September 24th, 2019
A surprise performance.
Joe knows has told this story but it bears repeating.
Joe once had an accountant who was truly unhappy if he couldn’t shave off enough on your taxes so your bill to Uncle Sam each spring was $0.
Joe would hand the guy all the receipts that one could muster and dig out of your wastebasket, and from under the bed and the laundry room, and if you still owed money after all calculations, the accountant would bark, “We need more!”
That’s what goes through Joe’s mind when he hears people trumpet second-year back Ronald Jones as the second-coming. Even Dan Schneier of CBS Sports is getting into the act; He wrote that RoJo’s performance against the Giants was one of the top surprises of Week 3.
8. Ronald Jones bursts onto the radar in Tampa
The Buccaneers finally established a multi-faceted offensive attack — working both in the pass and run game — in the third week of the Jameis Winston-Bruce Arians experiment. A big factor in the Buccaneers’ offensive success was the emergence of second-year running back Ronald Jones. The explosive back saw a career-high 14 rushing attempts and turned them into 80 yards (5.7 yards per carry). He also added 41 yards receiving on a screen play — he was clearly Tampa Bay’s most electric option out of the backfield. It’s the first time he’s had more touches than Peyton Barber and it’s only a matter of time before he takes the lead role.
Seriously? A guy that is sort of showing he belongs in the NFL, and we’re supposed to now genuflect when he walks by?
Look, Joe is happy for RoJo. He seems rejuvenated with Bucco Bruce Arians calling the shots. But let’s not get carried away. Yes, of course Joe hopes Jones blows up this season. But is it too much to ask for RoJo to break one of these tackles and use his speed to house the ball? It’s not like he was facing the ’75 Steelers defense Sunday.
If RoJo scores on just one of those touches, the Bucs win.
But, Joe assumes that yes, that is too much to ask. Joe’s too negative, you see. Meanwhile, the losses continue to mount, year after year, season after freaking season now going on over 11 years.
But Joe is the one who is too negative!
September 24th, 2019 at 4:11 pm
if jameis was in another city the running backs would be scoring at a record pace.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:11 pm
It takes time for improvement… Both Joes need to chill!!! Trust in BA… It took Dungy half a season… We are getting better!!!
September 24th, 2019 at 4:15 pm
NOBODY with a winning record has given up more points than the Bucs.
77 through 3 games is atrocious.
I truly believe the rookie curse is countless coaches now believing they can’t beat them sitting back in zone.
Not a single EXOTIC blitz got home.
Just terrible defensive coaching man.
If I didn’t know better, I would think the Giants payed Bowles a cool $100,000 grand for that debacle.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:20 pm
I’m still not sold on either of these guys, but Barber is just not nfl caliber talent.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:23 pm
Don’t be so sensitive about being negative 😉. After Sunday’s debacle I tuned in anxiously all night waiting for you to rip a hole in the organization (& you didn’t disappoint ☺️)
September 24th, 2019 at 4:24 pm
Going to the running well one time too many…..happens all the time….especially in the red zone.
Good to see that “would be bust” Rojo is breaking out….maybe there is hope for MJ Stewart, SMB & Matt Gay.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Oh… I was hoping you would tell us the story about that night in Pittsburgh when you came under the spell of Jameis…. again
September 24th, 2019 at 4:32 pm
Can’t think of a better game Joe has ever seen from a college quarterback, much less a freshman making his first start. And Joe was there, looking live!
September 24th, 2019 at 4:32 pm
It doesn’t matter what RoJo and can and can’t do. Winston can’t usually hit wideouts in stride, and can’t be trusted with the football to sling it like it needs to be. So when the QB and O team captain is a waste, it’s over. They will need RoJo next year when a rookie QB will have to rely on his run game.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:34 pm
Nope, your not being negative Joe. Your just calling a spade a spade.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:39 pm
That Giants fiasco has totally destroyed my normally positive attitude.
I read posters claim…watch us beat LA. I no longer care if we beat LA. I’m tired of upsetting great teams like the Steelers and Seahawks on their own fields only to lay down like dogs when crapola teams show up.
I’m tired of people looking at the schedule for their predictions. It does not matter. The Bucs have proven they can beat the best and lose to the worst. Good teams win ALL the games they’re supposed to win…bad teams figure a way to choke…or in the Bucs case…MANY ways to choke.
A cowardly coach who seeing the Bucs D collapse still fails to go for it at the Giants 5 4th down two to go….roll JW…if he can see a wide open target…toss it…if not he’s athletic enough to give us a great shot at getting two yards. And that was repeated again when BA takes the ball out of JW’s hands inside of the ten. He had time for at least two shots into the end zone.
A franchise QB who throws an inexplicable INT during crunch time…a defense that does not spy a QB who is single handedly destroying our D and lets him run it in for a TD….his SECOND!
Notice I haven’t even mentioned the kicking game yet. But it has always sucked. I expect more out of JW…more out of BA and Bowles…
I’m not sure we could beat Miami now and they’re trying to lose.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:39 pm
Sit barber slow ass on the bench
September 24th, 2019 at 4:40 pm
Billy_45 what are you talking about? The Saints (2-1) have given up 82 points and the Seahawks (2-1) have given up 79.
Fun fact: if you take away the two pick-sixes in the 49ers game and the safety in the Panthers game so we have an actual defensive scoring stat we’re at 61, which ties us for 12th best in the league, better than/tied with 6 teams with winning records, and worse than 9 teams with a winning record.
If you’re going to quote stats about the defense at least make sure the stat makes sense, and even better make sure you’re actually correct about what you’re parroting. You did neither of those.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:43 pm
New coaches New offense New Defense New kicker … Same GM Same players He drafted…. same result!
September 24th, 2019 at 4:45 pm
Guys this was By Far the worst second half performance as a TEAM of the yr. The SF game, as Joe pointed out, was our Offense giving the ball away not our Defense failing.
This game we FLAT OUT failed in the Second half by BOTH sides of the ball
The Defense allowed 22 points and the offense scored 3
“Simple as that”
September 24th, 2019 at 4:46 pm
“Complimentary Football” as almost always been a dream in Tampa.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:49 pm
I recorded the game so I could just watch the 1st half and pretend we are a team that can handle a Bad team with a rookie QB at home. Oh wait, Gay missed 2 kicks in the 1st half. Can’t pretend that he doesn’t suck. I am really sick over this team. Can’t help it. Born in Tampa in 1974 and been through most of the ineptitude though thank God I was too young to remember the 1st 2 seasons. The Bucs have kicked me square in the balls so many times that I had to name them flap jack.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:50 pm
Also it is sad that we have 9 sacks as a ‘Team’ when one guy has 8 of said 9
September 24th, 2019 at 4:51 pm
This site should be rebranded as FauxBucsFan dot com.
Disgusting how you can turn the positive into a condescending article.
You are addicted to finding any way possible to disparage the Bucs organization.
I ask again, WHY do you HATE this organization so much?!
September 24th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
Actually Rayjay, Gay only missed one kick in the first half.
One was blocked. Not sure why people keep putting that on Gay.
Good teams NEVER ask their kicker to make FIVE FGs in one game because they are too good to rely on a flippin kicker.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
So Joe rightfully looks at Jones skeptically, but gives the number 1 overall pick wayyy more slack to show he’s an NFL QB? Let’s hold Jameis to the same (higher given he was number 1 overall) standard.
Is it too much to ask / hope that his last throw to Mike Evans was a good one that lead him to an easy TD? Still waiting for JW to make more consistent big plays when I really matters in games.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:54 pm
This Joe needs a vacation lol
September 24th, 2019 at 4:56 pm
Good point SB. The Patriots would have won that game 49 – 7.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:58 pm
Prolly more like 49 to 25 but I agree sir.
September 24th, 2019 at 4:59 pm
Ooops my bad I think. You meant Pats vs. Giants.
YES 49 to 7 is probably accurate.
Pats also lead the NFL in Sacks
September 24th, 2019 at 4:59 pm
And he pictured him naked the entire game
September 24th, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Belly rubs and more belly rubs
September 24th, 2019 at 5:09 pm
Joe hates losing. Sadly, the Bucs provide ample losses to write about.
Joe is not the one who doesn’t tackle. Joe is not the one who doesn’t block. Joe is not the one who misses field goals.
Don’t blame Joe.
September 24th, 2019 at 5:18 pm
@ BetterBucFan
Awesome, you found one team who has.
Saints scored a fumble return for a TD against the Seahawks so I guess in your mind we shouldn’t count that.
Thanks for checking though.
People like you probably flunked a few times in life missing the point.
It’s the same point the Jets are now screaming.
Bowles is washed up.
But keep looking up stats to make YOURSELF feel better.
You sir, are the kinda idiot this site is full of.
September 24th, 2019 at 5:28 pm
Hash>numbers> sideline come on rojo thats basic rb shot.
Hes runninf with both hands on the ball. He meeds more confidence
September 24th, 2019 at 5:32 pm
If Jameis was in another city, the team wouldn’t have 1st pick of draft save face over their head and losing would not be tolerated.
The rookie showed poise while Jameis got lost and bewildered after his 1st half splash plays.
September 24th, 2019 at 6:01 pm
NFC Division Championship Game. It can still happen.
The problem here is fan expectations early on. As I’ve said elsewhere: New Offense, New Defense, New Rookie Kicker.
You have to give these things a little time, people.
I’m not saying go crazy expecting a superbowl here, but don’t discount anything yet either. A NFC Division Championship Game is very possible…and I said this before the season started.
September 24th, 2019 at 6:02 pm
Alanbucsfan, you are lost. Winston played an great game. Outside of the pick, which WAS his fault, he did everything else right.
September 24th, 2019 at 6:13 pm
Buccaneer Bonzai-
Except he didn’t win…again, and he should have
September 24th, 2019 at 6:18 pm
Who are we kidding it’s Jameis’s fault.
September 24th, 2019 at 6:19 pm
I truly want to believe. New everything but the performance was just too familiar.
September 24th, 2019 at 6:23 pm
Dude came into work talking about a friend of his who said three weeks ago the Bucs were going to start 6-0. Said he could have sold him the Brooklyn Bridge. What a moron!
September 24th, 2019 at 6:26 pm
I think Rojo is a better fit for our OL. Our OL is explosive, but doesn’t always block to the whistle. Rojo takes the hand-off full-gear and hits the hole as fast as possible. Peyton Barber always stutter steps and pauses before he goes anywhere. Think we need to go with Rojo more down at the goaline (OR WHEN WE ARE ON OUR OWN 1 YARD LINE *WINK* *WINK*)
September 24th, 2019 at 6:59 pm
@Billy_45 In your desperate attempt to justify your point that our defense is apparently horrible the stat you mentioned in fact proves the opposite, our PPG defense is above average for all teams and below average compared to teams with a winning record. There is not “one team” that has given up more points defensively that has a winning record, there are 6 (six).
But ignore that if you want I know I can’t convince you you’re wrong. Keep cherry-picking and falsifying stats to prove your point.
And yet I’m the idiot for calling you on your BS
September 24th, 2019 at 7:09 pm
Joe you’re not being negative, just kinda dense. I don’t mean any disrespect but good lord man it’s time to check yourself in. You spent an entire off-season lambasting the backfield, specifically Ronald Jones, and now that he’s showing that he’s a legit NFL running back and undoubtedly the best on this team, you don’t wanna eat your crow. You’d rather act like nothing he’s done is note worthy and stick your nose in the air. Just admit that youre not qualified to speak on the running back position and be done with it.
“Joe has seen nothing – NOTHING – that suggests either of these two can get a first down!!!” Remember typing this little number? Didn’t age too well, did it…
September 24th, 2019 at 8:30 pm
Bonzai you are delusional! Giants came into our home field with a rookie first time starter and beat our ass????? But new coaches new offense New defense new kicker makes it OK ????? NO. F NO
September 24th, 2019 at 8:49 pm
I don’t understand why the Bucs are so worried about what the Joes write; if they spent less time reading JBF and more time game planning against rookie and backup QBs they would win more games. That’s a fact.
September 24th, 2019 at 9:22 pm
Off topic Joe you use that pic a lot. I’ve always been curious. Is that from Andy Griffith? the dad in the bluegrass family that tries to coerce Andy into marrying his daughter?
September 24th, 2019 at 9:40 pm
Joe reminds me of when I was 14 and if the Bucs lost it would ruin my entire week… which meant basically every week in football season was ruined since that was the Ray Perkins years.
The loss was awful but if the kicker makes the kick that he’s expected to make 100% of the time, all this “news” is different.
In the quote above it says it’s time to give Rojo more carries, that he looks good. Why is that spun into something negative? Oh right, because the Joe’s think he had to draft yet another 2nd round running back this last year and if Rojo shows that isn’t the case, then those endless stories all offseason about how bad the running game is and how the Bucs refuse to address the issue don’t really have much merit.
What does have merit is watching MJ out there killing the defense and seeing Evans on IR and understanding why we had to draft more defensive backs. The Bucs rushed for 144 yards on Sunday – and that’s a week after Barber looked great in Carolina and Rojo looked good on opening day. It turns out the running game is just fine. MJ however is not just fine.
September 24th, 2019 at 9:49 pm
Young Frankenstein is the answer!
“Put the candle back!” – Haha, great movie…
I think Jones is playing pretty good so far this year and I think it’s only a matter of time before he starts hitting some home runs.
Barber runs hard as usual and is earning his checks.
Not every team has an All Pro RB like the Bucs questionable defense just shut down two weeks in a row.
Give credit where credit is due, the Bucs are running the ball pretty well, and hopefully they can keep it up.
They do have a lot of receiving threats so it is difficult to rely on the running game like when we had Riddell Anthony and Jacques Green out wide back in the day.
Sheesh, man.
It sucks the Bucs are losing games, but we don’t need to bash every single player that didn’t find a cure for cancer last Sunday.
September 24th, 2019 at 9:55 pm
@Rod Munch
I was the same way when I was younger.
A Bucs loss would wreck me for days on end, sometimes to the point where my family and friends were worried.
I remember the Bucs blowout loss in Oakland during the Super Bowl season (I think?), my dad had a co-worker over who was a Raiders fan and I almost went to jail.
Went to a game in ATL in/around 2004/2005 where the Bucs lost and had half the opposing section ready to lynch me I was so irrationally upset.
It just isn’t worth it and the sky isn’t always falling folks.
It’s football and we all root for one of the saddest franchises in all of pro sports.
Still, I couldn’t root for any other team.
Now I’m the one calming my Dad down after a tough loss…
Funny how life works.
September 24th, 2019 at 10:22 pm
Joe acknowledged Jones is proving he belongs in the NFL. But best on the team??? What does that mean? That it’s just good enough to be better than Peyton Barber and we can have a fireworks display at night with roasted marshmellows over a camp fire???
How about being one the best in the league? What is wrong with that?
Or is Joe just a meanie for suggesting any Bucs player should strive to at least be top-10 in the NFL?
Doug Martin was the best running back the Bucs had for years. That’s one of the reasons why the Bucs stunk and lost all the time.
If Jones (or Barber) was as good as what people want him to be, not is but wants, then one of those runs he could have broken a tackle and scored. Ballgame.
Are Bucs fans’ standards that watered down that a running back just has an OK game — nothing special — and the guy is suddenly the next Earl Campbell and is above both reproach and critique? Really? Geez. Since when it is wrong to demand high standards?
September 24th, 2019 at 10:29 pm
Joe’s gone through his share of remotes in his day.
September 24th, 2019 at 11:17 pm
I’m now convinced J0e will only be happy if we’re overpaying an aging former superstar, or wasting 1st round picks on running back.
RoJo is ONLY averaging 5.3 ypc through 3 games, in limited snaps.
Guess he needs to be running for 200 yards and 3 TDs every week.
Same as Jameis– not good enough unless he throws 6 TDs every week…
September 24th, 2019 at 11:42 pm
I’m enjoying seeing Rojo look like he belongs in the league. He should’ve scored on the screen however the blockers he had out front didn’t block a soul. If Jensen or Marpet get 1 block it’s a house call however on the same note a running back should be able to make the 1st guy miss in the open field is that to much to ask? Barber runs hard but he doesn’t see the cut back. One of his early runs the outside was wide open every one crashed down and I think OJ and Godwin sealed the edge nothing but day light to the left but he goes right into the crowd to be tackled. Smh
September 25th, 2019 at 12:30 am
Too negative? If anything, you are overly optimistic. 😉
September 25th, 2019 at 7:24 am
Thanks Elliot!!
September 25th, 2019 at 1:05 pm
Why in the hell are some of you fans on Barber’s ass. This guy may not have the speed or elusivness as some of the top RB’s in the league. But what he has is a lot of heart who gives 110% every game. He was there when the Bucs had crap at RB & answered the call. He was the man. Now all of a sudden he’s nothing? Give me a break.