October 23rd, 2019
“We’re no good running out of a shotgun, Jameis.”
The worst thing one can call an offense is predictable.
This is why both you and Joe always hear defensive coaches say they want to stop the run. Accomplishing that would mean the opponent’s offense is predictable because they will turn to the air unless they want to throw up the white flag.
(The next trick is stopping the pass, right Todd? Then the Bucs will stop throwing up.)
Teams lining up in a shotgun pretty much is a sign they are going to pass. After all, it is a passing formation. But some teams will run out of a shotgun., though not the Bucs, not very much.
Through six games, per the good people of NFL Films, doing grunt work for BSPN’s NFL Matchup, the Bucs have run out of a shotgun formation 20 times. That’s third-lowest number of runs from a shotgun in the NFL.
And that, folks, means the Bucs are predictable when lining up in a shotgun.
Of course, there may be a good reason the Bucs don’t run out of a shotgun. The Bucs are one of the worst teams it the NFL in yards-per-carry from a shotgun, at 3.9 yards a clip.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:09 am
This organization is a mess. Even when they hire a two time coach of the year they don’t get the coach they get the delegator who unretired to save Licht and help his friends remain employed
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:10 am
I predict 3 turnovers by America’s Grop…..errrrr, Quarterback this week.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:11 am
Crushing depression…
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:24 am
Well said loyaltotheend312. Fans were duped and now the owners are shoving Licht for another 5 years down on the fans and JW as well most likely. It’s as if Bucs are doing everything they can to remain bottom feeders. Long time fan but no need to see this predictable crap for years to come. We fans know all to well what GM Licht and JW bring to the table.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:28 am
It does not help that we turn the ball over like a Mons Venus stripper slipping hundies to their pimps. It has to be pretty demoralizing for the defense to continually go back onto the field after a stop, almost always on a short field.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:37 am
On another point. The Bucs Franchise is worth 2.4 billion and they netted over 200 million last year. With that being said…is it really worth the effort to make this a winning team?? H-ll no it’s not. Go with the flow and keep making money. Hence , GM here and QB still here. QB would be long gone if he did not go to a Florida University. Arians is another haul just to make the ignorant “think” that the organization cares about winning.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:38 am
^^^Think Clinton’s.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:38 am
There is a way for this game to get tv ratings!!!! If they make M mariota start and the losing QB has to be canned and banned from the league!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise, this week’s game is the toilet bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 revealed answers to the sheep, that the “real” fans already knew!!!!!!!!
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:41 am
One way to measure the ignorant fan base of Tampa; Arians confidence poll is over 40% in Joes recent poll. He is along for the ride folks.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:43 am
Leftwhats? needs to stop pushing this highschool/pop warner offense.
It’s ridiculous that this offense looks pathetic with all the weapons we have in the receiving game.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:44 am
The whole team is predictable. They will predictably lose again Sunday.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:52 am
Some of these responses are predictable.
October 23rd, 2019 at 8:55 am
The Bucs hired Arians as HC but all they got was a babysitter. Arians making big bucks(no pund intended) as HC but in reality you might as well say Leftbitch is the HC. Another feather in the Glazer’s hat. Curses foiled again. Lets keep the streak going & sign worthless Winston to an extension..
October 23rd, 2019 at 9:04 am
Its not so bad they rarely run out of shotgun but when they go into shotgun they run an empty backfield more often than not which basically tells the defense to completely ignore the run unless you think Jameis is taking off with the ball. This is a problem and whenenver they do it I hate it.
October 23rd, 2019 at 9:25 am
Whats predictable is if the opposing D is patient Winston will turn the ball over. Whats also predictable if the opposing offense does not turn the ball over they will win the game.
October 23rd, 2019 at 9:28 am
You have an OC that NOT ONE single NFL team would have hired, maybe a college would have hired him, but this offense is garbage and only gets yards when it doesnt count. The NFL has changed since the stationary stand in the pocket qb is effective and a winning formula unless you are in New England and have Yoda as your HC
October 23rd, 2019 at 10:20 am
We have an overpaid. Sorry oline
October 23rd, 2019 at 10:28 am
“Can someone explain this to my Dad and me?
This year you spend 21 million dollars on a QB
Hire an offensive-minded HC who always called his own plays for over 20 million guaranteed money
Gave a 5 year extension for (15 mil ?)
To probably evaluate to see if JW3 is the QB of the future
spend this year 55 million dollars guaranteed money to evaluate
But then allow a QB coach Intern who wasnt even paid to coach 2 years ago and who was just fired last year to coach and call plays?
We have a huge problem here at 1 buc place. The delegator is also an intiminator. Look at the press conferences. No one has balls except Jenna Laine. My Dad and I cringe whenever JBF ask their softball questions
Son of Sam
October 23rd, 2019 at 10:47 am
So sad to hear on NFL network radio this morning, from Charlie Weiss: “Jameis Winston is like Forrest Gump and his box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”. He went on to state that it would be hard to see him as a serviceable backup.
October 23rd, 2019 at 10:52 am
“So sad to hear on NFL network radio this morning”………….Your surprised by this? People knew this from the get-go. His “hire” was a PR stunt. Glaciers laugh all the way to the bank. So do they players.
October 23rd, 2019 at 11:08 am
Bucnjim Says:
October 23rd, 2019 at 9:25 am
Whats predictable is if the opposing D is patient Winston will turn the ball over.
after every game we hear a DB that picked JW off say, “we knew he would throw us one”….lol…
October 23rd, 2019 at 11:29 am
worst ypc because are oc is playing our best rb the least and our worst rbs the most
October 23rd, 2019 at 12:27 pm
What jumps out the most to me in that stat is all the teams on top of the list using Shogun all have running QBs. On the bottom of the list is all teams with stationary QBs.
Bruce wants a stationary pocket passer and this is what I disagree with. I think Winston can make more plays for this team if they coach him how to extend more plays with his legs. Dirk never wanted anything to do with that part of the game and Niether does Bruce it seems.
Not that I want him running all this fancy RPO nonsense but use some traditional concepts like bootlegs and roolouts……….Go back and look at Winston’s rookie year. He was making plays with his feet and got a lot of TDs. I thought they would do more of that in year 2…..Instead they take it away entirely? And we wonder why they struggle in the Red zone for 3 seasons……Give your QB a freaking option once in a while from the 5!!
Whatever they do I hope they figure out some of this game planning cause the has looked like trash a few times this year. Seems like we really struggle to find any rythum sometimes. And when this offense gets out of rythum it is very ugly.
October 23rd, 2019 at 12:29 pm
Arians is fine. QB turning the ball over like handing out candy at halloween…..thats a problem. start a backup and we win.
October 23rd, 2019 at 12:30 pm
The offense has looked like trash*****
With the defense they don’t look like trash a few times. It’s most of the time.
October 23rd, 2019 at 12:44 pm
well if the defense got some rest they might have time to adjust and compete. when your qb does what he does if takes the wind out of everyones sail. early in the season the defense was looking pretty damn good. but that was before jw started throwing the other team the ball on play 1!