Killer Schedule Will Kill
July 21st, 2019
Ugly prediction.
A lot of Bucs fans hollered about the rotten schedule the Bucs were dealt by NFL strongman Roger Goodell’s henchmen. And one respected NFL analyst believes that schedule will doom the Bucs to having the first overall pick in the 2020 draft.
That’s the word from Connor Orr of Not even all the magic Bruce Arians can drum up — and Orr likes Arians a lot — can overcome a schedule which sees the Bucs play away from the Den of Depression for a six-week stretch that includes a trip to London.
This is where the weight of the schedule gets kind of ugly. I don’t necessarily think the Buccaneers will lose 14 games, mostly because Bruce Arians is a top-10 head coach and may have the deepest coaching staff in football.’s analytics guru Cynthia Frelund had them at six wins, which feels a little closer to what will end up happening. However, if you’re in my position, grading a team that finished the offseason with a net loss in terms of talent gained vs. talent lost, what are you going to do?
If the Bucs only win three games Joe has to believe there would be massive changes within the organization. And if the Bucs lose 13 games, does that mean cut bait with America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, and draft a quarterback first overall? Or an edge rusher?
Joe doesn’t buy Orr’s take that the Bucs are less talented than last year unless someone is a monster Adam Humphries fan.
Most folks that believe the Bucs have a lesser team than last year are the joystick jockeys who just cannot stop slobbering over themselves believing malcontent wide receiver DeSean Jackson is the Second Coming.
July 21st, 2019 at 8:17 am
That schedule is a MF. When you have a young team, and a team trying to learn how to win, 6 weeks away from home is tough.
I don’t think we had a net loss of talent either, but that schedule is brutal.
July 21st, 2019 at 8:20 am
The schedules of the Bucs and Rays clearly indicate that something is terribly wrong with how schedules are developed. Of course, one could surmise that by eliminating teams before a game is played it ensures the Patriots will continue their dynasty as well as the Yankees. It is the way it is. It’s a bit more obvious in the Rays and Bucs case.
July 21st, 2019 at 8:22 am
“Even if we go 0-16, Glazers will not fire BA with 2 more years of guareenteened salary
Gump will not be fired because BA will not coach with a new GM
Not only has Gump totally destroyed this franchise for 5 years, but he has put this team hostage for 2 more years and further damage with the hire of a semi retired blowhard and fired coaching staffs from the pitiful Jets and Ari cardinals”
Kobe Faker
July 21st, 2019 at 8:40 am
If the Bucs lose 13 games , you really don’t know which position the Bucs will take in the draft ?
Seriously ?
Got to be obsessed joe writing the article ..
“Slobbering over his joystick “ sounds about right
July 21st, 2019 at 8:42 am
If the Bucs go 3-13, the biggest change will be the Gumpster Fire.
The Bucs had unbelievable luck in the draft of having Josh Allen drop to them at the 5th pick and they blew it.
In the 2nd round, they had an incredible opportunity to add a quality offensive lineman, again they blew it. They reached for a 4th or 5th round CB even though the best CB in the draft, the legendary Treyvon Mullen was available.
There was an incredible miracle that occurred at the 70th pick when the best RB in NCAA history (8.2 YPC) was still on the board. Gump took a mighty swing and struck out again.
The Rams cemented their future by acquiring the keystone of their NFL dynasty in exchange for two free compensatory picks they had laying around.
This move allowed Gump to reach once more and select his 5th and 6th round picks earlier. This genius move allowed his “Coup d’grace” selection of a field goal kicker in the 5th round.
Between his FFF rated draft, salary cap hell and an unfortunate schedule, Gump assured that the Las Vegas odds makers would clean up on over optimistic Buc fans worldwide.
July 21st, 2019 at 8:55 am
Still looking fro anything Connor Orr has been right about? We lost a mostly unavailable Kwon and a malcontent Jackson replaced with rookies who will work cheaper and be equally effective or more. Schedule will be a beast and is unprecedented. The Glazers should ask themselves why they seem to have no respect in the league office, Super Bowl or not. No other team getting a recent Super Bowl has had to endure this crap of a schedule.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:09 am
hmmmmm no talent says the NFL analyst!!!!!!! I guess he forgot how all the sheep have been saying that it was coaching that held all of the scary talent back on this team!!!!!!!!!! We have been reading how this team has ring of honor and hall of fame talent, that has been held back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the schedule is easier than the last two seasons!!!!!!!!!!!! And word on the street is that the Buc’s gave up that home game as part of the plea deal for the QB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not wait until the regular season, and it will have nothing to do with the play on the field!!!!!!!!!!! Wait until the largest coaching staff ever assembled starts to insinuate that they just don’t have the talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 will reveal answers to the sheep, that the “real” fans already know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 21st, 2019 at 9:09 am
Sorry, the Buc’s draft is not rated FF. In fact unbiased Lindy’s NFL 2019 Magazine rated the Buc’s Draft at B Plus which was better than two of the other teams in our division and equal to only one other team in our Division. Henderson was the leading rusher in a much easier Division like Penny was last year, and now Penny is not the lead back in any NFL Team. Just like Licht did as a scout for the Patriots and Arizona, Licht finds diamond in the rough players with great undeveloped potential, and that is what Arians wants and why he hired all our Coaches to develop. So let Arians develop all the potential across our full roster and then we will see why our draft was a very good one and why the former Coaches who couldn’t develop a single player were the culprits for our basement NFL records while the Patriots do so every year and win so many Super Bowls doing so. BA and Licht are our best hope to return to elite status.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:10 am
Sure….we have 6 straight games away from home….but that means we have a more favorable schedule later…..
If we only win 3 games, I can’t conceive of any way we stick with Winston……
There is now way he is worthy of an extended contract if that happens.
As far as BA & Licht…..I think no matter what happens they get at leas another year.
I am looking for us to go 8-8 with huge signs of improvement.
Then, Joe….we can go an edge rusher or Oline with our 1st pick.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:17 am
Just more fuel for the 🔥. Keep it coming.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:21 am
She isn’t wrong in her base analysis.
But the games still need to be played.
Jameis ” meaningless stats ” Winston has BA and his golf cart. He is here to ” participate ” in changing the only thing that matters. Wins and losses.
Right now it’s hard to see more than a few wins on the schedule. But the games need to be played.
Then we should know if we are spinning our wheels with America’s Choir Boy or not. I think we are but the games need to be played.
Onward into the valley of death rode BA and his Golf cart!
July 21st, 2019 at 9:22 am
Silliness. While schedule is not ideal, look at the games… 8-8 should be expected. If we dip below 6 wins, there better be a ton of talent on IR with something more serious than homesickness. I get the Licht hating, but just can’t fathom all the Bruce hating going on. This is the best staff top-to-bottom since we had Gruden and Kiffin.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:24 am
@Bird: Hilarious!
Game 1 vs. the Niners seems like a “must win” game.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:35 am
“Henderson was the leading rusher in a much easier Division”
I didn’t say DH lead his division.
Darrell Henderson lead the NCAA (8.2YPC) for all of it’s history. Red Grange, OJ Simpson, Barry Sanders, Walter Peyton, Archie Griffin, Jim Brown and Emmett Smith all took a distant back seat to this legendary back.
He wasn’t even the starting RB at Memphis. He was the red-headed step child
of the Memphis Tigers, yet he re-wrote the record books.
He wasn’t allowed to return kicks yet the one game where he got his chance, he took one 99 yards to the freaking house.
He also lead all RB’s in college in yards after contact for his entire career with 6.18. No other college RB even broke the 5 yard barrier. Hundreds in the 4’s, nobody in the 5’s and Darrell alone in the 6’s.
He also lead the nation with 22 rushing TD’s last year, 27 total.
Are you saying Gump couldn’t risk a 3rd round pick on Henderson, at a position of dire need? The Bucs just had to have two practice squad DB’s instead?
July 21st, 2019 at 9:50 am
You better wake up and smell the coffee!!!!!!!! You can take your free pass for the GM and coaches and throw it right in the trash!!!!!!!!!!!! Ole stale biscuit said he was here to win now not rebuild!!!!!!!!!!! Are you saying he is a liar!!!!!!!!! Or is he just senile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can sit around with a huge hole in the roof and “HOPE” that it does not rain!!!!!!!!!!!! The “real” fans are going to want to see these huge issues fixed!!!!!! And if that is a full rebuild in 2020, then lets start shopping for GM’s now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intern Zach ask: “Mr Realist, why do the sheep not ask questions”????
The Buc Realist says: “Because they won’t like the answers”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 will reveal answers to the sheep, that the “real” fans already know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 21st, 2019 at 9:52 am
What about all of the home games on the back end of the schedule?
If we can survive the initial gauntlet being the first 8 games or so on the schedule, and managed to go at worst 4-4 we got a legit shot at the playoffs…I believe 5 or 6 of the last 8 games on our schedule is at Ray J…
This team hasn’t earned the right to be given the benefit of the doubt so I understand all of the doom and gloom forecasts…That being said, I personally don’t believe this team is as bad as many think…Imo, there’s a bunch of “unproven” talent on this team that is capable of producing with the right coaching…
If the offense is just slightly better from a TD standpoint, and the defense can manage to improve to maybe somewhere in the top 15, I believe the floor for this team is 8-8…If the defense improves dramatically to let’s say top 10, I expect 10 wins or more…
Imho, the exception being the 6 game road trip, this is not a tough schedule…The best team on the schedule is the Saints and we traditionally play them very well…
We’ll see how good this team is pretty soon…If we’re gonna make the playoffs Jameis and the defense will be the catalyst that gets us there…
July 21st, 2019 at 9:56 am
Shooting atr self in the foot costly penalties and sloppy game play needs to stop. I cant remember the last time we had a well coached team. How about on game adjustments?
July 21st, 2019 at 9:57 am
I know that away schedule in consecutive weeks is brutal. But when have we been good at home. Joe has even called it the den of depression.
It says we have 6th easiest schedule.
8-8 is definitely possible
Can Jameis get them to 9-7 or better with real coaching.
Arians is the qb whisperer
July 21st, 2019 at 10:05 am
Toronto Raptors odds of winning NBA finals were 40-1 before season
St Louis Blues odds of winning NHL Stanley Cup were 250-1 before season
Predictions mean nothing
July 21st, 2019 at 10:10 am
We weren’t going to win that many games anyway. In order to win games you have to have a quarterback which we don’t have. Winston will never take the bucs anywhere. With the first pick next year we need to draft one.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:13 am
Well, if the new book on “Winston Derangement Syndrome” that should be more aptly titled: “Jameis Loves Jesus, is Always the Poor Victim, the Uber Driver Probably Lied, All Others like Jenna and Fennelly are Unfair, and Many Sports Fans Just Hate Him, and Half of the Stats of the Whole Story Spin that He is Really Tom Brady-Like” that I just finished…is any indicator of how Winston himself feels, the Bucs need to look for a new QB anyway. Hopefully he will distance himself from this book, play football, be squeaky clean for year, and the Bucs may opt to franchise him for a year, or as a stretch for now, keep him longer term. Seriously, the Jameis apologists are not doing him any favors. I saw gaps and slants in some areas it was just sad, and the author seems like an angry man hiding behind religion and his own misfortunes as he goes after those who have “wronged Jameis.” Those are the author’s opinions, his book, and he’s entitled to them. But man, not a good look.
So right now I feel more likely than before that if the Bucs don’t do well–8-8 or better, that as a central piece in the Bucs negative image in the media for football and other stuff over the past decade (Freeman slow leak, MRSA, extended losses, Winston sagas, bad D), they will move on from him.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:18 am
I think the opposite. This schedule will motvate these players to line up and follow the in franchise history. Arians knows that if he can get this team above .500 for the first half of the season, that will give them a tremendous advantage to finish the majority of the season off on home turf. The NFL hates the bucs, but they inadvertently did them a favor. Im predicting a TON of bullspit bad calls by officials the second half of the season to try and hold this team down but it wont be enough..Watch what a real head coach will do
July 21st, 2019 at 10:20 am
If this team goes further south than the last two years, I think BA will just hang it up anyway as the owners will need to enter REAL rebuild mode (they are mostly there now, just can’t afford the full deal). BA is not tied to JL, especially if this season stinks. The Glazers will have NO problem firing Licht if they do poorly…and if BA chooses to stay, they may even offer him more “formal” power. Those he think he’s come in here and will make strategic decisions about the organization vice just who and what’s on the field…are not realistic.
I’ve been saying they win 4-6 games…3-13 is not out of the question. I’m hoping all turns out well and by December, we’re happy with the season results.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:27 am
I’m going to go against the grain with an unpopular opinion on the Bucs schedule. I’m sure there are numbers to back this one up too, but I don’t have time or effort to put into that to be honest.
It is my opinion and understanding that Jameis typically plays better away than at home for whatever reason, so what reason is there to suggest Jameis won’t have a career year, thanks to this schedule. I’m not saying we will turn this around in one year, but I, for one, think this schedule plays right into Jamies’ hands.
Go ahead and roast me alive, Jameis haters.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:41 am
El buco your not a real fan just a troll. Real fans are not consistently cancers like you. Just like 813 says you know nothing
July 21st, 2019 at 10:48 am
If Jameis has a strong season then this team will have more than 7 wins. The defense by default will be much improved, cannot get any worse.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:53 am
Joe your gonna cry because you have high hopes for a 5-11 team … the quarterback position alone is a question mark … can’t win games when you have a quarterback who consistently turns the ball over… you may say oh it’s a new year that was last year… well this has been going on for 4 years now …. the only year I give jameis for is his rookie year …. but teams know how to beat the bucs and it’s easy … just pressure jameis and he will turn the ball over … jameis has not fixed this issue what makes you think he will change now? Your gonna learn this year
July 21st, 2019 at 11:44 am
Ghost of Darrell Henderson get over it we didn’t draft a small school running back. The guy hasn’t played a down of nfl and you are acting like he is an all pro already. Just come back at the end of the year and tell us how we could have used his 200 yards rushing that he will have this year. They said he is not an everydown back he runs to high and is easy to tackle. Not sure if his game will translate to the pros. Because the film they said most of his touchdown and long runs were agains weak fronts. He never had the box stacked to stop him. They said he is a change of pace slasher.
July 21st, 2019 at 11:45 am
If the Glazers move the Bucs to London they can call themselves the Fog.
July 21st, 2019 at 11:52 am
I don’t think the Bucs will build on their loses of last year. If we go 3-13 it means Dirk Koetter was a GREAT coach and over performed with no talent. Or BA has already retired and will trade in his golf cart for a lawn chair. In which case I may retire as a Bucs fan.
July 21st, 2019 at 12:03 pm
They did lose Gerald McCoy, the greatest player to ever wear a Buc’s uniform.
July 21st, 2019 at 12:08 pm
Each team plays 8 road games last time I checked. Good team win half of them. How about we win our London game and beat Tennessee coming off our bye. Good teams win their game after bye weeks. Give me thos 2 wins and that six game stretch y’all are scared of aren’t no big deal.
Y’all cryed about our schedule last year and we came out shining through the “tough part”. Two years ago y’all cryed and our division was cupcake.
Our schedule has never been a factor yet y’all cry about it every year. Look at last year. It wasn’t our schedule. After week 2 we didn’t beat a single winning team. If your not a good team the schedule don’t matter. And if you are a good te, guess what? The schedule don’t matter.
Bunch a panty wastes around here, I tell ya.
July 21st, 2019 at 12:13 pm
This team loses home or away.
Does the schedule really matter when they really never, have a real home field advantage anyways?
Go Bucs!
July 21st, 2019 at 12:14 pm
We are set up to have a real chance to start out 3-0. We are also setup to close out the season strong cause we are backloaded with home games. The beginning and end of the schedule are more crucial then the middle.
We also play no team coming off a bye and play Carolina with them not having any time to film study our new schemes.
“Hard schedlue” has been debunked. It’s a load or crap. Any good team would annihilate this schedule with ease. Y’all think we aren’t good then say that……..Don’t try to pretend like it’s the schedules fault. That is being soft as a fan.
July 21st, 2019 at 12:21 pm
There are a few other teams with worse predictions and has nothing to do with schedule. Bucs will be fine and you can call predictions an educated guess all you want but no one goes on a show after the season talking about their prediction % for all 32 teams hmmm wonder why
July 21st, 2019 at 12:23 pm
The only “real” fans according to you are you & El Buco Realisto” I’m happy to be in the other group.
July 21st, 2019 at 1:41 pm
What massive changes can be done in the organization? You just hired a ton of coaches on guaranteed contracts for a few years. Only people that will go is the GM and Winston.
July 21st, 2019 at 1:58 pm
Can we just put this under the duuuh file? Of course the schedule is going to be brutal. And the fact that we play and incredibly difficult division. and we’re making huge changes on both sides of the football that usually take a year. I don’t care what our record is this year I am more concerned about seeing improvement. And even I would not blame Winston Soli for the record. I would like to see him perform on a smarter level on and off the field. And I would love Joe to stop calling him Americas quarterback or a Pro bowler. We should call him Jameis turnover machine Winston. At least he has earned that title. A real player would not get excited about being an alternate in the probowel.
July 21st, 2019 at 2:23 pm
Greg how is our division incredibly tough? It had one winning team last year.
Look at all the division records of our division over the last 5 seasons and you will see one year…….One single season where it lived up to the hype(2017)…….. Even had one season with not one winning record. aside from 2017 it has not lived up to the hype this fanbase preaches(probably cause we always guy our ass kicked) and has not been the obstacle y’all talk it up to be annually.
July 21st, 2019 at 2:40 pm
Agreed jimmyjack they want to keep the narrative that ita a tough division to make it seem like it’s impossible to actually win or be good because of a couple really good players on each team with every team in the nfl has.
July 21st, 2019 at 2:55 pm
Not much longer and we’ll all know. I’m looking forward to finding out!
July 21st, 2019 at 3:20 pm
new season for all 32 teams. We will be different even more so than the teams without a coaching change. Point being: Lets find out. Nothing should motivate our coaches and players more than systematically, week by week, putting the hurt on teams that think we’re an easy win. There is a formula for these things. New year, new players, new staff…lets find out. Go Bucs!
July 21st, 2019 at 3:28 pm
Greg, I guess you’re that “real player” who doesn’t get excited over going to the Pro Bowl…right? How may Pro Bowls have you been selected for, there Greggy? Bless you Greg. Go Bucs!
July 21st, 2019 at 3:28 pm
2-4 wins and Tua goes to the Bucs as the first pick. JW does not make it to 4 games.
July 21st, 2019 at 3:31 pm
No objectivity what so ever. This so called “America’s qb ” (yeah right) was a pro bowler ONE TIME!! His rookie year.But go right ahead and hang ur hat on that. That’s a losing mentality Joe. Raise ur standards buc fans. Jay miss aint done S*** since. Unless u count giving the opposing defense the ball. Unless he goes off this season they should absolutely cut bait
July 21st, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Pittsshore Says:
“JW does not make it to 4 games.”
Unless he gets injured, there is no way that is accurate.
July 21st, 2019 at 5:09 pm
Looking over the schedule and based on the Bucs not really improving from last year’s players, I can see 4-12… 4 opponents that they should squeak by with a win…
Maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 they get calls in their favor to win 6 but how often does that happen in the Bucs favor!
July 21st, 2019 at 5:47 pm
Every team has a rough schedule. Enough whining. Play the damn games. Stop making excuses.
July 21st, 2019 at 5:49 pm
Where is..Who will..replace JPP? Blitzes are fine. Good teams something for that. Better find that pass rush or repeat last season.
July 21st, 2019 at 5:50 pm
@ModHariken…good point.
July 21st, 2019 at 5:51 pm
Only the mentally weak teams worry about their schedule.
July 21st, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Why not just let it play out. The former SB champs ‘the eaglets” got in as a wildcard. The good thing about the Bucs, they have an experienced coach and a bunch of young players, you don’t know what you don’t know – so you just ball out, that was the youngry Bucs when they won 10. Now they have a better coach
July 21st, 2019 at 6:00 pm
The year they won the SB they played 5 out of 7 on the road at one point. They have a bye week splitting two 3-game road trips this year.
Excuses getting old: Ronald Jones. The FSU K. Jameis’ suspension. DBs. OL. Old coaches. New coaches. Gump. No team is perfect.
Just do it.
July 21st, 2019 at 6:27 pm
July 21st, 2019 at 6:29 pm
Quit making excuses for Grandpa. We just need to fast forward to when Byron is the head coach so we can take things seriously. Nobody takes this old a$$ dude with the dumb hat seriously.
July 21st, 2019 at 6:51 pm
@Buddy: I take BA very, very seriously. He has a track record. Byron does not.
But I do understand casual fans don’t know much about BA and what has made him the coach he is today.
IMO, BA sees the Bucs as his possible entry ticket to the HoF. A legacy.
July 21st, 2019 at 8:36 pm
The schedule sucks. We all know that. What we also all know is that no matter where we end up playing, the field will be 100 yards long with crossbars at each end. We either have a team that is capable of winning or we don’t. The game doesn’t change because of whose turf we are playing it on. We can suck just as bad at home as on the road. We still need to get the ball across the goal line or through the uprights each and every game. Let’s not panic because of some stupid NFL schedule and hope that Bruce and the talent he has can perform between the white the lines, wherever they are! We are a professional team. Let’s prove it. GO BuCS!
July 21st, 2019 at 9:34 pm
It’s just one more obstacle the NFL brand is using to control the narrative and frustrate an already weak participating fanbase. Would they have a financial gain moving a team to England, or Mexico? You betcha, and how do you do it? Just raise the goalpost.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:22 pm
Connor Orr is just a typical national guy who half a$$es his homework on the Buccaneers. We essentially traded Gerald and Row the Boat Kwon, for Devin and Suh, which is a net win. Crybaby Jackson was a menace from what I have read so that’s another win since we can replace him with younger guys.
Orr is not completely misguided however since losing Humphries may sting a little and the schedule is really tough on paper. If Jameis turns the corner, the schedule won’t matter and we can finish around .500. I’m not holding my breath.
July 21st, 2019 at 10:52 pm
I still say 8-8…So many of last years games were lost by 7 points or less. The problem wasnt scoring the problem was the defense getting OFF the field! They couldn’t stop a nosebleed last year. I am gonna be optimistic like every year because honestly its the only way to look at it if your a fan. Otherwise why even watch the Bucs? And believe me with all the B.S. from the ” National Kneelers League ” Im hanging on by a string. Everyone starts from scratch so lets just hope for the best and if not….hope we ARE the worst.
July 22nd, 2019 at 2:50 am
it’s a clean slate since the coaching change…licht is actually pretty smart because worst case scenario is he got himself an extra 2 years…and that’s the worst case…
no one is getting fired after this year, as it is year one…after year 2 axes can begin falling if necessary
July 22nd, 2019 at 4:58 pm
Not to worry…America’s Quarterback will carry this team to the Super Bowl !!!!! (cough cough)
July 22nd, 2019 at 6:18 pm
Home and away is badly overrated. It’s a TV studio now. Play the game. Beat the guy across from you. Most of these guys played high school and college games in bigger venues than RayJay, and have family and friends elsewhere. Home field advantage hasn’t been real since Favre left Green Bay.