Make The Call

September 29th, 2019

One-hour flash poll posted at 1:19 p.m.

19 Responses to “Make The Call”

  1. Buc believer Says:

    There should be a HELL no

  2. DB55 Says:


  3. JimmyJack Says:

    We can win. That’s for sure. Do think we win at least one of these next two in L.A. and N.O.

    So slide me in for a yes vote.

    Defense keeps forcing turnovers. Let’s get more and take better advantage and have that be the difference.

  4. TexBuc Says:


  5. reply Says:

    There is no scenario in all of the multiverses where the Bucs win this game. #ItsABucsLife #Paperbag #PleaseCleanHouseAgain

  6. Ptwalk Says:

    There should be a hell to the yes. Go Bucs

  7. Jeff Says:

    Well, we now know 32% of JBF fans are bay-sh*t crazy.

  8. BucDan Says:

    Vote YES as we have been in every game thus far.

  9. rrsrq Says:

    Easy win…

  10. Mike Johnson Says:

    CAN people in Hell get ice water? Sure they CAN. But..They won’t.

  11. Rick Says:

    Yes. Competitive through out, winner by Gay FG.😅

  12. RustyRhinos Says:

    YES! We can win!
    Just Show me.

  13. NPRSageBoy Says:

    Hell froze over once when the Eagles reunited….I guess it could happen twice in my lifetime…..

  14. Loyaltotheend Section 312 Says:

    Not with this staff of scared gutless coaches

  15. Tye Says:

    31-17 Rams win so NO!

  16. MadMax Says:


    Come on Joes, leave it open a little longer lol

  17. Colonel_mp Says:

    Congrats to those who knew today’s TRAP game was going to be a great one for the BUCS. Go BUCS!

  18. Horice Says:

    Lol 😂

  19. ChanEpic Says:

    Can we keep this post on the site for the whole week?