“Oh, He’s So Smart”
August 15th, 2019
A teammate dives into the genius of Jameis
JoeBucsFan.com intern
It’s make-or-break for Jameis Winston.
Anyone who follows the Bucs is aware of that. Going into a contract season, Jameis is at a career crossroads.
It’s part of the reason why head coach Bucco Bruce Arians was brought to Tampa. Jameis must reach his potential.
And there’s one quarterback who thinks he is capable of doing it. Ryan Griffin has been in Tampa since 2015, the year Jameis was drafted. The third-stringer and Jameis have occupied the same quarterback room for the last four years.
If there’s anybody who believes Jameis is in for a big season, it’s Griffin.
“Oh, he’s so smart,” Griffin replied when asked by JoeBucsFan.com what he’s seen in Jameis this summer.
“I mean Jameis is amazing, how quickly he picks stuff up and he sees everything great. And he’s out there making checks or throwing to receivers that, you know, are reads that we didn’t really talk about, that like, a coach will just briefly touch on and be like, ‘You know if we do get this coverage, this one guy, you might want to look for him.’ And he’s done a great job of finding those guys. It blows my mind how he does it.”
Going into the 2015 draft, everyone knew Jameis’ football IQ was off the charts. Since dropping college baseball, he eats, sleeps and breathes football. His relentless work ethic plays a role in him having such a high football IQ.
Through four seasons though, it hasn’t been enough. Jameis has put in the work, but not reaped the benefits by winning football games.
That needs to change. Under the leadership of this new coaching staff, Jameis has to find a way to put this team over the top.
If he can’t, the Bucs will find someone who can.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:21 am
jameis will be fine. hopefully he can escapee the glazers circus and go onto success while he watches bucs collect basement titles for the next 2 decades or until league folds after socialism takes hold.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:24 am
at least jameis does not have to fight the opponent and cancer93 this year… having to beat two opponents each week is difficult for anyone…. no one can wilt and give up a lead faster than a cancer93 and lvd captained defensive unit…. not having to overcome the worst defense in nfl history should make it a little easier but make no mistake about it glazers have no intentions of fielding a winner.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:27 am
This post is just… unbelievable. Joe you really don’t think your readers are this stupid do you?!
August 15th, 2019 at 11:28 am
Yep. It’s time to lead this team to the post season and not be one and done once there. The defense should not give up points like candy on Halloween this season and our kicker should help win games instead of losing them. There will be no excuses after this season in my opinion.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:29 am
Aside from Mike Evans, and most recently OJ Howard, Jameis has been surrounded by trash since entering the league. I can’t wait for him to blow the lid off more franchise records. The haters are going to be really butt hurt after this year lol.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:32 am
Joe……Speaking of QBs…..how about a poll……Should the Bucs keep 3 QBs on the active roster?
August 15th, 2019 at 11:34 am
Now I know why it takes Joe so long to free my posts from moderation…freeze framing video of Jameis to capture the perfect goofy expression for his next article…Bravo ! ??? These are still images taken by the professional JoeBucsFan photographer. –Joe
August 15th, 2019 at 11:34 am
Losing culture > Hof talent
August 15th, 2019 at 11:36 am
“Going into the 2015 draft, everyone knew Jameis’ football IQ was off the charts”….his execution is at the bottom of the charts
August 15th, 2019 at 11:39 am
Ryan Griffin…… high praise indeed.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:42 am
“JW3 still doesnt see the whole field as well as he should
he has tendencies and is abled to be read by the better defenses and defenders
Leftwich and the Delegator has to design routes away from traffic if JW starts getting careless
still 2 years away”
Kobe Faker
August 15th, 2019 at 11:48 am
“??? These are still images taken by the professional JoeBucsFan photographer. –Joe…lighten up Joe…SMH
August 15th, 2019 at 11:52 am
The Joes know what they’re doing with the pics. If anything, it’s a definite conversation starter with personnel, haha.
August 15th, 2019 at 11:56 am
Find someone that can.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:04 pm
If smart was all that mattered Bill Gates would have been a football GOD
August 15th, 2019 at 12:05 pm
Way to go manbeast. Anxious to see him on the field tomorrow, see if he repeats the Steelers first drive.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:07 pm
Yup. As I’ve said. Winston knows the right things to do. He’s a smart guy. He’s got the brains. He’s got the skills set. He works hard (his apologists say he works too hard–which is possible). His (main) problem is he too often just does what he wants, is a BS artist, and >>>> makes poor decisions. Nothing new there.
On the photo, smilin’ Jameis is a much better look for our Bucs uniform than cryin’ Jameis. But if Team Glazer and Fans don’t so more smilin’ he WILL be cryin’ as he goes flyin’. Yup, he needs to find a way.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:08 pm
@lamarcus… HOF talent kicks the crap out of a losing culture every time… ask tom brady, baker mayfield, waren sapp, ect ect ect. Having more turnover than any other qb other than blake bortles over the last 4 years makes a huge contribution to a losing culture. Post like these aregreat but wake me up when heputshis team on his back like the greats do. Hes HOF talent … as long as he has a good line, a good d, a good run game and some ofthe best weapons in football… ok great, most qbs would be elite with all that. Our qb is great but can’t overcome losing culture…. lol
August 15th, 2019 at 12:09 pm
@TBBF…with you there. So far I think Griffin > Gabbert and would like to keep both. We may need to START with some cheaper help early on next year if they decide to draft someone who could be a franchise QB.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:10 pm
Fair enough…let’s hope it reaps benefits. But we know that the organization is doing everything in its’ power to make sure he has all the tools he needs. At this point, it is on Jameis.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:11 pm
Need to try to see the first teamers tomorrow outside of scripts. I suppose it could wait for “dress rehearsal” next week where they game plan, but would be helpful to see how dynamic the O is as plays develop.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
One other point…knowing what to do, and being able to do what you know to do, are two different animals. Some of us on this board are capable of know what needs to be done to be a good NFL QB. But likely none of us are able to do what we might know needs to be done.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:27 pm
The mind is why BA shot down the Ben comparisons and said he’s more Peyton Manning. The computer like mind. A lot of you lames about to eat ya words along wit ya weak @$$ whack @$$ record predictions. He’s 100 million dollar man walking and you internet bums don’t like it.
August 15th, 2019 at 12:32 pm
Griffin’s assessment isn’t what counts here; it’s up to Arians to decide how smart Jameis really is, and he won’t reveal his answer ’til the season’s end.
August 15th, 2019 at 1:02 pm
Can you have a high football IQ and still play dumb selfish football?
Being turnover free in only 17 of 56 career games says no.
August 15th, 2019 at 1:04 pm
I want Jameis to succeed and win but if he does have a breakout season I’m hoping he will give us a team friendly contract and not take the Bucs to the bank like Zak Prescott is doing to the Cowboys. That would be the fastest way to break up a team that was just starting to gel. We would have to dump quite a few heavy contracts to make coin. I would hate to see it one day in the near future come down to letting a player like Evans walk because we couldn’t afford him.
August 15th, 2019 at 2:01 pm
QB Whisperer Bruce Arians came out of retirement specifically so he could coach Jameis Winston
QB Guru Kyle Shanahan raves about Jameis Winston and says he can do things coaches don’t even think are possible
QB Guru Steve Mariucci said Jameis was the smartest QB he’d ever worked with on the white board
Hall of Fame QB Kurt Warner raves about Jameis and says the sky is the limit for him
Warre Sapp says he would have a bunch of SB rings had Jameis been his QB
But idiotic fans who know net to NOTHING about how to evaluate QBs believe Jameis is garbage and needs to go …
August 15th, 2019 at 2:07 pm
He is what his record is. Nothing more. Nothing less. (Both on and off the field).
August 15th, 2019 at 2:11 pm
Somebody tell JW to stop telegraphing the play. Try to use his eyes more to misdirect the defense just like all the great ones do!
August 15th, 2019 at 2:14 pm
^ Idiotic, lazy take.
Mark Sanchez has more playoff wins than multiple Hall of Fame QBs do. Absolute trash QBs have SB rings when multiple Hall of Fame QBs do not. Garbage players at every position have better team records than great players at the same position on worse teams.
Just a stupid, stupid, “hot take”.
August 15th, 2019 at 2:17 pm
A NASA engineer is smart. A electrical engineer is smart. A neurologist is smart. But how smart are they under pressure? Can they handle the pressure to lead a group of Alfa males? Do they go out and get hammered until they black out? Do they intentionally lie to their peers and direct reports? Do they steal from the grocery store? Do they shout out homophobic slurs out of a car window? Did their Universities pay out nearly 2 million dollars in hush money? Did they stand on a University cafeteria table and shout out obscenities toward female students. Do they get banned from Uber for grabbing the crotch of a female driver? The answer is NO! This just in: JW is just plain ignorant and any of you on this site that support him also support the things that I listed above are right there with him. Now I got to go eat some W’s
August 15th, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Pittshore just painted himself into a corner as — to use his word — “ignorant.”
Did you vote for 42 or 45? Did you at one point in your life own a No. 99 Bucs jersey?
Do you listen to or have ever voluntarily enjoyed Howard Stern?
Might want to be careful with your self-righteousness.
August 15th, 2019 at 2:44 pm
^ GREAT reply Joe!
Not only did @Pittshore paint himself into a corner with his self-righteousness, but he said the key is how one performs “under pressure” … and … JAMEIS WINSTON was the BEST QB IN THE ENTIRE NFL “under pressure” last year!
#1 passer rating under pressure, no one, not Mahomes, Brees, Brady, Rodgers, no one was better “under pressure” than the 24 year old on a terrible team playing with no run support known as Jameis Winston!
August 15th, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Voted for neither. Have signed 99, 56, 63, and 28 Jersey. Stern disgusts me. I just don’t prop up outcasts to society like some people.
August 15th, 2019 at 2:46 pm
you must be a good hypocritical christian the way you judge everyone’s mistakes without all the facts and can’t forgive a youngster for making a few mistakes….
hypocrites like you usually end up on the front page of the news accused by an alter-boy of misconduct..
August 15th, 2019 at 2:47 pm
let’s get together I’ll get you couple of lap dances that will fix your pathetic outlook on life. you need a night out with some strippers and blow my man!
August 15th, 2019 at 2:48 pm
By the way @Pittshore, you do realize that Jameis isn’t just “supported” by his teammmates and the organization but LOVED, right?
So, according to you, Arians, Leftwich, Mike Evans, Cam Brate, Ryan Griffin, Godwin, OJ, etc., etc., etc., are all GUILTY of supporting all sorts of evil … if you actually believe that, you should NEVER watch another Bucs game and IMMEDIATELY become a fan of a different team … otherwise YOU are nothing more than a HYPOCRITE!
August 15th, 2019 at 2:53 pm
@Pittshore owns a signed Warren Sapp jersey and supports Sapp but just can’t stomach Jameis Winston?
Jameis has NEVER been arrested one single time in his life.
Sapp has been:
Arrested for ASSAULT
outed as owing $876,000 in CHILD SUPPORT
@Pittshore is nothing more than a good old fashioned HYPOCRITE who hates Jameis and should find a new team to support!
August 15th, 2019 at 2:55 pm
@Julie: “supported” publicly but not privately are two different things. How would you feel if the Uber driver were your daughter? Guess what many of the players on the team have daughters and don’t think for a second that has not crossed their minds. He will never be a leader of men For this team until it totally turns over the roster. He would be better served with a new team and clean slate. He is walking on egg shells in Tampa.
August 15th, 2019 at 3:01 pm
@Pittshore, Jameis’ teammates LOVE him and support him both publicly and privately so your comment is irrelevant and you’re just a HYPOCRITE!
Check Warren Sapp’s rap sheet … and you trash Jameis? You’re a hypocrite!
As for the Uber driver, dude, NOTHING was proven and she told a bunch of different versions of her story and lied about not wanting money and then suing for money.
Let me ask you, if Jameis did NOT do what he was accused of, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL if he was your son and idiots like you are all calling him a criminal when he didn’t do anything?
It goes both ways dude.
You obviously think you know it all and have decided he is guilty but you don’t know that … you’re a hypocrite.
Jameis is NOT even close to “walking on egg shells” you clown. Arians came out of retirement to coach him and said everything is built around Jameis.
Have fun watching Jameis get a huge contract and be the leader of your team for the next decade! HYPOCRITE!
August 15th, 2019 at 3:03 pm
Never understood this line of logic. Either something is good or something is bad. What difference does having children mean?
If Joe had a daughter who bilked a young man out of seven figures just for touching her, Joe would be proud to have such a cunning woman for a daughter.
August 15th, 2019 at 3:04 pm
I saw Winston in the cafe screaming such vulgar words to a young lady and he also has lied , yes lied to his own team/fans.. He wasn’t stealing crap legs but just he decided to put them down his pants, for fun? . I pay for season tkts and have expensive seats so i can love our team but not worship or trust a player and still be a committed fan.
August 15th, 2019 at 3:08 pm
^ Be careful Joe, people will probably accuse you of condoning evil … nonsense.
However, not only is there NO PROOF that Jameis did anything in the Uber, even if he did what he was accused of first by the driver, all he did was touch the outside of her clothing, THAT is what @Pittshore thinks is so evil and what Buccaneer teammates can’t tolerate … nonsense.
I doubt there is even one player on the entire Bucs roster who thinks poorly of Jameis as a human being, not one. EVERYONE who has played with Jameis and ever spoken about Jameis the person has always raved about him.
August 15th, 2019 at 3:09 pm
the uber driver was a gold digger just like the jockstrap sniffer in Tallahassee was proven to be. hell they used the same damn scumbag attorney’s….
ben and pittspray should be more pissed off that jameis’s constitutional rights were violated. while they were shacking-down this fine young man down for cash all without a single conviction or jury of his peers judging him guilty….
August 15th, 2019 at 3:09 pm
@joe… Was there a 7 figure settlement? Do we know how many million?
August 15th, 2019 at 3:10 pm
When did Warren’s rap sheet stack up? Was it after his playing career??
August 15th, 2019 at 3:11 pm
You are LYING.
Jameis yelled a popular internet meme. It was a nothing burger.
And you can WATCH the security video tape of the supposedly “stolen ” crab legs. The Publix employee sets them on the counter for Jameis, Jameis picks them up, holds them in full view, slowly wanders around the store with them in full view, backtracks and checks something on the shelf, and then slowly wanders out the front door with them in full view. THAT seems really, really, really clear like he was “hooked up” by the employee and not that he “stole” anything.
Regardless, my guess is “Ben” is just a new screen-name for @Pittshore …
August 15th, 2019 at 3:20 pm
Yes. Not condoning it, but shortly after the Jameis incident Howard Stern — who very likely has no clue who Jameis Winston is — did a 40-minute skit on this internet meme. Joe heard it live. His penalty? A five-year, $400 million contract.
Spare Joe the moral outrage!
August 15th, 2019 at 3:21 pm
@tmaxcon: I happen to be a recently retired 52 year old man living in South Florida, on the water at that. Life long Bucs fan that is tired of losing and even more tired of having losers on the team. I grew up in Trampa but escaped with a full boat academic scholarship. I have Bucs flags flying on my yacht and along the waterway of the intercostal. I attend 4-5 home games and also go to every away game in New Orleans. I will also be going to London for the Panthers game. Fan since 1979. You living in Tampa has soften you to the point that you accept mediocrity. Get a life dude
August 15th, 2019 at 3:22 pm
I will probably choke on my own vomit if someone calls Jameis Winston smart one more time!
August 15th, 2019 at 3:22 pm
August 15th, 2019 at 3:23 pm
@Julie: are you just kissed because your missing Springer or Maury Povich?
August 15th, 2019 at 3:23 pm
August 15th, 2019 at 3:39 pm
a 16 ft Carolina skiff or john boat is not a yacht sir
August 15th, 2019 at 3:42 pm
You keep mentioning rap sheet yet winston has no rap sheet… he’s only been convicted by holier than thou hypocrites like yourself
August 15th, 2019 at 3:48 pm
Azimut 64’ clown.
August 15th, 2019 at 3:57 pm
Tmax: your boy Julie brought up rap sheet. I replied to him. Can you not read? There is an app for that, it’s called APPly for your GED
August 15th, 2019 at 3:58 pm
@Pittshore, you’ve been exposed as an illogical hypocrite.
Enjoy bragging about your boat. Many people are rich. No one cares.
But they do care if you’re a low-class hypocrite.
August 15th, 2019 at 4:01 pm
How dare you “July Joe”!
My cuddle-buddy @Magadude and I have had some beautiful parties on @Pittshore’s 64′ Azimut, some BEAUTIFUL parties that would even make Warren Sapp blush if you know what I mean!
When he asked if you were “kissed”, that was a Freudian slip if ever there was one, as if you haven’t been kissed in a while, come on down to @Pittshore’s yacht when @Magadude and I are there and the three of us will take care of you!
August 15th, 2019 at 4:06 pm
Well if the Intelligent Franchise QB had been truthful to his teammates and his coaches and his Owners I could see calling him innocent if he had been truthful about the situation, he was not. He misled and fabricated stories when the truth would have sounded better. If he had just said yeah I got drunk in AZ and climyinto the front seat and got a ride home, after we stopped off at a Mexican restaurant and I dropped the salsa on her lap and tried to catch it then wipe it up. We could have came around d to his innocence. As it is today he did not tell the truth or even close to it. And we are supposed to be overjoyed that this player, might get signed for 100+ million dollar contract. I hope he has a good season that means we are doing well. I just do not want to be handcuffed to Winston and that 100+ million dollar contract.
As always
SHOW ME! Don’t tell me SHOW ME!!
August 15th, 2019 at 4:23 pm
Your wife is helping me with my reading comprehension. Shes really something sorry you just fall in now.
August 15th, 2019 at 4:45 pm
“Under the leadership of this new coaching staff, Jameis has to find a way to put this team over the top.
If he can’t, the Bucs will find someone who can.”
Or possibly not.
Which is why I want Jameis to have great season and be retained.
August 15th, 2019 at 4:48 pm
Who’s more Cliff Claven? Pittshore or Maga?
August 15th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
The last Jameis photo (Crying Jameis) looked like his face right after the doctor told him that his penis was going to fall off.
This picture was taken right after the doctor said, “Just kidding, Bro.”
August 15th, 2019 at 5:03 pm
tmaxcon Says:
“Pittspray, let’s get together I’ll get you couple of lap dances that will fix your pathetic outlook on life. you need a night out with some strippers and blow my man!”
If Pittshore doesn’t RSVP, you can count on me.
August 15th, 2019 at 5:10 pm
Joe Says:
“If Joe had a daughter who bilked a young man out of seven figures just for touching her, Joe would be proud to have such a cunning woman for a daughter.”
This is a horrible thing to say. But so hilarious at the same time… so conflicted
August 15th, 2019 at 5:12 pm
Winston’s off the field (film watching, game analysis) IQ is 200.
His “in-game” football IQ is 20. He just doesn’t react fast enough.
August 15th, 2019 at 5:16 pm
@July Joe
Just because somebody “hooked you up” doesn’t make it any less of a crime.
hooked you up = helped you steal
Why don’t you go ask the store manager if he gave his blessing?
August 15th, 2019 at 5:21 pm
Pittsshore Says:
August 15th, 2019 at 3:48 pm
Azimut 64’ clown.
Nice comeback! LOL
August 15th, 2019 at 5:37 pm
July Joe Says:
“Enjoy bragging about your boat. Many people are rich. No one cares.”
Obviously you don’t have to be too bright to be rich too.
August 15th, 2019 at 5:46 pm
Dredging up garbage from three, four, five, years ago is tiresome. It reveals an agenda and an obsession. One good thing is it’s easy to pick out posts that are a waste of time reading, since if you have read one you have read them all. I skip those and move on to posts that actually have something intelligent to contribute to the conversation. The Bucs are my team. I root for them and whoever wears the uniform. Jameis is our QB and I will root for him until he isn’t, and even then I will wish him well because I know he gave it everything he had while he was here
August 15th, 2019 at 6:04 pm
Wow. Lot’s to catch up on here. Here’s much to chew on, but consider it.
Winston was never charged with a crime. Loud and clear. I don’t know if one occurred. I am not aware that he has ever been arrested or even pulled over. I think most peole have never been arresed, and I will admit I’ve been pulled over three times in my life. Now, I don’t give a crap about crab legs and memes. Some guys keep bringing this up and only tell part of the story to get their side known, whether you are pro or con. But I think the full context of this is due again given all of the above. Let’s review, shall we, Arizona law and that situation:
ARS 13-1406. A person commits sexual assault by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with any person without consent of such person.
ARS 13-1404. A person commits sexual abuse by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual contact with any person who is fifteen or more years of age without consent of that person or with any person who is under fifteen years of age if the sexual contact involves only the female breast.
ARS 13-1401. “Sexual contact” means any direct or indirect touching, fondling or manipulating of any part of the genitals, anus or female breast by any part of the body or by any object or causing a person to engage in such contact.
Some look at the circumstances surrounding the situation and their views range from thinking what’s been reported is no big deal to it’s very serious. ARS 13-1404 is colloquially referred to as the groping law, and given “indirect touching” and “sexual contact” above, if anything was accurate on the Uber drivers allegations, it would be/could be 13-1404, whether it’s graze, press, long or short period with his hands, whatever she said however many times. Doesn’t matter. If it was intentional, indirect contact, without her consent, ARS 13-404 could very well have been in play IF there was an arrest and charges brought. But there was not. Now, both 13-1404 and 13-1406 are felonies in Arizona, where the former is less severe than the latter. In other states, what is 13-1404, is just rolled up under a lesser degree of the equivalent of sexual assault. So, it is not fair (and could be illegal) to call someone a convict or criminal, when they are not. That is a person’s protection under the law. Outside of court, which is where all this was, the NFL had some conclusions that are worded a lot like ARS 13-1404. That is, I read that it was basically that the driver’s accounts of this were “consistent and credible” and as a result, the investigation had concluded that Winston “violated the Personal Conduct Policy by touching the driver in an inappropriate and sexual manner without her consent and that disciplinary action was necessary and appropriate.” My conjecture is that had the Uber driver jumped out of the car at the time she alleges this happened, called the police, and they showed up, what would they see? From what I read, perhaps a man in the front passenger seat of the car who’d been out partying, some say heavily intoxicated, with a sober woman (who I think was described as 5’6”) who was doing her job driving him back to wherever, who could be extremely distressed and the police officer has to sort this out. These aren’t two folks on a date; there is no reason to expect mutual attraction. So, depending on her demeanor and his, this officer’s got to make a decision. It could have worked out badly that an arrest occurred. Turns out, looks like she stayed in the car, took him to his hotel. Probably good for ALL. The initial disaster as I see it was the first overall pick on his first offseason uses extremely poor judgement (out on his own, etc.) and makes himself, his team, the NFL, etc. look bad. I can think of times where I’d done dumb things that also didn’t have the worst consequences (not of this nature, but still embarrassing things) and am lucky and thankful. That doesn’t mean I’d not deserve the consequences. Meanwhile, Winston for whatever reason maybe didn’t report it to his team. I don’t know—seems that way. I also don’t know that there was “no evidence.” Who does, and why do they know? I’m betting on the NFL legal team and few others know exactly what’s there. That was not released publicly to my knowledge. Cameras? Audio? Did she record him? Was there an eye witness? Did someone admit or state something? I don’t know. I simply look at this in this manner: This wasn’t the first time he got himself into this kind of situation and it happened while the first one was still being talked about. It didn’t show up for two years, which makes a reasonable person wonder about character and certainly weary of seeing this stuff. And then there was a public denial of being in the car with her alone, which also raises eyebrows for any reasonable person.
My question is: Is Winston worth the trouble. Is his play worth the baggage? My answer as of the end of 2017 is “No.” When he got to Tampa my position was he gets the benefit of the doubt (and I don’t care about crab legs or memes) on the Kinsman stuff, but I don’t want to see him in the middle of this controversy again. Some things a celebrity cannot avoid. This was avoidable. Poor decision making…again. To me, he is just not that good (given his record on the field) that his organization and fans should put up with this BS in the record he has created off the field. Some fans are okay with it. That’s up to them. But someone who has had enough of this doesn’t mean they are racist or a hypocrite or self-righteous or dishonest or clueless or anything else. The one thing for sure is it does divide the fan base. Can we agree on that? For me, much time is needed and I’ve stated he needs to play lights out, keep his nose clean off the field, and not be in the news for the wrong reasons for the full year for me to even consider supporting his return. I can change my mind on that too. My call. For now, while he’s playing, he’s the Bucs QB and fans want the team to be successful. Can we all agree on that. So, let’s address Kate now. She I think used the word “assault” in her personal comms but clearly it wasn’t that; most would not be able to parse the word, but she apparently called out that something happened. I don’t think she’s a lawyer and probably would not have written anything about 13-1404. But IF it happened, she is well within her right to push it. So, if she has a lawyer no one likes, that’s her business too. She is also under the Statute of Limitations within her right to change her mind. She is protected under the same laws her accuser is, okay? So that does not make her a gold digger, or a liar. Just like we describe a play in the game, a WR hauls one in, grabs the ball, catches the ball, contacts the ball. What actually happened doesn’t change with how it’s described from one time to the next. A few comments on Joe’s words. He wrote: “If Joe had a daughter who bilked a young man out of seven figures just for touching her, Joe would be proud to have such a cunning woman for a daughter.” So “bilking” is something to be proud of? That’s messed up, Joe. It’s sad that people who do that exist, and just as sad that it would make you proud, frankly. But…that’s up to you. A major problem is those who don’t know the facts accuse people who are acting within their rights as they do, and those who abuse the law are just as bad as the person they accuse. Who here knows what’s what? As for voting for 43 or 45. Can’t stand either one of them and think neither one should be President, but 45’s competition in my view was much WORSE than he. Which gets to me back to my point. Sometimes you go for the lessor of the two “evils” so to speak. Is Winston the best QB on this roster right now to win? Yup. Does that mean we have to believe he’s worth the baggage going forward? Nope. I think we can find a guy who bring in a guy who may also be a bottom tier starter without all the headache. Can we change our minds? Yes. Do the owners have buyer’s remorse going back and seeing ALL that has happened since 2015? I think that’s quite possible. So back to the main point: The clock is ticking on Winston, and there’s a quite a problem set he’s got.
Want to reiterate: I think anyone who is a fan of the Bucs or Winston or both wants him to do well. All other things being equal, reasonable people can want him to stay or go after this season.
August 15th, 2019 at 6:25 pm
What’s the difference between a hook up and theft? What is the difference on film?
If you believe it’s a hook up , who was the hook up? You say the person who hands him the package, but that doesn’t work.
Add the fact that winstons story doesn’t make sense. The actions taken by publix, including issueing a the statement that denies it was a hookup. And their willingness to learn any additional information from Winston that might change their position and confirm it was indeed a hookup. Yet that opportunity has not been exploited by winston. I think it’s reasonable to conclude that the idea it was a hookup was false.
If you consider the position winston was in at that time , a celebrity on campus, national title winner, Heisman trophy winner along with a truck load of lesser known awards, his position as QB and the responsibilities that come with it, his future as a NFL draft pick and 100 other things , and what’s at stake , Winston jeopardized it all for 32 bucks of boiled crustaceans.
The idea that a hookup is permissible or that using a different word lessens the offense is flawed thinking at best , deceptive most likely. A Hookup is stealing and that’s the way it’s treated under law.
Personally, I don’t care the past is the past. Why these things are repeatedly rehashed is the question.
As is , the reason why winstons defense consists mainly of fictional or fabricated statements and a legal definition of innocence as opposed to social and cultural standards of right or wrong. The reliance on a legal definition is, or has been historically , not an adjudication of the charges and never viewed by the public as such. So by using a legal you’ve done the man no favor and changed no opinions.
August 15th, 2019 at 6:35 pm
It’s now year 5 in the Jameis Winston saga, is anybody else out there have that feeling of being at a party that has gone on far too long? The fatigue factor with this whole episode makes me yearn for the days of John Gruden’s quarterback carousel
August 15th, 2019 at 6:40 pm
Good stuff D1.
August 15th, 2019 at 7:20 pm
Thank you Sir.
August 15th, 2019 at 7:28 pm
Conclusion on this thread is Magadud and D1 love to hear themselves talk.
End of story. 💣
August 15th, 2019 at 7:48 pm
Oh and Pittsshore you know what they say about guys who brag about the size of their boat.
Princeton my a*s.
August 15th, 2019 at 8:26 pm
Pseudo’s crab legs account right out of his book on page 48, top paragraph. Pretty close to word for word. “Meander” and “full view” and “circle back.” Just a “hook-up,” so not “theft” and in fact, the book suggests Winston is such a good guy, that he was probably trying to take the hit for the employee to save his job. Such ludicrous rationale. How stupid does this book assume people are?
So a guy who knows a Wal-Mart geeter says I got you covered on that color TV bud; just come in a take it. Wheel it right past the register on the end. Not passing the smell test!
I was a third man in a grocery store in Tampa here while in college before going off for my miitary career. Can’t tell you how many people I caught from USF trying to casually walk out of the store with all kinds of goods. This was before cameras too. Had cashier’s “passing” groceries too. When they all get busted, be it eomployees or “customers” what is the first words out of their mouths? “I’m sorry.”
Really is good to see how others view stuff.
August 15th, 2019 at 8:49 pm
^^^Now, to add what may be in mitigation, is a friend of mine who went to FSU and went to that same Publix told me (when all this first came up) that the manager at that store was a big FSU fan, and often gave stuff away to the players. I just looked at him, and he gave me a stupid look liike “well, just saying.” Even he wasn’t really buyin’ it. Something college kids do I guess.
August 15th, 2019 at 8:49 pm
The only people who pay for crab legs at a crapy grocery store like publix are using government food stamps…. real men dont shop for seafood at a dumpy grocery store
August 15th, 2019 at 11:11 pm
Dang… How bout Joe going all fan boy and making stuff up! So Joe knows what happened and the sexual asault was either made up or no big deal bc it was just touching a female and she bilked him out of over a million dollars. The woman was seeking like 75k. Do you have a link joe to what the settlement was or how this was made up and she bilked him out of money???? anyways, just glad this season isn’t submarined with a suspension like last year
August 15th, 2019 at 11:51 pm
man, reading these comments…. so stupid
August 16th, 2019 at 2:41 am
JW needs to get on a roll, than tell this team shove it, I don’t need this place and move on to big and better things with another team
August 16th, 2019 at 4:27 am
Joe, did you just use Howard Stern in an analogy? That’s your moral compass? okie dokie.
Winston will either win and stay or lose and be gone. The excuse factory is out of excuses.
August 16th, 2019 at 8:54 am
Joe…by your own words (below)…you are AGREEING with Pittshore about Winston!!! Sure, you’re using a form of “equivalency”, but still in agreement!!! (And may I suggest leaving politics out of this arena?)
Pittshore just painted himself into a corner as — to use his word — “ignorant.”
Did you vote for 42 or 45? Did you at one point in your life own a No. 99 Bucs jersey?
Do you listen to or have ever voluntarily enjoyed Howard Stern?
Might want to be careful with your self-righteousness.
August 16th, 2019 at 9:03 am
Joe, I’m guessing you do not have a daughter, because this comment by you is simply HORRIBLE…….
How would you feel if the Uber driver were your daughter?
Never understood this line of logic. Either something is good or something is bad. What difference does having children mean?
If Joe had a daughter who bilked a young man out of seven figures just for touching her, Joe would be proud to have such a cunning woman for a daughter.
August 16th, 2019 at 9:05 am
And (I think) it was JulyJoe that said how Winston’s team mates love him, etc, etc…..they are PAID PROS who really have no choice. What are they gonna do…publicly state they think Winston is an awful jerk? Hardly. But with his LIES to his team mates, coaches, and front office, it’s a safe bet there are a lot of “fish eyes” looking at him at One Buc Palace.
August 16th, 2019 at 11:02 am
Morgus: I do believe Joe was heavy into the sauce when he typed that out. Just like JW, it’s excusable. You know what they say: “if you don’t remember then it did not happen”!!!
August 17th, 2019 at 9:58 am
The difference between a “hook up” and “theft” is one is a crime and crime and one is not.
The employee offering the “hook up” is supposed to cover the cost or have the right to give such a hook-up. Every single one of us has likely recieved a hook-up at one time or another in life, and generally the employee that offers it, has the right to offer it.
If the employee doesn’t have the right to offer a discount or free item, but does so to a customer (for example some guy giving a girl he thinks is “hot” a free item or free pass into an event, etc.,) than THE EMPLOYEE is committing theft, but not the customer, as it is not the customer’s job to know whether or not the employee has the right to offer the hook-up or not.
How many of you, when told by your credit card company employee speaking from overseas says, “Don’t worry sir, I will cancel the interest fees on your account”, says, “NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE BUD, I WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR MANAGER’S PERMISSION TO DO THAT!”
How stupid.
Jameis has NEVER even been arrested one time … never.
As to @Magadude … I read the book you speak of and follow the author on Twitter, and as I said, may even know both he and Jameis personally, so what … I’m going to use his phrases as they’re great! It’s already been proven I am not the author though, so keep beating the dead horse dude.
HOWEVER … YOUR mini-book above reads exactly like the ONE AND ONLY negative review the book has received to date on Amazon …. you’re a clown, a liar and a clown.
What is that word people are called when they accuse others for doing exactly what they themselves are doing? That’s right … H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E