Bad Owners Or Bad Luck?
November 23rd, 2019
Team Glazer in the spotlight
The Bucs’ 12-season playoff drought has a common denominator, and it’s not Demar Dotson.
It’s Team Glazer.
So does Team Glazer flat out stink as football owners? Joe’s not talking about weird uniforms, odd slogans or treating Bucs faithful to a home-game experience that includes legions of loud enemy fans and the home team on a silent count.
No, Joe’s talking football. Is Team Glazer inept at NFL team building or just unlucky?
Tampa Bay Times sports columnist John Romano typed a column yesterday that blamed ownership for the Bucs’ ugly football streak.
The Bucs do not seem to operate with an organizational philosophy as much as an annual reassessment. You draft Jameis Winston and you desperately want that to work. So you overspend on weapons and an offensive line. But that leads to neglect on defense. So now you sign free agents and devote entire draft classes to the defense.
And, oh by the way, Winston is not progressing the way you’d expected. And attendance is falling. So now you start worrying about making moves that might appease the fan base. And the front office worries about justifying previous decisions.
Every team tweaks. Every team tinkers. It’s the way the NFL is designed. Careers are too brief and annual turnover is inevitable.
The problem here seems to be a lack of leadership at the very top. Not just in the general manager’s office, but from above.
Of course, ownership is tough to judge and easy to judge at the same time.
The Bucs lose regularly, are a horrible home team and somehow managed to have salary cap issues coming off back-to-back 5-11 seasons. Yep, the owners are football-awful compared their NFL peers.
But on the flip side, Team Glazer has opened its vault and spent a truckload of cash for eight consecutive seasons, on and off the field. So in many ways they’re just unlucky.
Would the Bucs be better off if they had drafted Marcus Mariota? Joe highly doubts that, but Team Glazer was in charge when Lovie Smith told them he planned to sign career loser Josh McCown to be their starting QB in 2014. That never should have been allowed to happen to innocent Bucs fans, and Joe confidently can say good football owners never would have let that happen.
If one wants to make a case for calling Team Glazer the problem, Joe would start in 2011. There was no intelligent reason why the Bucs spent roughly $30 million in payroll less than each of their NFC South counterparts that season. The Bucs came off a 10-6 season in 2010 with loads of young talent (including their head coach) and essentially decided the best way to upgrade and win was to sign a punter in free agency.
A punter.
Obviously, Team Glazer hires the general managers, and Mark Dominik and Jason Licht were failed choices, though it’s unclear how handicapped Dominik may have been by ownership-guided spending decisions (see 2009 and 2011). And who knows who really decided that Michael Bennett should leave Tampa in his prime.
Fast forward to the present and Team Glazer is on the cusp of more big decisions — at quarterback and potentially at head coach and/or defensive coordinator.
Joe’s not running Bucco Bruce Arians out of town, but Team Glazer should think long and hard about everything if the Bucs finish 5-11 again. At that point, Arians no longer would be the same coach they hired, and Licht wouldn’t be the same GM they gave a contract extension.
A handful of loud fans think Team Glazer doesn’t care. And Joe finds that to be ridiculous, in part because of time Joe has spent with Team Glazer, in addition to all the evidence that runs contrary to that.
In fact, Joe thinks Team Glazer’s passion for winning ultimately will lead the Bucs in the right direction, but the Bucs are going to need some luck (this team has a lot of rotten luck) and better leadership talent.
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November 23rd, 2019 at 7:38 am
They are REALLY bad owners. The Glazers kids have ruined 2 franchises on 2 continents….. Man U and the Bucs. I don’t respect the way their daddy got his wealth but one can definitely NOT say he wasn’t smart and he DEFINITELY knew how to build a winner. The kids don’t.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:39 am
I think it starts with the glazers, idk what their knowledge of football is but they’ve been around a while and around some great coaches and GM’s , we’ve just had terrible front offices ever since McKay left in ‘03 , so we do need a great front office/ coach combo like the colts do, look at them for example Joe, they’ve built in the trenches and know how to identify secondary players , really envy and enjoy watching that team post Andrew luck because they have scrappers playing, we do not we are 5% of that young team it’s atrocious
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:42 am
The secret extension of Licht’s contract and having Leftwich call the plays after hiring BA is all you need to know about the entitled Glazer children. Any rational owner would have never agreed to either scam. They’ve shown that they are absolutely clueless in running a franchise and have no fan appreciation. They’re ruining Manchester United as well.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:44 am
Bad luck? Bad owners? How about a little of both?
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:47 am
Man U fans are not fans of the Glazer kids…
Buc fans should not be fans of the Glazer kids either…
No such thing as bad luck.
There is failure and success.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:50 am
You create your own luck. The owners lack of what makes a good football team is showing stronger than ever. When BA said no rebuild reload they should have told him to take a hike. This team has a lot of issues and each year of inept leadership the issues keep piling up. The nfl is heading in the direction of younger coaches with new ideas. This team needs a younger coach who can relate to the players. As time goes by you will see the older coaches retiring or getting fired. Thats just the way it is.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:50 am
BA better stay because I promise you the way the Glazers will operate wont be appealing. They may fire BA…..but they’ll go into a “rebuild” the way we did with Gruden and promote either Leftwich or Bowles as HC…..draft a QB….and unload the high priced vets.
The Glazers are cheap evidenced by the second youngest roster…..most folks dont understand the business dynamics behind the scenes that having a young roster impacts. Players with 3 or less credited seasons under their belt dont get their HSA’s funded….annuity funded….and pension funded. When you consider 52 players on a roster…..all that money adds up. We have 4 siblings with their hands in the Buc cookie jar, this is far different when it was just the father who had made his fortune and simply wanted to finish with a super bowl at all costs. The kids aren’t like that, they are trying to build their fortunes….cash flow is king…..winning is secondary. This strategy is highly reliant on outstanding drafts…..which we dont ever seem to have. If BA leaves, understand the Glazers are NOT spending more on a new staff. Not happening.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:53 am
It’s time for the Glazers to stop being nice guys that stay away from decisions and wait to evaluate at the end of each season.Please start making some moves now or risk losing many more of your loyal fans.Perhaps an empty stadium with piped in fan sounds or more to your liking.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:53 am
A fish stinks from the head…..
They have made some poor decisions, in particular with their two GMs, Dominick & Licht…..
The Glazers don’t make the draft picks…..they don’t select the FAs…..
Tampa’s drafts have not produced winning teams……there were some bad coaching hires…..but many of them, including Arians, and to some degree Lovie Smith were lauded as great decisions….until they lost.
IMO, they need to stick with Arians…..but not necessarily with Jameis… simply can’t fire coaches every year…..Licht is another matter……I can only hope that Arians & Bowles are running the show.
It is far too early to judge this year’s draft class……it is showing some signs of development……we will see.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:54 am
They are bad owners, because they handed talk show dominik the keys to the franchise in 2009 to rebuild!!!!!!
They also handed the keys to incompetent loser lovie for a mini-reload in 2014!!!!!!!!
Every other year they have operated like they are only one piece away, while the whole roster has been less talented than average NFL teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main problem, is that the owners, local media and sheep have greatly overestimated the talent to even to today!!!!!!!! Since 2010 the “real” fans have had to endure all of the ” this team has a lot of talent” while knowing the truth!!!!!!!!!!!! This forced view of talent and then building around the wrong players!!!!!!!!!!
The Glazers care, they just fall for anyone that will pitch that there is something here that just needs a little patch work and that they will quickly become competitive!!!!!!!!!! If anyone that interviews and tells the glazers the TRUTH that it needs a full rebuild and 2-3 offseasons to make the team competitive with the better nfl teams, then they will receive no consideration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is how they only interviewed and hired a coaching staff dedicated to fixing licht weights errors and only are here to fix jay-miss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but the sheep were already told that by the “real” fans over a year and a half ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:00 am
As a Buc fan, poor ownership immediately brings back memories of Culverhouse. In this case, the Glazers spend which is what most fans want. However, the secondary component to good ownership is identifying the right football people to spend that money. This is where they’ve failed miserably.
Terrible GM and coaching hires have doomed this franchise. Letting Licht con them into hiring his buddy Arians thereby protecting his job was an enormous miscalculation that will be very expensive to undo.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:05 am
Some call them bad owners… I call them horrible owners!
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:20 am
All the want to in the world won’t make them good at running a football team. Fact is these kids have never built anything, their old man did. They have failed as NFL owners because they don’t know anything about football or how to build a business or anything else. They have also failed as soccer club owners. Manchester United is basically the “New York Yankees” of English soccer and they have run that once proud club into the ground. The kids need to do what they do best, spend Daddy’s money, and hire compitent people to run their sports teams.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:20 am
WOW!!! That’s probably the most significant piece that John Romano … and you Joe … have ever written. Taking on ownership head-on takes guts when they’re the only game in town (in football at least).
Please keep it real. It takes ZERO guts to write about the Buccaneers. Oooh, Joe wrote about ownership. C’mon, man. And Joe didn’t “take anyone on.” Team Glazer knows what its record is.–Joe
Romano’s analysis is dead on when he concludes that the biggest problem “seems to be a lack of leadership at the very top”. Bravo John!
And kudos to you also Joe for concluding that “the owners are awful compared their NFL peers”. Certainly LUCK plays a part in everything in life … good things AND bad things. I remember a professor of mine asking us to write a paper on our philosophy of life. His guidance: MAXIMUM of 10 words (try it sometime, it’s REALLY hard). My philosophy? Only 5 words: “Life happens … deal with it”.
Same thing with Team Glazer iMO. Carl Nix getting MRSA sucked … Deal with it. Cadillac Williams blowing out his knee really stunk … Deal with it. Kendell Beckwith’s accident, Justin Evans toe, the list goes on & on and it really sucks for the team, BUT … Deal with it. Bad luck has nothing to do with making bad decisions. And THAT’S pretty much what Team Glazer has done in ‘dealing with bad stuff’.
I was excited when we hired Bruce Arians because of his PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS and because of the coaching staff that he brought with him. I’m much less enamored now that I’ve seen him in action so to speak. Bucs have a LOT of quality young talent, but it’s not ‘uniform’ (balanced?) through all position groups & thus we’re paying a price for the way this team was constructed. Especially since certain position groups are VERY young & inexperienced, and some are weak in LEADERSHIP. We seem new & magical ways to lose each season.
Like you Joe, I also believe that Team Glazer is committed to winning. I’ve never been a big fan of LEADERSHIP BY COMMITTEE though (the old saying “a camel is a horse built by a committee” is valid IMO). But ‘we are where we are’ and they need to FIX IT. That’s on them.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:28 am
Time for a little sleuthing to help our owners see the truth.As Sherlock Holmes would say,”its all elementary Watson.
Exhibit a–the golf cart.Perhaps BA is in failing or sub par health and really needs the cart.
Exhibit b—-the large coaching staff.Perhaps BA knew early on that he needed all the extra help to fix this mess.
Exhibit three.the continued shuffling of players .perhaps BA is tanking and moving on from Jameis.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:28 am
I accidentally ran into Joel Glazer in a downtown Tampa building once.
Lovie Smith was still the coach back then, and I sarcastically said to Joel Glazer that Lovie was doing a great job. He just rolled his eyes.
I could tell he wants to put a winner here in Tampa.
Thir problem IMHO is hiring unproven General Managers, like Mark Dominick, and Jason Licht.
If we clean house after this season, we need to bring in a proven team builder, as a GM.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:42 am
They dont get accomplished GMs because accomplished GMs know to field a consistent winner you need depth which equates to experience and experienced players cost more both salary and benefits. They get young GMs who want their shot and basically have to accept whatever terms they get dealt. Being a small market team doesn’t help the cause either but doesn’t make it impossible. The Glazer dad showed us that….its a committment to winning that exceeds profitability/greed. The kids are in this to make money, not win championships. Unless we catch lightning in a bottle in the draft and in coaching, dont expect much to change. I know they thought they found that with Jameis….hoping at a minimum he turned into a Philip Rivers type QB, someone that could carry a team and build around but not necessarily elite….That hasn’t happened and now the entire thing is facing a total rebuild unless they find a guy in the draft they really like.
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:55 am
Their problem IMHO is hiring unproven General Managers, like Mark Dominick, and I would add Bruce Allen/Gruden to that list.
It’s almost as if are only willing to hire gm’s that will do their bidding which makes it seem the dumb decisions this team makes are theirs. Case in point they will probably resign Winston to a extension not because he is good but because they never signed a qb to a second contract before. That’s an ownership type decision. Like not wanting to give raheem the coaches he wanted because some were groin the lions 0-16 team but look at the horrible defensive coordinators they went out and got when raheem was hired, oc was fired before the season started and DC fired midseason. Note this is all on the glazers
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:02 am
Defense Rules Says:
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:20 am
I was excited when we hired Bruce Arians because of his PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS and because of the coaching staff that he brought with him.
Past Accomplishments? Arians had one playoff win in his time in Arizona. One. And left the Cardinals heading in the wrong direction and they essentially have had to rebuild their team. He was a winning head coach but what has he really accomplished when it matters?
Excited about the coaching staff he brought in? Todd Bowles and Byron Leftwiche?
The fans in New York were excited to see Bowles leave his defenses and teams were so dominant.
And I’m guessing Leftwiche was so desired on the open market that the Buc’s had to outbid multiple teams for his services (this is sarcasm).
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:07 am
5-11 is very wishful thinking. I think 3-13 is closer to reality. The Falcons will have a 3 touchdown lead by the end of the first quarter. Julio will likely have 250 yards. And again, America’s laughing stock will throw 4 picks, two for TDs.
Falcons 52 Bucs 24.
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:13 am
These owners have kept one of the the worst GMs in professional sports around for 6+ years .
They are not football people and that’s the problem. Do they even have an office at OneBuc Place? Great owners like Jerry Jones and Robert Kraft are always in the facilities with the team. The only time I see the Glazers is at week 17 when we have to fire the coach.
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:22 am
They should do all of the fans a favor and sell the team.
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:30 am
Glazers had a very strong willed, very savy father who was a self made man. He created the wealth that bought the team and his passing left a giant void in the family businesses.
His children have been putting up with mediocrity for a decade. There are so many issues with the organization that everyone who posts and the Joes have been writing about for years.
In the corporate world CEO’s produce earnings to keep their positions and to add value to the shareholders. Buc fans are like shareholders, if the team is competitive they buy tickets, jerseys, club seats, all adding value to the club.
The NFL is designed with its salary cap and draft system to allow teams that dip to rebound in a few seasons. The Bucs have found a way to underperform the trend of teams moving up and down in wins over a long time frame.
Ownership is important because they are the ones building an organization. If Malcolm Glazer has stayed healthy his decision making would have been completely different than the children’s. They have made many poor choices on GM’s since McKay and Gruden has their falling out.
Without a talent evaluator to pick good young players and a smart GM to manage the salary cap you get what you deserve, a badly run company.
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:33 am
Because of the ridiculous amount of money NFL football owners make each year mostly from TV/cable contracts
The need for Stadium revenue and merchandizing profits is not a must
Fan financial support is irrelevant
Glazer Boyband would like to win and it might be fun but
Surely not a must
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:43 am
BA quarterback whisperer or franchise destroyer?
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:50 am
The Glazers seem to be fine team owners. They hire their football guy (Jason Licht, Mark Dominic, Bruce Allen), open their check book and let them do their jobs. Problem is their choice of the football guys haven’t been very good. Also prior to Arians they have normally hired coaches and let them pick the football guy (GM) which is not how it should work but I’m hoping they’ve learned from that and moving forward will find a football guy (GM) that knows what he’s doing and can bring in a coach on the same page as he is and build things up from there.
I see the current issues more on Licht than the Glazers he seems to be less than average to bad at drafting but his primary tool of building the team is thru the draft. He rarely makes any savvy trades to utilize that tool and last year they were in such cap hell they couldn’t afford to do anything in free agency.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:09 am
Malcolm was a winner.
When he had his stroke and his sons took over, it’s been fiasco city, and not just in Tampa. Look at Manchester. They stink as owners there, too.
What the must do but won’t, is hire a President and CEO of football operations and delegate everything — EVERYTHING — to that person. That or sell the team to Eddie DeBartolo. But definitely one of the two.
But they won’t.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:09 am
Mistake #1. Firing Gruden
Mistake # 2 Mark Dominic
Mistake #3 Trading draft picks and / or trading/releasing several defensive players – Talib, Foster, Barron, Clayborne, McDougald….
Mistake#4 Several poor draft and free agent decisions
Add in Jameis being a turnover machine and you have a losing franchise
However, there is talent on this team- need young secondary to live up to draft potential, draft trench talent and fix QB turnover problem- either Jameis lightbulb comes on (doubtful) or get a new QB
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:11 am
They’ve just had bad luck they spend to the cap they clearly want to win it’s only good business. But they are TERRIBLE at hiring the right people.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:18 am
The Glazers need to find a solid football mind and make them the CEO of the club. Someone who can make the decisions for the franchise. Look at the head coaches we have had since Gruden. What an embarrassing mess. Koetter was the best one and he has screwed by his garbage GM. Entire drafts totally wasted. Free agent signings that do nothing but drain funds from our salary cap. MO-RONS…
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:22 am
Sell the team to Eddie Dabartolo
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:25 am
This article started off with the 12 years of not being in the play-offs or even in the hunt! …yet you only mentioned coach lovie in this article…lovie did his bid here and failed but it sure as hell was not 12 years!! Bad coaching has been the biggest problem over the last 12 years! Ra Ra Raheem …Toes on the line Shiano…Kluless Kurt K…and now everyone thinks BA should be able to turn it around in one season …give me a break..a top notch organization would bring back BA then rehire Lovie (he has turned the cornfield around) …We need a win to turn the tide ..GO TEAM BUCS!!
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:28 am
I sent an email to Steve Ballmer, asking him to please buy the team.
He hasn’t answered me yet.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:32 am
What’s the difference in the roles/responsibilities of a GM’s and President/CEO of football operations? I’ve always thought the GM’s responsibility was to run the football operation but apparently there’s a difference besides titles that I’m unaware of.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:36 am
President hires the GM..and oversees his performance…then fires said GM when he sucks.
He also tells GM to hire a decent scouting department, and to cut loose terrible players even if the GM drafted them.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:38 am
Billionaires don’t become rich by doing favors for people. They will not sell as long as they are making profits by remaining owners. I just hope they fire Licht and finally hire a competent GM.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:38 am
Can we end the calls to sell the team to Eddie Debartolo. Dude is like 75 years old. He left the 49er’s team over 25 years ago (allegedly voluntarily), turned the team over to family members, and I’m guessing has zero interest in buying the Buccaneer’s or running a team now.
Also, the other 32 owners decide and vote on who new owner’s will be from the people that bid on team’s that are for sale. So there is less than a zero percent chance he will own the Buccaneers.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:40 am
I have been calling out the owners for years. The media needs to hold them more accountable. Not that it will make much of a difference. As long as they own this team we are destined to losing. Our only hope is to one day have a change in ownership. The losing culture in the entire organization is too strong from them and has lasted too many years. Otherwise the wheels of failure will continue.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:43 am
I used to follow the 9ers in the Joe Montana years. Eddie D was a great owner, but ultimately got into a lot of personal and legal troubles.
The 9ers are run by his sister now. I would think that would be a conflict of interest. Not sure what the rules for ownership are, but conflict of interest is probably a no bueno.
The guy is a 9er for life, he’s not coming to Florida.
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:59 am
Joe what compelled you to write the Glazers are passionate about winning? I have never seen anything to indicate that. Not once.
If you’re not passionate about it, you don’t spend money like they have over the past big handful of seasons, in addition to the personal interaction Joe’s had, as well as their travel to games.–Joe
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:03 am
The Glazers are weak when it comes to protecting it’s brand and players as well. They are meek and carry no weight in the owners meetings. Especially when you have owners like Jerry Jones, Jeffrey Lurie, Bob Kraft, etc… When the new schedule was released the Glazers were mum. Almost guarantee that had they given the Cowboys that schedule, Jerry Jones would’ve been all up their sh|t.
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:10 am
Glazers would like to win
But trust me they will make a profit
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:14 am
I’m unclear on why Derrick Brooks is not team President and Ronde Barber not GM
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:25 am
I hate to say this but..If this team does not produce a winner in the next couple of yrs, The glazers should put us fans out of our misery and just sell the Feeyham team or move it. It just stinks. Tampa is becoming synonomous with the word..Loser. Ohhh and the glazers are Winning..This team makes profits all year long.
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:26 am
How’s Man U doing?
Enough said.
November 23rd, 2019 at 11:41 am
The next owner of an NFL team will be Sean Carter aka Jay Z.
November 23rd, 2019 at 12:11 pm
Hired two sh!ty GMs and God only knows how many sh!ty staffs. Attendance falling??? Home town attendance has been buried under 50 slabs of concrete at Ray Jay for the past decade.
November 23rd, 2019 at 12:12 pm
Really really bad owners
November 23rd, 2019 at 12:25 pm
The Glazer boys are to blame, no doubt. The dysfunction runs deep and starts at the top. All started when they bought Man U and went cheap on the Bucs. One of the lowest spending teams in the league for years, Then the landslide of losing started, the culture disintegrated, and the have no clue how to stop it. This franchise needs leaders in the FO and in the locker room.
November 23rd, 2019 at 1:22 pm
Virtually everything stated by Romano, Joe and everyone who posted is correct. I will add one thing. The Glazers are not respected in NFL circles. As such, they cannot attract quality coaches FAs or GMs. Consider the following:
Bill Parcells jilted them. Twice.
Gruden came here by trade, not voluntarily.
Second time around Gruden passed
JPP came here in a trade. Think he will be here next year?
Who was the last quality FA that they signed? THEY CANNOT ATTRCT ONE!
Joe finds that a bit silly. First, Revis wanted to play here. Michael Bennett wanted to stay — and to return. DeSean Jackson landed here as a big name. Vincent Jackson and Carl Nicks had other options and were big name, as was Brent Grimes when he arrived. Grimes led the NFL in passes defended that season. –Joe
Even Goodall has no respect for them. That’s why he dragged his feet in the Winston investigation and allowed them to be saddled with such an inequitable schedule.
I lost all respect for them when the failed to make a simple public statement disapproving of the “Fire Schiano” billboard. I don’t think I am the only one. These owners have shamed the Tampa Bay community.
November 23rd, 2019 at 1:42 pm
I have a hard time buying that this is mostly Team Glazers fault. When the decisions were made, most people thought Lovie was a great hire, that we needed to promote Koetter to not regress Winston, it was time to move on from Gruden, and that Arians was a great hire.
The least mentioned turning point in team hostory is letting Gruden run Rich McKay out of the building. Forget the Dungy-Gruden argument, things went downhill after McKay left.
November 23rd, 2019 at 1:48 pm
The Bucs’ 12-season playoff drought has a common denominator, and it’s not Demar Dotson.
It’s Team Glazer Bad QB play Below average drafting and a few freeagentsthat couldn’t care less.
There, I fixed the Opening.
November 23rd, 2019 at 1:51 pm
@bucmania… You are right… it started when they went cheap. Guessing soccer and 2008 melt down made them. However… since then they have really tried and written checks and seemed like all their hires were smart at the time. Going after chip and Gruden . Schiano seemed like a good choice and so did Dirk. Even Lovie coming back after being fired at 10-6 looked good. They have spent and fired and done everything else but dang , its all gone to crap.
November 23rd, 2019 at 2:05 pm
No was Bruce told the Glazer Boys he was not calling plays. The Glazers thought they were getting old Bruce not semi retired Bruce.
November 23rd, 2019 at 2:21 pm
There are worse owners (Dan Snyder as an example), but the Glazers are certainly not good either. Karma is having it’s way with them for f’ing around with soccer and largely ignoring our team. Since we can’t force them to sell the next best thing is to fire everyone and hope that they choose the right people to turn things around.
November 23rd, 2019 at 2:41 pm
Joe finds that a bit silly. First, Revis wanted to play here. Michael Bennett wanted to stay — and to return. DeSean Jackson landed here as a big name. Vincent Jackson and Carl Nicks had other options and were big name, as was Brent Grimes when he arrived. Grimes led the NFL in passes defended that season. –Joe
Joe, I thought Bennett was just following the money and was not of the belief he wanted to return. But if what you said is true, and I must admit you would know better than I, then you have me there. As to the others, you are correct they have all been big names at some point during their careers. But in each case the Bucs paid steeply when they were either past their prime, or in Revis’s case, not fully recovered from injury. Are you willing to say any one of these players were worth their value against the cap?
Yes the Gazers can attract big name FAs when they foolishly grossly overpay.
November 23rd, 2019 at 3:37 pm
Chace Young should be our pick . We need to focus on defense this year in the first round of the draft.
November 23rd, 2019 at 4:14 pm
Sorry Joe I don’t buy it. I’m sure they may have told you they want to win, but what do they actually do? When this schedule came out, why didn’t they say something about it? Are they scared? If so why not hire a vocal team president to lobby for the Bucs, a mouthpiece so to speak? They clean house, hire Raheem, get lucky and have a ten win season , and then they do absolutely nothing to build on that success. No free agents, no spending, and raising ticket prices. I stopped my season tickets when they fired Chucky, and I won’t go back until they sell the team, which they have no intention of doing. They are comfortable making money and are ok with losing. If that was not true they would have done something, ANYTHING to build good will with the fans, not take games to London for “home games”. 12 years of playoff drought in a league that is designed to prevent that. Somehow we have to suck here in Tampa? The only common denominator are the glazers.
November 23rd, 2019 at 4:25 pm
Through hard work and perseverance you create your own good luck. Problem is their dad did the hard work and they are clearly reaping the benefits of HIS efforts. They haven’t established the work ethic to create good luck on their own. I have seen this play out many many times where luck is attributed to very hard work and I don’t see it from them!
November 23rd, 2019 at 5:23 pm
They suck at evaluating talent….coaching and player talent. That should be the GM’s job, i know, but if i were overseeing something that I owned thats as big as an nfl team, im being more involved….not necessarily Jerry Richards involved, but close.
They paid for Arians and got Leftwich….simple as that! Unless this is purposeful tanking this year. Too much head scratching and head shaking piss poor decisions have been made, they know it, i know it, everyone knows it!
Jameis is Jameis, the O line isnt the worst but we need to upgrade RT. Our secondary is so inexperienced but I think they will improve with time.
The D line is much improved, but we cant afford to bring Shaq, JPP, and Suh back….plus franchising JW.
This is why I think drafting Chase Young is the right move!!! JPP will be cheaper than Shaq, so resign him, and Chase can be the beast on the other side of him….he can also play in place of Suh at times. But then we need to address that backfield through free agency with some vets.
And Leftwich needs to be downgraded from OC…thats just not right!
November 23rd, 2019 at 6:03 pm
I think your way to easy on the owners and the GM!
November 23rd, 2019 at 6:53 pm
LOL J0e you just realized the Glazer children are clueless?
Welcome to reality, come sit and stay for a while.
November 23rd, 2019 at 6:57 pm
If the Glazers actually cared, at all, they wouldn’t have the SMALLEST scouting department in the entire NFL!
This organization is a joke. The only time it wasn’t was while Malcom was running the show.
The kids are fkn clueless, and simply don’t care.
And should they? Their pockets get lined season after season regardless of how much we stink.
November 23rd, 2019 at 7:48 pm
Straight F’n bad luck! You can’t fault them they open their pocket books trying to find a winner. Like all bad luck eventually in turns for the good. We all know what it took to get to the last Super Bowl. Many years of misery. Our time is coming due for another big year! Go Bucs! Time to turn in the misery tickets!
November 23rd, 2019 at 8:15 pm
Blow it up, hire Lincoln riley. Draft Jake fromm
November 23rd, 2019 at 9:09 pm
Hell to the naw on Jake Fromm! Sucks!!
November 23rd, 2019 at 10:07 pm
And hell to the naw naw on Herbert! Sucks as well!
November 24th, 2019 at 12:25 am
The Glazers lost so much goodwill and confidence of the fans when the fired Gruden and replaced him with Morris, of all people. It was that moment that it was confirmed they had no idea what they were doing.
November 24th, 2019 at 6:37 am
Dan Snyder is a bad owner. The Glazer’s are not capable.
November 24th, 2019 at 8:30 am
Ive heard from a very credible source that two of the three glazier owners are the kind.of people nobody wants to work for. They act as if they are above the world and everyone in it. Someone was performing work for them and drank out of one of the.water fountains (guessing it was at their house) in the courtyard.One of the Glaziers boys ordered the water fountain removed and replaced immediately and told the company not to let the worker return to the property.I wasnt there but it sure makes sense.
If you work for someone like that in this type of business and the other franchises know about it, its going to be a carousel of the same crap every year.Players not trying or caring, coaches not trying or caring, and everyone knowing there is another job waiting for them.Even arians someone I had all the faith in the world in is just raking in the cash and could care less.This team has lost me.I will never purchase another game ticket or another ticket as long as these owners are in place.#done#
November 24th, 2019 at 9:30 am
The least mentioned turning point in team hostory is letting Gruden run Rich McKay out of the building. Forget the Dungy-Gruden argument, things went downhill after McKay left.
Dead on point. Malcolm really lucked out that McKay was already here. McKay doesn’t get near the credit he deserves for his roster building, and of course taking a chance on a really great D coordinator, who actually became a great HC.
We all like Malcolm over his spoiled offspring, but it was Rich who made it work. Running Tony and then him is what cast us into an abyss that we had taken decades to get out of. Here we are again.
November 24th, 2019 at 12:47 pm
Enough with the McCown hate. You do realize that most of that disaster wasn’t his fault. The whole. Jeff Tedford to Marcus Arroyo disaster would’ve ruined anybody except Peyton Manning. McCown did the best he could with what he was given and the plays that were called. McCown still has a career. Not sure about Tedford and Arroyo.