Stacking The Box & Jameis

October 18th, 2019

Interesting data from the official NextGen Stats at, the fancy numbers generated by league satellite tracking technology.

According to NextGen, Bucs running backs are encountering a load of 8-men or more “boxes” from defenses.

Among all league running backs, the Bucs have two ranked in the top 10 when it comes to rushers who have seen the highest percentage of stacked boxes at the snap of the football, per NFL NextGen stats. Ronald Jones sees the 8-man (or more) box on 28.57 percent of rushes, the seventh highest percentage in the NFL. Peyton Barber is 10th at 24.64 percent.

San Francisco and Minnesota also have two rushers ranked in that top-10, and the Vikings and 49ers have absolutely spectacular running games this season. The Bucs’ running game is poor by league standards. The Bucs rank 17th in rush attempts and 23rd in rushing yards.

Joe’s not sure what this says about America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, if anything. Is Jameis not checking out of run plays after presnap reads (it sure seems like he’s not doing that nearly as much as he used to)? Is a strategy of daring Jameis to beat you growing more popular? Are Byron Leftwich and Bucco Bruce Arians so married to their subpar running game that they just want Jameis following orders?

Joe doesn’t have an answer, but Joe can say that Barber ranked 26th in this 8-man-box category last year as the Bucs’ go-to running back, so it does represent some type of change.

77 Responses to “Stacking The Box & Jameis”

  1. dadlad Says:

    Could it be that our unimagitave OC runs on first down most of the time? When you know what is coming, it is easy to defend against us.

  2. SteveK Says:

    Good stuff, Joe!

    I don’t know what it all means, but it’s worth noting.

    I wonder if the growing strategy is to force Jameis to throw to best opponents?

    He’s been picked off on 4.5% of attempts this year, but it’s still early!

  3. Petty Officer Buc Says:

    Nobody is scared of Jamies deep ball. They know the Rams game is the exception, not the rule. Once teams have put the game out of reach they will go prevent and let Jamies pad his stats in the 4th quarter.

  4. ArmandoG Says:

    Might as well mention Jameis is the top rated QB vs the blitz but hey we’re running him out of town anyway

  5. unbelievable Says:

    It means they respect our run game more, and are therefore dedicating more defenders to stopping it.

    Is Jameis not checking out of run plays after presnap reads (it sure seems like he’s not doing that nearly as much as he used to)?

    I’ve noticed this as well. Have they told him not to? Does he not understand the scheme enough? It really doesn’t make sense… Also seems like they’ve told him not to run anymore, which is weird considering there are many opportunities to do so, and he used to be pretty good at running for 1st downs when plays broke down.

  6. Bucsfanman Says:

    I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that teams are not afraid of our passing game. Remember 35+ attempts and the Bucs are usually toast. If I’m a DC, I take my chances and try to force the Bucs into passing situations.

  7. D-Rome Says:

    Teams are not afraid of Jay-Miss’ passing skills. Stop the run, dare him to pass, and stack up those INTs.

  8. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    sad sad sad sad

  9. Defense Rules Says:

    Now THIS is the kind of ‘stuff’ that JBFers NEED to be talking about Joe. Three GRREAT questions in there … no answers, but great questions.

    The 8-man numbers for RoJo & Barber would SEEM to imply that opposing defenses KNOW WHAT’S COMING. Gee, go figure. So does every fan watching the games at the stadium or on TV. Leftwich’s game-planning & play-calling are VERY predictable IMO. And VERY ineffective. Also doesn’t appear like Jameis has any latitude in changing plays (although looks can be deceiving?).

    Jameis has been throwing deep balls on a full 20% of his passing attempts, and has been sacked on 10% of his attempts. Stacking the line gives defenses a GRREAT opportunity to (1) stop the run; and/or (2) pressure Jameis if they miscalculate & he passes. And since Jameis is only completing 33% of his deep passes, it’s a win-win gamble for opposing defenses IMO.

    Until our OC learns how to play-call less predictably, how to use quick, short passes to freeze the defense, and becomes much more ‘selective’ in his deep pass play-calls, Jameis will continue to pay the price. I’d much rather see Clyde Christensen calling plays for the Bucs again that Byron Leftwich.

  10. TiredBucFan Says:

    I hate being a Buccaneer fan.

  11. Tye Says:

    That is just a part of the mental side of football.. When you know your opposing qb has a HIGH probability of over throwing, under throwing, poor accuracy and interceptions, as a DC your priority is to shut down the run and only give the qb the option of doing what he is least good at all the while creating a much greater probability of him giving your team extra chances at scoring from multiple turn overs… JW is an opposing DC dream qb to face!

  12. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    “TiredBucFan Says:
    October 18th, 2019 at 3:40 pm

    I hate being a Buccaneer fan.”



    QUOTE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. BucEmUp Says:

    Dude Ive BEEN SAYING THIS ITS ALL LEFTWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Zero check down passes, minimal screens and dump off plays and what is.mund numbing is when they DO run them THEY GO FOR BIG GAINS!!!!!

    Lefrwich is surprisingly getting away with killing this offense and I never imagined Bruce would allow this to happen.O.J Howard should be getting tons of targets designed for him.Ronald jones should be getting 20 touches a game. The corners on defense dont even breath on pass catchers.Go look at San Frans defense they jam and press at the line when they play up.

    When a defnese does good you can run the ball, when your playing from behind you cant.When the defenses know you only run deep 5 step drops the defense will press and stack the bix and blitz.

    Leftwich needs to be filling water bottles and washing jock straps on his best day!!!!!

  14. Petty Officer Buc Says:

    Why would Leftwich call a screen pass when wINTston can’t even do something as simple as that without throwing it to the other team?

    Leftwich is scared, and rightfully so.

  15. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    You know I cannot remember joe clinging on to obscure advanced stats that he has disregarded in the pass and thought of them as a bunch of stat nerds that don’t know real football. Joe does not consider the completely objective, technology-driven NextGen data (official NFL data) to have anything to do with stat nerds. –Joe except for when it makes jameis winston look good. I guess then these stats mean something.

  16. Tye Says:

    As opposing DC you are also more comfortable to send extra men in blitzes to even raise the probability that if he does gets the ball out, it will not end up a positive play!

  17. TexBuc Says:

    We are as BA said a “tackle to tackle” run team. Having said that I believe motions, jet sweeps, and more screens would help our run game and slow down opposing pass rushers.

  18. TexBuc Says:

    I hope the biggest change coming out of this bye week is straight up BA taking over game day play calling and let Leftwich keep his title as OC. Maybe at the very least more BA supervision over Leftwich.

    My opinion thus far into our season Leftwich shows very little “feel” for the game and like Koetter has become VERY predictable.

  19. BucEmUp Says:

    Defense rules, wanna go stand in front of one buc with air horns and a sign.with me? I HATE THIS CRAP ITS SO OBVIOUS!!!!!!

  20. unbelievable Says:

    FYI: Our run game has actually been the most effective running up the middle between the center and guard, and 2nd most effective at running off the left tackle so far this season.

    Completely agree about more slants, quick passes, screens, and jet sweeps though.

    Leftwich has called 1 solid game so far, the rest have been very up and down with far too many plays being completely predictable before the snap. This is the exact same thing Koetter did his last 2 years.

  21. BucTooth Says:

    It’s a Buc’s life deal with it. Come on man.

  22. Bob in Valrico Says:

    Its sounds like one of those questions that need to be asked.You can do it Joe!
    Many of us can guess why ? Does Jameis have the freedom to audible? Short, Quick, Accurate passes do seem like a good solution. The coaching staff has one week extra to get the right man to run these crossing routes. I don’t know why we have OJ going across the middle and having to jump up and attempt to make a one handed catch. Right now he’s looking like OJ Duran. Fans will be
    crying No Mas if he keeps dropping passes. Jameis needs to get the ball down so receivers can catch,secure and make a play over the middle. Not sure why Justin Watson can’t get reps ,with Bobo gone.

  23. Son of Kobe Faker Says:

    “My Dad is furious

    If the QB coach intern Leftwich is not removed from playcalling duties after the Seattle game

    November 4th, 2019

    My Dad will officially be back posting here

    *He just texted me and said

    Hells coming with him”

    Son of Kobe Faker

  24. 813bucboi Says:

    imo, if teams are stacking the box that often, it means they know JW cant beat them with his arm….

    i wanna see the amount of times JW faces man vs zone compared to other QBs and how many picks he’s thrown between the 2….that will tell an even bigger story….

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  25. Defense Rules Says:

    BucEmUp … I spent much of my adult life sitting on top of very loud jet engines. Air horns are pea-shooters; they don’t cut it. Make some REAL noise. Besides, the place to get BA’s attention right now is up on the golf course in Georgia.

  26. Ricky Says:

    Yeah Koetter was predictable now Leftwich is predictable, I wonder…….

  27. Alanbucsfan Says:

    49ers and Vikings each have 2 – 1st round picks on their OLines-
    That is the biggest factor

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    813bucboi … Teams may well know that JW can’t beat them with his arm, but there has to be more to it than that. Such things as ‘Are the Bucs appropriately adjusting at the line to the various defensive fronts they’re seeing?’ Or ‘Do our play designs give Jameis enough latitude & options?’

    I’ve seen far to many situations where he’s getting pressured almost immediately. Almost as if our blocking schemes are actually ‘missing defenders’. Either that or our OLine REALLY is THAT bad. Something’s way out of sync here with this offense. Yes, they’re scoring points, but a lot of them came in ONE game (55) which IMO was a masterpiece. It might’ve been a masterpiece though because four of the Bucs drives & scores were in response to Rams’ turnovers … and all our defense had to do was just play smashmouth football and ram it in. We did that quite well in that game. Also did it quite well in the FIRST HALF of the Giants game … THEN we starting ‘thinking too much’ instead of continuing to beat the daylights out of the Giants.

  29. Bucsfanman Says:

    I disagree with EVERYTHING being Leftwich’s fault. It was true under Koetter and it is true now, Jameis is not seeing the field. He gets locked in on a WR too often and doesn’t see the outlets/other WRs. The Brate play in the seam was a classic example last week. Brate was bracketed by defenders and JW stared him down the whole way. Thankfully, the pass was air-mailed to a different zip code. However, a WR/TE came open underneath just before JW’s throw. It would have been a first down for sure.
    I say that to say this. While Leftwich’s play calls aren’t great, Jameis is not finding his open WR, and for that matter, not recognizing the defense.
    I expect a 5th year guy to check out of a play that will not work when the defense shows its hand.
    Overall, this offense is under-performing despite what the stats say.

  30. Dom>Licht Says:

    Does not matter who is calling plays. OL SUCKS, RB AVERAGE at best and QB is week to week. Blame COACHING all you want but this entire roster needs to be blown up.

  31. D1 Says:

    Buc boi,

    JW’s INT’s, the majority are vs zone.

  32. TexBuc Says:

    JW probably throws more Int’s to LB’s than other QB’s. Still has a problem seeing LB underneath.

  33. Anonymous Says:

    None of this matters. The only important is if Winston is comfortable enough with who he his so he doesn’t crap the bed again and make Arians and Winston look ineffective (which they are), or Licht looking like he drafted a bust. Easy plays, deflect blame, pat his head, tell him it’s okay.

    Until we can cut the chump and spend the money fixing other areas and draft a guy can lose as many games for us at 1/10th the cost.

  34. Swampbuc Says:

    Offense is not the problem. A pass defense that merely sucked and the Bucs are 4-2.

  35. D1 Says:


    If you replace LB with underneath coverage you’re correct. He’s had trouble with underneath defenders his entire career.

  36. Bird Says:

    What was Bowles doing in offseason ?
    Throwing the kitchen sink at Jameis . Bringing everyone …stacking box.

    Stack the box (which has better chance of stopping the runner If handed off ) and provide pressure to make The quarterback make quick decisions

    It’s interesting how many interceptions our dbs had in preseason at practices going against #3. Remember arians saying the dB situation was fixed.
    We know that is far from the truth

    So Jameis was giving up these turnovers against our horrid secondary and same thing in years past. Even mike smith years. Not Good

  37. Bird Says:

    Seriously. Think about that again. Remember our dbs making plays in practice after practice in offseason.

    Arians was so fired up he said the dB situation fixed

    Why were our dbs making so many plays
    And then look like dog 💩 now

  38. D1 Says:


    “The 8-man numbers for RoJo & Barber would SEEM to imply that opposing defenses KNOW WHAT’S COMING. Gee, go figure.”

    Actually DR, that’s not correct. In fact, the way you’re viewing this is completely opposite of what is happening. The offense isn’t dictating to the defense. Which is your perspective.
    “Leftwich’s game-planning & play-calling are VERY predictable”

    “Predictable” to what extent? How is predictable divorced from all the other things that determine play selection? Do you believe in the idea that surprise is a key component of a game plan and play calling? If so, why is there virtually no evidence of this when it comes to play design?

    I’ve read over and over how predictable this team is on offense. Yet, I’ve not seen much in the way of explanation as to why. While there’s no shortage of fixes for the problem there’s almost zero thought given as to why these guaranteed solutions haven’t been implemented already.

  39. JimmyJack Says:

    RoJo only getting four carries bothers me. He seems like he should be destined to break off a long run soon but the chances aren’t there to support that.

    Sad thing is there is just no reason to explain why he only got 4 trys. If you gonna throw the ball that many times you darn sure better be torching to opposing defense all day with the pass. Which was not the case.

    I’m still big on Arians and thinks he gets this team turned around this year. But this bye week of extra preperation must show results. If this team don’t come out much improved I will start losing confidence…….Good thing is that aren’t gonna happen!!!!

    GOOO BUCS!!!

  40. JimmyJack Says:

    D1 I don’t get into trying to guess what the offense is gonna do. I guess a lot of fans do.

    But I did hear Ira make a great observation about predictability saying he heard multiple Bucs fans tell him the first play last game would be a Mike Evans target. On cue that’s what we dialed up and it was a pick.

  41. D1 Says:


    Nice job! You’ve hit on several points that has been overlooked by most.

  42. D1 Says:


    I heard that as well.

    And I’m glad you brought that up. Because that’s a good example of how being predictable can give the defense a opportunity to make a big play, Thanks .

  43. Bob in Valrico Says:

    Two hours, it,s mod-irrational.

  44. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    8 men in the box = let’s see if Jay Miss can beat us. Of course he can’t. But, he can thrown pics and he’ll fumble if we hit him. But other than that, he’s a top QB. He was a #1 draft pick overall and certainly has been great to this point.

  45. BucsBandit Says:


    Jameis has been SOLVED. DCs know how to game plan against him. He’s inconsistent and struggles with accuracy. They just play the odds to stop the run and force him to beat you. EASY GAME PLAN.

    It will be a bright day in Tampa when they finally cut Winston loose and get him off this roster. That day can’t come soon enough.

  46. JL Says:

    BucsBandit Says: I can’t wait for the day!

  47. Defense Rules Says:

    D1 … Just off the top of my head, I can remember games in years past (not this year) when defenses would say AFTERWARDS that they knew what play we were gonna run (Pittsburgh said that about us during the Lovie years a I recall). And with all the film study that goes on, it’s probably not that difficult to do unless an OC is good at disguising what’s coming.

    If in fact (and we don’t know for certain obviously) opposing defenses can determine with a ‘reasonable’ degree of certainly at least what type of play we’re gonna run, then I think that our offense is dictating the defense. They’re posturing in response to what they anticipate we’ll run.

    Just as an experiment, next Bucs game see how good you do at PREDICTING whether the Bucs will run or pass. If you predict run, see if you can predict which side of center we’ll run to. If you predict pass (based on the situation, etc), see if you can predict whether it’ll be short or long. Just for kicks. I’ll bet that you’ll do a LOT better than you think you would. BTW, keying on down/distance AND which back is in the backfield helps.

    So does studying the play-by-plays from previous games? Example: first half of the SF game. Bucs had 13 1st-and-10 opportunities, one of which didn’t count because Jameis took a knee to end the half. Of the other 12, we ran the ball 7 times (Barber 5, RoJo 2). Jameis ATTEMPTED 5 passes … 2 deep passes, 1 short pass, 1 sack, 1 INT. The latter 2 happened later in the 1st half, AFTER we’d run 7 times & thrown deep twice … in 10 1st-and-10 attempts. Do you think that MAYBE the SF defense came balls-to-the-wall on the sack & INT based on what they’d already seen us do? PERHAPS.

    As to WHY, I think it’s hard to be unpredictable with a team like the Bucs. For one thing we tend to fall behind early much too often … the kiss of death. For another, our personnel aren’t as ‘versatile’ as some other teams are. For instance, which QB do you think is more ‘difficult to defend’: Mahomes or Winston? Wilson or Winston? Brees or Winston? Rodgers or Winston? All 4 of them tend to be more ‘mobile’ and seem to be able to ‘make something positive happen when things go south’. Same with our RBs, and to an extent our WRs. I might very well be all wrong D1, but SOMETHING isn’t right with this Bucs’ offense right now. HOPEFULLY BA & his staff figure it out and FIX IT before the whole season goes south.

  48. Lamarcus Says:

    It’s a week to week league

    Stats are for ppl that don’t understand football. They have to use stats because they don’t know what they are watching with their eyes.

    Ok Im supposed to believe Rojo and Barber posed a better threat than JW,Me, CG,and OK 😂😂😂. Stay off the w**d my friends

  49. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    Whew Joe actually came in and commented in the middle of my comment. I have never seen that one before. point still stands one of the Joes is using every single stat and trying to twist it around to show that Jameis Winston is a good Quarterback. Apparently stats about coughing up the ball to the other team and poor accuracy don’t mean as much.

  50. Tye Says:

    YES, the oline needs upgraded BUT if I keep sending 8 rushing against your 7 every other play or so, I will ware your 7 done quickly and seeing that 8th man consistently in your qbs face will give the appearance your oline is worse than it is… it’s working because Jameis is inaccurate and the defense plays to his weakness…

    in the 80s there was a guy that appeared to be very accurate (seahawks I think)..
    Anyway, it soon was discovered he could only throw to the right… Opponents shifted their LBs to the right to force him to throw left which he failed more than he completed… Winston is much like that dude!

  51. Ndog Says:

    BucsBandit Says:
    October 18th, 2019 at 6:59 pm

    Jameis has been SOLVED. DCs know how to game plan against him. He’s inconsistent and struggles with accuracy. They just play the odds to stop the run and force him to beat you. EASY GAME PLAN.

    It will be a bright day in Tampa when they finally cut Winston loose and get him off this roster. That day can’t come soon enough.

    Wow just wow you are now openly rooting against the starting QB on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Man what a great fan you are.

  52. Ndog Says:

    I guess we will just ignore the fact that prior to the last game Jameis literally had a PERFECT QB rating vs the blitz. Again for those of you that are reading impaired HE WAS PERFECT AGAINST THE BLITZ.

  53. Dom>Licht Says:

    We could cut Jamies, Evans, Marpet, Smith, Brate, and Jensen… highest paid players on the team all on offense and would be in the same position as keeping them all…. TOP 10 pick that Licht will BLOW AGAIN!!

  54. ElioT Says:

    Honest question here:

    Has anyone ever seen Winston check out of a play prior to the snap?

    The Bucs have not been able to truly establish the running game, due to either horrible mistakes by the QB or the secondary.


  55. Lamarcus Says:

    If JW was the only entity that costed games then JW has to go sans the Mariota situation.

    With his team in key areas are not talented enough like secondary Vh3 and whoever the free saftey is and special teams Gunner Whitehead make a worse pass defense by a mile. Backups are looking HOF against the defense. Losing 3 out of 4 to backups is embarrassing. Still 3-3 if we can make a 34 yard Fg.

    I don’t want to hear about the pass rush. We can’t even accidentally get pass deflection

    Come on Arians they are “wide ass open”

  56. Dom>Licht Says:

    Here is the honest F’IN question!!!! JOE want your input also! No matter we keep Winston at 30 mill or not does anyone on this site believe that JASON GUMP can put an OL , DL Or defensive back field together to make this team competitive?????????? He has had 5 years and minus Evans and Godwin this whole roster sucks!!!

  57. down in the dirt doug Says:

    Leftwich has a High School game plan and the imagination of a slug on drugs.HELP REQUIRED BA–LIKE IMMEDIATELY

  58. Dom>Licht Says:

    BA needs all the help he can get HE hand picked his OC !!

  59. jjbucfan Says:

    He has not addressed the OL in 4 years- a D3 Cappa does not count for addressing the line. What the F do we expect. Amazing that nobody learned from the Cowboys a few years back with drafting the line. It is a copycat league for F’s sake!

  60. Billy_45 Says:

    Boils down to Leftwitch really not being a good OC.
    Kinda reminds of you better remember his name TJ Logan now being replaced.

    Makes me wonder what BA is thinking and you have already seen him with the play sheet a bunch of times.

    Leftwitch might actually not even finish out the year at OC.

    Something needs to change.

    I have noticed a hand full of times missing the obvious PA pass opportunity with yet another run that finally gets stuffed.

    Leftwitch just doesn’t mix it up enough with misdirection and commits totally to the vertical passing scheme.

  61. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    JW3 will NEVER be successful in Tampa…..a fact!!!! No O-Line, No Running game, No Pass defense. Bad Combo for a QB or a Head Coach….

    GM Impact? Thanks, Jason, for plethora of DB draft picks…. who are horrible… and we could have had XXX, XXX, XXX….impact players available….who the eff, is evaluating our needs, dude??

    And cue the JW3-Haters…. I agree, that JW3 has stupid-happy feet, and for some unknown reason, JW3 HOLDS the damn ball too long…and searches for “perfect” situation, resulting in Sacks or worst, fumbles…..drives me crazy, yelling at TV!!!!

    And I am a JW3 Fan!

    JW3 “good games” means, he has crazy potential. Why he is so inconsistent, is beyond my ability to defend him.

    I think JW3 needs to be either traded to another team, or at end of year, be cut by Bucs…. JW3 will have a new life as backup on a team with QB on fringe….JW3 does not have many options out there, for places to land.

    But where-ever he does land….I do predict, JW3 will perform better, than he did as Bucs QB >>>>> less pressure, and probably better overall team support.

    Bucs FANS will have to deal with a breaking-in a rookie QB in 2020.. Crap!!!

    Bring on Jake Fromm, Joe Burrow, Justin Hebert…..start over again, Bucs Fans

    Perhaps get ready for the days of 10-15 points/per game….Love or hate JW3, the kid did deliver 28 pts/game, even in early years….Trash-time included, BTW, for detractors…

    Not sure where JW3 Lands next. TB BUCs situation will be his first failure….next landing place – predict he will be successful. JW3 has mentality to be successful..

    Watch>> Bucs Fans…..aka, Steve Young, Doug, Dilfer….. Super Bowl??? JW3?

    Gonna suck witnessing…again. And wishing we resigned JW3…..

  62. BucsBandit Says:


    So now it’s some sort of ‘fan crime’ to openly root against any players on the team you’re a fan of if you think the team is better off without them? LOL

    So Bucs fans were not real fans that wanted McCoy gone? Or those that wanted D-Jax gone? Or those wanted Swaggy Baker gone? Or those that wanted Benenoch gone? Or those that want VHIII gone? Or those that want any other poor-performing player gone?

    YES, I am 1,000,000% openly rooting for Jameis Winston to leave the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Absolutely. I think the team is much better off without him, especially going into a contract year where his salary cap hit will be detrimental to team financially as well.

    You’re going to tell me that I’m not a ‘real’ Bucs fan because I want certain players off my team?

    Again… LOL.

  63. BucEmUp Says:

    D1, if you haven’t been able to watch the games and call 80% of the plays before they happen, and better yet, be able to call (before the game even starts) what plays will NOT BE CALLED, then you dont know whay the hell your talking about. You must be a Jameis hater.Take off the glasses and see for once that if yoy can predict what an offense is going to do before the game even starts that as a defense yoy will be able to dominate most of the game.

    I will bet anyone hard cash that if Ariand took over full time play calling that Jameis woukd finish the season a top five qb, and if the corners started pressing at the line and playing physical paired with that this team woukd make the playoffs….but it doesnt look like that is going to happen.

    This is just how the bucs roll.Wish the Glaziers had a set of balls and told BA the business.Id rather fire the entire coaching staff and let them play backyard football the rest of the season rather than warching another game called by Byron on offense.

  64. Tbbucs3 Says:

    ALL 22 Film Thoughts

    – Chris Godwin is as good as Michael Thomas

    – Jameis played with a terrible Oline and the pass plays were too long devoloping. Bad QB play but coaches did not put Jameis in a good position at all.

    – Devin White looks confused

    – Suh is washed

    – The Bucs only play with 10 players because VH3 doesn’t count he’s that bad.

  65. gambelero Says:

    I don’t think they let Jameis check out of run plays to pass plays. And we don’t have enough creativity in the run game to check from one type of run play to some totally different type of run.

    You could read Jameis face sometimes (more last year than this one) after a run that lost yardage. It reads like “I knew that wasn’t going to work.”

    I’m with BucEmUp and some others on this thread. Being less predictable would really help this stat. Too many first down runs in the first half.

    Another thing I don’t think anyone here has talked about is when we snap the ball. It’s a lot easier for teams to slide a safety in the box if you snap the ball with 5 seconds or less on the clock. The modern NFL offensive minds have developed systems where QBs snap the ball much earlier. If you have 10 seconds left, the QB can check out of the play several times before the snap, so defenses are much more loath to bring a safety down or make other alignment changes.

    Another things this helps with is false starts. We have killed ourselves with false starts so many times. Maybe someone can help with this; I saw a stat, but don’t remember where that said there were almost twice as many false starts when the QB takes 8 or more seconds to get everything set up as there are when he goes in four seconds or less. Watch how often we take forever to get aligned and then snap the ball with only a few seconds left on the clock.

  66. Jmarkbuc Says:

    D1 & DR

    Quite the debate. Can JW do this? Is he allowed to do that?

    Bruce Arians
    Tom Moore
    Clyde Christensen
    Left Foot

    3/4 have a lot of experience, and they can’t figure out a swing pass to a RB? Much less an actual game plan.
    What is holding them back?

  67. geno711 Says:

    ArmandoG Says:
    October 18th, 2019 at 3:19 pm
    Might as well mention Jameis is the top rated QB vs the blitz…

    Don’t know for sure but I think you are wrong. I would be willing to do a bet with you.

  68. geno711 Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    October 18th, 2019 at 10:51 pm
    ALL 22 Film Thoughts
    – correction

    – The Bucs only play with 10 players because Jameis doesn’t count he’s that bad.

  69. Bird Says:


    Ndog Aka “never blog “always dogged McCoy. Cause he deserved it ? His stats weren’t good enough. Ndog quotes he is “useless”. He obviously thought his average stats at DT made a difference in the losses . Cause DT touch the ball a few times a game. No excuses for McCoy. Oh , he would take a play off from time to time

    Fitzpatrick when he left . Aka a buc QB, was “about tIme”. He “ split the locker room”. When fitz struggled it was expected. But he thinks he rooted for him

    The biggest hypocrite on here. You don’t root against a buc player unless it’s me. And then I will deny it. You know where he is voting next year.
    What a beeeeeoooooocccchhh

    I think Jameis on 2 weeks will be solid in next game and he will say I told you so. Next bad game , you guys are clueless and I know more then you

  70. Tbbucs3 Says:


    If we really want to break it down you could argue the Bucs play with 8 players on offense and 6 on defense. Sad.

  71. Ndog Says:

    You guys know more about me than you do football. Congrats you finally know something about something.

    I never root against my team or any player on it. But yes I state my frustrations and opinions about their ability, or lack thereof, BUT that is different than rooting for them to fail because that means rooting for the Bucs to fail I that I will never do.

    But fine root for Jameis to fail I hope that makes you feel better but a word to the wise, every aspect of our team other than the passing game sucks so what is getting rid of him going to do other than make us horrible at every aspect of the game.

    So root away my friends but be careful what you wish for.

  72. T REX Says:

    After spending the spring and summer installing a new #Bucs offense and trying to coach bad habits out of Jameis Winston, coaches are stunned at his lack of progress in that area,

  73. Jean Lafitte Says:

    What this tells me is that Jameis is terrible at reading defenses, and doesn’t have the autonomy to audible or that he just fails to make these audibles.

  74. Jean Lafitte Says:

    He maybe smart at reading a play on a chalkboard but to actually read a defense in real play time he apparently struggles.

  75. ITS ABOUT TIME !! Says:

    Lets see benched qbs in the nfl ?? giants, panthers , titans, miami, who am i missing? Wont even mention qbs injured and there backups are playing great… bucs coaches dont have the BALLS TO make the decision

  76. BucsBandit Says:


    Apparently you DON’T know much about football. Especially how the NFL works…

    Let’s not even discuss Winston’s weaknesses, let’s just talk about SALARY CAP implications.

    Getting rid of Winston and going with a cheaper alternative (such as a solid rookie QB prospect) would free up enough cap space for us to sign one of the best free agent cornerbacks AND one of the best free agent O-Linemen.

    So you’re saying the team overall (since you already mentioned without the QB) wouldn’t be better if we added one of the best cornerbacks AND O-Linemen in the league wouldn’t make this team better?

    Man… your comments get more and more idiotic everyday.

  77. Clueless1of1 Says:

    Saw on the Twitter where Mike Freeman (NFL guy) reported that several front-office sources have told him both Tennessee and TB are moving on from Mariota and Jameis, respectively. That’s great news for us.