Team Glazer Weighs In On Gerald McCoy
March 27th, 2019
Buccaneers co-chairman Joel Glazer talks to Joe
Season 10 in Bucs colors for Gerald McCoy is uncertain, especially after yesterday’s chatter from Bucco Bruce Arians.
But what are Team Glazer’s thoughts on the status of their former franchise player?
In a blogger-to-billionaire-family sitdown yesterday at the swanky Arizona Biltmore resort, Joe asked Bucs co-chairman Joel Glazer about the possibility that these are the final hours of the McCoy era. – Just today, Gerald McCoy, Coach Arians said he has to evaluate him and he noted “if” he’s here. Six-time Pro Bowler, face of the franchise, wonderful community guy, how do you feel about that, that this might be the end?
Buccaneers co-chairman Joel Glazer – Here’s what I can say about Gerald the person: Gerald has been an unbelievable person in our community, unbelievable Buccaneer, unbelievable player on the field. He’s given 1,000 percent as a Buccaneer, you know, [Walter Payton] Man of the Year nominee. Gerald is again, everything you want in a player. The football side going forward, Jason and Bruce, the team is evolving; there are a few things they have to juggle. You know, that’s a decision, he’s a decision that they will make in the future. I know this much. Gerald is near and dear to our hearts and we hold him in the highest regard.
No surprise that Team Glazer will let the football men make the football decisions. If that wasn’t the case, then why even hire Bruce Arians?
John Lynch left the building with good years left. Warren Sapp even racked up a 10-sack season for the Raiders. Derrick Brooks was cut with likely one good season remaining in his body. And we all know about how Michael Bennett left for no good reason, despite wanting to stay.
McCoy and the Bucs parting ways shouldn’t surprise anyone. And it also wouldn’t surprise Joe if McCoy stays.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:10 am
Bucs have proven for a decade they can’t win with cancer93 on roster….. those are undisputed facts… time to let the crying clown leave the building once and for all…. he can join the rest of bucs underachieving has been backups in the ring of underachievement so glazers can stay in good graces with choirboy loving loser fanbase
March 27th, 2019 at 11:13 am
13 mil at a key position and production not matching, happens every year in the nfl except to us. Not sure why so many people are taking it personal if it’s just a business, you don’t pay a guy 13 million based on community work or based on past production. Every seems to be saying the same thing and they know they don’t have enough to sign draft picks so this will all break open after the draft
March 27th, 2019 at 11:18 am
Mccoy will play for the saints if we cut him.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:20 am
Lotta money for an aging unproductive captain that is a leader in a bad d
Follow the money
March 27th, 2019 at 11:34 am
restructure or relocate GMC…..
either way we’re drafting QW or EO…..
March 27th, 2019 at 11:35 am
The major problem with McCoy is his salary. As a free agent he would get 7 or 8 million a year. The problem is we’re scheduled to pay 13…too much. I will never understand why fans hate good players.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:36 am
@tmaxcon … “Bucs have proven for a decade they can’t win with cancer93 on roster….. those are undisputed facts”. It been obvious for a long time that you don’t like GMC tmaxcon, but that statement is BS and you know it.
The Bucs haven’t been able to win diddly since 2010 (when GMC came aboard) because (1) their coaching sucked; and (2) too many players on the team also sucked. If the rest of the team had played to GMC’s level we would’ve had a LOT more winning seasons. In other words, his ‘supporting cast sucked’.
That said however, GMC has made himself the face of the Bucs and that’s what Bucs’ marketing has promoted. Dumb on GMC’s part. There’s a lot of things I’d want to be known for if I were a professional football player, but one of them is NOT being known as ‘The face of the Bucs’.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:36 am
He will not be missed on the field.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:38 am
No the main problem with mccoy is he that he disappears when it matters most and is the softest / mentally weakest player in nfl history….
March 27th, 2019 at 11:46 am
Cancer93 is the undisputed face of the basement years. Your highest paid players set the tone in locker room…. cancer93 sucks the life and desire to be great from all he comes into contact with from players to coaches, staff and janitors are all worse off for having contact with cancer93…. pathetic player and pathetic fraud of a man…
March 27th, 2019 at 11:50 am
I have worn #93 for 7 years now and I realize I may need to switch this season. GMC has put in several good seasons and earned a few Pro-Bowls along the way. Su has been on 3 teams and as of today is out of work. The team is in cap hell and under a new coaching regime that might part ways with GMC to save $13mil, all perfectly understandable. Finally I would like to say that it is pretty F”kn low life to call him a cancer and a clown. And this Buc fan aka. 3rd Mar Div Forced Recon Marine resents being referred to as a choirboy loving loser.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:53 am
“face of the franchise”
Can we stop referring to him as this plz? No fans have been asking for him to be the face of the franchise.
That’s been a one buc place / media + gerald mccoy himself disaster of a narrative. It’s literally why so many fans hate him IMO.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:54 am
GMC can be ANYTHING she wants…. she can be a preacher! We all know how much she LOVES ago be the last one off the field at a home game kneeling and thanking the Lord that she is getting another game check, or she can be a dance teacher, we all know the moves she can put on in the sidelines when her team is still down 8 points with time almost expired. Or She can be a circus clown is there a bigger joke than what she is? Or she can be an agent to big doofy mediocre players who want to make some major cash, she is an expert. No we shouldn’t worry about GMC she will be fine.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:57 am
McCoy is no Sapp, Lynch, Brooks or even Bennett.
He’s grossly overpaid. Has been for a few years now. Its time to move on or time for Mr Takes Plays Off to take a pay cut.
March 27th, 2019 at 11:59 am
@Lord C … “That’s been a one buc place / media + gerald mccoy himself disaster of a narrative. It’s literally why so many fans hate him IMO”. Agree 100% Lord C.
March 27th, 2019 at 12:12 pm
During his 52 minute interview yesterday BA mentioned how a few guys would be used next season. Said Nas will do some rushing from the 2 point stance (like I said he would) and that JPP will do rushing over the guard. Said he thinks JPP will like that. Not one word was uttered about how 93 would be utilized. Listen man BA will say certain in front of mics and cameras sorta like I plan to have a sit down with Desean. His @$$ outta here. 93 is not a BA type football player,BA likes dogs. Ain’t no dog in 93.
March 27th, 2019 at 12:14 pm
Key words about 93 “ he is not as disruptive as he was 4 years ago”. So why in f&$@ would I wanna keep an old has been. When I’m preaching 1 team 1 cause. Win the Lombardi.
March 27th, 2019 at 12:23 pm
I want a new leader for this defense.
McCoy is our Top Dawg. I would like him to join a new team and leave us a void in leadership and then we can fill it ……Maybe at #5?
The whole process will be much easier if McCoy is not here……..Let him go the clean out his old locker(Sapp/Selmons old locker) and give your new leader his new locker. Otherwise there is a power struggle of sorts.
Out with the old in with the new.
It is time for a new day and age in Tampa Bay. .
Let’s retire the Tampa2 playbook once and for all!!!!
First let the Bucs get good then we can be great!
GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!
March 27th, 2019 at 12:26 pm
Bye bye Gerald!
March 27th, 2019 at 1:08 pm
John Lynch left the building with good years left. Warren Sapp even racked up a 10-sack season for the Raiders. Derrick Brooks was cut with likely one good season remaining in his body. And we all know about how Michael Bennett left for no good reason, despite wanting to stay.
Proof that the sons don’t want winners on the team. Talib, Blount, the list goes on and on
March 27th, 2019 at 1:09 pm
Sayonara, Geraldini
March 27th, 2019 at 1:24 pm
I love reading what tmax has to say cuz it’s so wrongs it’s hilarious haha 😂
March 27th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
Oh Trollmax, you lovable loser, with your extremely limited but ever present tropes. Could you even write a post without the words: cancer/loser/weak/clown/pathetic/crying/standards/underachieving/basement, etc? It’s the same post over and over (and over) again. So boring. So unimaginative. So, well, pathetic. By your “standards” GMC has won no “meaningful” games as a Buc. Using those same standards your buddy Warren Sapp (who you clearly harbor homoerotic fantasies of) has won exactly one meaningful game for the Bucs. So one win (by your definition) is the difference between Sapp and McCoy. Did I sum it up for you? Of course I did.
March 27th, 2019 at 2:26 pm
“Proof that the sons don’t want winners on the team. Talib, Blount, the list goes on and on”
McCoy is hardly a winner.
March 27th, 2019 at 2:38 pm
@Jamaal Stanley… I picked up on that same thing in BA’s interview yes I think McCoy is gone and honestly think it’s a year or so to late.
March 27th, 2019 at 2:46 pm
little stevie
glad i am still in your head rent free sir…. post season wins are all that matter…. sapp has 5 just like the rest of the underachieving has beens you fools call legends…. regular season is meaningless….. post season is where men play ball…
stevie all you summed up is you have no standards and that you are good with piss poor results.
March 27th, 2019 at 3:10 pm
I’d keep GMC if we could restructure his contract. I think he still has two seasons left.
March 27th, 2019 at 4:28 pm
He had two seasons left three years ago. The time has come.
Nice guy I’m sure, but such is life. He’s made over $100 million dollars off of this franchise and has helped to give none of us any postseason joy. He’s been the King of Turds.
March 27th, 2019 at 5:23 pm
The Glaziers sound like they’re selling a buddy on a blind double date with a girl named Beaulah.
March 27th, 2019 at 7:38 pm
If B.A can find a way to restructure McCoy’s deal to be a lot more beneficial to the organization I’d say go for it. If McCoy doesn’t accept a a more team friendly contract then he and Suh’s only playing time will be on madden. If McCoy is the leader they keep saying he is then he would do whatever it took to help the team which would include restructuring his deal. As bad as I want him gone for his lack of production to salary ratio I also do not want another glaring hole on this team that needs to be filled
March 27th, 2019 at 7:40 pm
A nominee means he LOST!
March 27th, 2019 at 8:43 pm
@Joe: you didn’t let Team Glazer finish. He continued: “But we are just itching to extend GMC’s contract, giving him millions of dollars of guaranteed money, and then fire him with nothing in return. That’s just how we roll!”
March 29th, 2019 at 3:53 pm
Why does Joe like McCoy so much??
Do you not see the down sides to his play or how he has fallen off?? Of course Joe sees that McCoy isn’t the player he was in past years. McCoy can play, though. The market will determine his worth, as it does for every player. No shame for him if the league decides he’s an $8 million guy. The Bucs have chosen to overplay several players in recent years. Hardly out of the question McCoy will be one of those guys this year. –Joe
Others have seen a downside to GMC to include Fans, Players, Media personel
But McCoy is the only player that always gets a positive article and even in this article Joe says Won’t be surprised if he stays REALLY
GMC SHOULD GO HE IS NOT A 13 Million dollar player that’s obvious as no one would trade for him
March 29th, 2019 at 5:12 pm
If the Bucs werent so strapped for cash I would say GMC is better than the unknown BUT the Bucs could use that 13 for two others at least to better the team
I’m not a GMC HATER I just don’t believe he is the Elite Player he is made out to be
But I guess one in the hand is better than two in the bush we could get another tree humper hahah