Guessing Bucs’ Next Move
May 18th, 2019
“Don’t worry Jason, I’ll be happy to share my notes with you on how to build a pass rush.”
A former head honcho of the Bucs has a prediction.
Defensively, on paper, the Bucs are in bad shape. Their most veteran corner, Vernon Hargreaves, currently is in the doghouse of Bucco Bruce Arians and it is only mid-May. The rest of the secondary is either full of inconsistent young players, or green-as-grass rookies.
Pass rush? With Jason Pierre-Paul out for who knows how long if not for good and Gerald McCoy in roster purgatory, the Bucs are looking at Howie Long Carl Nassib as their go-to guy to hunt quarterbacks in a quarterback-rich division.
And people wonder why Bucs fans drink?
But former Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik believes help is coming to Tampa Bay. In short, Dominik isn’t ready to close the book just yet on GMC’s days in Tampa.
Yesterday, while co-hosting “The Blitz,” heard exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Dominik suggested the injury to JPP has forced the hand of Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht. Dominik predicted the Bucs will find a way to keep GMC on the roster without blowing up the salary cap.
Remember, few if anyone in NFL circles not working for the Bucs knows GMC as well as Dominik, who drafted him third overall in 2010. Dominik thinks the reason why GMC has not been at One Buc Palace for voluntary workouts is that GMC’s ego was bruised due to a lack of public support from Bucs coaches and suits.
“I think there were some hurt feelings,” Dominik said of GMC.
Dominik stated the Bucs need wins so badly, not only to save Licht’s skin at One Buc Palace but to save the career of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, that the team has to bring GMC back if they are remotely serious about trying to win games.
“I just have a hard time looking at Tampa Bay and considering how critical this year is for Jason Licht and for the organization and for Jameis Winston, to take Gerald off the football team,” Dominik said. “I just think that is really hard to do. I think they need to try to see if they can put together enough wins this year.
“I think they are struggling to put together an inside pass rush now that they have lost Jason Pierre-Paul. I just think that starts to snowball that you can’t just take all of these guys off of the defensive line and just sit there and hope you have a pass rush good enough to win games. I think Gerald is there for another year.”
Earlier this month, Arians spoke in a reassuring if not calm demeanor suggesting the Bucs were not finished putting together the roster for 2019. Dominik seemed to hint at this as well, as he believes the salary cap is a non-factor in that the Bucs can find ways to both keep GMC and his $13 million salary and get under the cap.
“There are going to be other options,” Dominik said of making room for GMC’s salary. “I have a hard thinking that they won’t [keep GMC]. It is too important for them to have a chance at a winner this year. I think they need that so badly. I think they will find space. I think it is too important. They have to find every way they can to get this team to win.
“I think that when you still had Jason Pierre-Paul, maybe you could get away with [letting GMC loose]. But once you lost Jason — it is not like Gerald is getting 15 sacks a year but he brings enough pressure that it makes you feel uncomfortable — when it got to that point [JPP’s injury], I have a hard time thinking they don’t want to hold on to” GMC.
The Bucs simply have to find help on the defensive line. There is just no way this secondary can be expected to compete with zero pass rush. That is, unless the team already has thrown in the towel on this season and the 2019 campaign is little more than a prove-it year for all to determine who stays and who goes in 2020.
It is difficult to believe inside linebacker blitzes alone are going to shut down the likes of Drew Brees and Matty Ice.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:11 am
Give GMC a chance to restructure
If not cut him grab Suh on a one year deal
May 18th, 2019 at 8:12 am
I think McCoy is on team. With JPP INJURY.
Can’t rely on JPP ‘s best scenario of 5-6 months. (And especially coming back out of shape cause he won’t be able to do any lifting with fracture neck. Maybe can work legs only.)
When has a best case scenario ever worked out for Bucs in last 15 years. You cut JPP and since his incident was not football related you save more money then you think. Not sure if any dead cap?
Sounds like VH3 on his way out so his salary is off the books. You go with young guys for a few games.
Bring in Patrick Peterson. You would only pay like maybe 6 mil of his salary due to suspension he forfeits those game checks. …maybe even less.
Some Dline man /edge rusher will be let go on final cuts that the Bucs pounce on and the team in better shape. That player will be added to rotation as they learn defense in days/weeks/preseason
May 18th, 2019 at 8:13 am
Ego Shimgo. this is a man’s game.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:21 am
The crying clown has been a career loser and distraction for a decade with nothing to show for it but 8 basement titles bucs have proven through 4 regimes you cant build a team around cancer93…. vh3bust is and has always been a fragil bust. You can’t fix fragile, short, slow or stupid.
But once again this unprepared minor league franchise is banking on other tesms garbage cuts to build a roster
May 18th, 2019 at 8:21 am
Joe … That’s by far the best photo you’ve ever led off an article with. It almost seems like Dom is smiling in that picture while Jason is complaining “Dom, what the blankety-blank did you do to me? Why didn’t you tell me the Bucs were a college team?” Gotta love the arms … and mouth … wide open in that photo BTW. A classic.
Personally I think that Dom is being melodramatic here. He’s basing his keep-GMC comments on ONE assumption when he says “now that they have lost Jason Pierre-Paul”. None of us know that yet, nor will we until at least Sept. Bucs simply can’t keep GMC at $13 mil, but could keep him for less, say around $8 mil. Have no idea if they’ve made an offer in that range yet, but these negotiations have been handled very poorly IMO. THAT sends a signal not just to GMC, but to every other player in the NFL.
IF Bucs outright release GMC, we immediately gain $13 mil. That’d allow us to pay our rookies AND (hopefully) pick up a replacement DT when cutdowns occur, potentially one better suited to Bowles’ defensive scheme. IF we renegotiate GMC’s salary downwards, we should (hopefully) at least pick up enough to pay our rookie class (close to $4 mil once we get down to our 53-man roster). Plus a trade is STILL a possibility, with several teams. IOW, no need to panic … YET. The sky has only fallen on JBF headquarters; the rest of us are OK.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:22 am
Who was it out there that mentioned that 3-3–5 defense??? I like that bro. 5 DBs with LVD,Devin and Demonne manning the middle. Makes all the sense,great pass coverage and run support if needed. Like the way you think sir.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:32 am
No need to restructure and give him guarantees. Keep him another year. Free up money by cutting the true dead bait on this team.
• Demar Dotson: $4,803,125 (No dead cap)
Gotta replace him by next year anyway. Why wait to get his replacement experience and delay things?
• William Gholston: $$3,750,000 (No Dead Cap)
He’s been milking this team for years. We know he can’t start…he’s not healthy enough. Being a backup is the only way he has a chance of being healthy, and really, he isn’t much good as a backup either.
Right there you save over $8,000,000 on the cap. There are others who need to go too, who have had fair chances and blown them. Like change in your pocket, it adds up quick.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:36 am
The biggest problem around here is people don’t seem to understand we are not running a 4-3 anymore. Even yesterday Rick Stroud was going on and on about about how our front 4 just doesn’t have enough bodies. Dude must have said it 10 times not even realizing that we only need roughly 6 at the most actual d lineman in this 3-4 scheme. We have Vea, Allen, Goldhston, Nassib and Nelson now and we can pick up at least one that is cut down the line. Then off the edge we have any combination of Barret, Spence, LVD, White, Buccannon, Minter, Edwards or Stewart because that is what this defense does, they mix and match every play. They don’t just sit there and say these four are rushing, these LBs are covering backs and tight ends and these four corners and safeties are covering the receivers. This defense will actually attempt to confuse the offense and not just react to EVERYTHING like we have done for the last 6 plus years.
May 18th, 2019 at 8:37 am
We have something in the defensive backfield we haven’t had in years, if not ever- speed, that has to mean something. Hoping for the collective for sacks, Nassib, Spence, Shaq, Nelson, White, David, Minter, Buchanon
May 18th, 2019 at 8:54 am
But here is the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These coaches and front office got exactly the roster they wanted to get!!!!!!!! Is anyone trying to suggest that ole stale biscuit did not know the D-line was old and overpriced??????? They could have done any number of moves in free-agency or the draft, and they did exactly what they wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it does not matter how they were the most injured defense last year, or how JPP slapped around she-mc for the crown!!!!!!!!!! They can pick thru all the garbage and dumpster dive through all the cut-down days and call those rejects the heart and soul of toilet Bolwes’s defense!!!!!!!!!
How long????? Not Long!!!!!!!!! Because what you reap!!!!! Is what you SOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 will reveal answers to the sheep, that the “real” fans already know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 18th, 2019 at 8:55 am
Previous GM’s opinions about the guy who replaced him are about as valuable as writers who do not understand the difference between a 4-3 zone and a 3-4 man press blitzing defense. In Bowles defense QB pressure is NOT coming primarily from DE’s and the 3 tech, but from OLB ‘s, ILB’s, and DB’s.
The BLITZ is coming.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:02 am
We could literally sign everyone for the league minimum and give them huge signing bonuses and be in the best cap shape ever, and we would be able to have a STACKED roster.
Why am I (a regular dude off the street) smarter than Licht and almost every other GM???
*Realist, louden, & tmax are the worst posters ever!!! Who even reads their crap anymore? Not me, Smh…They are garbage
May 18th, 2019 at 9:03 am
Ndog and Texbuc they will remain blind deaf and stupid until they see it with their own eyes. Then and only then will some of them get it.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:06 am
Blitz blitz blitz. Hey it works in madden why won’t it work in real life hahaha
May 18th, 2019 at 9:07 am
We should go offer Ziggy Ansah the league minimum right now and then throw in a $25-million signing bonus to get him to take the deal (who cares, it’s not our money and doesn’t count against the cap). And then we should REPEAT THAT PROCESS TO GO GET ANYONE WE WANT.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:09 am
Seriously, why do more teams NOT DO THAT???!?
Steelers just did it with Big Ben and we take that strategy and RUN with it.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:12 am
I’m for cutting or trading GMC & cutting JPP….pick up the $20 mil……bring in a DE, DT & OG with that.
I’m on the fence with VH3…..he has absolutely nothing to gain having attitude problems…..he loses his value at the very worst time….I think he comes around.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:13 am
Just what I wanted to see on this beautiful Saturday morning in Tampa Bay… I picture of the two biggest failures/morons/idiots/team killers in NFL history together!! Thanks for the steering memory now burned into my brain.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:14 am
Well stated and so true! I even find myself getting caught up in separating the old 4-3 cover 2 defense with the 3-4 because we haven’t used it in so long if ever. I’m sure there is a plan in place and I’m also sure Arians is the main man behind the plan.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:23 am
GMC is the last remnant of Dominick’s legacy.
Like Obamacare is to Barack.
I like the photo, the caption should read, “Let me tell you Dommy, football is like a box of chocolates, I never know what I’m gonna get!”
Be like the Jets, FIRE LICHT TONIGHT!
May 18th, 2019 at 9:25 am
Tampabaybucfan Says
“I’m for cutting or trading GMC & cutting JPP….pick up the $20 mil……bring in a DE, DT & OG with that.”
Okay, let’s explore that.
In regard to GMC, who would we replace him with who is cheaper and just as good?
Not Suh. Suh has not been nearly as good as McCoy over the past half decade. I think fans who wanted Suh over McCoy in the draft are clinging to something that does not exist.
Outside of that? There is no one worth going after.
And we can free up the money elsewhere without weakening the team.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:26 am
Joe says:
“The Bucs simply have to find help on the defensive line”
First, you have to identify the “real” problem!!!!!! And if you expect the gm that has 6 offseasons, and we have seen repeated mistakes, total failures, or just an outright ignoring of major issues!!!!!!!!!!!
PFT ranked licht weight as the 3rd hottest seat in the NFL for GM’s!!!!!!!!! When will the local media start to recognize this?????????????
How long????? Not Long!!!!!!!!! Because what you reap!!!!! Is what you SOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 will reveal answers to the sheep, that the “real” fans already know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 18th, 2019 at 9:28 am
Joe you are ragging VHIII like he ran over BA’s dog. He got scolded. You make it like he’s about to get cut.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:28 am
So how exactly does GMC help the Bucs win? That’s the biggest fallacy going
May 18th, 2019 at 9:40 am
You look stupid as hell trying to defend a fragile, short, slow and Stupid CB who has failed….. vh3bust is a complete waste of time and thankfully ba is not wasting reps on the bum and that the men are getting this little punks reps.a
May 18th, 2019 at 9:52 am
Easy. We all know he gets double teamed. You think JPP and Nassib would have gotten those sacks without him being double teamed?
May 18th, 2019 at 9:52 am
And we will be in Dime packages more than anything else.
May 18th, 2019 at 9:52 am
@ Bonzai
Never said the GMC replacement would be as good……perhaps just 67%……but that would work as far as I’m concerned.
Now….if GMC would restructure to $9 mil each for 2 years guaranteed….I could go for that.
But $13……no thanks….
May 18th, 2019 at 10:01 am
Whats the difference?
5-11 with or without GMC.
Only without GMC, this is hope for the future.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:19 am
@Bonzai … “And we can free up the money elsewhere without weakening the team.” That’s true Bonzai, we can probably cut certain players to gain $$$ without weakening the team. Problem is … how do we know who’s gonna play well this year in the new Bucs’ offense & defense versus who’ll be a bust? There’s virtually nothing in the FA market right now; why not just sit tight and let this thing play out for awhile?
Currently there’s only ONE team in negative numbers when it comes to the Top-51 salary Cap: the Buccaneers at MINUS 139,729 (and we still have several draft picks to sign, including Devin White at $5.3 mil, plus about $1.4 mil for Dean & Edwards). We will recoup some $$$ though when those 3 move up into the Top-51.
Of course, if we release GMC we pick up $13 mil. Release JPP and that’s another $7.4 mil (he’s got a $7.5 mil Cap hit). Release Dotson and that picks up $4.8 mil, Gholston $3.75 mil, Ryan Smith $2.0 mil, Benenoch $2.0 mil, Evan Smith $2.0 mil and Gabbert $1.6 mil. (Everyone else is peanuts in terms of real salary Cap savings except for LVD … releasing him would save $10.0 mil, but that ‘ain’t gonna happen’ as they say). So yes, there are ways to gain sufficient $$$ to do what the Bucs might feel they NEED to do as Game 1 gets closer. But let’s first see how these guys do in training camp BEFORE we throw them to the dogs.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:19 am
“who would we replace him with that’s just as good”??? 17 total tackles all of 2018. The search shouldn’t be all that difficult at all.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:21 am
Mindset. Culture. I sure hope the team does need feed off the fan base, hopeless, defeated and fearful before the first snap of the 2019 season.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:21 am
Y’all can hypothetical this situation all you want. 93 nor JPP will ever suit as Bucs again. This notion they need replacing is debatable if you ask me.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:25 am
What,stating the obvious upsets you joe😊.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:26 am
You don’t really believe either will play in Tampa again do you.. Really???
May 18th, 2019 at 10:26 am
That’s the problem with GMC his feelings are always hurt about something. That’s also why I believe someone really did tell him to stay away from one Buc Palace, Because they don’t want his bad habits rubbing off on Vita. Like apologizing to quarterbacks during a Monday night game when your job is to crush that person.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:28 am
Those are older veteran football players. Ask Vinny Curry about switching to a 3/4 when you’ve been in a 4/3 system your whole career. You convince a younger guy,vets ain’t too enthused about that.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:48 am
You are correct and this new D should be fun to watch.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:58 am
Cut demar Dotson a starter to keep GMC really? Jpp and his 12.5 made no impact on how bad the defense was and Geraldine will not change a thing about this defense. With him it’ll be just as average as it would without him. Do not restructure only to be stuck with him another year or two while he gives nothing. Not sure why people are so afraid of cutting an average player over 30.
May 18th, 2019 at 10:59 am
Looks like we’ll never be rid of the Jonah.
May 18th, 2019 at 11:02 am
Vea had the same number of tackles as Geraldine despite missing 6 games. His replacement is already here and he can play every position across the d line. All BA ever said was McCoy was a 3 tech. A 3 tech who cant seem to play the run and can no longer get to the quarterback. Jpp took the focus off Geraldine but with him gone they focus on him and he wont even get 6 sacks in 2019
May 18th, 2019 at 11:08 am
I subscribe to the Patriot’s system of “better to move on from a player a year too early than to keep them past their prime on high contracts.” You can’t have high priced players without constantly bringing in younger players every year.
Our defense will not be predicated on the DL winning their assignments for QB pressure, but QB pressure will be schemed into each weeks game plan. Establish we are a blitzing defense then bring the blitz from all angles and from a variety of positions to create the illusion of more players coming on the blitz than we are actually sending.
May 18th, 2019 at 11:33 am
Nice picture of the two bum GMs
55-105 career record as the Bucs GM
And we wonder why other fans take the Bucs for a joke
May 18th, 2019 at 11:46 am
Bird Says:
May 18th, 2019 at 8:12 am
I think McCoy is on team. With JPP INJURY.
Can’t rely on JPP ‘s best scenario of 5-6 months. (And especially coming back out of shape cause he won’t be able to do any lifting with fracture neck. Maybe can work legs only.
Uhhhhh, he will be able to do any and all lifts with an injured neck. There are very few lifts related to football, and none in bodybuilding, that require the neck to bear any mind of weight. Please think or think to at least do a little research before you give your expert opinion.
May 18th, 2019 at 11:58 am
Thank you Texbuc for yet another outstanding breakdown. You must’ve played ball at some point in your life. These people adore that pointless stat called a sack but like you articulated in your last post this scheme is waaayy more interested in “QB pressure”. Pressures force QBs to throw when they don’t necessarily want to. Thusly creating more ints.
May 18th, 2019 at 12:34 pm
Confucius buc says man who burn bridges has a hard time walking over them. Thats what are super GM has done. If they want to keep Mccoy tell him or cut him. GMC has eyes he can look on the internet or listen Licht or Limp Biscuit and see whats going on. I would release JPP then sign the rest of the draft picks and keep Mccoy if he wants to stay. If he stays after june 1st see if a 3-4 defensive end gets released. If not release Gholston and a couple of bottom feeders on the roster and sign Allen Bailey to a one year contract. If not just wait and dumpster dive in september, that has a more of a biscuit taste.
May 18th, 2019 at 12:48 pm
Good general managers need to know a lot about football and its players to do their job correctly. Thats the difference between good and bad teams. Thats why good coaches always demand to have total control of personnel to eliminate the issue. This has been the bucs problem for the last ten years.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:00 pm
With the deletion of JPP. I want all of yu geniuses to tell me who..we have on the D line better than GMC. I’ll wait while you prepare your lie. All of you are concerned about the money. Its not your money and its not your fault our Bucs are in so called salary cap hell. As cheap as the Glazers have been over countless yrs, trust me, they can find the money and then some. Pay the man. If we can pay an average O lineman 10 mil a yr, we ought to be able to pay GMC at least 11. Listen, GMC has been faithful, he’s honored his contract. So don’t get to the end and reneg on him. Pay the man. Lets move forward Jason..hold your cards to long..Licht.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:22 pm
Thanks NOSBOS but no I did not play except in Jr High. Not blessed with speed or size to continue. Just a retired Army guy with too time on my hands with nothing to do but watch football. I love the chess match that is being a DC or OC so I break down replays of games to understand how the game works.
I just do not think most fans understand what a talent Winston is as a QB. A QB at any level needs the confidence of his coach to excel to go for the big play (no risk it, no biscuit) and every QB needs a coach who can call plays to the strengths (I.E. rollouts). With a just below average running game, defense, and place kicker the Bucs would have gone 9-7 every year.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:28 pm
This is his “prove it year”! Maybe with better coaching and a better offense he can finally be as great as we all know that he is. With a better running game he will not be on the field as long and be fresher. It’s just because the offense was so terrible at putting up early points, the Bucs were always behind; you can’t unleash a defense if you can’t afford to take chances.
You see, nothing is his fault. We should pay him $30 million a year because, well because he is the best with no burden of proof. What happens if we let him go to another team (like the Saints) and he goes to a Super Bowl? Won’t you feel terrible? Remember Aqib Talib/Steve Young?
Do you Winston supporters get how silly this can sound?
Oh, I forgot….. And if you disagree, you don’t understand football!
May 18th, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Highest paid defensive players in NFL, ALL TIME
1 Julius Peppers Career Earnings
Julius Peppers
DEFENSIVE END $164,973,786
2 Ndamukong Suh Career Earnings
Ndamukong Suh
3 Darrelle Revis Career Earnings
Darrelle Revis
CORNERBACK $124,211,129
4 Mario Williams Career Earnings
Mario Williams
DEFENSIVE END $120,400,000
5 Gerald McCoy Career Earnings
Gerald McCoy
6 Terrell Suggs Career Earnings
Terrell Suggs
7 Champ Bailey Career Earnings
Champ Bailey
CORNERBACK $102,757,025
8 Dwight Freeney Career Earnings
Dwight Freeney
9 Charles Woodson Career Earnings
Charles Woodson
STRONG SAFETY $97,899,369
10 Jared Allen Career Earnings
Jared Allen
DEFENSIVE END $97,862,763
9 Hall of Famers and one guy who doesn’t show up for OTAs who won’t play for less than 2.5 million per sack.
His idol is Batman, the super hero with no super powers. Fitting.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:35 pm
Mike Johnson did you just play yourself by asking that incredibly asinine @$$ question??? So let me get this str8 you people actually believe pie @$$ 93 is better than Vita Vea.. Y’all can’t serious.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:36 pm
So you rather have quick to turn his to the los @$$ 93 over Vita Vea. Wow.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:39 pm
Y’all have this affinity with hanging on just a guy was drafted by this team. Memo it’s a business first then comes entertainment. 93 is bad for both right now. Past his prime,too expensive and prolly won’t improve much from those 17 total tackles last season.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:41 pm
Wise words Texbuc oh and make no mistake the BA/Jameis dynamic is about to shut these lames mouthes real soon..
May 18th, 2019 at 1:43 pm
wantstastay,I read that s@:$ twice and I still don’t get what you’re saying.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:54 pm
McCoy needs to just be cut, Licht is to busy trying to get a 7th round pick for him. Just cut him already and sign Suh. Vea, Suh and Nassib would be a formidable front three.
Then Licht needs to call Eric Berry’s camp and get him in for a physical and see if he’s healthy.
After that Licht needs to get on the phone with the Cards GM and offer up Brate a 4th and a 7th for Peterson. This would almost be a even trade against the cap (we would only owe Peterson about 7.5 mil, as the Bucs wouldn’t be responsible for the 6 games he’s suspended)
To clear enough cap space to cover these moves and sign the rest of the roomie class wouldn’t be to difficult, it would just take some effort from Licht
May 18th, 2019 at 1:55 pm
Gerald Mccoy:
17 tackles and 6 sacks in 16 starts.
One tackle every 43 snaps.
Tevita Tuli’aki’ono Tuipulotu Mosese Va’hae Fehoko Faletau Vea:
19 tackles and 3 sacks in 8 starts
One tackle every 23 snaps.
The rookie who was universally accepted as a bust as of the first week of November had a more productive rookie year than the 5th highest paid defensive player of all time.
May 18th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
May be an unpopular suggestion but imo we should just go young…cut GMC and JPP ..Not opposed to cutting Dotson either…We went 5-11 with all three of these guys…
That would free up some much needed cash as well as give a few young hungry guys an opportunity…
May 18th, 2019 at 1:59 pm
When the Yucs make the playoffs
I’m done with football
I should be 90 years old then
May 18th, 2019 at 1:59 pm
When the Yucs make the playoffs
I’m done with football
I should be 90 years old then
May 18th, 2019 at 2:01 pm
Sorry for the double post
I don’t know how this happen
May 18th, 2019 at 2:04 pm
@TexBuc … “With a just below average running game, defense, and place kicker the Bucs would have gone 9-7 every year.” With a ‘just below average’ TEAM we could probably go someplace between 7-9 and 9-7 every year. But folks forget … THAT’S NOT HOW THE BUCS WERE BUILT OVER THESE LAST 5 YEARS.
Prior to 2014 when Lovie & Licht appeared on the scene, we emphasized DEFENSE. That’s who the Bucs were from Day 1 … a team focused on DEFENSE. But starting with the 2014 draft, our emphasis switched … to OFFENSE. Go back & look at who we drafted with our Top-3 picks each year (POTENTIAL starters) from 2014-2015.
Two drafts, 6 offense, 0 defense in those Top-3 picks. Thus we fell behind, and it hurt us for 3 reasons IMO: (1) insufficient focus in the draft on defense; (2) terrible player development; (3) poor retention choices (for 2nd contracts). Licht tried to make up for it in 2016-2019 … 11 defense, 3 offense & 1 S/Ts in the Top-3 picks each year.Of the 11 defense, 5 CB, 2 S, 2 LB, 1 DT, 1 DE. Does it look a little skewed towards the back end of the defense? Ya. Why? Poor draft choices (VHIII?, Spence?, Stewart?) and bad luck (Beckwith?, Evans?)
Still, I’m hoping that Evans toe/foot is healed by training camp. Hoping that Stewart works out as a Safety. Hoping that Spence can turn it around in Bowles’ defense. Hoping that VHIII can become a serviceable nickel … his Dead Cap is exactly the same as his salary ($4.5 mil) so we gain nothing by cutting him (convinced he won’t be here next year in any event).
Bucs are a poorly built team, thanks to Licht (and also some to Dom his predecessor). BA & his staff can FIX IT I’m convinced, but probably not in 1 year given our salary Cap mess. As of BA’s hiring, Jason Licht is a non-factor far as I’m concerned. Like Joe wrote the other day, THERE’S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN.
May 18th, 2019 at 3:07 pm
Ew GMC is such a loser
May 18th, 2019 at 3:07 pm
Defense Rules I agree with your points made. The NFL today the rules favor the offense so I can sorta see where Licht was try to build. I would build a team as a offensive powerhouse with a serviceable defense. I like you don’t agree with how the team was constructed and too much cap space has been poorly spent with poor planning on retaining key players. A CB and a pass rusher should be drafted every year, RB should never get past the rookie contract (too much evidence against high paid RB contribution to salary hit) and should sign/draft a RB every year. OL should be drafted at least 2-4 rounds every year with only a reliable LT and center being high paid and the rest should be a pipeline same as the RB. Actual game plans for each opponent with fundamentals stressed by the coaching staff will do wonders.
May 18th, 2019 at 3:58 pm
Nah Lakeland you’ll just be a year older bro. We winning the division next season and my senses tell me your daily negativity is more stage and than actual distain.
May 18th, 2019 at 6:08 pm
That’s Moe and Larry. Where are Curly and Shemp. Nyah, Nyah, Nyah!
May 18th, 2019 at 7:49 pm
Confucius buc Says:
“… good coaches always demand to have total control of personnel…”
Gruden is exhibit A in the case of all good coaches aren’t good general managers.
May 18th, 2019 at 7:52 pm
LakeLand Says:
“Sorry for the double post I don’t know how this happen”
Poor motor control, Brother. It’s a side effect of approaching 90. LOL
May 19th, 2019 at 10:28 am
What else is Dominik going to say? He drafted GMC so obviously he’s not going to say GMC is over-rated.
May 19th, 2019 at 7:52 pm
Licht needs to go, a good GM would have started the wheels rolling. This guy thinks hes a super bowl winner waiting for a couple of touch up players for the team. Glazers heed the warning, progress needs to be shown or you might wind up with empty stadiums.