Derrick Brooks Talks Bucs-Steelers & More

August 13th, 2019

Yes!! TAMPA TWO is back with a fresh episode with Bucs icon Derrick Brooks and Sage columnist Ira Kaufman, presented by Caldeco Air Conditioning & Heating. All kinds of chatter is on the table in this prodcutions by The Identity Tampa Bay and

7 Responses to “Derrick Brooks Talks Bucs-Steelers & More”

  1. Says:

    Joe- just a suggestion here – I know you are hellbent on being the media man of the 21st century, and rightfully so (and even kudos to you for the video production) –

    BUT… I, and, based on the routine dearth of comments, I’m guessing a lot of my compatriots, rarely if ever watch these Tampa 2’s.

    Why, you ask?

    Because I usually can’t afford to a) have volume on, or b) sit and watch something for 6-8mins.

    Is there fantastic content in these videos that I would love to digest – undoubtedly.

    So, long story short, my suggestion would be to provide a transcript of these videos alongside the videos themselves.

    I know you reserve the right to do things your own way and all, but thought I’d at least raise my hand.

    Oh, and can’t wait to see our HOF QB at work on Friday

  2. D-Rome Says:

    Nice work gentlemen!

  3. Pok Says:

    Yeah I don’t watch. I keep being like “ok cool interview. Ahh bummer video. Never mind.” Like the suggestion above. Go Bucs!

  4. Wes Says:

    Grab ya phones, watch it on the John

  5. Says:

    For all you knuckleheads that listen with volume on in the pooper at the office, you may want to be evaluated for psychopathy

  6. D-Rome Says:

    So, long story short, my suggestion would be to provide a transcript of these videos alongside the videos themselves.

    Excellent suggestion. I listen to the video in the car or at work with headphones on but not everyone has that option.

  7. D-Rome Says:

    Not only that, I’m sure there are deaf Bucs fans out there that could benefit from a transcript.