Jameis “Right On Schedule”
August 3rd, 2019
Talkin’ America.
Who is Joe to quibble with one of the best offensive minds in football the past two decades or so?
So outside of Tuesday’s practice, and the red zone work Friday night in the Glazer Shed, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, has been, well, underwhelming on the field this summer.
Jameis was having an OK practice Friday night (he was very good in red zone drills) and overall was without a pick until late in the practice when the Bucs worked on two-minute drills.
There, as if looking through a window to the past, Jameis drove the Bucs inside the defense’s 35 and then threw two picks.
Sound familiar?
We are less than a week away from the Bucs traveling to Pittsburgh to play the Steelers to kick off the preseason. So Joe asked Bucco Bruce Arians his take on Jameis’ progression learning his offense and being prepared for Pittsburgh.
Let’s just say Arians’ observations are a tad different than Joe’s.
“I thought right on schedule,” Arians said of Jameis. “I thought he had a great red zone period. The whole practice was really good. I mean you’ve got 21 seconds left, you try to hit somebody and get picked, that’s going to happen when you’re down there and you lose your timeout.
“But overall, I love where he’s at. I like where the offense is at now. We’re running the ball much better. We’re understanding what to do against all those different coverages we’re seeing. This was probably one of our best practices, coming off the worst practice we’ve had.
“Whether you take it for a day off then a practice, day off then a practice, now they’re just excuses. Our schedule doesn’t allow us to sit at one o’clock every Sunday, so we’ve got to play at different times. We’ve got to get up and be ready to play, so that’s why we’re doing this. That’s why we’re at eight o’clock in the morning next week. Overall, I thought it was good.”
And Arians may have a point. He admitted he and his defensive coordinator Todd Bowles are throwing the kitchen sink at the offense, and that may be why in all but a couple of practices, the once rancid Bucs defense is now controlling practices. Batting down passes, harassing quarterbacks, mauling offensive linemen, picking off quarterbacks.
We will find out just how much the first-team offense is struggling next week.
That should also give us a hint if the defense really has improved that much.
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:07 am
We already know what JW can do. Plenty of sample size to know. If he can be what he showed after being benched, and more importantly, the defense steps up and we make a few more kicks…. We should be right in the mix in the NFC South.
Yes TMax…in the mix Brother!
In BA I Trust!
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:17 am
So I finally got to go to practice tonight and the one thing I would like to see from Jameis is for him to just turn it loose. He seems to put to much air under the ball and at times that causes it to sail. Even on those throws into the windows of the zone he needs to drive the ball to the receiver to allow them to have some time after the catch to make a move. Tonight he had Perriman wide open deep but almost intentionally he threw the ball high up in the air like a jump ball when if he just ripped it downfield it would have been an easy TD. What is baffling is that he can make every throw so it makes me think the crappy coaching that Koetter gave him screwed up his mechanics. I vividly remember Koetter telling him on the deep ball just make it a 50/50 ball just don’t overthrow it. Well now he just hangs it up there no matter what. Man Koetter sucked sooooo bad. Also tonight you could clearly see Arians motioning to Jameis to keep the ball more on a line instead of lofting the ball in so much. If he would just fire that freaking thing I’m telling you top 10 QB with easy, but that is a big if.
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:39 am
Ndog…eeks that ugly huh?
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:41 am
Winston has been taught new mechanics. ANyone here ever have a golf lesson? Anyone have any idea how hard it is to change physical habits which have become reflexive, like a knee bouncing up when a doc hits it with a mallet? Try not doing that.
If BA says Jameis is on schedule, and he works with him every day all day, any of us know better?
Some of us may think we do, but that’s why we’re typing and they’re doing.
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:44 am
Robbie Aguayo knows. đ
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:52 am
“Jameis the journeyman” or “famous Jameis” that is getting paid that’s the question. Man do I have my doubts but if, and I mean a “BIG” if the O line can get a run game going by the start of the season. Jameis might be able to manage some of these irresponsible decisions he’s known for, just a hunch but the way I see it that’s a must. Joe and alot of fans might be in the mindset that us letting Henderson slip away is/was foolish. I’m of the mind why didn’t they try to get a quality tackle or guard that would have been the best way to go but here we are with overpaid Donovan and Caleb yikes!
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:53 am
@Joe —
LOL — yeah. I once did am Aguayo and took a golf lesson before a member guest golf tournament. I’m surprised Aguayo made as many kicks as he did after leaning that.
But in Jameis’ case, it’s for his career and for the Bucs’ sake, and it sounds like he’s taking it very seriously.
August 3rd, 2019 at 1:11 am
I always thought of Arians as a straight shooter… Since coming out of retirement it seems he no longer tells it like it is…
reports of JW practicing like a rookie and Arians talking like he is doing well….
Its like Arians is playing politics!
August 3rd, 2019 at 1:52 am
The Sheep have seen practice. The Sheep have also seen the seemingly “odd” drills turned into seemingly “odd” plays. The Sheep recognize that “Practice” is different than “Game Time”. The Sheep have even seen the “jump pass” from drills used in game time situations. The Sheep wonder how many of the “Real Fans!!!!!” actually take the time to visit the Glazer Shed this time of year. Very few… The Sheep will also continue to make the time to watch more this week. There are some interesting takes here, but the Sheep Nose who the Real Fans are and they can clearly see that there is something different this year. The Sheep also wonder who is responsible for moving the golf cart when BA is on foot…
August 3rd, 2019 at 2:41 am
Tye Says:
“I always thought of Arians as a straight shooter⌠Since coming out of retirement it seems he no longer tells it like it is⌔
Or perhaps BA has never stopped being a straight shooter and many, like yourself, are just choosing not to take what coach Arians says at face value…..
Granted – BA has made some pretty surprising statements that seem to fly in the face of what we’ve seen in just the recent past.
Like that Peyton Barber is a stud RB in this league and that there’s no problem with talent or depth at the RB position… Few believe this position – but what if its true? What if with better OLine coaching the Bucs “run game” suddenly develops into a top 10 running attack?
Or how about that 24 year old Vernon Hargreaves is expected to lead this young CB group by example and play as would be expected from a first rd CB? (so far so good – but VH3 has a loooong way to go in order to earn that $10M option next year)
Or the best one of all – “The secondary is fixed”. I mean – how many eye rolls did that statement get at the time? And yet now it seems pretty obvious that BA was definitely shooting straight in saying that.
So why is it so hard to believe coach when he states that Winton’s expected progress in learning and implementing this offense is “right on schedule”?
This ain’t BA’s first time implementing his offense with a talented QB. He knows what to expect in this scenario. What to watch for, what to correct, what to let go. What to emphasize. What to tolerate. What to not tolerate.
BA and Leftwich are throwing Jameis into the deep end this year – and are both extremely confident he will not drown. I say we should all take their confidence in that regard at face value and look forward to seeing BA “whisper” 25 year Jameis into the dynamic NFL player that he was always meant to be…..
August 3rd, 2019 at 2:47 am
It will become clearer and clearer to all fans, including Winston’s diehard fans, that he’s a C+ NFL QB. Not bad, but definitely not great.
Ndog – those terrible deep passes aren’t Koetter’s fault, it’s because Winston lacks deep ball accuracy. He lacks ‘touch timing’ with arching balls. I tried telling you this before and you claimed he had great accuracy and ‘could make all the throws’ with lofted wheel routes and other passes.
The truth is… he DOESN’T. He has accuracy issues.
Anyone that has watched Jameis Winston his entire career, and is brutally honest about it, knows he has major weaknesses…
1) He lacks quick Defensive analysis and awareness.
2) He holds the ball too long (which often leads to turnovers.)
3) He has accuracy issues with any type of pass that isn’t rocketed on a straight line.
4) He forces balls too much to make up for his lack of quick reads; i.e. instead he’ll get rid of the ball by forcing it to a place where better QB’s realize that WR wouldn’t be open or the odds of the reception make it too risky of a throw to make.
Let’s face it…
Winston is a TURNOVER MACHINE for a number of reasons. There’s no more “Oh, he just had a bad practice, it’s like Brady never throws an INT in practice.”
Sorry, but Winston CONTINUES TO throw interceptions in practice. Again and again and again.
Jameis Winston is just not a great NFL QB (and will never be at this point of his muscle memory from 1,000s of throws) and the Bucs need to let him go and move on with drafting a young QB prospect.
August 3rd, 2019 at 2:50 am
Pickgrin – what do you expect Arians to say, “The reality is, Jameis has been stinking it up and we’re very disappointed. He’ll need to improve or someone may take his job.”
Arians is playing POLITICS. He’s not going to give some sound bite that everyone will run with that would damage Winston’s self-esteem in some way.
So Arians is just doing the best he can with the players he has. He doesn’t have any other choice.
August 3rd, 2019 at 3:06 am
BucsBandit, you make very accurate points!!! BUT with that said, Famous is not the SOLE problem. Famous make bad choices due to an instinctual need to make plays. Practices against defenses that are extremely aggressive (vs extremely soft) tend to make Sundays less frantic. Forget what BA is saying and go see it in real time… you’ll get it. Throw a hundred picks a day in August for all the Sheep care.
August 3rd, 2019 at 4:01 am
Jameis is our QB until he’s not, but while he is, I want him to win, because I want the Bucs to win. Every Buc fan should feel this way no matter what their critical opinions are on Jameis. Anyone who would root for Jameis to fail, to prove a point, is not a true Buc fan no matter how much they say so.
August 3rd, 2019 at 5:14 am
Go to any camps news and itâs all the same. Def is ahead of offense this time of year. Todayâs Eagles camp new on wentz.
Carson Wentz:
âWentz struggled with both his decision making and accuracy on Thursday, putting the majority of his passes either too low, too high or into the hands of the defenders. Wentzâs two interceptions were ugly. He went 7-of-18 on those plays. Not a great showing from the teamâs starting quarterback. â
Iâm glad more fans are paying attention to the draft and training camp nowadays but every year itâs the same complaints. They didnât draft my players and then panic about the offenses performance the first week of TC.
August 3rd, 2019 at 5:20 am
@ stanglass
Only winston throws picks in training camp practices. Did you not get the memo?
August 3rd, 2019 at 5:24 am
Pickgrin … Excellent points, especially about Jameis’ progress in learning and implementing this defense being ‘right on schedule’. Amusing thing to me is that folks would criticize BA’s analysis as being political double-speak without even knowing what his ‘right on schedule’ represents. The ‘schedule’ for fixing Jameis is the one that BA set, not the fans. ONLY BA knows whether Jameis is progressing faster or slower than ‘the schedule’ that HE designed.
Like some others, I’m ecstatic that TB is ‘throwing the kitchen sink’ at Jameis & the offense in practice. Not the slightest bit interested in making the OLine look good. Would much rather see our defense rip them a new butthole in practices so that they toughen up AND so that the weak links can be identified. Skill & technique can overcome a lot, but at some point it takes more than that to hold your own against beasts like Suh & Vea. Personally thought that too many OLinemen last year needed too much ‘help’ from TEs & RBs to ‘hold the line’. That limits our offensive options much too much. No more excuses.
August 3rd, 2019 at 6:18 am
Pickgrin, very well said.
August 3rd, 2019 at 6:47 am
Bucsbandit is right. Just as Arians has said he likes who is on his roster (no choice…love the one you’re with), he has to pump Winston’s fragile and weak character up. Did I not see it for myself three times now that Winston is not having a great camp so far, I’d toy with the idea of Joe hoodwinking us so that low expectations of Winston are exceeded. But of course, there’s no motivation for Joe to be anything but straight. I’ll see more tonight (Saturday) and Monday. I know how and who Winston is–an average at best mistake-prone, poor deciisonmaking QB. I’m not seeing anything in Winston I didn’t expect, nor anything not seen before.
I think I’ve heard from somewhere that Tampa International Airport has had to close the East-West runway because Winston’s high throws are a hazard to departing and landing small aircraft. Ndog isn’t kidding about those things sailing. Winston could probably win the International Unmanned Baloon Eastcoast Race (UBER).
I’m more interested that the D is stepping up.
August 3rd, 2019 at 6:49 am
Here’s the thing… Arians has developed way more QB’s than anyone around here, but it is so popular to just bang on Winston. In this same interview, he called Winston’s play “lights out” twice that I can recall. He has a schedule for Winston’s development. EVERYONE, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE, even the most diehard Winston supporters recognize Winston’s flaws. From the jump, Arians has stated that they are very fixable. Yet now, it seems most want every issue fixed, before training camp day 1. Arians has his schedule and understands how to manage a QB’s internal expectations. Gone are the days of “you are the only one who can lose us games” Dirk Koetter from Hard Knocks, even tho the rest of the team has one of the worst rushing attacks, worst defenses and worst special teams. Like Arians said referring to Winston, “he will be just fine”
August 3rd, 2019 at 7:04 am
Personally I think Joe is trying to torpedo Jameis âs career
He has been under cover this whole time . Like the double secret agent type. Most likely the dang Russians agains.
He actually doesnât obsessively worship Jameis like we thought. He actually despises him
Americaâs Quarterback was all a ploy.
Geez. Thanks joe.
Itâs all your fault
August 3rd, 2019 at 7:16 am
LOL…ndog is in preseason excuse form…..
August 3rd, 2019 at 7:19 am
In all honestly , letâs have this conversation in a few months.
No one questions Jameis has all the talent in the world .
However , Jameis worst enemy is himself
There is Something going on up there that makes me nervous.
There is a difference in knowing the offense inside and out and where everyone needs to be , who is the hot read , where to make adjustments on oline etc etc
He has that down presnap. No question.
But going out and doing something different when the bullets start flying is an issue. No need to force the football. And he was better with that at end of year. However , this year is back to no risk it …no biscuit.
He is mental. He even admits it with pregame emotional pep rally going on in his head /. Doing meditation / fitz getting in his head. I mean fitz got in his head.
So again , Arians is playing psychologist. Keeping it positive.
And this whole , throwing the kitchen sink at him I donât get
You think other teams in regular season arenât going to do the same thing.
He went up against mike smith defense for years. Not a real test.
I still think he throws for 5,000 yards. Arians is legit.
It will come down to turnovers. Cause Bucs were in Around 7 one score losses last year. If Jameis is in control bucs can have a winning record
August 3rd, 2019 at 7:48 am
What Arians says publicity âJameis is right on scheduleâ
What Arians says privately âJameis I didnât come back for this $&%+, I need to see more biscuit than risk it, man put some gravy on that thing and letâs get it doneâ
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:07 am
This was take on him coming out of college :
Decision making not consistent with his football intelligence. Will throw into impossible windows rather than taking safe throw underneath. Elongated windup and release allows instinctive defenders to close on throws. Was too easily baited into dangerous throws. Struggled with intermediate passing game in 2014, completing 56.8 percent of his passes with FBS-leading 11 interceptions in that range. Still learning nuances of position and how to move and hold defenders with his eyes. Would sleepwalk through first half of many games. Inconsistent footwork and weight transfer caused balls to sail. Prone to emotional outbursts on field. Quality of decision-making drops off substantially when pocket becomes turbulent and he’s forced to leave it. Lacks athleticism to extend plays for very long outside of the pocket. Off-the-field character and ability to lead on NFL level are his primary issue..
I donât agree with everything there
And the last few games last year he was better with turnovers but the wins still werenât there. . But that could have been koetter making him play possum.
This is no risk it no biscuit territory again and making plays down the field.
Luckily Arians is the guy.
Cmon Jameis we need your best. No more excuses.
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:11 am
Bird … I doubt that many other teams are ‘Throwing the kitchen sink’ at their QB & offense. I’ve take that to mean full-out blitzing, disguising defenses, etc in practice. That’s not usually done right from the git-go based on what I’ve seen in year’s past.
Sounds to me like the intent is to get Jameis and the offense to respond faster in many varied pressure situations. That’s probably the biggest shortfall our offense had last year. This is forcing not just Jameis to step up, the the whole offense. And it’s giving the defense a chance to ‘play fast’ right from the git-go. That’s EXACTLY what BOTH sides of the ball NEED this preseason. Toughen them up, find the weak links, cull the herd.
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:12 am
Bird … I doubt that many other teams are ‘Throwing the kitchen sink’ at their QB & offense. I’ve take that to mean full-out blitzing, disguising defenses, etc in practice. That’s not usually done right from the git-go based on what I’ve seen in year’s past.
Sounds to me like the intent is to get Jameis and the offense to respond faster in many varied pressure situations. That’s probably the biggest shortfall our offense had last year. This is forcing not just Jameis to step up, the the whole offense. And it’s giving the defense a chance to ‘play fast’ right from the git-go. That’s EXACTLY what BOTH sides of the ball NEED this preseason. Toughen them up, find the weak links, cull the herd.
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:14 am
Man I thought we were seeing a breakthrough from you with your earlier comment on JWs ability or lack there of……….
Then you had to put the blame on previous coaching instead.
So sad yet predictable.
Canât ever be Jameisâs fault can it?
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:26 am
Well who will be the next scapegoat for this team next year I mean quarterback? Cause if you can’t stop the other teams from scoring and if you can’t run the ball when you want you are going to lose it doesn’t matter lol lol lol . Every body is on Baker Mayfeild but the browns have a running back that have took over games. Chubb ran for 200 yards in 1 game last year and this year they are going to run the ball again and probably more than last year. They built a decent defense and they are still building it while all yall crying over a quarterback who don’t have nothing around him but Mike Evans. I’m about team I don’t care who the quarterback is. I just know that what if we would have draft Aaron Donald instead of Jamies? Our defense would have been good . With him and McCoy on the field we would have won more games. To build a team you always build the defense first not the offense or quarterback. That’s why we still suck and yall are the sheeps for the national media. What ever they say you guys believe them and they don’t even watch bucs games lol lol lol lol lol lol !!!!
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:50 am
That was not my point. I am blaming the âexcuse â repeatedly given …to why so many picks being throw /along with errant throws and defense Batted balls.
Of course arians is doing this on purpose. Heâs smart.
Any coach should be doing this with their QBs , unless the QBs are proven vets and /or potentially first year QBs (thatâs debatable ) who need to be brought about slower.
But a qb that is in contract year , where he could get 30 mil plus ?
The owner /GM /staff/ players and fans need to see how he responds.
Cause come regular season , teams will throw the kitchen sink at him
They saw how mike smith didnât challenge him in practice . Vanilla vanilla vanilla
Cause Practice does matter
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:52 am
Anyone know what the rotation might be for Pittsburgh game? Will they play the starters more as they are learning a new offense/defense? What has Bucco Bruce done in the past in preseason?
August 3rd, 2019 at 8:53 am
NDog is out of his mind.
August 3rd, 2019 at 9:08 am
There have been multiple picks thrown in practices and games for 4 years
Go to joe Bucs archives . Now QBs admit they throw into tighter windows at practice. Why not. But when those same tight window throws being made in games for turnovers then thatâs an issue.
And Joe finally has issue with them …after 4 years.
So to give a new excuse this year . Is because kitchen sink being thrown at him is not a good argument
August 3rd, 2019 at 9:32 am
Please follow along.
The current âscapegoat â is the former coaching staff until proven otherwise.
August 3rd, 2019 at 10:04 am
Evans was drafted the year donald was.
August 3rd, 2019 at 10:14 am
Letâs face itâŚ
âWinston is a TURNOVER MACHINE for a number of reasons. Thereâs no more âOh, he just had a bad practice, itâs like Brady never throws an INT in practice.â
Sorry, but Winston CONTINUES TO throw interceptions in practice. Again and again and again.
Jameis Winston is just not a great NFL QB (and will never be at this point of his muscle memory from 1,000s of throws) and the Bucs need to let him go and move on with drafting a young QB prospect.â
Love your Brady comparison. Brady and Winston have the exact same number of turnovers at the same point in their careers. And Brady might have had better players and coaches around him to this point. Guess we have a lot to look FORWARD to.
August 3rd, 2019 at 10:41 am
Scotty- I donât know BA normal preseason routine for 1st year in the system rotation on game one. I imagine the excellent player (like ME) wonât go more than a series or two if at all. Other starters may go one quarter. Then mixing in 2nd then 3rds and 4ths as the game goes. Winston 2 series, then Blaine til halftime with Griff playing the 2nd half. It will be interesting to see how the single roster cutdown is going effect players and playing time this year. I canât recall much difference last year. Is this the 2nd or 3rd year with that single cut down , going from 90 to 53 after the 4th game? It still feels strange to me.
August 3rd, 2019 at 10:55 am
Evans was drafted the same year as donald. Sorry if my post showed up twice. Its been about an hour since i posted my initial post but you know the whole moderation thing
August 3rd, 2019 at 11:19 am
Dude has a good practice and cant even admit it cuz your a haters, more touchdowns and completions overall than interceptions in practice settings is what you want. complaints from the petty who are still sour Mike glennon got beat out by Winstonđđđ
Altered and magadude just come off as salty losers when a guy had a GPS practice and ita the same type posts but your the type id nobody’s this site targets anyway so you are where you should be
August 3rd, 2019 at 11:37 am
BucsBandit Says:
“It will become clearer and clearer to all fans, including Winstonâs diehard fans, that heâs a C+ NFL QB. Not bad, but definitely not great.”
Do me a favor. After you are proven wrong. Keep posting and don’t disappear.
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:03 pm
“I could get a good look at a T-Bone by sticking my head up a bulls a*s but I’d rather take the butchers word for it.”
Translation: I’d rather take Arians word on Winston than the WDS simpletons narrative.
August 3rd, 2019 at 12:13 pm
Bird – I’d say there is evidence of every one of those traits in the analysis. Pretty much spot on. At least thats who expect each Sunday, but I also hope for better.
This season I feel we will have JW in more important positions and needing to perform. Aka the other phases of the game will perform better than JW has seen before. The true test of his mettle is coming.
In BA I Trust!
August 3rd, 2019 at 1:35 pm
Iâm not saying that Jameis will ever turn out to be a hall of fame QB.
The question I keep asking people is what other QB do they think we will find in the near future that will be better?
No one has an answer!
August 3rd, 2019 at 1:47 pm
So Lovie is the culprit here? He literally couldn’t see the writing on the wall.
August 3rd, 2019 at 2:00 pm
I love all the Winston apologists saying he’s struggling in camp because BA is “throwing the kitchen sink at him.”
OH PLEASE. NFL Defenses will throw the kitchen sink at him as well anytime they believe it will be effective. As an NFL QB you have to be prepared to read the defense and and quickly throw to the flat to the beat the blitz or even just throw the ball away. Winston isn’t doing that, he’s throwing INTs.
And enough of this Arians “QB Whisperer” stuff. Carson Palmer had tons of talent and some amazing games with Cincy. It’s not like he was a terrible QB that BA suddenly made great. If that were the case, BA would have become the highest paid consultant in the NFL (more than some coaches) and simply just worked with mediocre QBs around the league to make them studs.
Winston is struggling because Winston just isn’t that great. Period.
August 3rd, 2019 at 3:14 pm
I still don’t know why it’s so hard to be patient for just a few more days and see how Winston shows in a actual game.
If Bruce Arians and this new offense haven’t benefited the QB it will show then. Pretend he goes out there and throws a good couple of series on Friday Night…….Are you still going to be upset about a practice pick?
If the new standard is that you can’t make any mistakes in practice no more then I say get rid of practice all together……..Obvisously y’all feel like a player should be in midseason form from TC Day 1 so what’s the need for practice no more?
August 3rd, 2019 at 3:35 pm
Jamies Winston is the QB for the Bucs this year. And he will have his best year as a pro. To bad if you dont like him. Sorry about your luck. Football season is here you dont have to watch. I wont be mad if you left these parts to go follow McCoy or Koeter. Theres other teams you can follow. I will stick with my team the Bucs and will have my QBs back no matter what you hatters say or think. Your still here? GET!
August 3rd, 2019 at 4:43 pm
JimmyJack – itâs his 5TH YEAR in the league. It doesnât matter if itâs a new offense or not. His #1 problem his entire career has been turnovers. And now he continues to turn it over in camp. This is not exactly a âgoodâ sign.
How is this so hard for people to understand?
August 3rd, 2019 at 5:53 pm
BucsBandit – Their are women who marry prisoners and even serial killer get followers… there are just strange things that people do in this life…
JW groupies will remain blinded to logic then it comes to ‘their qb’ because they can not fathom the thought that they are wrong about their idol…
Deceived people don’t want to believe they are deceived so they remain deceived!
August 3rd, 2019 at 7:51 pm
Bruce Arians doesn’t have JAMEIS WINSTON DERANGEMENT SYNDROME and that burns my biscuits!
But, don’t worry, us wise fans that know “stats are for losers” and that Trent Dilfer was a better QB than Dan Marino because Dilfer won a SB ring will get Arians to hate JAY-MISS before all is said and done!
WE will WIN for WE are LEGION!!!