“Swaggy” Arians
October 5th, 2019
Someone get to Bucco Bruce Arians. Quickly.
Arians is about to make a horrible mistake for the Bucs that needs to be corrected and very soon. Arians wants to gloss himself with the nickname of one of the biggest useless slobs that has ever worn the Bucs’ alarm clock numbers.
Joe can barely type this it is so disturbing, so Joe will let Jenna Laine set the scene.
I asked Bruce Arians if he would now call himself “67 and sexy” (he had a birthday Thursday). He told me he is now “67 and SWAGGY.” If an album drops, you’ll hear it here first.
Someone please get to Arians and give him a quick background review of the last guy who wore that handle with the Bucs, offsides-jumping, Lightning-trolling, belly-shirt-wearing, practice-hating, kicker-heckling, tree-grinding , non-contact-football-loving, chicken-wings-grilling, playing-time-squawking, TV-cooking-star, half-sack Swaggy Baker. He was a colossal bust of a 2017 free agent signing prior to the 2017 season, a known cancer and one of the Washington Gang that infected the locker room of One Buc Palace after it came off only the second winning season (and last?) this decade.
Joe trusts Arians won’t be humping palm trees when the Bucs travel to Jacksonville later this year.
No Bucco Bruce, you have a cool nickname as it is. If you want to lose the “Bucco” handle, then please find something better than “Swaggy.” No need to torment Bucs fans.
October 5th, 2019 at 2:06 pm
Whatever he wants…it’s just nice to see some personality, ANY personality from the HC position. The Raheem era was tough to watch and he made mistakes, but that 2010 team won a lot of games based of attitude alone.
October 5th, 2019 at 2:21 pm
Chris Baker was here and gone so fast that deciding anything based on his presence is really just making him more relevant.
October 5th, 2019 at 2:22 pm
I’m still wondering where our ten year “17-tackles-in-a-16 game-season, first-step-to-running-his self-out-of-his-gap, retire-my-jersey-after-a-3-year-decline, where-is-the-camera, dancin’-down-by-3-scores, no-big-play-makin’, I’m-home(in Carolina), annual-off-season-we-have-to-be-Better-but-I-don’t-in-front-of-the-camera-crying, no-run-stoppin’, self appointed leader of the D” was when humper was humpin’?
October 5th, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Sorry to go off- topic Joe. Any Bucs fans in Los Angeles know if there’s a Bucs gameday meet up bar in town?
October 5th, 2019 at 2:24 pm
He was helping the ice cream truck back into the Jags facility.
October 5th, 2019 at 2:34 pm
Keep winning and we will call you anything you want BA!
How about Bucco Bruce!
October 5th, 2019 at 2:36 pm
BucinCLE, while enthusiastically wearing his Batman underoos, no doubt.
October 5th, 2019 at 3:00 pm
Self imposed monikers are funny. Best to let your friends or fans decide … as long as it’s appropriately topical.
I think there’s a “Swaggy” in the NBA. Maybe that’s what BA had in mind when the idea cycled through his brain.
At least he refrained from co-tagging himself with the ineffable, clingy excretion one produces in their nasal cavity. Sorry Booger …
October 5th, 2019 at 3:05 pm
The quality of a man isn’t in a name. We make the playoffs this year, and he can call himself Cinderella, as far as I’m concerned.
October 5th, 2019 at 3:13 pm
^^^ LOL
October 5th, 2019 at 3:22 pm
Noooooooooo Joe he was Saggy! Was was was. Adios.
October 5th, 2019 at 3:26 pm
Joe is traumatized by the name. All Bucs Fans should find safe spaces from all things swaggy
October 5th, 2019 at 3:41 pm
Dumbest topic ever. Grow up. If he wants to to be swaggy so be it . He will turn the nickname into sometime positive. Besides wasn’t it your dumbarse who gave him the nickname ? So just quit talking about him and never reference the nickname if you do…. problem solved
October 5th, 2019 at 3:47 pm
Holy crap man how embarrassing!
How in the world is one of our players humping a palm tree a legitimate picture a reporter can legitimately use on a website? Seriously how did Bucs football ever get so pathetic? Who let it happen?
The picture of a Bucs player dry humping a palm tree serves as a great reminder of how thankful I am to have Bruce here.
Any media or fan attempting to spur the great name and reputation of Bruce needs a freaking reality check, hardcore. I can give a crap less what mistakes or missteps Bruce makes……..Just don’t ever embarrassvme like that again. Give me a team of professional football players and you will have my loyalty and trust.
You will hear me in the South Endzone when y’all come back home on November 10th…… The reason you will hear me is because you have given me a team that I am proud of….Win, Lose, or draw.
I see the finished product of thia team and I see that the product is good, solid and physical football. You guys get back to humping trees again and you will lose all my respect. You lose a hard fought battle and you can count on me the to give you nothing but unquestioned support!!! I hope all my Bucs brethern are with me!!!!
What was this article about again?
October 5th, 2019 at 3:48 pm
October 5th, 2019 at 4:02 pm
LOL Joe just read what the article is about.
Don’t know where Baler ever got that nicname from but for sure it’s wasn’t as a Buc.
Swag is part of football and I’ll be dammed is jagoff Chi’s Baker gonna take that word away from us.
He was too insignificant to to make any lasting change to Tampa Bayy football if you ask me.
If the Bucs decide to use the word Swag or Swaggy then they deserve it. They should not let Chris Baker stand in the way of anything they wish to do.
That guy was one of the most nonimpactful Buc I can ever recall. If this team too scurred to use the word “Swag” on account of Baker that sounds like a problem to me.
Use Swag use Swaggy or Swagalicious all you want and if tub-o-lard Baker got some type of issue with it tell his ass to line up against us and proove why he deserves that word more then our team.
You bet how you want but my money says we take that nickname for him by force if we gotta…….Judging by Chris time as a Buc it would never come down to that. He would back down if come face-to-face face.
SWAGGY belong to the Bucs!!!! If fatso want it tell him to come take it back!!!!
October 5th, 2019 at 5:52 pm
where serious fans get serious news
October 5th, 2019 at 6:07 pm
@Jean you are right….. The nickname Swaggy aren’t all that seious. Niether is dry humping palm trees. I don’t care in our entire team humps trees…….Just want a team prepared for victory.
Dry humping a real palm tree don’t affect anything. Our team should prepare to battle with or witout any player no matter if they wanna hum a tree during practice or not. It should not affect anything. We should win with dry humping or without them. Just like the Patriots do, right?
October 5th, 2019 at 6:09 pm
swaggy is a man of integrity compared to that fraud cancer93… swaggy made about as many plays as cancer93 did too
October 5th, 2019 at 6:18 pm
A little wound up today?
October 5th, 2019 at 7:06 pm
Not all Joe’s are equal….not all Swaggy’s are equal…
October 5th, 2019 at 7:21 pm
Jmark firm yes to that question.
I cannot explain it nor do I fully understand but the mere site of that Chris Baker picture triggers me to no end.
All’s I can tell you is that I live and die with this team and how they perform on Sundays ……….To see anyone one player on this team care so little that he will molest a tree rather then work hard to make me proud……That sets me off full tilt. How dare this team play on Sundays for a fully invested fan like myself only to employ some creep who thinks its all a big fat joke.
I take extreme exception to anybody who puts on Our Bucs uniform and does not care at all to represent it properly and brings nothing but shame to it
There maybe some posters like tax who could care less who wears Our uniform and how poorly they represent Our town but there are folks who live here that have much higher standards then creeps like him and we 200% care about each and every freaking player who represents us
Call that scrub a man of intregrity if you like muchambo……. Any true man who bleeds pewter knows that Chi’s Baker brought this city nothing but shame……To deny that fact is to admitt you are not a true Tampa fan through and through…………that or pure ignorance. Your choice.
October 5th, 2019 at 7:32 pm
BA had real swag before Swaggy Baker was weaned from his mama’s teat.
Baker is the fraud.
October 5th, 2019 at 8:20 pm
Good rant. +1
October 5th, 2019 at 8:31 pm
At least BA did not call himself the “chosen one.”
October 5th, 2019 at 9:03 pm
Cancer93 brought Tampa 8 basement titles and a plethora of worst in nfl history records doesn’t get more shameful than that ladies….
October 5th, 2019 at 11:26 pm
if bruce is so swaggy and sexy…
why not just call him “blue pill bruce” at 67…
if you know what i mean 🙂
October 5th, 2019 at 11:28 pm
and that pic of swaggy baker is horrendous for him…
it just might be his most memorable moment as an nfl player…
that’s ruff