Gay Makes History?

August 9th, 2019

Records record on first kick.

[UPDATE: 10:19 p.m.] Joe will wait for official word but rookie kicker Matt Gay may have made history in Heinz Field moments ago.

Per Wikipedia, Gay’s 55-yard field goal is the longest field goal in the 18-year history of Heinz Field — NFL and college.

Cowboys kicker Dan Bailey and Steelers kicker Chris Boswell each had 53-yard field goals there.

Gay’s 55-yard kick to end tonight’s first half ties the overall longest-field goal in Heinz Field history with University of Pittsburgh kicker Alex Kessman.

And Gay’s kick didn’t just squeak through the uprights.

[UPDATE: 10:19 p.m.] The Bucs media relations staff on-site at Heinz Field confirmed with Greg Auman of The Athletic that Gay’s 55-yard field goal kick is a new NFL record in the Steelers’ home stadium.

22 Responses to “Gay Makes History?”

  1. Magadude Says:

    The FG he made was huge for confidence, huge for fans. I knew from watching him at practice a few times we have our kicker. Told me nephew he is going to break the NFL FG record one day. Maybe this year. Yes, very early to call it, but he’s going to be with this team for a long time.

  2. JimmyJack Says:

    And you just know that Gay is aware of how hard long FGs are in that stadium. That only adds pressure to the kick making it even more impressive!!!

  3. MadMax Says:

    God please let us keep this nice thing….

  4. unbelievable Says:

    Really hoping this kid sticks!

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m going to guess someone has hit from this long in preseason.

    Regardless it was a good kick, good to see it go through.

  6. DR FEELGOOD Says:

    MadMax. That’s funny dude. Perfectly stated. We have lost SO many games due to wasted points in the kicking game for several years. If he can be that kind of weapon, then it was a brilliant pick. Time will tell, but he seems like the real deal. GO BUCS!!

  7. Bucs45 Says:

    So what’s gonna happen more in the regular season… A short field goal/extra point or your back-ups going for a fourth down & and two point conversion? Why not put your rookie kicker out there that’s struggling with short kicks in training camp to practice them kicks in a game?

  8. BucsBandit Says:

    Suddenly, Licht looks like a genius drafting this guy with a measily 5th round pick. Most 5th rounders don’t even make the roster.

  9. WrightDobbs Says:

    Awesome start for Gay

  10. WrightDobbs Says:

    Awesome start for Gay. The kick also tied Mason Crosby’s 55yd FG in the preseason on 8/23/2015 as per my tweet in Greg’s thread.

  11. Wright Says:

    Also tied Mason Crosby’s 55 yd FG on 8/23/2015. We got ourselves a kicker?

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    Keep kicking solid and the job is yours kid!

  13. Louis Says:

    Do you realize that if we kicked the three extra point attempts we would have won the game 31-30. Things that make you go hmmmm

  14. CalBucsFan Says:

    Hey! Does anyone know why they went for 2 point conversions 3 times??? In SoCal we had to listen to the Steelers’ homer announcers on the NFL broadcast of the game, so no discussion at all about the choice to skip the extra point kicks.

    Why?!?! Bucs could have won with 3 extra points! I thought Bucs had a kicking competition going on?

  15. RODNEY ALLEN Says:

    MadMax Says:
    August 9th, 2019 at 9:16 pm
    God please let us keep this nice thing….
    Bro u had me lmmfao on that but ur right please let us keep this nice thing and plz let magadude be right!
    Magadude Says:
    August 9th, 2019 at 9:10 pm
    The FG he made was huge for confidence, huge for fans. I knew from watching him at practice a few times we have our kicker. Told me nephew he is going to break the NFL FG record one day. Maybe this year. Yes, very early to call it, but he’s going to be with this team for a long time.

  16. Anonymous Says:

    He’s setting records already

  17. webster Says:

    You run the two point conversions to practice them in game situations. Obviuosly they need to improve on them as none of them worked.

  18. TouchDownTampaBay Says:

    New Bucs slogan: Gay all Day!

  19. neal Says:

    @louis Do you realize that the coaches would rather get 3 reps in at 2 pt conversions/ short redzone than win a meaningless game? use your head man.

  20. SKBucsFan Says:

    You can’t use the words “Licht” and “genius” in the same sentence unless the word “not” is in there. There are too many reasons why over the last few seasons that point to the opposite of “genius”.

  21. Todd Says:

    RIP Bucs Kicking Curse

    F(KC YOU!!!

  22. Magadude Says:

    Joe got my attention big here…..

    “[UPDATE: 10:19 p.m.] Joe will wait for official word but rookie kicker Matt Gay may have….”

    Hardly ever good news when he does that! Usually something not good coming. Well, this is great to see!