, and with virtually ZERO Field Leadership to help them. You willing to say the same thing about those 3 players I mentioned who EACH make more than our entire Secondary?
November 8th, 2019 at 8:03 pm
Only a million each. SMH. Perhaps it’s lack of intellect, then. They are embarrassingly bad. Not showing a scintilla of growth. Not a heartbeat of life in them for the positions they are playing. For those that were/are injured did they use their time to do film study? Who knows. One would think if they did they could transfer it to the field. Did Ali target the DBs? He would be a fool to do so. It is easy for a reader to cconjecture. I unapologetically did that as this unit is the absolute worst on the team. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
November 8th, 2019 at 9:25 pm
Joe, I think you are reading too much into that quote. It seems to me Marpet went on a tangent, but his thesis is that it is not like that but it just happens to seem like that.
I don’t think there really is such a thing as playing up or down to the “level of competition”–this is the NFL, not college football. Outside of about 4-5 teams, any team is capable of beating any other team in this league.
This is a league where there is very little margin for error, and the fact is, while we have a very dynamic QB, he is also extremely error-prone. 2-3 games were directly thrown away by Mr. Winston and one was thrown away by the kicker (ironically, after aforementioned Mr. Winston brought the team back from certain doom).
November 9th, 2019 at 12:21 am
This just goes to show that there is still a real lack of true leadership in the locker room. Losing just isn’t acceptable, 99, 55 or 47 would never allow a team to accept losing.
November 9th, 2019 at 10:47 am
If anyone is still on this thread, go back and read Touchdown. He is right on target. The only dumpster fire worse than the Bucs is the sad state of our Presidency. The Crook-in-Chief has this democracy at extreme risk.
Comments like this would get me jailed if it was up to Him (and maybe Shart, too).
November 9th, 2019 at 11:01 am
To each his own Oregon. He’s the best president we’ve had in decades. BTW, what did we know about the Manchuria president, his predecessor? Everything about him was blocked. Also, of what crimes has our president been convicted? None, so take your liberal ideology with you.
November 9th, 2019 at 11:33 am
He is probably talking about some of the younger players. This is the 2nd youngest team in the league. What’s so surprising?
November 9th, 2019 at 12:18 pm
“He is probably talking about some of the younger players. This is the 2nd youngest team in the league. What’s so surprising?”
Yep…. and they will grow old even worst……
BA = LovieS 2.0
November 9th, 2019 at 2:52 pm
Liberalism is a disease.
November 9th, 2019 at 5:47 pm
There is a huge difference between liberalism and opposing an incompetent narcissist who is trampling all over the constitution. I am as centrist as they come, but I do oppose this con artist!
November 9th, 2019 at 8:48 pm
TDTB, you sound ferocious with your nebulous psychobabble. Just parroting the liberal company line. No specifics for there are none. Just talk and accuse of something but there is nothing. Keep in mind that 17 minutes after the inauguration the Washington Post stated that the effort to impeach had begun. Impeachment has to be for crime, not personality. There are no “high crimes and misdemeanors” so get off it. You and your liberal ilk can’t get over losing. Hey, you seem to indicate you’re from Tampa, you’ve got lots of practice getting used to losing if you follow the Bucs.