JPP Not Impaired, Distracted
May 9th, 2019
Clean, say cops.
Well, at least two questions can be answered.
Per Jenna Laine of ESPN, Jason Pierre-Paul was clean at the time he smashed his rig into a center median in South Florida last week, where he suffered a neck injury that could end his days with the Bucs.
I’ve obtained a copy of the crash report involving Jason Pierre-Paul. The officer on scene concluded that weather conditions, including a wet road, were contributing circumstances in the accident. He did not suspect alcohol or drug use. No field sobriety testing was conducted. The crash also states that the driver was “not distracted,” nor was vision obscured.
That’s good to know. Now, what about what we don’t know: can JPP gets his neck right to play football this season?
May 9th, 2019 at 10:07 am
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I’m expecting signings after cuts, I don’t see anyone else worth it currently available, unless another offseason trade takes place. Which would be helpful about now…
May 9th, 2019 at 10:18 am
Joe, you need to dig out more info on the nature of the fracture. That would answer a lot of questions. Somebody out there knows.
May 9th, 2019 at 10:18 am
Just curious but assuming JPP can not play this season and that his injury was non-football related will the Bucs be liable for his contract? If JPP can not play how will it affect the Bucs cap? Anyone?
May 9th, 2019 at 10:19 am
The guys neck is fractured. No way he plays. Time to move on.
May 9th, 2019 at 10:22 am
Mr. Lucky:
We do not know the finer details of the contract. And unless JPP’s agent wants to release it (unlikely), we can only guess. Pat Kirwan (who has access to contracts) said JPP was guaranteed $7.5 million on March 17.
May 9th, 2019 at 10:45 am
Glad to hear JPP is not under any suspicion of wrong doing by FHP but man what a tough break for JPP and his team! Clean but cursed it would appear with a $7.5 million cap hit???? Ouch, talk about being behind the 8 ball early!
May 9th, 2019 at 10:57 am
jpp and/or the bucs needs to sue ferrari . on the bright side i hear next years draft is loaded with qbs
May 9th, 2019 at 11:00 am
so now that the facts are out, he was not drunk, high, speeding, with someone he shouldnt have been with or texting while driving….just a fulk accident…
neck injuries are serious….i doubt he plays this year…
peyton manning sat out a year after his neck surgery….
imo, we should just roll the dice, release GMC & JPP and run with the youth movement
May 9th, 2019 at 11:12 am
This “accident” shows how far a known name can carry you. What no blood draw on the spot? No cavity searches? No civil forfeiture?
May 9th, 2019 at 11:47 am
Shane ray?
May 9th, 2019 at 11:52 am
Oh lord….WHERE TO START with this article, and subsequent comments?!
First, does ANYONE ELSE not notice how insulting to all of our collective intelligence(s)…the statement from the “report” IS about the allegation that JPP was “not distracted”?!!!?? Are you bleeping bleeping kidding me (or any other intelligent person). HOW THE HELL…would a has-been copper showing up at least 20-30 minutes minimum AFTER the crash KNOW whether or not JPP was “distracted” or not?!! Right people?! First, let’s say JPP was on his phone in some capacity leading to the wreck. How the hell would the cop see that when he shows up?!! JPP’S passenger friend ISN’T going to rat out JPP, and JPP sure as hell won’t volunteer that!! It’s a one car wreck. Who the hell else would then prove/disprove distraction or not?! No one.
And the ham-and-egg copper at 2:30am ish is just showing up, JPP outside of his ride, complaining about the weather conveniently, and the copper doesn’t have (or authority yet) to pull the cell phone records for JPP at THAT EXACT MOMENT IN TIME of the accident. BUTTT…Based on the language specific to the Injury clause in JPP’s contract, the Glaxer attorney’s would likely force either JPP’s agent to turn them over, and if they object, they can petition a court to give them the right to see JPP’s cell records, as possible breach of contract terms. Absolutely! (And people screw ur noise on CBA and NFI here–don’t apply here).
That cop…doesn’t know crap, about what did or didn’t transpire, before he arrived on scene, with regard to any “distraction”. Insulting and stupid.
Next…as far as whoever cloaked as @Joe responded to @Mr. Lucky at 10:22am….FIRST OF ALL…Pat Kirwan does not have access to JPP’s exact contract?! That would be the NFLPA, the the Bucs, and his agent!! Only! Next, the drivel that was mentioned regarding the Injury guarantee of $7.5 million, EVERYONE knows THAT. The GENERAL parameters of every player contract are out there on OTC/Spotrac for ALL to see. Key word…GENERAL. Parameters.
NOT…and I emphasize…NOT the specific language in JPP’s contract that very likely can, and will, void ANY…guarantees.
So Kirwan is reading off a screen, like we all are @Joe person.
May 9th, 2019 at 11:54 am
All the character assassins are being quiet now. You know what I know about the negative whoa-is-me-crowd that dominates these comments – they were disappointed when they read that he was clean.
Enjoy the game. 32 teams. Only one will win it all. Thirty-one years from now – even if every team took turns winning a title from this point forward – there would still be one team without a chip. Sports are set up to break you if you let it.
Licht is not the worst GM in the league.
Arians and his staff are good and proven.
The Bucs will improve this year.
Systems are far more important than any one player. The Bucs were 5-11 with AND without JPP the past two years. What was the common denominator? A bad defensive system.
Change the system. Coach better. The players will improve. All of them.
May 9th, 2019 at 11:54 am
@Joe – thanks for the info.
So basically JPP is out – who is his replacement?
May 9th, 2019 at 11:54 am
Kirwan works for the league. He has access.
May 9th, 2019 at 11:54 am
Umm…@Joes…with your $10 WordPress software stuff, I’m allowed to say the word HE double hockey stick on here or planet earth, any time…without ANYTHING holding anything…up.
May 9th, 2019 at 11:58 am
this neck injury basically means he’s done…you simply can’t protect the neck. playing football…
but you gotta protect your neck…just ask wu tang…
jpp is gonna retire…alstott was never the same after the neck injury
May 9th, 2019 at 11:58 am
But joe got all the clicks he wanted by speculating what did or didn’t happen. Anyone with half a brain could tell you that if he was impaired it would have been known from the start. No way any FHP officer would let anyone slide on that.
May 9th, 2019 at 11:58 am
Not impaired..not distracted….but can he play ?….that is all that is important…
May 9th, 2019 at 12:01 pm
and nassib “the arabian knight” thrived as jpp’s assistant bookend…he was sort of learning under jpp…getting energy and knowledge…and learning to play as a pair of bookends…now nassib has gotta basically start from scratch again…so we lost both of them actually…we lost jpp and his understudy nassib…sorta…
darm shame
May 9th, 2019 at 12:03 pm
No Kirwan does not have access to his contract. You can run with whatever affiliation you feel Kirwan has with league, that’s fine, but he doesn’t have access to that contract.
May 9th, 2019 at 12:09 pm
the real question is…
did jpp call your boy dolman after the accident joe?
May 9th, 2019 at 12:18 pm
I’m depressed over JPP’s injury. He’s done. Stick a fork in’em. NEck injuries are just to serious given the fact the punishment you take at the NFL level. Ok Jason Licht..earn your money. Find us another Nassir or better. The show will go on and I guarantee you all, no NFC South team is feeling sorry for us. So Ruck up Bucs. Keep McCoy and lets bring in some DE’s. Seasons not lost…yet. NO EXCUSES. any means necessary.
May 9th, 2019 at 12:32 pm
I know I’m in the minority here, but I really prefer one preliminary report and then waiting to gather all the information, then do a full report. Get the facts, as best ya can, and then tell us the deal. Bits and pieces is frustrating.
May 9th, 2019 at 12:34 pm
Joe Says
“We do not know the finer details of the contract. And unless JPP’s agent wants to release it (unlikely), we can only guess.”
Unrelated, but this is the exact reason OverTheCap and Spotrac are not always accurate.
May 9th, 2019 at 1:37 pm
Oh wow Jenna, really got to the bottom of that. I was worried given that they didn’t arrest him or charge him with anything.
Jenna should be careful given that JPP has already sued ESPN once…
May 9th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
He was going to tell the officer that he was texting someone and looked up and a skunk ape was crossing the road but then thought better if he didn’t.
May 9th, 2019 at 3:20 pm
There was another report that is currently being investigated.
A second car recklessly driven forced JPP off the road and then drove away. That car was driven by an older white male and a white male passenger.
The eyewitness descriptions appears that the driver looked exactly like one Sean Payton and the passenger Drew Brees. The car was a black SUV with a gold Fleur on the side. Authorities are investigating.
May 9th, 2019 at 4:07 pm
Driving a Ferrari in the rain is dumb… but my heart goes out to JPP. I’m hoping all is well and it’s just a whiplash injury without surgery.
Gotta spend a lot of time in the hot tub and ice up that thing.
Get some of that Ray Lewis antler spray.
I fractured a vertebrae in my neck lifting weights. I was doing military press with 200 lbs… bench press bar… on my last 2 reps I turned my head slightly sideways and I felt it happen… a stress fracture and a bad neck sprain too… my head was stuck sideways for 2 weeks… I could only sleep in one position… and by sleeping like that I ended up with a nerve being pinched and my shoulder down to my fingers were numb… frustrating experience but I made full recovery and it was about 3 months before I was confident to start lifting weights again .
May 9th, 2019 at 4:35 pm
Seems to me that a player with JPP’s “history” would be more likely than the average player to have language written into his long term contract that protects the team against “non football” related injuries.
The current contract was inherited from the Giants who also kind of got “burned” when JPP had his fireworks accident and lost part of his hand.
I’m wondering whether or not there is wording in the details of that contract that benefits the Buccaneers as far as some level of financial “protection” against additional non-football related injuries…
Just seems likely there would/should be considering past “circumstances” with this player….
I know that sounds cold – and I really like JPP as a person and a player – and I know that both times he’s gotten hurt its been considered an “accident”. But the NFL is a business – and the Buccaneers are operating at a financial deficit currently as it is. The Bucs can ill afford to lose $7.5M much less $14.9M of spending availability towards a player that likely won’t play this year and may never play again – all because he chose to drive his sports car at 2 am and got into a car crash…..
May 9th, 2019 at 7:00 pm
Hmmm, let’s see here:
1. 2am nothing good happens after midnight.
2. 2019 Ferrari
3. Single car accident
Ya, I’m sure that weather was the sole reason this accident occurred.(obvious sarcasm) single car accidents don’t happen to drivers who are sober and not distracted. I don’t care what people say it just doesnt happen. Maybe during a blizzard up here in Wisconsin but even at that if you crash hard enough to cause injury you were driving like an idiot.
May 9th, 2019 at 7:04 pm
Not buying it. Bet that “someone” has got some greased palms after this one.
May 9th, 2019 at 8:08 pm
when i’m driving and the b*tch next to me is trying to give me that #RoadHead, i get concerned i might get too into it and lose control of the vehicle…if anyone catches my drift…#RoadHeadIsDangerous