Mysterious Future
November 1st, 2019
Bucs’ future tied together?
Seven games into the 2019 season, the Bucs are still a mystery team.
Oh sure, the Bucs are not a good team. Elements are good — run defense springs to mind and two outstanding receivers, but as Bill Parcells famously said, “You are what your record says you are.”
And at 2-5, that record says the Bucs are bad.
Quarterback is still a mystery. When the Bucs take the field in Seattle on Sunday, nobody knows which Jameis will show up.
Will it be the America’s Quarterback, who for a three-week period earlier this season, played better than perhaps any NFL quarterback? Or is it the Jameis that hands over the football like a priest does communion?
And is Bucco Bruce Arians’ future with the team tied to Jameis? The creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, seems to think so.
In the days after the Bucs lost to the Titans in Nashville, Arians seemed to hint that even he doesn’t know if he will return as Bucs coach in 2020, or that he may be having buyer’s remorse.
Couple these comments with Jameis’ still uncertain future in Tampa Bay and it raised questions for Florio.
While it’s still possible for the Bucs to turn things around, what if they don’t? Would Arians return for a second year? Would he want a new quarterback if he did? Or would he insist on another year with Winston?
The problem with Winston is that, after five years of football, he’s essentially reached his ceiling. While they may lead to winning streaks and playoff runs and other statistical oddities if he plays another 10 years, Winston likely won’t make a dramatic leap in Year Six or beyond. If Arians believes that Winston is as good as he’s ever going to be, Arians’ decision to stay could be tied to a decision to let him find another quarterback to lead the offense.
All of this is unknown and still as unclear as it was when Arians took the in January.
Sure, Arians is in his first year. That’s no excuse because lots of teams with first-year coaches turn things around immediately. Arians did so himself when he took over the Cardinals. But of course, Arians should be granted a honeymoon of sorts.
Joe does think it is fair to say that no one, not Arians, not Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, nor the fans and most importantly, Team Glazer, is content with how the Arians Regime has begun.
And while we may be focusing on the immediate future of Arians and what he may want, the most important question (and one we won’t have an answer to until likely January) is what does Team Glazer want?
November 1st, 2019 at 8:05 am
He’ll be one of the highest Free Agent QB signings in 2020.
……..just watch, some team will take another chance on him thinking they can fix Jameis
BUT nonone can fix him…….he’s really a 2nd stringer QB…career backup like Nick Foles who’ll get lucky with a large short Free Agent contract.
November 1st, 2019 at 8:07 am
oh and BTW
Jameis needs to be accountable for Jameis
……it’s not everyone’s fault he’s f-ing up! BA has lost his mind and 5 years has proven it.
November 1st, 2019 at 8:08 am
Beg to differ Joe. The Glazers are quite content with the state of the Bucs. The cash keeps rolling in and THAT is all they care about!
November 1st, 2019 at 8:14 am
“The Glazers think that Gump has done a great job by giving him 5 more years
The Glazers do not eat 4 years of HC contracts
2023 is the earliest we will have a HC/GM change
4-12 this year…
I just don’t know where the extra 2 wins will come from”
Son of Kobe Faker
November 1st, 2019 at 8:20 am
There was no need for Arians to tie himself to Jameis with the Glazers……his resume alone was enough.
Arians likely said “If Jameis can be fixed, I’ll fix him. If he can’t I’ll find you a new QB”
The Glazers have only one option (in their minds) Stick with Arians…..go with what he recommends.
The 5 year extension for Licht is puzzling……why not 3 years?….I can only expect that was part of the deal to sign Arians…..
November 1st, 2019 at 8:39 am
Maybe the Glazers have an out clause in Gump’s contract that they can exercise once they realize that he is so in love with Jameis (potentially dangerous obsession) that he wrote a stilted novel memorializing him, and has been spending 12 hours a day LARPing online defending the honor of his love interest instead of using that time to evaluate talent and actually do his job.
November 1st, 2019 at 8:39 am
I listened to an interview with KJ Wright (Seattle LB). He stated that teams are daring JW to throw the ball knowing that the mistakes will come. Stuff the run and make him throw it. He will get his stats but the turnovers result in short fields for the opposing teams offense. Sounds like a pretty full proof plan for opposing teams. I hope they knock him out of the game and Ryan Griffin leads us to victory.
November 1st, 2019 at 8:42 am
When you have a GM who drafts a Justin Evans over a Dalvin Cook you’re in trouble. Doesn’t matter who coaches garbage players, they’re still garbage. Licht has blown more high second round picks then any GM who’s ever lived. The guy is a clueless dolt who should be a low grade staffer for a real GM, or better yet, a dock worker at Lowes. Worse then the loser Licht is the clueless Glazer brats that not only hired the idiot, but gave him a new contract being the worst GM in the league. We’re doomed to be bottom feeders until the owners get lucky by hiring someone who actually knows what he’s doing to run this franchise. After Dom, Licht, Raheem, Schiano, Lovie, and now old man with the funny hat who drives around the field in a golf cart what are the chances of that?
November 1st, 2019 at 8:45 am
Great video! I am a Jameis supporter again!
November 1st, 2019 at 8:45 am
Substitute “bad” for mysterious and read
November 1st, 2019 at 8:49 am
you people needed to be reminded every day that this franchise was a complete and total embarrassment before jameis and will be long after he is successful elsewhere…. no one can win in Tampa!!!! outside of the fluke championship year from he one year wonders this team has NEVER competed consistently… NEVER!!!!! you can’t rewrite history ladies so you feel better about this minor league franchise…
November 1st, 2019 at 8:51 am
you are who your record say you ARE!!!
time to clean house 5 year of jw was enough …… time for LICKED to go as well …. leftwich doesnt have a clue……
November 1st, 2019 at 8:53 am
That info via KJ is what ALL teams are now doing! And that game plan will work for most all opponents!! Hence our record with JayMiss as our starting QB!! Not Rocket Science!! With Fitzpatrick QBing that game plan was not used and we actually won games!! Until we change our QB our record will not exceed 5-11!!!
November 1st, 2019 at 8:56 am
Ive been the biggest backer of Jameis since FSU…. But this week Ive come to realize… He just is what he is. Hes the same QB he was in college… He threw 28 picks in 2 seasons at FSU… And he hasnt slowed down since then.
I just kept thinking, he is so talented, hes only 25, hes going to turn it around and turn out massive years…
But, here we are, half way through 2019… Jameis is still the same Jameis… The Bucs are still the same bucs…
How much more do we really need to see?
November 1st, 2019 at 8:56 am
813bucboi Says:
October 26th, 2019 at 2:22 pm
JW and RT combine for 7 TO’s….
GO BUCS!!!!!
so last week i was a little off on the amount of TO’s….bucs had 4…titans shouldve had 2 but only ended up with 1…..
sadly this week, i see another 4 TO performance by the offense….JW will throw 3 INTs and fumble once….
GO BUCS!!!!!
November 1st, 2019 at 9:06 am
It doesn’t matter if Jameis throws for 500 yards and 5 TD’s Sunday. Until he can prove he is no longer the turnover machine, he can’t be trusted to a 100 million dollar contract. I believe he would need at least 7 games of the next 9 games as good Jameis. Won’t happen. Why? Because even if he’s playing good, he still thinks he’s invincible and will make stupid decisions that a seasoned QB would not make. You can’t fix stupid and you can’t coach stubborn.
November 1st, 2019 at 9:10 am
If they don’t sign Winston to a new contracr BA will retire again.
November 1st, 2019 at 9:11 am
Take jameis off roster and this franchise still collects basement title after basement title….. so who is going to be the scapegoat next????? It’s not like getting rid of Jameis will fix all the rest of the issues from ownership to janitors….bucs organization is the worst ran sports franchise on earth. Bucs have went from one year wonder laughingstocks to 100% irrelevant since sapp left…
November 1st, 2019 at 9:16 am
BA will go out on medical leave and still get paid. Todd Bowles will be our coach next year. Mark my words
November 1st, 2019 at 9:29 am
I have been saying that for months…. no player or coach can fix this minor league franchise
November 1st, 2019 at 9:30 am
Arians is realizing that Winston is nothing more than a career backup.
Licht hired Arians for one reason and one reason only, and that was to try to turn Winston into something and cover his huge mistake of squandering the first pick of the draft on him and save his job.
November 1st, 2019 at 9:40 am
I’ve got give TMax credit . He never waivers from being the pessimistic troll that he is . (At least here on JBF)
November 1st, 2019 at 9:43 am
A bad game against Seattle and I think the door shuts on Winston. Look for a guy like Dalton or Foles as a bridge while we try to draft another QB. They will come at a discount relative to a franchise tag, provide a new dynamic to the locker room and on the field. Arians can operate successfully with an efficient game manager, he’s stated this several times, he doesn’t need “superman”. Winston is wired to believe he’s an all time great, its who he is but unfortunately its too inconsistent to ever execute a game plan effectively for the play caller. I do think there’s a solid foundation to work with. Draft a top tier linemen, maybe sign another. We need ONE solid CB added to the secondary and possibly an every down back, this team can compete… long as the QB doesn’t give the ball away 2x per game.
November 1st, 2019 at 9:50 am
Hodad Says:
November 1st, 2019 at 8:42 am
When you have a GM who drafts a Justin Evans over a Dalvin Cook you’re in trouble
I’m all for bashing Licht….but let’s be accurate….Cook went 41st in that draft….Justiin Evans went 50th….
November 1st, 2019 at 9:51 am
Take JW off the roster and we have 25-30million per year to help build the rest of the team.
We can find any 4th or 5th rounder to accomplish what the great JW has.
November 1st, 2019 at 10:02 am
Arians just backed the wrong QB… If he has a chance to pick his own, his resume suggests he can turn this around… Be stubborn and stick with Jameis, every year will mirror the one before it.
Give Arians Nick Foles or Philip Rivers and I believe he succeeds…
JW is just not starter quality… 61 games and still the same!
November 1st, 2019 at 10:24 am
SmoothBayRider Says:
November 1st, 2019 at 9:40 am
I’ve got give TMax credit . He never waivers from being the pessimistic troll that he is . (At least here on JBF)
When the on field results change ill go back to my happy go lucky self until then the glazers have made me an angry realist…..
November 1st, 2019 at 10:29 am
Foles, Rivers, Eli, SF QB’s #2 & #3 and Tannehill are all much better than WinSTUNNED. There are many options at QB. Don’t ever spread the “fake news” that we have no replacement. LOTS of options for a veteran to be added and most certainly add one or two in the draft.
November 1st, 2019 at 10:30 am
I think Bucs can win every game if Jameis doesn’t make turnovers.
He’s that good, but he can be very bad – and the inconsistent play is what’s causing the losing
November 1st, 2019 at 10:52 am
tmaxcon Says:
“… my happy go lucky self…”
November 1st, 2019 at 11:16 am
Arians always either worked with rookies or guys who had success elsewhere (Palmer). He never had a project like Jameis.
Its true. Winston has reached his ceiling.
November 1st, 2019 at 11:28 am
Glaziers will never replace Jameis in the middle of the season—or are they anxious to replace Licht.
Jameis has to go–He will never be a winning quarterback here.
BA seems to be loyal to his coaches and will not make changes to the chain of command.IT MAY BE HIS DOWNFALL.
November 1st, 2019 at 12:24 pm
I think that not signing Winsnone that will more than off set what BA & Licht make. In that case they can get rid of all three. They do not need to draft a QB in the first or even second rd in 2020. Wait till at least the third. The 1st & 2nd rds should be for OL. RG should at some point this year to see what he can do once and for all.
November 1st, 2019 at 12:37 pm
you are who your record says you ARE!!!
time to clean house 5 years of jw was enough …… time for LICKED to go as well …. leftwich doesnt have a clue……
November 1st, 2019 at 12:40 pm
dalvin cook was the 41st pick and justin evans 50th pick.
November 1st, 2019 at 1:24 pm
So what do we make of Arians saying that at least half of these INTs if not more, have been the fault of the WR/RB running an incorrect route?
Is it just coach speak to cover for Jameis? And if not, WTF are the WR coaches and offensive coordinator teaching these guys?
How can we have this many different players running incorrect routes halfway to the season? Is the scheme too difficult? Most of the route concepts look pretty standard to this arm chair observer…
November 1st, 2019 at 1:39 pm
Arians fooled us fans into thinking we were getting the two time coach of the year when we are getting the semi retired, golf cart ridin, Byron Leftwich pimpin, Jameis protecting, back to back timeout callin, 401k passing, awful in game management version of Arians who refuses to call plays and coach the QB
Hopefully after 4 or 5 wins he retires again
November 1st, 2019 at 1:43 pm quarterback rankings just came out earlier today. Our beloved minion quarterback comes in ranked at number 25 just behind Kyle ‘Alan Matt Moore Daniel Jones Josh Alan Baker Mayfield Ryan Tannehill Kyler Murray and Jared Goff. And just ahead of Sam Darnold. Pretty Pretty sad.
November 1st, 2019 at 2:32 pm
@Sharthappens….and, he couldn’t carry Darnold’s jockstrap, so it’s worse. I would say a high ranking for someone with his credentials. What has he done? Thrown for a bunch of yards to a stellar receiving core – big deal. Wins and Losses count most, turnovers 2nd.
November 1st, 2019 at 3:19 pm
Arians definitely needs to be calling plays now to train Leftwich. More importantly his voice in Jameis helmet can help him relax and stay focused like Jameis was in beating the Rams and score 54 points. If he does that again this week he can beat Seattle and get back on track, regardless of how bad our Defense is.
Jameis is a very emotional QB and when he commits a turnover he gets so upset he can’t focus and he tries to go into his Superman role which only results in more turnovers as we have seen three times now this season. The Rams game shows exactly how super Jameis can play when he stays focused and calm the entire game. We need that Jameis the rest of this year and we can still make the playoffs but it will take BA in his helmet each game to make that happen!
November 1st, 2019 at 5:08 pm
Loyaltothe head
LMAO. That was great
November 1st, 2019 at 6:47 pm
The says::,
Until they fix the online so they don’t have to use tight ends and RB to block ,it doesn’t matter who you put in there .It won’t work!! Also,putting an older immobile QBs back there is a real recipe for disaster!
Draft for the lines then CBS AGAIN go from there.It will be there years or so before the Bucs are competitive again.
November 1st, 2019 at 9:52 pm
Below is a quote from a knowledgeable Seattle fan named Dr. Zag that was published by another Buc’s site I also post on: Lol every year it never fails
We have only 1 starter on our O line healthy. New center, 2 new guards, new tight end and not Sure if Brown will play (LT) :joy:
Posted by Dr. Zag on Oct 31, 2019 | 9:34 PM reply
Dr. Zag also posted that their present Center gets blown up too much. He is just hoping their running game will go good so they can set up play action and Legget and their other fast WR can get open deep and their QB can hit them.
Obviously with their new Center facing Vea their Center will be flat on his back a lot and their QB will be trying to run away to either side which will put him right into JPP and Barret and their running game will not do well against us. If we jam their two fastest WRs by playing man to man and White spies their QB to stop his runs Tmax is going to be very upset along with all the rest of our haters. Go Bucs!!!