The Fatherly Touch
June 12th, 2019
Football pairing. (Photo courtesy of
Dig deep into the background of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, and it seems he prefers a coach who gets in his face.
His college coach at Florida State was that kind of a guy and before the Bucs drafted him, Jameis referred to the volatile Jimbo Fisher as his “football daddy.”
Fisher knew, of course, at the end of the day he needed Jameis as much as Jameis needed him.
We do know that former Bucs coach Dirk Koetter was tough on Jameis. Did he cuss out Jameis regularly? That we don’t know.
We also know Koetter gave up on Jameis. Hell, he benched the guy for vagabond Ryan Fitzpatrick. That was both giving up on Jameis and a clear panic move. A coach would never bench a quarterback without losing faith in him.
Super Bowl-winning wide receiver Victor Cruz seems to think Bucco Bruce Arians is the perfect combination for Jameis. Yes, Arians will have no trouble reading Jameis the riot act when necessary. But also, Cruz believes, Arians will have Jameis’ back. Sort of like a strict father.
In a recent broadcast of “NFL Live,” seen on BSPN, Cruz discussed the benefits of Jameis having Arians as a head coach and what Jameis must do to reward Arians with his support.
“I think all the innovation and all the things that Bruce Arians does is going to be great for Jameis Winston,” Cruz said. “But it is up to Jameis. He is the catalyst that is going to help this team get over the hump. He is the guy that is going to have to understand that things he does on the field, off the field and within the meeting rooms and individually as a person is what is going to shape this team.
“I think Bruce Arians understands that and I think not only will he be beneficial in terms of X’s and O’s but talking to him and being a voice to him and understanding that, ‘Look, we need you to be there. We need you to have better decision-making and understand that you are the guy that is going to help this team move forward. This team goes how you go.’
“Understanding that is going to help Jameis Winston.”
It is pretty clear that whatever ails Jameis is between his ears. No one suggests he doesn’t have the talent — we’ve all seen it with our very own eyes. Whatever clicks in his intelligent head (dude had an academic scholarship to Stanford — Joe isn’t aware of too many rockheads that are awarded such opportunities) in games is the issue.
Hopefully, Arians has the answer to this riddle.
June 12th, 2019 at 7:40 pm
….. and after hearing all this from his HC, Jameis is still gonna do what Jameis wants to do.
He can’t help himself.
It’s his nature.
June 12th, 2019 at 7:45 pm
Benching Winston in CIN was a good call by Koetter, panic move or not. Don’t forget the CLE game stunt where ran his own play (again)…Winston doing what he wants to do. Up to that, don’t forget he’d hurt his team to start they year with suspension and his own team knew he wasn’t a leader deserving of the captainship. Winston was rightfully on the thinnest of ice as it was. Now he alone blew that game in CIN. So all THAT along with his poor decisionmaking on and off the field is what has kept him, and will likely keep him from being a franchise QB. He’s not to late to save football career but he’s not going to move the needle to get fans to buy tickets. See for yourself? What products does he ensdorse? What elementary schools does he visit now? How many pay to see him play as opposed to turned in the seaston tix in the last 12 months because of him? When was his QB camp this year? Winston is no Palmer.
June 12th, 2019 at 7:49 pm
There are three reasons why Winston is still a Buc today. 1. Kate didn’t call the cops (guilty or not, would have been too much). 2. The NFL investigation went past the draft last year. 3. The Bucs were too strapped on cash once committed to pay Winston this year they can’t afford anyone else.
June 12th, 2019 at 7:51 pm
The Stanford scholarship was for baseball right?
You really can’t figure that one out?
I’m sure he would have had a full time “tutor” to make sure his academics stayed in line.
June 12th, 2019 at 7:57 pm
Heard it was academics.
June 12th, 2019 at 8:01 pm
I just googled this:
I was unaware that Winston was heavily recruited by David Shaw, and was actually accepted to Stanford and offered a scholarship to play QB for the Cardinal.
Looks like we both missed the mark but I stand by my take that he would have received help.
June 12th, 2019 at 8:04 pm
I think his biggest problem is he tries to do it all on his own. He needs to check down and take what defenses give him. All the talent on this offense means squat if he doesn’t move the ball around. It’s either the big play all the dump off… he needs to go through his progression and pull the trigger when he sees someone open. Not try and make a play happen.
It all sounds easy, but I think he has the talent, just not the vision or the patience, or trust… who knows what goes through his head in those bonehead plays????
June 12th, 2019 at 8:11 pm
Joe, maybe I’m reading this wrong or just taking it the wrong way but it almost sounds like you think Winston shouldn’t have been benched for Fitz. We all knew at some point Fitz was going to get pulled for Winston because it was the year that was supposed to give us the yes or no on Winston. When Winston started to stumble I think it was a no brainer to put the player of the week, 2 times, Fitz back in. Had to see if all those tee shirts of Fitz-magic was the real deal. Hell, with that little glimmer of “winning high powered offense football” was worth the benching of Winston. There’s a reason Fitz has always been a back up and has always been that player that can give weeks of exciting football and then throw 4 picks like it’s nothing but had to sit Winston down. 2 cents
June 12th, 2019 at 8:23 pm
I don’t think the issue was the benching itself during said game. The Issue was that Fitz started 3 more games where in each game he absolutely blew it. that perplexes me more then anything. Winston had an awful game he gets benched. Fitz had 3 until in the middle of the 3rd game Dirk finally put Winston in.
June 12th, 2019 at 8:35 pm
The way I see it, and some great points laid out by Maga, Wombat and Miller are what Mr D Brooks said about him once he was drafted:
“He’s too good at apologizing.” DB.
That sums up the conundrum of Jamies thus far. He is by far, his own worst enemy.
The Joes are quick to point out, and others, including me, that he played well the last few games last year. Is it a coincidence that better play happened after his benching?
Joe is also quick to point out how boring he was with a different energy and wasn’t sure it was a good thing. I don’t give a hoot if players are fun for the Joes to interview, did they do their job like a professional? That is what matters.
In BA I Trust!
June 12th, 2019 at 8:39 pm
Fitz did great the 3 games following Cincinnati, he got blown out by the panthers 42-28, he got shut out by the Redskins 16-3 and then got benched in New York after throwing 3 picks AGAIN! At least this time it wasn’t in 1 qrt but it took him an entire half. In that 3 game stretch he had a grand total of 4 TDs and 7 Ints. Outstanding!!!
If you have both your QBs turning the ball over that often maybe there’s a problem outside of the QB position. A broken ankle and shoulder later, Griffins shoulder, the fact I’ve never seen fitz run so hard or so often and I still can’t figure out what the underlying issue might be.
Oh I know, it’s gots to be the rocks in his head. Duh!
June 12th, 2019 at 8:40 pm
And BTW, I’m pretty sure Succaneers is GMC. He wanted to see what it was like to be an ass, and is kind of enjoying it. Maybe he’s more villain than hero… Oopoohhh….
June 12th, 2019 at 8:56 pm
Sport Says—
“And BTW, I’m pretty sure Succaneers is GMC.”
I personally DETEST posters who use ROFL, LMAO, etc.
But damn.
Your single sentence above makes my want to violate my good sense.
God I’m sooooooo close to evoking these silly gamma acronyms.
Can’t do it. Won’t do it. But just know, Sport, you tempted me like Lucifer tented Jesus on top of that mountain!
June 12th, 2019 at 8:56 pm
Victor Cruz nailed it … “I think all the innovation and all the things that Bruce Arians does is going to be great for Jameis Winston. But it is up to Jameis.”
Jameis doesn’t need a ‘football daddy’. And that’s NOT BA anyways from everything I’ve read. He might be viewed as being a ‘player’s coach’ but he’s NOT ‘their daddy’. BA’s old school just like The Bear was … if you expect to get on the field and STAY on the field, you’d better be ready to leave everything you’ve got on the field. (I think it’s called ACCOUNTABILITY). BA’s ‘The Boss’ and his QB better be an extension of HIM on the field. IMO, that’s exactly why Bill Belicheck & Tom Brady have done so well together all these years.
June 12th, 2019 at 8:57 pm
For a decade, changes have proven to be lateral moves NOT upgrades:
For a decade many have debated, argued, declared, proclaimed the Bucs are winning this season only to be proven delusional and out of touch with reality when it comes to this team…
I do think BA is one of the best HC the Bucs have had but he isn’t ‘magical’…
If this offense struggled under an OC that they had for a few years to learn, imagine how difficult it will be for them their 1st year learning a new one… There are so many odds against them and very few for them…
If they do better than 4-12 it will be shocking!
June 12th, 2019 at 8:58 pm
Tempted not tented.
But you knew that. Succaneers surely didn’t…because his brother is also his Dad. Do the math. Mother’s Day in their house is complicated.
June 12th, 2019 at 9:01 pm
Didn’t mind the benching. Based on performance you can definitely make the case that Fitzpatrick gave us the better chance to win.
And Dirk needed to win as he was on the hotseat.
Dirk never held his players accountable and that probably wasn’t what he was doing with Winston but in a backwards way it did just that. He was a better QB when he got back in and his decision making was vastly improved.
The benching may have helped Jamies more then any of us realize.
June 12th, 2019 at 9:08 pm
Tye are you saying our players are mentally inferior to the rest of the league?
Teams change offenses every year. Not that it always gives better results but it does work quite often. No Bruce doesn’t have magic but by all accounts our players are buying into his system.
That’s half the battle. Bruce also has a knack for instilling confidence in his team which should not be underestimated. Like the great Yohi Berra once said……”half of the game is 90% mental”
June 12th, 2019 at 9:09 pm
Yogi Berra**
June 12th, 2019 at 9:09 pm
@Tampabuscsbro…not following you…when Winston got back and Fitz stunk it up on CHI, Winston came in and started the next three games…ATL, CLE, and CIN.
He almost blew the CLE game by ignoring the play sent in–not the first time he’d done it. Fitz started the next three to get benched at NYG. He played average to very well (not in that order) down the stretch. And for what. Frankly, were Koetter smart, he would have played Griffin for the last two to prevent injury to Winston and see what Griffin had…but he didn’t. And I think that was Koetter trying in vain to save his own job. Bottom line is both QBs deserved to get benched…twice. And they were (though one was due to susepension).
June 12th, 2019 at 9:19 pm
Jamies smart enough to get into Stanford to stupid to keep his hands to himself.
June 12th, 2019 at 9:26 pm
Dom > Licht
To stupid?
Too stupid.
June 12th, 2019 at 9:42 pm
Am I wrong? His history says I’m not. Who is more stupid me for throwing out my opinion or a NFL QB already accused of rape assaulting another women??
June 12th, 2019 at 9:44 pm
Oooops moderation because I pointed out FACTS of what “America’s Qb “ has been accused of
June 12th, 2019 at 9:46 pm
Jamies is great !!! Top QB in nfl! Ya rah whipee
June 12th, 2019 at 9:46 pm
The head coaching post Gruden has been a joke. Koetter was perhaps the worst. Not because he was a bad guy, he didn’t build a staff. Say what you want about Lovie, there were a few good coaches on the sideline. Koetter needed to hold his staff accountable! When that didn’t happen, the tone was set for the players. I think Licht May have actually gotten the parts together. But Koetter kept the Ferrari in 2nd gear. Took it “nice and slow” around the neighborhood. Smith should have fired after 1st 5-11 season. But that is the past. presently, there is more talent than last year. There are better coaches than last year. There is a better plan than last year. I would not be surprised if there weren’t three more starters pick up before September—one O-Lomé, one d-line and possibly one RB. 9-7 or better.
June 12th, 2019 at 9:47 pm
If the Bucs win this season does that mean Licht is not a dumbass?
June 12th, 2019 at 9:48 pm
Amazing when I praise Jamies no problems… last 2 true statement went to moderation because it didn’t fit Joes agenda
June 12th, 2019 at 9:49 pm
June 12th, 2019 at 9:50 pm
Joe really have not cussed or said anything that is 100% not true why moderation?
June 12th, 2019 at 10:00 pm
Joe if I’m in time out for simply staying true statements please let me know so I can move on. If the truth can not be stated than this website has become a joke of its self. Again I did not cuss or say anything that is not the truth.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:01 pm
Thanks Joe!
June 12th, 2019 at 10:07 pm
Trying to do to much and the combination of Dirk saying they would not get to correct his mechanics and mess with his head were the problems. I think hes getting coached up on both. Not hard to see him having a great season but still think interceptions will be part of him game.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:13 pm
Season and future all depends on if BA can make Jamies an all pro. If he can only thing stopping us is Licht and salary cap …. if he can’t we are starting over with a whole new coaching staff , QB and 10 more years of mediocrity
June 12th, 2019 at 10:15 pm
Todd, glad I could bring some levity to your day. 👍
June 12th, 2019 at 10:20 pm
Dom take solace in the fact that Bruce is the most accomplished coach in football in terms of QB play. He will get Winston to full potential, whatever that may be.
Yes, there are other, better, teams and situations that could be better for Winston and his winning percentage but there is no other coach who has a better track record with any QB he’s ever taught. If there is a better QB coach then please tell me who that is.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:25 pm
We shall see is BA the great QB whisper or has he just had really good QBs…. let’s hope BA is the real deal
June 12th, 2019 at 10:25 pm
Off subject but great news in the sports world. St Louis up 3-0 on Boston and can cruise to a Championship.
If you are not happy to see any Boston team lose you do not have the heartbeat of a Tampa Bay sports fan.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:26 pm
Or youre e just a football fan and don’t care. Which is tair since this is a football site.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:30 pm
Dom that is a good debate if Bruce has just been lucky and had great QBs but I think he kinda puts that theory to rest with what he did for Carson Palmer……….I could be wrong but I wanna remember hearing stories about him having success with the Browns QB. Don’t remember the QB but it wasn’t anybody special. Might of been Holcomb.
June 12th, 2019 at 10:39 pm
There were problems I saw all over the place with the staff the last couple of years personally….not knowing how to maximize players talents and putting them into the right position to make a play , not really knowing the position and scheme they wanted to run in the first place hence why most of the time on defence it was very vanilla and yet they pretty much blamed the players for that ! Bad coaching has a lot to do with it as well as not having a proven can they build confidence in thier guys when it is clear they are not confident themselfs ! When you coachlllllllll scared you lose ! When you can not make in game adjustments because you barley know what the hell to do in the first place your a sitting duck ! When you can teach these guys on the fly on what to look for or what to do if you see this or if you see that just liked you practiced like.B.A. And his staff can do , that goes a long way..togeather with this group I can really see.them winning 10 or more out of 16…all jameis has to do is get the ball out to where it should go and the players just need to execute the play and change it up as B.A will tell them when and how…players will buy into this staffs overall components and we will reap the rewards as fans by watching unfold through out the season…no bullspit wishful thinking either , go bucs
June 13th, 2019 at 12:38 am
Fitz started the next three to get benched at NYG. He played average to very well (not in that order) down the stretch.
In that 3 game stretch he had a grand total of 4 TDs and 7 Ints. Outstanding!!!
June 13th, 2019 at 4:13 am
DB55…I wasn’t clear…it was Winston that played average to very well. Yes Fitz did not do well….
June 13th, 2019 at 4:41 am
One would think that personal maturity would kick in at some point so that there is internal self-supervision that doesn’t depend on a ‘father-figure’.
June 13th, 2019 at 5:41 am
I believe Joe may have answered his own question at the end of the article. Winston’s intelligence may be part of the problem. If he has time in the pocket he thinks too much. His play is better in stressful hurry up situations. That’s likely because he doesn’t have time to think about too many possibilities. It’s just read and react. Fans of Moneyball will recall that thinking too much is what doomed Billy Beane who also has a Stanford tie.
June 13th, 2019 at 7:08 am
Even Cruz had to mention “things he does off the field”….I’m tellin’ ya, you can’t fix a character flaw. There’s just something not right with that guy, which also translates to on the field. And we wouldn’t be reading stuff like this otherwise.
June 13th, 2019 at 11:20 am
I really hope that James gets it together this year and can be consistent. The idea of us starting all over again at qb next year is nauseating.