Film Strain For Bruce Arians & Company

July 14th, 2019

A man who might be the greatest Buccaneer in the history of the free world, Mr. Derrick Brooks, shared very interesting insight into the Bucs’ new-look training camp on the way.

Head coach Bucco Bruce Arians is proud of his biggest-in-the-NFL, 30-person coaching staff. In fact, it may be the largest in NFL history.

But Brooks implied that it might not be big enough. It was a great point crystallized in the recent edition of TAMPA TWO with Brooks and Sage columnist Ira Kaufman.

Arians has two practices simultaneously on two fields when it comes to camp sessions of 7-on-7 and 11-on-11 work, as well as other areas of training. That means double the film work for coaches, Brooks noted. So while the staff is big enough to coach up players on the spot versus waiting until getting practice film and addressing problems, all that film still needs to be scrutinized in the same manner and that will eat up a lot of manpower.

Brooks said his time spent at Bucs spring practices left him liking how players get so many reps and chances to show they learned from their mistakes. And he noted how much the split staff moved around and had time with all players.

Brooks doesn’t see that as divisive. “Communal involvement,” Brooks called it, adding Arians spent one entire practice with the “Field 2” players, primarily occupied by all the youngsters on the current 90-man roster.

Joe found the film-study angle intriguing. That is a real strain on a staff through the camp grind. It’s also more work for Jason Licht’s pro personnel staff, too.

One day, Joe will look up how Arians’ teams fared in the second half of preseason game. One would think all that extra work for the camp meat, compared to other teams, would translate to strong performances.

18 Responses to “Film Strain For Bruce Arians & Company”

  1. BringBucsBack Says:

    Maybe the necessity for a large coaching staff is why this brilliant double-field practice isn’t commonplace. Let’s not forget that all practices are filmed, too.

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Glazers have money…..coaches don’t count against the cap…..let’s go for 3 simultaneous practices…..WTF…..why not!!!

  3. bucnole Says:

    I think its a great idea . . . the 2s and 3s get more snaps(rather than just standing around) and the coaches get more film to evaluate. . .

  4. Tye Says:

    The Bruce Arians hire was celebrated to for about 5 minutes…
    Hiring all these people, creating this huge staff and appearing to delegate duties instead of being hands on has a large portion of their fans losing hope rapidly…
    To clarify, talking about Bucs fans… We get it… Jameis fan believe a winning season is a sure thing… believing Jameis is a solid qb like children believe in Santa Claus…

  5. JimmyJack Says:

    Simple math tells me that the starters will get more practice time also. Never been to a practice but would assume that when the #2s and #3s get their reps the starters come of to make give them the time. Now with 2 practices they don’t have to come off.

  6. BucEmUp Says:

    Large portion of their fans….you mean you?

  7. Beligerentbuc Says:

    Brilliant in its simplicity…make the 2nd’s and 3rd’s get as much game time action to let the cream rise.

    It also makes the veteran players sweat it out for their paychecks!

  8. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Bring in ex Buc veterans to help with film review. More eyes watching film can’t hurt.

  9. Race to 10 Says:

    It’s fine you do it in training camp so you dont go into the season wondering what guys can and cant do or will they show up kinda like koetter did for his short head coaching career

  10. Cobraboy Says:

    How many additional “quality control” guys were hired? They used to be the ones breaking down tape (or, when I did it, cut and splice 16mm film) for coaches.

    And these guys get digital. We had to develop film first, THEN cut it up.

    If coaches get raw film it’s more work than if they just get the cut-ups they want.

    Joe, you should ask a coach-support film guy what the process is. I’d be very interested…

  11. Magadude Says:

    I wonder what the film study/game prep process is for BA. That is, with Lovie I learned he had his defense QC coach in charge of pulling all the data to work the next week while the current week was in progress. I can’t help but wonder if those guys were looking at the wrong stuff…when seemed like they were never ready for a game. So with BA having such a big staff…are they truly integrated? We can hope.

  12. Magadude Says:

    ^^^^OH, and guess what the last name of Lovie’s QB coach was? S-M-I-T-H.

  13. Pryda...sec147 Says:

    Bruce is no playing games he means business!

  14. destinjohnny Says:

    got that from Bear

  15. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “has a large portion of their fans losing hope rapidly…”

    Perhaps that is a clarion call for Joe to run one of his famous snap polls to see just how large a portion that is.

    Sounds hyperbolic to me

  16. BA FAN Says:

    I am also expecting with all the reps and development of third string and remaining players that the Bucs will more likely win their Preseason Games. Moreover, they are not going to cut diamond in the rough players because they will have already developed and given practice reps to all 90 players. Moreover if there are injuries they will already have players who know their system and they know what they can do to hire to fill out their 53 man roster. Yes there is double the number of tapes to break down but we have twice as many coaches to do that job so it is no hardship at all for us—so that angle is a wash. Another benefit of so many coaches on staff is if one of our Coaches is hired off to be bumped up to a better job paying more with another team, BA will already have their replacement on his staff trained to his system. This is a Win—Win and will up our Win rate and secure our future. Trust BA!

  17. Bucsfanman Says:

    Injuries are going to happen. He’s still learning his players. It’s best to have your plan ‘B’ in place before you get started.

  18. TOM Says:

    YADA, YADA, YADA 6-10