“I Need Jameis Winston The Hell Off My TV”
September 12th, 2019
Wants a TV blackout.
As Joe has stated before, a lot of folks have turned on America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Many of Jameis’ staunch defenders have turned critics after Jameis puked all over himself in his debut with Bucco Bruce Arians.
And for the haters? It’s like Christmas, New Year’s Eve and St. Patrick’s Day all rolled into one.
Currently, with the Bucs facing the Stinking Panthers tonight on national television, the Bucs are getting a lot of run on national talk shows, both radio and TV this week. Jameis is absolutely getting crushed.
One guy in particular is sick of Jameis after he watched Jameis throw two pick-sixes over the weekend and three overall in a miserable performance against the 49ers. And that is popular sports TV and radio personality Adam Schein.
And in Schein’s view, the only time Jameis should be on his big screen HDTV set is if the Bucs are the only game on TV and NFL strongman Roger Goodell is forcing Schein to watch the Bucs.
Speaking on his show “Schein on Sports,” heard exclusively on SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio, Schein unloaded yesterday.
“The Panthers have the gift of the schedule coming up,” Schein began. “They’ve got the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Bucs are dreadful and Jameis Winston — I need Jameis Winston the hell off my TV.
“He is officially my new Blake Bortles. I don’t want to watch him; I don’t want to see him; I don’t want to look at him. I mean Jameis Winston on and off the field — you know I never liked the pick — I mean he was atrocious Week No. 1 against the San Francisco 49ers.
“Bruce Arians is an offensive guru. Bruce Arians literally wrote the book. There was a book, Bruce Arians wrote a physical book, you can go buy it. “Quarterback Whisperer.” That is his book. If he can’t fix Jameis Winston, no one can. And spoiler alert: He can’t fix Jameis Winston.”
Radio is radio but money is money. So who does Schein have winning the game tonight? The Stinking Panthers.
But who did Schein lay cash on tonight? The Bucs… getting seven points of course.
September 12th, 2019 at 1:54 pm
Winston is a joke nationally and here in Charlotte. As usual, they willl laugh him out of our stadium. 5 years and no contract? What a human wasteland.
September 12th, 2019 at 1:57 pm
I need Jameis off my team!
September 12th, 2019 at 1:57 pm
let me check.. yup.that guy effing nailed it
September 12th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
I have to agree with him. Winston’s act has grown old…
September 12th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you’re killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, we’re drafting a QB 1st pick next year….Count on it! And so far from what Ive seen since Noah (God that name Noah to right this ship) isnt gonna be there, then Jake Fromm has the most of my attention.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:00 pm
That’s what I sounded like Sunday Night.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:00 pm
1 week.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:02 pm
“I’ve just got to keep getting better”……..no, Jameis…..you need to keep from getting worse.
Just don’t lose the game for us….let the rest of the team try to win. We need to win tonight….very badly.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:04 pm
JW can’t be fixed. Not because he’s a bad guy or a dumb guy or not a good athlete. He doesn’t have the unflappable mental stability and focus to play QB at this level. Some have suggested he go back to pitching. I think he would be great until he let a couple guys get on base, then he would start uncorking wild pitches all over the place. Mentally, the wheels come off and he’s done.
I’ve defended JW a lot on here. Never said the Bucs should cut him. I’m one of those who have finally said it’s time to move on. We have to do whatever we can to save the season. It could get away from us very quickly. I don’t see much willingness in this fan base to throw another season to the wind because “we need to see what we have in Jameis “.
I’m not a doom and gloomer. There are bright spots on the team and reasons for hope, but not if we can’t protect and move the football.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:06 pm
Trevor Lawrence! my bad….wth is with me….8 beers in this early in the day lol.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:07 pm
Lol jesus
September 12th, 2019 at 2:08 pm
……..4 years
September 12th, 2019 at 2:09 pm
Other than their D line, we’re playing a pretty crappy team tonight….glad i have the day off….but 4am is 4am tomorrow and back to it at the car mill
September 12th, 2019 at 2:10 pm
Just think…the world is watching. And Jameis will either look like a talented, up and coming NFL QB. Or he will look like a national bad joke. IF I’m right about Jameis, I expect a great game tonight. Still, tired of the Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde routine. But tonight I expect to see the good Jameis tonight.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:11 pm
Jameis’ line tonight: 3 tds 0 ints 346 yds. BELIEVE BOYS, BELIEVE!
September 12th, 2019 at 2:11 pm
I think the QB Whisperer is going to continue whispering to Jameis for the ENTIRE season. Just like he did with Palmer, who also started off shaky under Arians.
It was 1 game.
1 game that I’m sure got Arians whispering.
Better get used to him on your TV…oh wait guys like him don’t watch us anyways.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:15 pm
I feel his pain… been living it for most of the last 4 seasons.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:16 pm
Perfectly said.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:16 pm
Joe continues with this moronic “Americas QB”. No one talks about Jameis unless the have to @Joe ie. games like tonight. Other then that jameis has been lapped by almost every young qb in his age bracket in terms of coverage.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:17 pm
It probably hurts a GM’s pride seeing his #1 overall pick from a few years ago still looking uncertain of being worth resigning after almost 5 years in league.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:18 pm
I dont know what to expect. Im up here in the carolinas and will be at my fav watering hole watching (surrounded by stinking panther fans)….i just hope we win….like you said, need the good JW to show up!
I think we’ll win on a Gay FG at the end of the game….i dont know where it comes from but thats what i see.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:19 pm
Fair to say you are out of touch with society.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:20 pm
Ha ha ha. The cuz he sucks as a human and really sucks as a QB. The Narcissistic womanizing, NDog/Buc1987/Julyjoe/Tmaxcon/lordcorn/ bighog/cgmaster/kobefaker/Hodad/dalvincookrules/rodmunch/ironwombat/gobucs72/bonzai group circle jerking, homophobic , Joe dirt with darker pigmentation, turnover machine, w eating, non leader of men will be gone after week 6. The scary thing is, the other players on our team voted him a team captain…. that just shows you how much we suck.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Here’s a Question for Joe: According the past player quotes, Winston’s two “best friends” on the team or Mike Evans and Donovan Smith. Both just signed huge contracts and will be cornerstones of the team for years to come.
If they put friendship first, how much pressure can these players exert on the coach and GM to play and/or resign (extend) JW?
September 12th, 2019 at 2:25 pm
87 problem is it’s not one game. It’s just not. That last INT he threw has nothing to do with your coach or schematics. It’s one of the most simplistic plays for a NFL QB. You either throw the open screen or throw it into the dirt. There is literally two options.
For whatever reason Winston has all but proven that he is incapable of making the proper decisions. He just throws the ball up into the air. Up for grabs.
People aren’t upset about one game it’s cause he is incapable of making the proper decisions. This aren’t a QB adjusting to a new system we saw. It’s a QB who cannot figure out how to do his job consistently.
Maybe Bruce can somehow fix that but it doesn’t look good. He just whispered to Winston for 4 full months and he cant even get him to run one of the simpiliest plays in football right. The system is new the problems are the same…..that’s the issue.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:25 pm
Winston is who he has always been; a turnover machine. We ignored it when he won the championship at FSU but that was the easiest schedule for a team in recent memory to win the BCS. It was also the last year before they introduced the playoff system for college football.
His next year at FSU he was a liability, where his team was good enough to bail him out in the (then) weak ACC conference. But come playoff time he folded like a cheap lawn chair.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:27 pm
I just don’t know what game you guys are seeing.
That TD to Godwin was fantastic.
The 2nd TD to Brate reminded me of Joe Montana’s toss to Dwight Clark that made NFL history only it was better. Better catch and footwork. A shame that it was erased by penalty.
OJ, Peyton and Dare should be hanging their heads in shame for what they did to Jameis on Sunday. They have a lot to make up for tonight.
Please note that Jameis did not attempt to throw his team mates under the bus. He took full responsibility even though he knew he would be literally crucified locally and nationally.
Remember the last guy they crucified? He rose again like Jameis will tonight.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:27 pm
September 12th, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Adam Schein also had a quick piece from and interview with JW today. He asked JW what the Bucs need to do in order to beat the Panthers today. In true JW fashion JW said “ we needta punch dem in d mouf”. So damn embarrassing
September 12th, 2019 at 2:29 pm
And I’m not trying to write off Winston or call for his head just yet. Because you are right about the 1 game part and it is possible he could proove his worth in the next 15.
But Winston has completely shattered my confidence and he cost every player on this team and his fans a W. At this point in his career he is holding the team back from winning and he just isn’t good enough. That’s not hating that’s being fair.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:29 pm
The ” Best ” QB in Buccaneers history is not even on track to make the Ring of Honor at Ray Jay
September 12th, 2019 at 2:32 pm
Ghost of Darrell. Stop trolling to get a reaction dummy. JW didbstate earlier this week that his receivers need to do a better job at getting open: this is putting them under the bus. He also threw 3 picks dummy
September 12th, 2019 at 2:37 pm
Am not sure how accurate those quotes are. Do know Evans and Jameis have taken summer vacations together and they support each other’s charity events.
Have seen photos of Jameis and Donovan Smith hanging out at Lightning games, Magic games, rassling matches.
Players want to win. And if a coach and/or a GM thinks it’s time to move on from a player, they are good with it. Evans was tight with The Malcontent. You didn’t see Evans pitch a fit because the Bucs traded him. Do know Evans is getting very fed up with losing.
Rosters change anywhere from a third to a half each year. Evans is still here and he’s never said a peep about personnel matters from what Joe knows.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:38 pm
winston sure is moving the “needle”….lol…
i would prefer a dead needle and W’s vs moving the needle with L’s!!!!!
GO BUCS!!!!!
September 12th, 2019 at 2:43 pm
a Jameis-FREE Buccaneers will be an automatic up-grade and instantly revive hope and excitement to a vast majority of their fan base…
Jameis Winston, Christian Ponder, EJ Manuel and JaMarcus Russell owe so much to Jimbo fisher for helping them fleece (rape) the NFL of 1st round money!
September 12th, 2019 at 2:44 pm
I’m betting on Bucs Defense. 16 points tonight so Jameis needs more. Pound the rock, run the ball down their throats. GMC can’t stop the run. Pound it
September 12th, 2019 at 2:45 pm
America’s Quarterback is Patrick Mahomes.
America’s Quarterback has a Madden Cover, a winning record, multiple tv commercial ad campaigns, has been to the playoffs and his conference’s Championship game, is a household name amongst people who don’t watch footbal, is in the running for MVP this season, is drafted in the first round of fantasy leauges, is being signed to the biggest contract ever, ect.
The list goes on and on. America’s QB is not a Pro Bowl alternate from 2015 who has gotten worse over time, and is on his 5th year of his “rookie” contract.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:46 pm
He’s getting there.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:47 pm
we have to get this W tonight…..
fake punt, double reverse, wildcat, fumbleroosky, statue of liberty…..it dont matter….we have to pull out all the stops to get this W tonight….
GO BUCS!!!!!
September 12th, 2019 at 2:49 pm
“Lazy journalism
This isn’t BAs playcalling. This doesn’t look anything like the offense with Carson Palmer
What we have here is Leftfoot calling his 11th game and he sucks at it
Like my Dad said repeatedly this summer
Tampa bay is being held hostage by Golfcart Bruce and all his demands
The overgrown Gary Coleman has no busy being a offensive coordinator”
Son of Kobe Faker
September 12th, 2019 at 2:50 pm
sure looks that way….
GO BUCS!!!!!
September 12th, 2019 at 2:51 pm
Jameis is what he is. Mistake prone, turnover prone, reckless, unwilling or unable to change. He’d be a great backup QB for some other team…because he does have some natural ability…but as a starter, he just has too many liabilities for this Bucs team….which just doesn’t have the overall talent to make up for a shoddy signal caller.
Time for JW to move on….and take Jason Licht with him. He is not a good enough evaluator of talent and has stocked this roster with more question marks than answers. And if Ariana says that he is tied to Licht….then it’s time for him to re-retire too!
This team is in full rebuild mode and it’s time we recognize it.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:54 pm
There are only two people in the world who have ever called Jameis Winston “America’s Quarterback”. Those two are 1) Joe and 2) Jameis Winson.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:56 pm
So..question for the posters..how many teams would trade their starting QB for Jameis, straight up? That should tell you where he stands nationally.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:56 pm
Old School Athlete – the problem with your proposal is that Ryan Griffin is a 3rd stringer for a reason. If you really want the season to go off the rails watch what happens if they hand the reins to him. As up and down as Jameis is, he is still MUCH better than Griffin. If you want to go in another direction in the draft next year I can’t really argue with that anymore, but you can’t bench Jameis in the hopes of saving the season. If they bench Jameis they are tanking for that first overall pick because he gives them their least chance of winning.
September 12th, 2019 at 2:57 pm
I’m really starting to question if the JW staunch defenders have watched any other young QB’s play in the NFL. JW’s ceiling is below most of them and his floor is so unbelievably low he’s a complete liability (Browns and SF come to mind).
Why do people think JW is so talented? Based on college?! Based on his draft position?! He has wayyy more NFL tape at this point and it’s NOT good. Busts happen all the time in the NFL and it seems like Bucs fans just refuse to see the forest through the trees. HE IS A BUST.
Everyone says the kid is super smart on X’s and O’s. That’s fantastic and maybe he should become a coach. He clearly can’t make in play decisions and doesn’t have the arm talent to consistently overcome those bad decisions (see interceptions total).
The more time we waste on this guy the longer it postpones the teams success. As a Bucs fan I want the team to do well above all else. Good teams know when to cut their losses (whoops JL).
JW gets 5 more games to drastically improve otherwise the team should just move on.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:01 pm
Everyone has their own measure…but I would think the QB that most teams and fans in the league would want in America would be “America’s QB”…rather than some other. And there are many candidates… Brady, Rodger, Brees, Mahomes, etc… But we all have our own measure.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:09 pm
Asdf – The Bucs have hung with Jameis this long because he has accomplished a lot here. While all you guys want to acknowledge is his turnovers, if he hadn’t put up some pretty incredible numbers and shown stretches where he plays like an elite QB, he would have been long ago. I am as angry as anyone about last week’s failure by him, but I also am man enough to know that he has at times played like the number one overall pick he was. To act like he has done nothing since college is just being a hater. He is frustrating at times no doubt, but the people who pay him big money have stuck with him this long because he has produced a lot of good and shown so much potential. I know all these posters hate him now and don’t want to give him credit for anything, but they are just wrong to act like he has never played like a good NFL QB at times.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:09 pm
Joe continues with this moronic “Americas QB”. No one talks about Jameis unless the have to @Joe ie.
Fair to say you are out of touch with society.
I’m out of touch? Lol who talks about jameis or the bucs in general unless they have a game on that day in the national media? Admit it this team is the most forgotten about team in the NFL. Hell even the schedule makers were pretty much like yea… we kind of forgot about them until the end there. Wed like a do over with there schedule but ohhhh wellll. This team is an afterthought to the highest degree. Americas QB how patrick mahomes is americas Qb deshaun watson, carson wentz, jared goff, kyler murray they would all be americas qb because they actually get mentioned. you know what those guys all have in common? They are all younger then jameis and more popular and considered the next up.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:10 pm
I travel for work and the perception of the Bucs nationally is a joke
Jameis is not America’s QB hell hes not eve Hillsborough country’s QB
September 12th, 2019 at 3:16 pm
Loyalty…I run into the same thing up here when visiting the midwest…but most just give a little smile so as not to offend me.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:22 pm
I’m almost at a loss for what to write. I been a Jameis fan ever since I saw him beat the Pitt stinking Panthers when he was at FSU. There are 15 more games and I really hope he can turn it around starting tonight. Without a winning season and a playoff appearance it may be time to move on. I’m happy with the defense playing better but the offense looked like a JV unit. I was expecting more.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:24 pm
LOL Did you read this article? Yes, you are out of touch.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:38 pm
It ain’t just the player, it’s the organization and the environment.
Listen to you pathetic cry babies.
43 years and never drafted and developed a QB to a 2nd contract.
And a lot those QBs went on to great success elsewhere.
They’re surrounded by a whiny, crying, negative fanbase and a local media that caters to it by feeding them spoonfuls of doom and gloom so they can cry and whine and moan.
You get what you are, fanbase.
43 years and what’s the one constant?
The whiny fans and media.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:41 pm
Joe Says:
September 12th, 2019 at 3:24 pm
I’m out of touch? Lol who talks about jameis or the bucs in general unless they have a game on that day in the national media?
LOL Did you read this article? Yes, you are out of touch.
Again the game is tonight? name another time when we werent the only game on that they have talked about Jameis Winston. anytime last week? Other then lowlights lmao.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:50 pm
What really sucks is if the mob gets there wish we will reach for another QB with something like the 5th pick and more than likely that draft pick will be a failure. This is not a well run franchise so we will get another 3-4 years complaining about the new QB and how bad he sucks and we will repeat all of this for as long as one can imagine. There is no Andrew Luck in this draft and the Dolphins seem like they are a lock to get this first pick next year. As a fan I really hope Jameis can play well for the remainder of the season because if not this is just going to be a cycle that goes on and on and on.
September 12th, 2019 at 3:57 pm
Tony LA,
How many coaches has the team had over the years?
Now compare that number to your statement and…..you’ll figure it out..
September 12th, 2019 at 4:16 pm
Ghost of Henderson. Please change your screen name it makes u bucs fans look like idiots. We get it you went to Memphis or that’s your favorite team and you wanted to draft him. The dude is a 3rd string running back on his team. And had a horrible preseason against guys who got cut. This just proves you are a troll by keeping that dumb name. In hopes one game this year the two running backs ahead of him get hurt and he gets 60 yards on 20 carries and you can say see told you guys that’s more than barber has gotten in a game this year. Even though it’s a horrible average.
September 12th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
Both QBs will suck.
17-15 final Kitty Kats.
(But Matt Gay gets 5 FGs!)
September 12th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Joe you’re clearly “out of touch” as you told another person posting if you continue to refer to JW as America’s QB
Just sayin
September 12th, 2019 at 4:34 pm
“Ghost of Henderson. Please change your screen name it makes us bucs fans look like idiots”
I just love to piss off snowflakes!
I’m keeping the name until Gump gets fired. That should be about by Halloween.
I was disappointed that DH only got one touch against the stinking Panthers but I have patience.
September 12th, 2019 at 4:36 pm
Joe really thinks only maybe Tom Brady moves the needle more then Winston
I mean what a strange dude.
Not sure what fantasy world He lives in
Just wait. Jameis will have a good game soon . Hopefully tonight and he will come out hollering “where are all the haters at “
Logical joe rules
September 12th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
Bucs fans SUCK!!! All y’all do is run players out of town then cry like lil B***HES when they win elsewhere. Sick of y’all.
September 12th, 2019 at 5:41 pm
i forgot what team was Shein on?
September 12th, 2019 at 6:38 pm
This upcoming draft is a great draft for teams seeking QB’S. We don’t need the next Andrew Luck. The next Deshaun Watson or Mahomes or…Baker, murray. There’s upgrades available in the draft.
September 12th, 2019 at 6:42 pm
Buccaneers have had a grand total of 13 winning seasons in 43 seasons (thru 2018). We had 3 winning seasons under John McKay, 4 winning seasons under Tony Dungy, 4 winning seasons under Jon Gruden, 1 under Raheem Morris and 1 under Dirk Koetter. In each of those seasons, it was the Bucs’ DEFENSE that led the way (yes, even under Chucky & Dirk). Look at who we had as QBs in each of those seasons:
o 1979 – Doug Williams (10-6)
o 1981 – Doug Williams (9-7)
o 1982 – Doug Williams (5-4 … shortened season)
o 1997 – Trent Dilfer (10-6)
o 1999 – Trent Dilfer (7-3), Shaun King (4-1), Eric Zeier (0-1)
o 2000 – Shaun King ((10-6)
o 2001 – Brad Johnson (9-7)
o 2002 – Brad Johnson (10-3), Rob Johnson (2-0), Shaun King (0-1)
o 2005 – Chris Simms (6-4), Brian Griese (5-1)
o 2007 – Jeff Garcia (8-5), Luke McCown (1-2)
o 2008 – Jess Garcia (6-5), Brian Griese (3-2)
o 2010 – John Freeman (10-6)
o 2016 – Jameis Winston (9-7)
Hate to tell Bucs’ fans this, but we’ve NEVER had any world-beater QBs. Bucs have traditionally hung our hat on DEFENSE. The exact opposite of what rivals like Atlanta and New Orleans have done … both are better known for their OFFENSES. And yet both of them struggled until they improved their defenses while still maintaining powerful offenses.
Point is that the Bucs don’t need a $30-$35 mil QB to be successful. We need a strong DEFENSE coupled with a reasonably effective offense. BALANCE is a nice word (Patriots seem to understand that concept better than any other team). Playing COMPLEMENTARY FOOTBALL is another nice concept; wish we could see some of that around here. It’d be refreshing.
September 12th, 2019 at 6:59 pm
Absolutely agree DR…
That’s why I don’t get everyone clamoring for another 1st round QB.
Heck, give me Brian Hoyer or whoever for a year or two and build everything else..
If you’re Not going to win during rebuild, use your resources on more important needs, then get a qb on a rookie deal…4 more years to add pieces.
September 12th, 2019 at 7:51 pm
Defense rules,
Complimentary football!
It sounds great but please elaborate on the concept. I’m curious about the practical application of the idea when it comes to building a team. There’s no lack of people saying we need to play complimentary football, but there is on opinions on how to achieve that result.
To say we need a strong defense and reasonably effective offense is not an answer.
How would you build a team around the concept of complimentary football?
September 12th, 2019 at 7:56 pm
Patriots are a modern NFL era anomaly. No one yet has been able to duplicate their results.
September 13th, 2019 at 1:27 am
September 13th, 2019 at 10:03 pm
Jameis may be a bad quarterback, but he’s my bad quarterback. Why does this clown have to throw the whole team under the bus? I get bashing Winston, and I agree with most of it, but calling the entire team dreadful after just one game is lazy and ignorant. I hope this dude enjoyed last night’s game.
I will add this moron to the list of Northeast sports “gurus” that I happily ignore.