Mike Evans And The Hall Of Fame
July 20th, 2019
Serious stats.
There are few things to get excited about with the Bucs. Sorry, but that’s the way Joe sees it. However, amid the dark skies and lightning strikes, there is sunlight.
And that bright spot is Mike Evans. The Bucs’ stud wide receiver is a monster. Joe has stated Evans was putting up Hall of Fame numbers through five seasons. Well, data-entrenched Evan Silva did some digging and get a load of what he found: Evans is putting up better numbers than some of the best receivers to ever play the game.
Since the 1970 merger, most receiving yards within the first 5 seasons of a player’s career.
Check out @BigGame81 at the top. (h/t @pfref) pic.twitter.com/svFhPd6NWJ
— Evan Silva (@evansilva) July 18, 2019
It sure seems like Evans is crafting a Hall of Fame resume. Let’s cross our fingers the guy stays healthy.
It’s one thing for a guy to be consistent. Evans is. It is a whole other thing to be consistently dominant. And Evans is that.
Those types of players get busts in Canton.
July 20th, 2019 at 12:04 pm
Too early to tell but I like the track he’s on…
July 20th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
Go Bucs!!
July 20th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
July 20th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
Godzilla !!
July 20th, 2019 at 12:20 pm
Joe you gotta calm down on the HOF talk. This guy is not a Hall of Famer. If he goes a career with 12k yard that probably won’t be enough unless you throw in some SuperBowl stats.
What that means is he ain’t even halfway there yet……Quit calling Josh Hamilton, Alexandre Daigle, Harold Miner & Bo Jackson Hall Of Famers. There is a reason only so few make it. Lot harder to do it for a long career then meets the eye.
July 20th, 2019 at 12:23 pm
If he sticks with The FAMOUS One …he will get there!!!
July 20th, 2019 at 12:23 pm
HOF or not – Evans is by far the best WR this franchise has ever fielded.
Sorry Keyshawn but its not even close.
July 20th, 2019 at 12:40 pm
Pickgrin why in the world would you be sorry to Keyshawn. He was not that special of a Buccaneer. I could easily make a case that Joey Galloway was better…….Then Vincent Jackson blows both of them away.
I get it he was our #1 WR for our SuperBowl but I bet you ask 100 Buc fans who their favorite receiver was from that era and most say a receiver not named Keyshawn. Not special.
July 20th, 2019 at 12:41 pm
Lots of first rounders there
July 20th, 2019 at 12:54 pm
Check out the years on that list and check out Jerry Rice. 1985. The game and rules have made it easier on WRs and they still struggle the match the bar that man set. That dude is absolutely timeless……..Not sure about LB or QB or Edge but there is no doubt that Rice was the greatest WR to ever grace a field. Was a privledge to see it!!
July 20th, 2019 at 1:24 pm
Mike Evans is the man; what I love most about him is that fact that he isn’t a diva like most WR’s…
He’s proven since his college days that it really doesn’t matter who his QB is; he just a big scrappy receiver with sneaky speed who finds a way to stay productive and get the job done…He’s the definition of a good teammate, and he’s definitely not greedy seeing as to how he’s already restructured his contact a few times…
July 20th, 2019 at 1:35 pm
I have to agree with you jimmy jack on that last post. Today’s nfl you can’t look at the receiver without getting a penalty. Rice had it way worse than WRs today an still balled out. Just amazing. Go get em ME13 I didn’t get to watch rice play but I get to watch you an I gotta say it’s bin a lot of fun the dude is a beast. You could put Keyshawn Galloway Vincent an mark all rolled up into 1 an ME13 is still better haha maybe not but still he’s ballin
July 20th, 2019 at 1:39 pm
You are spot on JimmyJack. I bumped into Jerry Rice on a crowded dance floor in Ybor during one of our Super Bowls. Introduced myself and stated what a big fan I was. A couple of hours go by and I am hanging with a couple of dolls who are trying to get there picture taken with famous celebrities. Jerry walks by and I say hey Jerry, these two beautiful women would like a picture with you. Jerry says, sure thing Robert, and politely accommodated them. Aside from being a super classy and super nice person, the dude remembered my name. I needn’t tell you the props I received from the ladies later on, it would probably go to moderation if I did.
July 20th, 2019 at 2:27 pm
ME13 Is getting a bust in Canton barring injury Joe is right on the money with this a half blind drunk in a dark alley can even see that.
July 20th, 2019 at 2:43 pm
Reverse jinx. Please don’t mention “barring injury”
Mike is our best player. And for what he went thru as a young kid, what a class act. He is the franchise in my opinion.
And someone young buc fans should look up too
He is a beast and still has 5 quality years left with 1,000 plus seasons.
Hope he can retire a buc. What’s good is even as he gets older , he can still be a possession receiver. He big / strong and
One of his strides like 10 feet.
July 20th, 2019 at 3:37 pm
Evans is definitely and obviously on a HOF track, it’s all about staying healthy for years to come now. If he stays healthy he’ll likely have top 5 all-time numbers by the time he retires, but health isn’t guaranteed to anyone.
July 20th, 2019 at 4:22 pm
Bird I feel ya on that I hate thinking about it he does take some monstrous hits though, don’t worry man the dude is freak of nature and like a quote from The Wolf of Wall-street “He’s our f@#$!*% WARRIOR!”
July 20th, 2019 at 5:45 pm
JimmyJack Says
“Joe you gotta calm down on the HOF talk. This guy is not a Hall of Famer.”
You are right. He isn’t. Yet.
And I do think it is way too early to suggest it. But you speak as though you don’t think he ever will be.
Consider this:
If the defense is fixed and the kicking is fixed, this team can go all of the way. If we get rings, that will improve Evan’s chances…assuming he continues playing like he has.
And Desean Jackson isn’t here to steal passes from him anymore. The new WRs are not Divas, so Winston will not have to force the ball to them.
Speaking of Hall of Fame…Derell Walker will probably make the CFL Hall of Fame when he retires. 1500+ yards per season I think.
July 20th, 2019 at 6:30 pm
Can someone remind me where the Godzilla thing comes from?
I remember WHEN it started but not WHY.
Don’t really matter to me though hahaha I’m gonna roll with it too.
They should start playing the Blue Oyster Cult song when he scores (maybe they already do and I’ve missed it?).
Mike is the MAN!